Vent/Rant Thread vs I'll tell you how I really feel (Triggering Content)

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sick and tired of snow blowing.. fuck winter at this point.

Cant imagine! When I went to Montreal I was shocked at how the East coast winter is so lesson learned, not gonna go there winter time. I will always be a West coast chick
Uh over my overdraft n a charge of £166 to pay plus £100 on credit card argghg it never ends :(

Caseface you're not a moron. You loved someone n trusted someone - it doesn't make you a moron. I'm sorry for what's happened n hope you find someone one day who will love you the way you deserve x
Meh. I was pissed off when I wrote that. Hence the vent/rant thread. I don't even know for sure whats going on... Which is what the issue is.

But I know your right, though if this is in fact how this is ending then I don't want to get into anything serious for a long while. Might be smart to learn to love myself first, instead of always putting all the love I'm capable of into somebody else.
Yeah, better to do it here than to do it directly to the other party involved when You don't actually know whats going on and could very well just make things worse.

I'm a really nice guy and almost never get angry, so on the rare occasion when I do actually get worked up and pissed off about something I run the risk of snapping. I don't want that.
Same here caseface lol. I used to use Facebook to do my venting n would warn people that if they don't know me in real life for goodness sake don't get to know me through Facebook as it's where I do all my winging (doesn't everyone?!) but this thread is ace cause you can get whatever off your chest without hurting anyone on here or in real life. Some people say use a pillow but if your anger is "verbal" best to do it like this.
I've no doubt you're a nice guy n I hope things get sorted for you. Take care, Evey x
i cant take dealing with the amount of pain im in i wanna fuckin kill my drs
slipped disks ruptured disks and now an infection in my spine i was dealing with it pretty good until the infection
Awh dawmn I'm soory you have slip disc I've been there n can empathise with you. Have the doctors not given you anything for it like napraxon? It's really frustrating when you're in pain n we're here if you need to talk. Also we have a vent thread if you feel like venting xxxx

Sorry ignore my last comment - we're on the vent thread. Duh @ me! Keep getting threads muddled up since server n cannit edit. Sorry x

Sorry for all these posts - still not working. Just walked out of local group. Fed up of feeling left out. They're doing a recovery cafe n this girl is doing practically everything. Doesn't matter that I was one of the original members. One day I'll be include n not on the outside looking all the time but seriously sod it :(
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I'm tired of people acting before they know the full story. Especially when they can't even give an explanation, just bullshit excuses. Hell, even just an 'i fucked up, sorry' would do.

now my discs are degenerative pretty seriously once the infection is under control i have to see a neurosurgeon to have back surgery i'm in for a long while with nearly unbearable pain
Feeling hurt n upset. I joined a local recovery group n for the first time in like ever I felt accepted n wanted. Since two girls have started one has completely taken over the running of things n the other is totally taking over a project that we were all going to be partaking in (a recovery cafe) just cause shes a good cook. I wasn't so bothered about the cooking n tried to push all this to the back of my mind for the last few weeks but them this woman went n bought a loada of plates. I know that may not seem much but I thought we were going to be doing things together. Thursday morning I tried inviting them for a coffee they did not even bother texting back to say no then made some excuse up.

A lot of the members volunteer for the homeless but apparently I can't as there's too many people. Every week ai'm hearing how they've gone for a coffee n I'm sitting there thinking where's my invute n feeling quite hurt. Still I kept all this to myself apart from telling my key worker. Then when she said she'd bought those plares n the otber lady was going on how the lady with the plates wanted it I 'd had enough. So I walked out, deleted the group of my Facebook n any members who were on my fb page. The one that has taken over.

The one that took over texted me apologising so they know they've done wrong. I never replied. What's the point? As usual I'm just a spare part n not wanted. When I couldn't do the volunteering I thought to myself I'll have the recovery cafe to take part in now it's all going to be steph n what she wants sod the rest of it, sod the fact I'm an original member. So they can stick their recovery cafe n stick their group.
I'm not judging your situation Evey but I have walkied away from so many opertunities to build friendship becuase they werent quite as I wanted / expected them to be. I tend to find lots of people annoying or some other negative thing after a short time, it happened only last week and I almost blew out people I know have the best intentions at heart.

I think most of the the time these people are not setting out to put you down or take over thye are just being them and probaly nervous as well.

Try not throwing the towel in too early you may be able to tunr things around
Lately I've been going off the rails with my ice use. All thought I feel like I still have it under control, I can feel the grip taking a stronger hold and I'm thinking about it more often now and it's becoming more and more appealing.

Hopefully if I get this job I can get back on track and I won't have the time to use. In saying that, I'm going to have money coming in weekly which isn't going to help anything.

Come on will power!
I want to send this quote to this 'ex' girl I used to speak to, I found it in SLR and I feel it's spot on.

She's allowing him to continue flirting because she at least wants the attention.

When most normal people are in a relationship, they shut down their attempts for attention. People who don't are keeping their options open in case something better comes along.]

Nearly every guy she spoke to liked her and flirted with her and she would never shut them down, she wouldn't make it clear she didn't like them and she wouldn't even mention me to them when we had something pretty serious going. Yet when I brought up the fact I got jealous over that and that she should be more clear to these other guys I was the one in the 'wrong' for bringing it up. It's like she didn't see it has her problem, and that she couldn't control things. Fuck it shits me just thinking back now. She convinced me that I was wrong, when I knew she loved the attention but god help me if I were to bring that up..

I don't know. I really want to get through to her about this and explain why I became so damn anxious and want her to see what she did wasn't fair at all. If I were in her shoes she would have lost her shit.. But at the same time it won't do any good, it won't change anything and I know she will just reply back with some bullshit that will eat at me.

yeah no don't contact her not worth it hun. There are other girls out there who will consider your feelings and not give you that kind of headache. She obviously want attention and it sucks that she doesnt realize how it's affecting you, so inconsiderate. Anyhow, you will find someone who will love you and give importance to your feelings.
Your right maya thanks for the quick response. Not that I was really expecting a response, it was more a vent. I won't be messaging her.
I just got all sorts of stuff ready for an appointment I thought I had in the morning,, its not till next week.. so I guess now that i think about it what am i bitching about i get to sleep in a little more,, not that i have even been sleeping in since I got my light.. and shit I guess I am all ready a week ahead of time.. so I guess this post belongs.....
Lol NSA I think we've all done that from time to time :)

I know it's hard FA but I agree with Maya on this one. There's always answers we want/need or things we need to say to our exes after a relationship but we so often are setting ourselves for a fall because the ex isn't always willing to give us the closure we needs or doesn't seem to understand how important your feelings are to you. I know it's an annoying thing to hear at times like this but you will find someone one day who loves you very much.

Evey xxxx
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