Using masturbation as an escape from depression


Jan 25, 2011
Although I kicked drugs and tobacco awhile ago, I now realize that I use masturbation to self-medicate. I have a pretty good life (from an outsider's standpoint): part time job, in community college, healthy. However, I'm not close to any of my friends anymore, my sex life is non-existent, so I feel empty and depressed most of the time because I have no one to emotionally support me. I don't remember the last time I masturbated because I was simply horny. Every time it's because I'm feeling down and empty and I want a high.

Is this healthy, and does anybody else do this? Sorry I don't have any good questions to ask, I'm just basically seeking any kind of advice, suggestions, help, comments, etc.
In my opinion, its a great alternative to drugs. I wouldnt worry bout it
I know that first hand. Sex is absolutely wonderful but when i used it as a surrogate for social relation or escape from my depression it just felt hollow and disgusting.
What keeps you from calling one of your old friends and reviving your relationship? Or going out and making new friends. I promise you that will be more satisfactory than thousands of lonely orgasms.
If that doesnt help seek professional treatment! Depression is one of the mental disorders that are easiest to treat. There is a way out!
I think what you're doing is fine.

Eventually if the depression lifts, you'll probably have regular desire again. :)
You could try high intensity cardio. It gives you a similar relaxed feeling when you are finished as masturbation does, probably due to endorphin release along with various other chemical increases (bdnf).
I know this goes against the grain of "modern understanding", but masturbation is not healthy. Unfortunately no real objective study has been done on sexual practices and the affect on the mental state of an individual, we just say "it's normal" because everyone does it now and we are out of the dark ages of sexuality (yeh right). If you stop masturbating and conserve yourself for a couple of weeks you should notice and improvement in your mood. What do you have to lose in trying it out? Missing many hollow opportunities of self-pleasure that does nothing to improve your mood?
You could try high intensity cardio. It gives you a similar relaxed feeling when you are finished as masturbation does, probably due to endorphin release along with various other chemical increases (bdnf).
Absolutely! One can achieve the same relaxing feeling from moderate- to high-intensity exercise, or orgasm, or even from experiencing pain (although I certainly don't advocate that for increasing one's mood), because all of those activities release endorphins in the brain. Endorphins act on opiate receptors in the brain which is why they give us that "rush" of good feelings and slight euphoria afterwards.

Regular exercise is an excellent way to get a constant flow of endorphins, which then acts as a natural mood stabiliser.

1ll0gic, I don't think there's anything wrong with regular masterbation, as we all know that it's a normal healthy thing for people to do. However, if you are starting to rely on it for the only good feelings you get and/or treating it more like a security/comfort thing, or if it is getting in the way of you pursuing a relationship then it could be something to be concerned about. The actual act of masterbation itself isn't the concern, it's that it is possibly getting in the way of doing things you want to/should be doing like socialising. If you think that is the case, maybe try to force yourself to get out and do something social at least once or twice a week. Humans are social creatures and most of us need regular interaction with other humans on a social level in order to feel emotionally healthy. Do you think you could try to arrange to meet up with some friends once or twice a week? And what about exercise? That can be a great way to meet new friends as well, if you take some group classes at the gym or join a local social sports team or something like that.
I know this goes against the grain of "modern understanding", but masturbation is not healthy. Unfortunately no real objective study has been done on sexual practices and the affect on the mental state of an individual, we just say "it's normal" because everyone does it now and we are out of the dark ages of sexuality (yeh right). If you stop masturbating and conserve yourself for a couple of weeks you should notice and improvement in your mood. What do you have to lose in trying it out? Missing many hollow opportunities of self-pleasure that does nothing to improve your mood?

Are you kidding? What are you talking about "no real study"? I can list about 500,000 studies that clearly prove masturbation is a normal activity and the reasons why it is normal. We probably also have more studies on this than anything in the world. This isn't the middleages anymore. For one masturbation sheds old dead sperm, and makes new healthy sperm. If you don't masturbate, your glands stop producing so much sperm, and you become less fertile, producing less testosterone even.
There have been so many different studies on this. When you masturbate you gain the chance your sperm will be competent. Less liklihood that another mans sperm will outcompete yours. Does this not sound like masturbation is a "healthy" thing? Is survival not healthy too? The need to procreate guess thats not healthy either?

