Welcome to NA&SA Social's First Friday Thread!!!

~*geNeRaTiOn E*~ said:
it's friday once again.

i'm sick with the flu so the only thing i'll be doing tonight is popping ibuprofen, drinking clear fluids and sleeping.

Awwww :( I hope you feel better soon! :)

The flu sucks.
Hope everyone had a great friday mine was filled with bring alcohol and a toilet. sleep well everyone!
Went to see pan's labrynth yesterday and I was very disappointed. moviefone said it was a "visually stunning horror movie with a fairy tale twist" or something of that nature, and it turned out to be none of the above really. Predictable, slow, and really not tailored to any particular crowd, it basically sucked donkey balls.

I saw the Fountain over the weekend. And omigosh, it made me cry. It is a love story through the ages. Essentially that, and I can tell you nothing more because it would completely ruin the movie. ^.^
I highly recommend it.
yay!!! it's friday. i'm going to knott's berry farm tomorrow. i'm at work for the day with no exciting plans for tonight. i was thinking drinks but i need to save my energy for tomorrow.
I haven't been to Knott's in ages. I think last time I went there was shortly after Boomerang opened up. They got some wicked coasters there now don't they? I always loved Montezumas Revenge.
Knott's? Is that some local California theme park that kicks ass?
as good as fried chicken can be. it doesn't really taste fried, more like baked-fried. it's crispy and moist and delicious.
^You know, if you fry chicken properly, is it crispy and moist and delicious.

And funnel cake sounds cool.
^Sort of, except being brown and located to scat porn, it's a brown fried cake that sweet as awesome fuck.
^ LOL.

The lack of drug discussion in this thread sickens me to the very core of my existence. This is no way to run a proper Friday thread, uh uh, no way. 8)

Just as well I'm not in charge here, or there would be some swift and brutal changes. :X

<3 =D
^Felix, you Do realize that intelligent, light-hearted discussion CAN happen without drugs, right?;)

Well, anyhoo, I believe that this forum can be made into something akin to an intelligent lounge for those peeps that aren't neccesarily predisposed towards teh drug use but still itch for the Bluelight fixage.

Just needs a little smoothing here and there. A little freebasing, as well, to distill the essence of the forum(That entendre was for me).
Yeh, it's sunday here, too. We are just having teh funzors.