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Too anyone who is having these symptoms

have been off the site for a bit , i feel staying off the site while recovering really helps take your mind of how you feel,

in terms of symptoms most of my symptoms have almost gone completely, i just have a few remaining which is slight derealization sometimes but i go throughout my day without even hardly noticing anything wrong these days , i found the cure is to just forget about dp/dr , forget your symptoms and not give a shit about them , once i did this and stopped asking my tired mind what was wrong with every other day and how i felt the symptoms just diminished without me even noticing, dont think iv got long to go now till im completely back to normal but just gonna keep on going and see what happens

how you guys doing ? hope your all well and have recovered :)
have been off the site for a bit , i feel staying off the site while recovering really helps take your mind of how you feel,

in terms of symptoms most of my symptoms have almost gone completely, i just have a few remaining which is slight derealization sometimes but i go throughout my day without even hardly noticing anything wrong these days , i found the cure is to just forget about dp/dr , forget your symptoms and not give a shit about them , once i did this and stopped asking my tired mind what was wrong with every other day and how i felt the symptoms just diminished without me even noticing, dont think iv got long to go now till im completely back to normal but just gonna keep on going and see what happens

how you guys doing ? hope your all well and have recovered :)

been staying off the site too for the same reasons. glad to hear you've almost reached the light at the end of the tunnel!

7 and a half months in and all of my symptoms still remain to varying extents. There have been some significant improvements recently, mainly from cutting out alcohol and weed over the last couple of months (through self-enforced social isolation), which finally gave my brain a much needed chance to recover in the absence of chemicals. Unfortunately for me, staying off bluelight wasn't the magic recovery pill others members frequently made it out to be though lol.

I have also begun light therapy treatment (bought a Phillips Blulight from Amazon - approved for use by sufferers of seasonal affective disorder), which appears to be working wonders only 3 days in. I would recommend it for anyone with a combination of the following: Low mood, poor sleeping patterns (nocturnal patterns/ irregular patterns) and a lack of energy as a result of MDMA abuse and/or are living in an area without much natural sunlight. Sunlight is an often ignored aspect of recovery and some people simply don't get enough for geographical or lifestyle-related reasons. Some form of light therapy may be just what some people need to stimulate serotonin production + push them into a more positive recovery mindset. If the effects I get from this product are consistent over the coming weeks, i will create a new post about it.

I'm going back to university in 6 weeks after withdrawing last year. I literally vanished for the year and haven't kept in touch with anyone so It's going to be interesting to see if I can reintegrate socially with my anxiety issues and perform academically with lingering memory problems. Fingers crossed.

Hope some others reply to this - always nice to know how others are getting on.
5 months in and I'm doing a whole lot better.

I've been working/working out during the week and going out a lot during the weekends. DR is very rare for me now. I don't even remember the last time I felt it. It must have been about a month ago, but it'll come by and disappear very quickly so it's not a concern. My remaining symptoms are: poor sleeping patterns, easily fatigued, head pressure (very slight now & only gets bad when I'm malnourished/sleep deprived), and that's pretty much it. I don't smoke weed or do any drugs atm. I'm going to keep my alcohol consumption down for the next several weeks to take care of myself a little better.

dpd thanks for the Blulight recommendation. I will have to give it a try. I hope everything works out fine for you in school, man. I'm sorry you still have remaining anxiety issues. I myself am returning to school in a couple of weeks. This is supposed to be my last year before I get my bachelors. I wish you the best of luck on your endeavors & keep in mind, you are very strong & you will pull through, just don't sign up for more classes than you are comfortable with. You don't want to give yourself reason to freak out or anything. I have faith that you will do great.
Glad to hear everyone is feeling better on their road to recovery.

My recovery started around the same time as ggarza921 and we have very similar symptoms. I can say though the last few weeks have been the greatest improvement yet. My heavy drinking definitely hasn't helped my recovery, but being around friends and trying to act as normal as possible makes life a lot better. All of the tips you guys have are some of the greatest words of wisdom anyone like us can have, and it has been very helpful. I very rarely visit BL at all anymore, but wish everyone the best in their battle!

5 months in and I'm doing a whole lot better.