I think I know exactly why you would say something like that you must love the bible. Good for you. But jerking off is healthy. Having an addictive personality on the other hand is not always healthy. Don't mix up the two.
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Thanks for the replies guys! I know that masturbation is quite healthy, but I have a feeling that the way I do it isn't healthy.

Over the past year and a half, I slowly picked myself up from a deep hole that I dug, and even though I was successful, this new change leaves me feeling extremely lonely. I feel that all I ever was to my friends was just someone to do drugs with, and to deal them drugs. Now that I'm not that person anymore, I have no more like-minded friends, and no one I can really rely on. Which makes it extremely hard to network, and even though I meet people at school, they never become more than casual acquaintances that I only see in class.

I'm glad you guys brought up exercise, I'm a regular gym-goer! It's the only place in the world where I feel at peace and nothing else matters.. but then when I'm home, all my deep-rooted insecurities surface to the top, the heavy emptiness in my chest re-emerges, and I'm again reminded of how I have no one. I would love to see a psychologist, but unfortunately I'm tight on money.

So now I'm a porn and masturbation addict...
It is said that over excessive masturbation in general causes a lowered amount of dopamine levels.

I kicked the habit of masturbation. It's difficult, but after a month your cravings will stop. I believe any addiction you cannot control makes you a weaker person, thus only reinforces a need to be depressed.
It is said that over excessive masturbation in general causes a lowered amount of dopamine levels.
Do you have a link for further info on this? I'm not challenging your statement, I am genuinely interested to read more as it is relevant to one of my subjects at uni this semester :)
Thanks in advance Renz!

1ll0gic said:
I'm glad you guys brought up exercise, I'm a regular gym-goer! It's the only place in the world where I feel at peace and nothing else matters.. but then when I'm home, all my deep-rooted insecurities surface to the top, the heavy emptiness in my chest re-emerges, and I'm again reminded of how I have no one.
That is awesome to hear you go to the gym often! Good work :)
Is there any other activity that you can do at home instead of masterbating? Or is there some other activity you can do before you get home that will minimise the "alone time" you have at home? Is there any particular time of the day that you get cravings to masterbate?
^^ While I totally agree with you that it is healthy, if it's restricting you from doing other things and from making progress in certain areas of your life such as socialising and finding a boyfriend/girlfriend, then it is a bit of a problem. But only the OP will know if it's a problem for him :)
Are you kidding? What are you talking about "no real study"? I can list about 500,000 studies that clearly prove masturbation is a normal activity and the reasons why it is normal. We probably also have more studies on this than anything in the world. This isn't the middleages anymore. For one masturbation sheds old dead sperm, and makes new healthy sperm. If you don't masturbate, your glands stop producing so much sperm, and you become less fertile, producing less testosterone even.
There have been so many different studies on this. When you masturbate you gain the chance your sperm will be competent. Less liklihood that another mans sperm will outcompete yours. Does this not sound like masturbation is a "healthy" thing? Is survival not healthy too? The need to procreate guess thats not healthy either?

I think I know exactly why you would say something like that you must love the bible. Good for you. But jerking off is healthy. Having an addictive personality on the other hand is not always healthy. Don't mix up the two.

Actually no, I don't love the Bible. I know why you assumed what you did, but I am not a Christian. I'll forgive you for that..

Masturbation from a physical standpoint is NOT as healthy as the medical establishment makes it out to be. For those over 40, yes, they should flush the pipes because the prostate is not as flexible as it once was, but for men under that age there is absolutely nothing unhealthy about celibacy or sexual restriction. Semen is the most valuble physical essence of your body.. the only tissue it has more in common with is neural tissue (the brain). It contains a lot of vitality.. it has to, what with its job to create life n all. If you constantly masturbate or release, you drain yourself of vital chemicals.. for the woman this is great as she absorbs it all through her vaginal walls, but for the man.. they don't call it the "little death" for nothing you know. Constantly draining yourself of those vital chemicals puts a strain on your body because semen production is the culmination of your inner alchemy/body process.

That is only physically. Mentally, masturbation is not good for you. Just ask the 1 in 2 males over 40 who suffer ED or sexual dysfunction. That is all caused by masturbation being the primary sexual association in their minds, instead of their partners vagina. In simple terms, they can't perform because they love their hand more.

You can believe the medical establishment and psychological establishment if you want, but I'd rather come to my own conclusions than trust them to be honest. Why? Because they ARE an arm of the Establishment, they want people to masturbate all the time because it makes people more placcid and easier to manage socially. It's the same reason why they allow homosexual rape to occur in jails.. they'd rather keep the inmates placcid than incur a riot because they haven't been able to fulfill their mental associations.

