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Weird occurrences in the REAL world while tripping

^ I got goose bumps reading that story!! :) THAT is the kind of synchronous experience I was asking about when I created this thread! (Even though you weren't tripping at the time, it all relates).

*still have goosebumps
that reminds me of my first experience with LSD...

my friends and I were waiting for the phone call so we could pick it up, and decided to kill some time. we were walking around town, just minding our own business, giddy with excitement and anticipation, when a man approached us and commented on how happy we looked. apparently he had just come from a bar, and was on his way to another, I believe (during the conversation we noticed the alcohol begin to take effect), but was in no particular hurry, so he stood around and talked to us for well over an hour. I can't quite remember what urged the conversation, nor what got him to disclose a good portion of his life story to us, but he lightheartedly relayed to us his tale, getting drunker as time went on.

he began talking about how he used to ride around smoking joints with his friends for fun, and how they stopped in cow pastures to pick mushrooms. he told us how, when he worked at a library, kids would ask why he had long hair, to which he would reply "because I don't have any ears...", and how he got the nickname Stephanie (his real name was Steven) because of it.

he got most excited, though, when he started talking about LSD. he said back in the 70's, he had a friend in California who could pick up a vial for $80, so he had him send one in the mail. the one particular experience he mentioned was dropping a hit on a goldfish cracker and going to see the Sex Pistols play the Longhorn Ballroom in '77 (even though it wasn't his "scene").

needless to say, I couldn't have been in a better place mentally for my trip... I felt as if fate had brought him across our path that night, and it remains thus far one of the best nights of my life.

as a side note, I saw him again in almost the exact same spot a year later and talked to him for a minute, but he didn't remember me...

I gave him a hug though. I'll never forget you, Stephanie... ;)
About a year and a half ago was the first time I ordered any psychedelics off the Internet. I had ordered 2C-I. At the time, my girlfriend would have freaked out if she found out I had done this, and would have definitely destroyed it. Anyway, one day we were both home and a knock came at the door. It was the mailman with a package that was very obviously from Japan. My girlfriend immediately wanted to know what it was. By total chance, just two days before I had received the Whizzinator (a drug testing device that I never ended up needing). As it turns out, they had shipped heating pads from Japan, and had forgotten to include one of them. Also by total luck, my girlfriend knew this. So thinking quickly, I told her that the package was the extra heating pad from Japan, and I went upstairs with it.

Later on that night I decided to sample my new substance. I opened it and it turns out it was 2C-T-2 instead of 2C-I. I was disappointed but tried it anyway, and that night my life was changed. For the first time I was able to confront and examine from a removed standpoint my various aspects of my ego and how they were interacting to make me neurotic and depressed. After that night, I never again was plagued by my relentless 3-year depression and anxiety, and I've been able to move forward with life and be happy.

And all because of two events which should not have been able to happen so smoothly. It was the best messed-up order I've ever received!
Hope nobody minds me bumping this thread, fascinating/hilarious stories. I'll contribute one when I get back from work. Who knows maybe if we get lucky some other new stories will be posted as well! The mind is an amazing thing. I'm not sure if I believe in 'magic' but I definitely believe in the power of the mind and that it might be able to do what some people call 'supernatural' stuff.
pulled up to a gas station around 2 AM me and about 4 other people fried out on about 3 doses and liquored up to the brink...

2 girls are standing out there talking to the dude working there (some junkie ass middle eastern dude) He comes up to us trying to convince us to get them to go in there and we'd all party or some shit and we went to them and they were from Canada and had like no idea about the area and wanted to party somewhere we were like fuck the gas station dude we had some kinda Cinco De Mayo shit going on and we tried to have them follow us but we lost them, so we just ended up going to the party and we get pulled over by the pigs after getting off the bridge that led to the island where we chill and we get pulled over going like 60 in a 35 doeses in the car booze the cop takes liscenses and says hes going to search the car. Then all of a sudden another cop goes flying by the one pulling us over runs up says its your lucky night, let me go first and he sped off........... ANYWAYS they were going after some other kids we were trippin with doing something fucked up they got fucked but saved us hahhahhahaha
samadhi_smiles said:
Last evening during an intense experience on mushrooms I had a bird fly into my chest and flutter its wings tangled in my jacket for a second or two.

I've also had a bat run into me while riding my bike high on LSD.

This is less strange, but I've had cats do strrrrrrange things to me while on various psychedelics.

