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Film Twin Peaks

why the hell do we keep seeing traffic lights and what do they mean?

The running theory for the traffic lights, and I've examined this closely and it really seems to match up, is this...the light changes depending on James Hurley's emotional state. And James is the suckeyest little suck that's ever sucked, so they change often. Red for when he's angry, green for when he's at peace with the world, and yellow for when he's depressed or in some other emotional state.

Oh, and red, yellow, or green for when he sucks.
Originally posted by RadarLove
And James is the suckeyest little suck that's ever sucked, so they change often.

Bwahahaha. My friends and I agreed that James needed a good punch in the face. Talk about the most whiney bitch-boy around. How the hell did he get so much play? 8(
indeed. the only thing in twin peaks that made me cringe was james and donna's love song which, for a time, became their signature tune whenever they got mushy...

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^I about pissed my pants laughing when Donna, Maddy, and James were recording that "song." :D
They all wanted him because of the motorcycle and the bomber jacket. Twin Peaks is a small town so they take what they can get.

So basically, if you want to get laid in Twin Peaks, even if you have Down's, buy yourself a bomber jacket and a motorcycle.

Oh, I've decided to go as Gordon Cole for Halloween this year. =)
I just finished watching the whole 30 or so hours of Twin Peaks and thought it was fucking brilliant! Never before have I experienced such a top quality series- and I really can't believe it was on TV!

How did everyone feel about Annie and Agent Cooper? He's such a gun, and I think that they couldn't have found anyone that would've suited him better... but for some reason I just didn't want to see him go there. It just felt wrong watching him in passionate moments and falling in love.

Man... I'm going to have to watch that last episode again... very trippy stuff.
TP fans, we may be in luck.

Twin Peaks - 2nd Season DVDs To Get New Video Transfers
Posted by David Lambert

In our last Twin Peaks news item, we passed along information about how Lancelot Narayan, one of the industry's leading producers of DVD bonus material, had been engaged by Paramount to work on extras for the studio's upcoming release of Twin Peaks - Season 2. That was some great news, and we know we're going to get a great product out of Paramount for this highly anticipated release.

But not everybody was so sure. In that previous story, we found ourselves mentioning bad rumors on the 'net that claimed the stuidio had no interest in taking the time to remaster the the 2nd season's negatives in the same fashion as Artisan remastered the very-well-received first season. Our response at the time was: "Our take on this right now is that this is unsubstantiated...We find it hard to believe that they will fail to bring this in at their usual well-done standards. " Well, it looks like we were correct to keep the faith!

Dugpa.com, a leading website for information about David Lynch and his works, had the following statement in regard to these rumors:

February 3rd 2005
New Transfers for Twin Peaks Season 2 ?!!!
I have just received information today that has confirmed that Paramount has decided to go with new video transfers for Twin Peaks: Season 2 DVD set. It appears that the information I had received from Paramount Germany was old information, as they had planned on releasing the Series on their own shortly after their release of Season 1 on DVD. Now that Paramount is doing a worldwide release, all territories under the Paramount branch will be using the same transfers for the Season 2 box set. Great news indeed!!! Now we'll just have to wait and see if the new transfer is up to the same quality as the Season 1 set.

So that's that. Dugpa.com also has a new story posted yesterday that mentions that a new documentary based on the film Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me is in the works, and they ask for help from readers who may have materials that could be used in it. Look over there for details about that. And stay tuned to TVShowsOnDVD for all the info about Twin Peaks - Season 2. We'll bring that info to you just as soon as we possibly can!
I remember seeing some of this on tv back when I was 8 but had no idea what was going on. Being a huge fan of Lynch's work I figured I might as well check it out. So far I've only seen the pilot but wat I've seen I like. The character developement seems promising but I hear the whole series goes a little batty.

So, how many of you guys watched this back in 1990? How well do you think it stacks up compared to the moderm recent shows? I can definately see It's influence on the X-files and Desperate Housewives to name a few.
I think it's one of the best television shows I have ever seen. I didn't watch it back when it was on, but after receiving season one for my birthday a couple of years ago, I spent the summer watching them. Not only does it contain one of the best villians I have ever seen, Lynch manages to parody is own show. Definitely do yourself a favor and get season one on DVD. Unfortunately, season two is not out yet, but you can usually find them at your local video store. There's some information on season two being released this fall on the previous page of this thread.
twin peaking

Recently i have just finished watching Twin Peaks..... what a hypnotic, hilarious as well as fiendishly evil tv show!!!

Although the soap opera shit can get a little grating (especially in season 2 )
i am just blown away by the immensity of the show. Everything about the characters (pete rocks, josie packard is a bitch), the set pieces and the costumes are all so damn good!

Although some people may think the show is overblown, i feel that it is brillant and as good as any david lynch production you will see.....even if Mullholland drive is probably the most perplexing and disturbing movies you may well ever see.....

Just a side note.... has anyone seen any David lynch interviews???
if you thought his characters were strange with their conversations, you have to see this wacko in action :)
I bought the DVD of the First Season (the region 2 version which has the pilot as well as the series) a couple of days ago, and spent most of yesterday watching it whilst slightly hungover from the previous night's partying... I am very impressed and intruiged. The last thing I watched that left such a lasting impression was Blue Velvet, so David Lynch is fast becoming one of my favourite directors.

The extras on the DVD are interesting too; there's a bit with Richard Beymer talking about a trip he took to the Amazon for an ayahuasca ritual, which I found very interesting, and some stuff on the backwards midget-speak.

I love that track! When I hear it, I don't want it to end.

I'm not waiting any longer. Downloading the second season. Already a third into it, so have begun wathcing the first season again.
This is great stuff. Makes me wonder what Mulholland Drive could've been like as a tv series.
my sister use to watch this show a very long time ago, so long ago it seems like an eternity, i do remember a women being able to tie a cherry stem in a knot in her mouth, using her tounge, and my sister learned how do the exact same trick!
So I downloaded and watched the entire series in about a week. I couldn't stop, but I haven't seen Fire Walk With Me yet (finals period).

Definetely one of the most interesting shows on TV, not to mention the great characters. I thought it got a little side tracked about half way through season 2. They should have made the seasons 10 episodes each.

have you guys seen the Georgia coffee commercials? Damn fine coffee, brewed fresh.