• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Websites you frequent, magazines you subscribe to

The New Yorker - there's always something fascinating to read in there!
^ the writing in the new yorker is great.

my favourite magazine is empire - a magazine about movies from the uk.

i'll cop a GQ or Maclean's for the literary interest and current events, then thumb through the tuner mags and choose whichever one has an article i can learn from, doesn't really matter which because they're more or less all written and run by people who never graduated from high-school. still... they make up for it with the centrefolds :D
^I was going to say something similar, R_R - when looking at a specific topic like pharmacology you'd be much better looking for articles and journals on the topic, I think.
yeah, i'll eat my hats if there isn't at least one pharmacy quarterly out there
New Scientist. It's awesomely free online for 3 months now, and only costs to view full articles in the archive.

This change coincided thankfully with my moving to the city and being too poor to renew my print subscription.

^ New Scientist is a fav of mine too.
I also like Scientific American mind (Which seeing it focuses on neuroscience and psychology does have a bit about pharmacology related to these areas)
And Cosmos.
Oh, and Juxtapoz, though it def doesn't have anything related to pharmacology, it's an art magazine ;)
Fly fishing and fly tying, the field, shooting gazette.

5p says there will be a readers wives reader about.
I normally stick to journal articles of interest, but I usually read... Bitch.

wow. that there is a recipe for cynicism and bitterness. goddamn all us heterosexual & traditional gender role types all to hell. there must be something wrong with us.

seriously, it can't be healthy reading that stuff all the time.

wow. that there is a recipe for cynicism and bitterness. goddamn all us heterosexual & traditional gender role types all to hell. there must be something wrong with us.

seriously, it can't be healthy reading that stuff all the time.

I'm not cynical or bitter. ;) And...I don't fit into either of those types, so... =D That magazine is only a quarterly, and I read about half of it. Most of my reading is journal articles, to be quite honest.

loud, fast rules