I know it is horrible, but i hooked a bat flyfishing at night for smallmouth bass on about 400mg of dxm. Fucked up, isnt it?? I ended up leaving to go home after that because I felt bad for the bat.
Walking back to the car after the 2004 warped tour(40 mg 4c-e about 10 hours earlier), me, my brother and my friend b see this ambulance that is rocking back and forth slightly, we all notice it and as b asked my theory, a cop that was by the ambulance said "It is just some guy masterbating, he should be done in a minute". We all burst into uncontrollable laughter and RAN back to the car. We dont know if the cop could tell we were high and fucking with us or what, regardless, it was funny as hell and very weird;)
I used to be friends with a couple of lads that were a couple of years below me at school but were drawn together through hallucinogens. At a festival up in the Pennines, they got some blotter acid that turned out to be very, very strong. Anyway after a few very strange encounters (festivals always have a sense of feeling magically weird anyway!), they were convinced that some people were carrying out experiments on them while they were tripping. Now that whole night had some sort of unusual feel to it - I'm sure that being on top of the range that runs up the backbone of Britain had something to do with it, but the feeling of magic that I felt contrasted totally with the two lads I knew. I put it down to familiarity with that state where you feel in contact with everything. Something weird is a lot less threatening when you've touched on it a few times while tripping. I think that was their first high dose acid trip and the total deranged behaviour you see at a festival was just too strange, wheras I was actually revelling in how much it felt almost mediaevil.

Even when tripping, what's really fuckin' weird for one person is amusingly strange for another. We all have our own 'weirdness threshold' beyond which things don't feel right (I once ended up with my ex on a bus to Newcastle, after both of us having downed about 80 liberty caps, only to find we'd walked onto a bus with several psyche patients on a day outing as passengers. That weirded me out in that I didn't know if they were behaving strangely - some actually were - or if I was totally gone and imagining the whole thing. The longest 20 minutes of my life. Felt everything was coming apart)

And everybody has a point beyond which all they can do is gaze & mouth 'what the fuck' silently...
festival was just too strange, wheras I was actually revelling in how muc think that was their first high dose acid trip and the total deranged behaviour you see at a feh it felt almost mediaevil.

When we were young , Happy Daze :) %)

'what the fuck'

Exactly WTF!
A little while ago me and two friends tripped on two tabs of smiley face acid.

We were sitting on my friends verandah and out of nowhere this weird little dog walks up to us, stands there for a few seconds, and then all of a sudden lets out these intense ear piercing shreiks and starts rolling around on the ground. Anyway after a while it got up and walked around the side of the house somewhere (we were tripping too hard to really give a fuck where it went...) and after an unknown amount of time there was the sound of a dog barking and out of nowhere we see the dog totally leg it as fast its legs would carry it from around the side of the house and down the driveway until it was out of sight.

During the same trip we were sitting on a bench that was on the shore of a lake. There was an old man and his dog wading through the shallow water, coming in our direction. As a result of our tripping complete balls, we kinda freaked out and tried to act normal. So I guess we just these blank stares on our faces, and when he goes past he just pauses and says "you look bored" before continuing on his way, completely unaware that he was talking to three 17 year olds with acid running rampantly throughout their systems.

Good times :)
tripmonkey505 said:
pulled up to a gas station around 2 AM me and about 4 other people fried out on about 3 doses and liquored up to the brink...

2 girls are standing out there talking to the dude working there (some junkie ass middle eastern dude) He comes up to us trying to convince us to get them to go in there and we'd all party or some shit and we went to them and they were from Canada and had like no idea about the area and wanted to party somewhere we were like fuck the gas station dude we had some kinda Cinco De Mayo shit going on and we tried to have them follow us but we lost them, so we just ended up going to the party and we get pulled over by the pigs after getting off the bridge that led to the island where we chill and we get pulled over going like 60 in a 35 doeses in the car booze the cop takes liscenses and says hes going to search the car. Then all of a sudden another cop goes flying by the one pulling us over runs up says its your lucky night, let me go first and he sped off........... ANYWAYS they were going after some other kids we were trippin with doing something fucked up they got fucked but saved us hahhahhahaha

So what at all did the Canadian girls and Middle Eastern dude have to do with that story?
I swear, every single time I'm on a psychedelic and I interact with someone they catch my vibe! Especially in person. It's been the single most undeniable piece of evidence for me that all this shit isn't some sort of delusion. I can't tell you how many times I've been hanging out with friends or my fiance (the closer they are to me the more dramatic it is) and had them start seeing visuals or say that the weed we just smoked made them feel like they took acid (the only psychedelic most of my friends have tried), without even knowing that I'm tripping, just right out of the blue. With my fiance it literally happens every single time. In fact, last weekend I took AMT, then later 4-AcO-DMT (a great combination), and then went to bed with some ketamine (overkill? Perhaps. But I only like ketamine on other psychedelics, or else it's too amnesic). In any case, this produced a very strong and bizarre, slightly strange trip, especially the ketamine at the end. I spent my time for some reason with my eyes wide open. A dose that would have holed me had me feeling surpringly light. The visuals were strange and unnerving. A street light outside became two lights (as my vision was irreparably doubled) and these two lights somehow took on a sinister, serpentine appearance. I was having the weirdest thoughts. It was very unlike any other ketamine experience I've had and was a little creepy now that I look back on it, although it was rather blissful at the time.