I've been working/working out during the week and going out a lot during the weekends. DR is very rare for me now. I don't even remember the last time I felt it. It must have been about a month ago, but it'll come by and disappear very quickly so it's not a concern. My remaining symptoms are: poor sleeping patterns, easily fatigued, head pressure (very slight now & only gets bad when I'm malnourished/sleep deprived), and that's pretty much it. I don't smoke weed or do any drugs atm. I'm going to keep my alcohol consumption down for the next several weeks to take care of myself a little better.

dpd thanks for the Blulight recommendation. I will have to give it a try. I hope everything works out fine for you in school, man. I'm sorry you still have remaining anxiety issues. I myself am returning to school in a couple of weeks. This is supposed to be my last year before I get my bachelors. I wish you the best of luck on your endeavors & keep in mind, you are very strong & you will pull through, just don't sign up for more classes than you are comfortable with. You don't want to give yourself reason to freak out or anything. I have faith that you will do great.
Hey Guys,

I am/was experiencing the same as you all. Eventhough i am at the very end of my journey, i wanted to tell you my experience so you or other people in the future can get something positive out of it and will be reminded that you will recover from this.

So, here goes..

Six weeks ago I took a half a pill of xtc along with a whole lot of beer. It was my first time and on the night itself everything was cool..no problems. The next morning i woke up with a little hangover, but other than that i was fine. The weather was good so i went barbequeing(?lol) with friends and also had alot of beer. Great day, no problems. Then the nightmare began.

Woke up totally messed up. My symptoms:

*massive headache
*extreme tingling sensations throughout my head
*short term memory destroyed. completely gone
*felt like my iq was cut in half
*still felt extremely high, like a bodily high, but a bad one
*lights way to intense(couldnt watch tv for 2 weeks)
*no emotions(other than sheer panic ofcourse)
*And the worst of them all..depersonalisation. (felt like i was not living in the here and now, but lagging a second behind..like being a spectactor of yourself...very nasty

To make a very long story very short:

Its been six weeks and i'm 99% there. Emotionally and mentally i have been 100% recovered for at least two weeks. After the depersonalization went, the derealization came. Also nasty. It felt like normal was not quite normal. Like the spark that made reality real was missing. Luckily since about a week that has also gone. Right now the only complaints im having is very slight vision problems along with a very slight headache altough since the last like 3 days they both have cleared up immensly and right now i dont feel any of them.

One last thing. Today i had a free consult by phone with a docter who specialises in people who are having longterm medical problems after druguse(specifically xtc). We have those here in The Netherlands. Had a good conversation with him and he told me some interesting stuff. Like:

i am lucky to have already reccovered so fast in six weeks. Most of the time it takes months.
He worked as a specialist with drugrelated medical issues with people for a couple years and said he talked to/treated about 150 people who had the same experience as me. (The Netherlands has 17000000 people so its a rare thing to happen but you're not the only one)
I should realy be very careful/dont use any kind of harddrug again, cause somehow my brain is very sensitive to the stuff)
I will be fine in a matter of weeks. He said i shouldnt be surprised if it would still take like a month or even two to completely get rid of my last symptoms. It is hard to tell, but it will go away.

O yeah, he asked me what i did, cause he was like.. 'you are recovering faster than most people'. I said the only thing that made me feel better from day one was excercise. I was/still am running at least 6 kilometers a day. Get a good sweat out. Also once i got all my emotions back, I noticed listening to music helps alot too. Music is food for the soul indeed. Just wanted to share my story. I am positive you will all recover from this. Hang in there and take care..\

Do you have sleep problems?

Also did you take any supplements during this time? Few weeks is avery fast recovery indeed. I'm past 2 months and I never even had the depersonaliation/derealizaiton, but sounds scary as hell.
Do you have sleep problems?

Also did you take any supplements during this time? Few weeks is avery fast recovery indeed. I'm past 2 months and I never even had the depersonaliation/derealizaiton, but sounds scary as hell.

My sleeppattern has been improving alot these last days. Before, i would wake up like every two hours, right now i can sleep for about 5 without waking up. But then again, i work different shifts at work so my sleeppattern wasnt so good to begin with. I dream alot to/remember my dreams better. Maybe thats because i havnt had any beers for like six weeks. Im not gonna drink beer again for some more weeks. Tried to drink some after about a month when i was starting to feel better. Still felt the derealization then, so i thougt: Maybe i should try some beer to make me feel more grounded. Bad idea..it made me feel even more dissacociated. And i was in a football stadium watching an Ajax game at that time with 50.000 people in it. That was no fun. No fun at all i tell ya.

