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Too intelligent to exist?

as `fo grammer, i like love to slaughter the english language, but im like too intelligent to even like bother, but like unlike you , i dont correct people online about punctuation and like spelling (you misspelled a word by the way, im a typo queen) but like i hope you can take like a joke and be teased like a little, and like ty for the information about how you capitalize the first like letter of every word in a header past four letters long, like omgah i so didn't know that, oh and ellipsis, great like word, now that is not sumpmin` yah don't hear often. i pert` near reckon, i need to use that word now that i like like,oh dang,i just like it now that i know like what it means.
This was fucking genius lmao

I was thinking that highly intelligent people are actually more prone to have bad grammar and even curse more. But I could be wrong about that. I can always be wrong lol it might be the opposite

You are awesome lol♥️
I used to wrongly imagine awareness was a curse.

Intelligence now I see is in a way storage of accesibke assimilated useful or what's the point lol information.

Intel= informed. Alerted. Update. Alexa is intelligent, she stores an Oracle.

She knows.
Intelligence can be just as much a disability as it can be an asset. I do think emotional intelligence is the most important intellect tho. But people with high intellectual capacity possess overexcitabilities that can make them more prone to all sorts of psychological disorders and physiological conditions....like elevated sensory issues and altered immune and inflammatory diseases. Plus stress, addictions and psychosis lol. Imo when it comes to what's most essential for a productive happy life it's not so much about how smart you are as it is about finding that balance and being able to maintain a level of self control...while remaining actively motivated. All of which I totally suck at. Plus all the bad habits I developed trying to ease the constant chaos in my brain literally devastated my mitochondrial system and limited my ability to feel pleasure. Having a high IQ has been a complete mind fuck for me lol it's just overrated imo

Sorry that was kinda a rant and probably off topic a little. I am full of bitch right now lol

Life is so full of irony it seems and then there's all the hypocrites.

Especially where I live
not a rant! i know some people say they are empaths, always speaking of what its like and how connected they are to others, but i dont hear these "empaths" speaking of how difficult it is, for some even like that of a curse, one told me she felt cursed, so your words reminded me of that. the being so very intelligent ,how it could be a disability. and you have mitochondrial disease? Heart goes out to you, im so very studied on this disease~hug, hey sorry you're not feeling your best, you are one strong woman
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This was fucking genius lmao

I was thinking that highly intelligent people are actually more prone to have bad grammar and even curse more. But I could be wrong about that. I can always be wrong lol it might be the opposite

You are awesome lol♥️
not all, but some people need to show everyone how smart their lil asses are, public forums bring that out in us, i have to go back and correct all my posts , its a bad habit, plus if i typo a word, such ass, say the word butt=but, fo=of,
teh=the i have to correct it cos i think that person is too dumb to read typonese, cant figure out what teh means the etc. naw just kidding i do it cos i dont want people to think im dumb so i type huge blocks of BIG fancy words that will impress those far and wide, though ppl dont care, but i fully believe your right, some of the most brilliant people arent always well written or speak all hoighty toighty 24/7, i love to do it to sapiosexuals'...but youre not wrong, youre humble
uggh i almost went back and edited.........my grammer is it youre or you`re..oh goshh nevermind i have OCDLMNOP, i need some mansplaining to sort me out
I think I'm self-conscious about correct spelling and grammar in my writing in part because my step-dad was an English teacher.

But when I talk? I ain't biding by nobody's fuckin rules, man. I talks like I feels.
Intelligence can be just as much a disability as it can be an asset.
I have felt this way for nearly 20 years, I completely agree.

A lot of people simply don't understand. The more intelligent you are, the more you realize how much you suck at things, how much life sucks, everything around you sucks... ignorance is bliss.

Also, high intelligence and mental illness go hand in hand. The higher IQ you have, the more likely you have a mental illness.

There is a recurring theme in the most brilliant people of all time, most of them also experience a period of insanity, a la Jung.
Well, you're definitely not too smart for the world. You can't even write a sentence using proper grammar. Else's is "else is", an ellipsis is "..." Not "..". Also, when writing headings on forums etc... you capitalise the first letter of every word that is over 4 letters long. I also doubt anyone with some serious level of intellect is using the word "like", the way you did.
Well, english (won't capitalise it for you) is not my native language. It's pretty telling you think intelligent people can't type but perfectly in every language. I don't even care to try to perfect my writing, I could do better, but who cares? I'm too smart to spend extra time and effort to please fuckers like you.
Actually, I think I write pretty well considering my little background in english.

You're absolutely right! The problem is being too sensitive and altruistic/good-hearted with such smarts. Being stupid and good, or being smart and bad would suffice, not the other way around.
@negrogesic: "everyone" is an exaggeration or simplification, generalization. And sometimes, especially in certain social circles, it could seem like and eventually start to feel like "everyone". I really respect people like Grigory Perelman, and such. ;)
I also realise that it's far better to be an ignorant fuck with such a good heart, and always wished to be just "normie". The other alternative would be to be an ignorant fuck in other sense, not caring about others and their feelings, then the extra smarts wouldn't hurt.
Nice to hear out y'all!
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A lot of people simply don't understand. The more intelligent you are, the more you realize how much you suck at things, how much life sucks, everything around you sucks...
And the more I learn, the more I realize how much I DON'T know.

As Shakespeare said:
"The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool."
As Shakespeare said:
"The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool."
wow, he knew about the dunning-kruger effect back then! That (wo?)man really was true genius. Did they ever truly prove his identity or am I misremembering?
Well, english (won't capitalise it for you) is not my native language. It's pretty telling you think intelligent people can't type but perfectly in every language. I don't even care to try to perfect my writing, I could do better, but who cares? I'm too smart to spend extra time and effort to please fuckers like you.
Actually, I think I write pretty well considering my little background in english.

You're absolutely right! The problem is being too sensitive and altruistic/good-hearted with such smarts. Being stupid and good, or being smart and bad would suffice, not the other way around.
dammit yah bringin in dh big words now
If you feel you are smarter than everybody around you, hang out with more smart people.

Also maybe try to discover different types of intelligence that people hold.

Being in situations where you feel like the smartest person in the room sucks, nobody should feel like a protagonist in an Ayn Rand story.
I have felt this way for nearly 20 years, I completely agree.

A lot of people simply don't understand. The more intelligent you are, the more you realize how much you suck at things, how much life sucks, everything around you sucks... ignorance is bliss.

Also, high intelligence and mental illness go hand in hand. The higher IQ you have, the more likely you have a mental illness.

There is a recurring theme in the most brilliant people of all time, most of them also experience a period of insanity, a la Jung.
I thought Kierkegaard wrote in Fear and Trembling that, "No great mind ever existed without a touch of madness."

I read that book some 20 years ago but when I googled the phrase, it came up Aristotle. Unless maybe Kierkegaard was quoting Aristotle....
This intelligence v madness stuff is pretty interesting. I'm certainly mad (nyt in schizoidial way, but generally), but where's the connection between intelligence and "madness", what this actually means?
I have thought about this sometimes. I don't certainly think intelligence leads to madness, that they necessarily correlate.
But after all, everyone has different definition and specs for mad and madness.

My question is actually: what is madness? What is madness associated with intelligence in these well-known phrases?