After the ketamine wore off enough, I got up. My cat started tripping (which scared me and made me feel really bad... he was really terrified and I thought he might be poisoned or something, which he wasn't). But the really amazing part was that the next morning was Sunday, and I went to church (which I've been doing since my fiance is their pianist), and needless to say I was still tripping somewhat. Every single person I encountered there was off their rocker! I shit you not, they were all altered tremendously. The other choir members (50-80 year old people, not kids by any means) were acting like they had just taken something. One woman was talking to herself and rocking back and forth, and saying all sorts of random shit and giggling. One man who is usually very quiet and serious introduced himself to me that morning by jumping out from behind a corner with a huge grin on his face and poking me repeatedly in the arm, going "hey... hey... hey!". The service was total chaos. Even though it runs like clockwork every Sunday, the ministers were messing up, the congregation was all confused, the choir director couldn't remember which songs to sing, and we did the service all out of order! Then the rest of the day, my fiance and I hung out at home and she kept on and on about how strange and surreal the day was. Actually, it started to become too much for her for a while. But fortunately I'm used to intense psychedelic situations and I was able to bring her out of her momentary panic.

Out of curiosity, was last Sunday strange for anyone else?
Xorkoth said:
With my fiance it literally happens every single time
There's no way I could hide my use of psychedelics from my wife - we're so 'close' that she comes up with me - helps me moderate my consumption :\

I agree with you about 'contact highs' - remember going into the pub once after dosing a load of mushrooms - the normally restrained locals began acting like lunatics - at one stage I even exclaimed, 'are you lot on drugs or something?' 8(

Out of curiosity, was last Sunday strange for anyone else?
Please share :|
That sunday was extremely strange for me. A friend and I thought we'd discovered the Holy Grail on 420 mg mescaline and much ketamine. 8( It was a segment on My Morning Jacket's Okonokos DVD (the end of Off the Record to be exact). :D =D I couldn't even comprehend what "Holy Grail" meant, but we were both pretty sure we'd found it. That was very, very weird. Then I was walking around not of my own volition ... like my conscious mind did not have contact with the part that decided to get up and walk around.
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One time I was tripping on 18-22 mg of 2c-e in my mates apartment, there were 4 of us total, me and another friend were tripping, him on 14mg, and the other two were sitting us and drinking a bit.

My trip was coming on in waves, I'd sink in to the couch and lose all contact with the other people, but I could see all the thoughts in the air and it felt like it opened up everyones mind for me to play with, especially my friend that was tripping. These waves would last 30 minutes at a time, followed by about 10 minutes of me making sense of it all and being able to chat it up with the others. Probably around the peak of this trip, during one of the hardest waves that night, I consciously dove right into the other trippers mind, and took control of him for about a minute. The first thing I did was tell one of the sitters through the tripper that I had control of him at this time, I made it clear that it wasn't a threat, but more of an experiment that I needed to try, and would relinquish control of him very shortly.

All of those words came out of the other kids mouth, witnessed by two sober sitters. I then stood up with his body, took a cigarette from his pack and passed it to my body before I left him and came back down from that certain wave.

I have not been able to do anything like that since, though I have tried a bit. And there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that it happened, two witnesses and I remember consciously trying to make him do those things.

Also, the two sitters definitely got a contact high that night, one of them complained about persisting visuals the entire night.
Fishface said:
There's no way I could hide my use of psychedelics from my wife - we're so 'close' that she comes up with me - helps me moderate my consumption :\

I don't hide it from her (anymore)... it's just that she doesn't trip (at least for now. She wants to someday if she can get her anxieties under control, which is happening more and more). I don't like tripping around people who know I am, unless they're around the same level of experience, because they don't understand and will treat me differently, and I prefer to interact with the world as they would normally interact with me. So sometimes she does know, and often she doesn't (perhaps later she will find out, perhaps not). Also, I don't ever take large, dramatic doses around her or pretty much anyone else. The kind of doses I am talking about are small to moderate ones, enough to alter me but not cause me to lose control of myself.

Please share :|

The story above that statement is my example of why that Sunday was strange ;)
^ My other half hardly ever indulges these days, but I'm quite happy to let her know when I've taken a mind expanding drug as it lets her know that I'll most probably be a bit oversensitive while under the influence (in fact she's quite happy when I'm in that state as she said I'm much less inclined to bouts of withdrawing/depression; the only one that spookes her is if I've had ketamine as I don't seem 'right').