As far as the supplements are concerned. Yeah, i take a multivitamin everyday along with some fishoil. But, i cant tell you if it does anything. I have no idea. Tried some magnesium also, but that didnt really help.

Good luck and take care.
So my psychiatrist prescribed me .25 mg disperdal for my symptoms. I was having immense anxiety for about 4 months as well as all the other symptoms everyone describes. About 3-4 weeks after I started taking risperdal my anxiety decreased 10 fold and my emotions got a lot better. Has anyone else heard of using this med?
Thanks for sharing. I'm 3.5 weeks in with very little improvement so far ( basically identical symptoms). I didn't know this parallel hellish universe existed. Cant believe I ended up here on a one off drunked ecstacy use. Nievity and stupidity got me here and I'm praying to find a way out. Thank you all blue lighters for sharing you stories and advice as it helps me realise that I am not alone and that there is light at the end if the tunnell.
Hi have just been described Olanzapine which based on a google search seems similar to your meds. I'm only 2 days in a seems less anxiety. Generally am against meds as I feel it hides the really underlying problem but I fell I was on the verge I'd a metal breakdown so happy with this to trovide some reliefs whilst my mind readjusts. Thoughts anyone?
ok well with my hangover is probably worse than you all it has caued me erectile dysfunction and doesnt work like before and it really does feel like my mind is back to normal and im not racing like before and it really does suck but i looked it up and it says i need to replenish i nitric oxide for it to be normal so i rather go through everything and still have my dick back but its 3 weeks i have this problem and hope it goes back to normal soon....
Hey Guys,

I am/was experiencing the same as you all. Eventhough i am at the very end of my journey, i wanted to tell you my experience so you or other people in the future can get something positive out of it and will be reminded that you will recover from this.

So, here goes..

Six weeks ago I took a half a pill of xtc along with a whole lot of beer. It was my first time and on the night itself everything was cool..no problems. The next morning i woke up with a little hangover, but other than that i was fine. The weather was good so i went barbequeing(?lol) with friends and also had alot of beer. Great day, no problems. Then the nightmare began.

Woke up totally messed up. My symptoms:

*massive headache
*extreme tingling sensations throughout my head
*short term memory destroyed. completely gone
*felt like my iq was cut in half
*still felt extremely high, like a bodily high, but a bad one
*lights way to intense(couldnt watch tv for 2 weeks)
*no emotions(other than sheer panic ofcourse)
*And the worst of them all..depersonalisation. (felt like i was not living in the here and now, but lagging a second behind..like being a spectactor of yourself...very nasty

To make a very long story very short:

Its been six weeks and i'm 99% there. Emotionally and mentally i have been 100% recovered for at least two weeks. After the depersonalization went, the derealization came. Also nasty. It felt like normal was not quite normal. Like the spark that made reality real was missing. Luckily since about a week that has also gone. Right now the only complaints im having is very slight vision problems along with a very slight headache altough since the last like 3 days they both have cleared up immensly and right now i dont feel any of them.

One last thing. Today i had a free consult by phone with a docter who specialises in people who are having longterm medical problems after druguse(specifically xtc). We have those here in The Netherlands. Had a good conversation with him and he told me some interesting stuff. Like:

i am lucky to have already reccovered so fast in six weeks. Most of the time it takes months.
He worked as a specialist with drugrelated medical issues with people for a couple years and said he talked to/treated about 150 people who had the same experience as me. (The Netherlands has 17000000 people so its a rare thing to happen but you're not the only one)
I should realy be very careful/dont use any kind of harddrug again, cause somehow my brain is very sensitive to the stuff)
I will be fine in a matter of weeks. He said i shouldnt be surprised if it would still take like a month or even two to completely get rid of my last symptoms. It is hard to tell, but it will go away.

