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Want to Try Heroin

I'm going to try it as a pain reliever. As a resue medication. My migraines are under control 90% of the time, my preventative meds o pretty well, just sometimes not. I think, just maybe, it'll save me from making ER trips. Thanks for the advice, guys.

Snort it eh? Never thought about that.. Maybe I should start with that. Do I need to do anything special for that or do I just line it and snort?
Thanks for the help, guys. Sorry for posting this twice lol. I have to find it before I can try it. I appreciate all the concerns too. It won't stop me from doing it but I will be more careful.

Never thought lf smoking it...How do I do that?
Use tinfoil to smoke it and just line it up and snort to snort the stuff it's pretty straightforward
Fellow chronic migraine suffer myself with 10 years of no effective intervention found so far... I can relate to your desperation.

What do you use for prophylaxis?
-Just get a flat piece of foil about 3 inches by 6 inches and make it flat as possible like a pancake.

-Then put the tiny bit of heroin on one end of the longer part.

-Then get a fairly large straw but small enough so you can fit it in your mouth easy. A hollow pen works great or rolled up tinfoil, rolled up paper or a glass tube preferably like a crack pipe.

-Then with the straw in your mouth and the tinfoil in your left hand grab the lighter and light underneath the foil just close enough to get the heroin bubbling. You don't need much heat so don't burn it too much by holding the lighter right under the foil keep the flame away from the bottom of the foil just enough so some heat is being delivered to the heroin on top remember this product is very sensitive to heat.

- Make sure your straw is right over top of the heroin before lighting (not to close obviously or it will get burnt or you'll suck all your heroin up in your front teeth.

-Inhale while its burning until yourblungs are getting full then shut off the lighter and inhale the remaining smoke sure not to waste any because well let's face it this shit is expensive.

When you get good you can put a bigger pile of heroin on the foil and take several tokes one after the other while tilting the foil side to side not letting it burn in one spot (chasing the dragon) but for now I recommend just putting enough for one hit at a time until you get good. Make sure you hold the smoke in for as long as you can since any visible smoke(vapour) blown out is wasted heroin so dont take big tokes that you need to blow out right away only take enough at a time so you can still hold your smoke in for a while.
...it's main use for me will be as a rescue medication. I have had chronic migraines for about four years and I'm constantly going go to the ER.

Have you considered LSD or psilocybin? These are reputed to abort cluster headaches, not too sure if they would help with a chronic migraine. Obviously, there would need to be some clarification as anything less than a cure would probably be a bad trip! 8(

Personally, I would take a whole lot of ginger which would definitely help some. %)

I used heroin in the past and I suspect this could work for you but the addictive side of heroin use and its associated problems could outweigh the benefits, however it is for you to decide. :\

Good luck in your search for a decent cure though, you may consider these, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24867850 :)
Thank you all for the responses. To answer a few questions If I decide to give it a go I will be ordering from online as I have had much success obtaining my quality fun this way :) So I can have my choice of what to choose from. I always just assumed to snort, but if smoking it will make it less likely to OD on and perhaps get addicted to then I will opt to use that ROA.

DRUG_MENTOR, what is your opinion on smoking/snorting for a first time user? Also, when you say you'll nod off and fall asleep from using, does that ever worry you?

FROSTY - And what is the reasoning to not do it alone? So I don't pass out and choke on my own vomit or something of that nature?
^ My opinion on smoking/snorting is that it depends on the form of heroin which is ideal, regardless of experience, you are better off smoking black tar or base heroin and better off snorting #4 heroin hydrochloride. This is because smoking #4 is a waste, unless you cut it with a specific ratio of caffeine (which is impossible to determine since you wont know how pure your heroin is) and snorting base or BTH is impractical.

With that said, I think that smoking is probably a slightly safer route of administration (ROA) for a newbie, this is because it is much harder to take in a large dose at once, also, the effects of smoking hit faster than the effects of snorting, which means a novice user is likely to be overwhelmed by the effects of the drug before they can ingest a lethal dose. Please do not misinterpret this comment as me saying it is not possible to overdose by smoking heroin, as this is still definitely possible.

I prefer snorting heroin to smoking it, I find the slower onset of the high enjoyable (I like to slowly titrate my dose upwards when I snort heroin) and I generally feel I get more out of my dope when I snort it. At this point I should indicate that where I live the primary form of heroin available is #4, to my knowledge I have never used any other type of heroin, if another form of heroin was the predominant one available to me it is very likely that my preference on ROA would be quite different.

If you opt to snort the drug, start very small, I would stick with the 10-15mg that I advised in my last post and wait about half an hour before using any more. I find it more effective to split the dose I am snorting into two very small lines or bumps and snort one up each nostril. You should be aware that heroin has a low oral bioavailability, this means that ideally you want to avoid getting much of a drip at all. The drip is essentially the drug exiting out the back of your nasal passage un absorbed and all of this will be swallowed and hence taken orally, with a drug like methamphetamine which has a good oral bioavailability as well this may be less of a concern, but when I am snorting heroin I am careful to inhale it rather lightly.