Masturbation is not a sin, but it isn't healthy for you. That's all.
I disagree with many of the points in the post above me, so here goes.

The part about men younger than 40 not needing to masturbate I disagree with. Men younger than 40 are at so-called "reproductive age," and I would imagine want the healthiest sperm possible. Therefore, flushing out old sperm through masturbation would be a good thing.

Also, ejaculation isn't called "the little death," orgasm is. Le petit mort can also be experienced by women, and is known as such because of the euphoric rush you get, similar to the one experienced right before death. That and the way it takes your breath away :)

As far as the sole cause of ED being psychological, I guess Viagra and Cialis would be out of business. Those aren't psych meds. They work by increasing blood flow to erogenous zones because of decreased blood flow. Thus the famous disclaimer "Tell your doctor if you're taking medication for blood pressure." That's not to say that some cases of ED aren't psychological, but not all of them are.

Finally, prisons don't allow rape. It's a crime that is perpetrated when guards aren't around. Prisons are severely overpopulated, and more severely understaffed.

Alright, I'm done being on my little soapbox for today. OP, have you tried writing as an outlet for your frustrations? Not that there's anything wrong with what you're doing, but you seem frustrated. Writing helps me feel better when I've had a rough day.
Actually no, I don't love the Bible. I know why you assumed what you did, but I am not a Christian. I'll forgive you for that..

Masturbation from a physical standpoint is NOT as healthy as the medical establishment makes it out to be. For those over 40, yes, they should flush the pipes because the prostate is not as flexible as it once was, but for men under that age there is absolutely nothing unhealthy about celibacy or sexual restriction. Semen is the most valuble physical essence of your body.. the only tissue it has more in common with is neural tissue (the brain). It contains a lot of vitality.. it has to, what with its job to create life n all. If you constantly masturbate or release, you drain yourself of vital chemicals.. for the woman this is great as she absorbs it all through her vaginal walls, but for the man.. they don't call it the "little death" for nothing you know. Constantly draining yourself of those vital chemicals puts a strain on your body because semen production is the culmination of your inner alchemy/body process.

That is only physically. Mentally, masturbation is not good for you. Just ask the 1 in 2 males over 40 who suffer ED or sexual dysfunction. That is all caused by masturbation being the primary sexual association in their minds, instead of their partners vagina. In simple terms, they can't perform because they love their hand more.

You can believe the medical establishment and psychological establishment if you want, but I'd rather come to my own conclusions than trust them to be honest. Why? Because they ARE an arm of the Establishment, they want people to masturbate all the time because it makes people more placcid and easier to manage socially. It's the same reason why they allow homosexual rape to occur in jails.. they'd rather keep the inmates placcid than incur a riot because they haven't been able to fulfill their mental associations.

Masturbation is not a sin, but it isn't healthy for you. That's all.

WTF? Are you joking? Seriously are you? There is no evidence that i have seen nor have i heard (outside of that family issues course we where made take in junior high that i swear was wrote by the catholic church :X ) anyone say beating the meat is bad for you in anyway. It relieves tension, feels good, helps depression for me as well as mania, feels good, does not interfere with me wanting to shag women i am attracted to at all, feels good and umm did i mention it feels good. Besides those communists gave up trying to steal our precious bodily fluids years ago :p

How does masturbation keep someone more apathetic towards say social change? I wack off and i fully believe in overthrowing the government and establishing a socialist republic that will wither away once communism is reached and then we will have no need for a state. Are you saying Marx, Lenin, Mao, Guevara, etc didn't occasionally beat the meat?

And what the fuck has prison rape got to do with masturbation? The reason why it occurs and why almost nobody get's caught for it is because noone gives a fuck about inmates least of all the screws who probably think it's deserved that they get raped. Inmates are afraid to step forward as most rape victims on the outside of prison have a hard time stepping forward cause the pigs don't take them seriously most of the time so can you imagine how hard it would be for a inmate. I know of one case where a rape victim stepped forward and she said the only thing worse then the rape itself was the way the pigs treated her.

So in my humble and apathetic and placid opinion i think your argument is bunk. If you can come up with any real facts at all as opposed to opinion i would like to hear them. Now excuse me as i have to go have a shower and give the ol monkey a good spanking ;)
ah if it keeps u off the drugs keep rattling it m8 nothing wrong with it