O yeah, he asked me what i did, cause he was like.. 'you are recovering faster than most people'. I said the only thing that made me feel better from day one was excercise. I was/still am running at least 6 kilometers a day. Get a good sweat out. Also once i got all my emotions back, I noticed listening to music helps alot too. Music is food for the soul indeed. Just wanted to share my story. I am positive you will all recover from this. Hang in there and take care..\

So how did you get your emotions back did it come back very slowly? I feel like my anxiety is almost gone. I'm far happier. But my emotional response like feeling excitment like I used to music isnt the same.
Did anyone really 100% recovered? Seems like they are not updating with their recovery.
I'm on my week 5. 3 days ago was hell.. been really anxious the whole days of that 3day hell, heart pounding, worrying that i will never be normal again. My psychiatrist diagnose me with anxiety disorder and prescribed me valium and antidepressant. Should i take this medicines?
Will this anxiety go?
Im scared that i trully have generalized anxiety disorder because of this mdma.
Or is it just temporary?
Hi basically I went to a 5 day festival and stupidly took 11-12 250mg pills (Basically I was at a 5 day festival, and on those 5 days I took a total of 12mdmapills which I was told were tested and had atleast 250mg in each. As I was told this I did not worry about the effects of them until returning home where I found my self not having the normalcomedownI felt nausea contanstly so proceeded to sleep, drink as much as possible and eat well. Hoping this would make be feel better which I didn't for almost 2 weeks now I feel slightly dizzy woth occasional nausea and headaches and pretty brain dead which is killing me at work do things like 5htp and omega 3 oils help
Hi basically I went to a 5 day festival and stupidly took 11-12 250mg pills (Basically I was at a 5 day festival, and on those 5 days I took a total of 12mdmapills which I was told were tested and had atleast 250mg in each. As I was told this I did not worry about the effects of them until returning home where I found my self not having the normalcomedownI felt nausea contanstly so proceeded to sleep, drink as much as possible and eat well. Hoping this would make be feel better which I didn't for almost 2 weeks now I feel slightly dizzy woth occasional nausea and headaches and pretty brain dead which is killing me at work do things like 5htp and omega 3 oils help

wow, I think you are very lucky to have such symptoms after such amount of e. add some excercise there, focus on healthy diet + quit drinking/all drugs. this is just basic advice I have read here before but it seems to work pretty good.
Hey all,

Just wanted to post my story here. Maybe some of you guys have experienced similar things or can confirm that my symptoms are occuring from ecstasy use. Some background, I have used E/MDMA for maybe 2 years. All times with a +2 month break though and sometimes longer. Recently I have noticed my comedowns getting worse every time I take it.

Friday night I had several beers and was pretty drunk at the end of the night. Standard hangover etc and also at this point I had not slept good in several days. (prob not a very smart move to get drunk a day before E use.)

Saturday night I took E, re-dosed 2 times, not tested. 0,5 pill, 0,5 pill, 0,4 pill maybe. (again not very smart) Good vibe and definitely mdma type of feeling the whole night, no problems at all.
Come Sunday it was the standard type of hangover, did not sleep too much, lazy etc. Felt surprisingly good after such night. Monday I felt terrible. A lot of anxiety and felt like absolute piece of shit. Tuesday the same, maybe slightly better.

I would say Thursday I had recovered of all of my "mental problems" and was feeling almost normal. Good diet and working out etc. Then Friday I started to feel sick. It started like a normal flu, sore throat etc. Saturday I started to get nauseous from time to time. Having the feeling of wanting to puke but nothing ever comes out. Also random dizziness. The dizziness also lasts for like 5 secs and then its gone. Feeling very tired at evenings. I can feel some weird pain at the top of my head sometimes. This has been going on for 3 days now, today might be slightly better than the other days but not sure..

To me these dont sound like normal flu symptoms anymore. And I am kind of getting worried. Anyone of you have had the same stuff after E use? after a 1 week?

oh and please dont post any lecturing type of advice, I do know very well that this was not smart and I will learn from it. Just want to get some peace of mind, thanks!
just to follow up my post if anyone ever reads it and has the same type of problem.

after 3-4 days of the nausea/dizziness they disappeared. probably had the slight headache for maybe 1-2 days more, it is also gone by now. the whole episode with the emotional rollercoaster + weird physical stuff took about 2 weeks in total to go away.

best of luck to people with these type of stories, there is definitely hope and you will get better.
anyone else have a hard time reading? im looking forward for that part to be over soon