In relation to nodding off and falling asleep worrying me, generally it doesn't, I use opioids like heroin infrequently and on the occasions that I do use them I do so with nodding out as the end goal. I enjoy the whole spectrum of heroin's effects, that is why I like to snort small doses of heroin over a longer period of time, until I am eventually nodding, this way I feel like instead of going straight to nodding I get to enjoy all the pleasant levels along the way but still eventually nod out.

I don't think nodding is inherently dangerous, especially if one is careful to slowly titrate their dose upward as I generally do. Obviously it takes a higher dose of heroin to be nodding than it does to have a moderate buzz, so in this sense I suppose it is more dangerous than looking for a milder effect, but so long as you aren't using other drugs with your heroin, I think you can get a nod on and not be dangerously close to overdosing.

I know you directed the last question at frosty, but the reason it is important not to do it alone is that if anything goes wrong you are very unlikely to be in a position to call emergency services for yourself. If you have someone to look after you while you use it, they can put you in the recovery position and call an ambulance for you. If Narcan is available to you then the person supervising could administer this which should (at least temporarily) reverse the effects of heroin. Ideally this will not be necessary, but it is much safer to have somebody there just in case than it is to go at it alone.
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Thank you so much for your quality filled posts Drug_Mentor. I think you covered everything I needed to know; really appreciate it. If I do decide to give it a go I will update later or make a new thread describing my first time experience with H. :)
I agree that the addiction side of heroin use and its problems will create a bigger issue than your migraine.
I can also see that you are definitely going for it no matter what many people have told you.
I personally have never heard of anyone that has tried it and for whatever it was worth it did not regret later.
As you are still looking for a dealer, why don´t you make a research at the meantime to have a greater feedback on what your future may become, even if you think your use may be eventual?
You haven't done Heroin yet and after all the news stuff about how its a huge epidemic killing people and ruining there lives and you still want to try it? There has got to be something wrong with you! I have been an addict for 2 years now and this drug has ruined my life which i don't even have. It literally owns me. Every move i make every thought anything is based on that because of sickness or w.e. I want so badly to be clean but i just cant do it. H is disgustingly addictive don't ever ever try why do you think people literaly call it the devil. That's because it is do yourself a favor and stick to smoking weed. I cant Believe ppl actually want to try this drug wow.
Even if you do get addicted, it's not like the old days where you either sat there tied to a bed and just shake and bake, or u qualify for methadone clinic and get strung out on methadone, and that is possibly worse to kick than heroin. But now God has blessed junkies with a miracle, a Miracle called SUBOXIN!!! The only issue I have with SUBOXIN is users who only know a SUBOXIN detox don't suffer like a cold turkey detox and it's just too easy to get strung out, quit, strung, quit... I actually enjoy an occasional SUBOXIN despite being clean from H for a long time.

With the H, first time, get your. 5 and a needle, do half, just muscle it in your ass, with H u don't have to hit a vein and if you've never hit yourself don't. But do half and rail a big old line of coke. Then the other half and the rest of the coke when you're able. Can't believe u don't like crack. If I did I'd. Say smoke the H and the rock, then never touch either again,
OMG! @Keepitlit! I, myself have been thinking these very thoughts for the last couple of weeks. It's almost to the point of me being obsessed with the thought of actually trying the stuff! Thank goodness I'm not the only one having these sort of "things" going on upstairs. I am quite a stable person 99.9% of the time just lately I've been having this urge to experiment.
So, I'm with you and completely understand. I'll have to read through the thread to see if you actually have dabbled or not.
I haven't yet. I do have a solid connect all lined up tho'. Just waiting for the "right" time. Lol
I have chronic pain, switched to heroin… bad idea!
First day smoking it a year ago there was hardly a day that passed I didn't use. When it did I took methadone. A years rent down the drain. But that's just me.
Some folks have an affinity for opiates more than other drugs. The short life will not be doable for pain management. It will make pain worse 'if' you develop a tolerance. It absolutely increased my pain in my spine in-between using in the night when asleep. My whole arm was numb in the morning and felt like it wasn't attached to my body. The feeling in my arm only came back after using. Quite terrifying. I have pain in my spine, arm ... but nothing like that ever!
I could not get out of bed without the dope.

If you are going to do it, smoke or snort it. Although, when smoking one needs it constantly… once addicted. 1 hit turns into 3, then 5, then 10 … then 20 a day and so on… :)
The whole hype about getting addicted instantly with h for me at least is false. I think it depends on the person. For me at least i love uppers but I have tried tar h and while it was the strongest high i ever got (i blacked out thinking i was asleep but my gf said i was staring at the wall for 6hrs) h came with too many bad side effects. For example if its your first time you will throw up before youre high. After that you will get insanely hot if you move around. You will feel the worst nausea. Btw most tar ive tried tastes nasty as fuck. But get stuck on it to the point where you are sick and kicking? Wont happen your first time. Thats someones propaganda.