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Too anyone who is having these symptoms

The vision messed up thing. I notice it most when the lights in my house are on. Sunlight is cool, doesn't bother me.

It's the electrical kind of light that makes everything look really weird, you know? That's how it is fo me anyways.
Surfer - Great news man. As time goes on you will notice it less and less and less. One day you will even forget about your experience and then you will have to remind yourself what you experienced. That is when you know its over.

Learn my lesson - when you think you are done, don't take any more, even following the HR rules. I am not nearly as bad as I was but I can definitely tell I stirred up some anxiety, if I would have gone wild and taken much more than a threshold dose, I would probably be in a world of pain.
Hey Dawglaw, I really want to believe that I'm like you and I will recover. One day I want to be able to drink alcohol again (in small amounts, of course) and enjoy myself at a party with friends.

It's just this sexual dysfunction that worries me... even when I don't feel anxious I can't stay hard, it's really getting to me. I know I know it's all anxiety but the hypochondriac in me says permanent damage!!

Remember guys, after my appointment with a doctor, I'm off bluelight.
Hey, I am pulling for you man. I think that with time and mindful living, you will feel better.

Anxiety can destroy your sex drive as well as have a huge affect on performance. I know that if I am not into it, I can lose my boner instantly. If I am hitting out of my league, I am a 30 second champion. Sex is a very very mental activity and since your mind is clouded with some pretty intense circumstances, it is not that suprising that you are having issues.

I know the performance issues are not helping your anxiety and your anxiety is causing the performance issues. It is a very shitty spiral. The best thing I can tell you is to get some alone time, go find a good porn online and just sit and watch it. Don't worry about not getting it up, just sit there and concentrate on whats going on. If you pay more attention to some skank doing some nasty shit than your concerns about getting it up, chances are you will see that you still got it.
yeah sunlight is fucking great for me , specially indoors everything looks nice and normal , its the lighting that makes my vision fuck up specially if its really about to rain outside and the clouds are really dark,

dawglaw so did you get on mdma again ? im never doing it again , its just not worth the risk, did it put you back again ?
Surfer - yeah. I was drunk and trying to get laid and peer pressure got the better of me. I took about 100mg that was tested. I had a great roll but it was a really dumb idea.

It definitely raised up the anxiety and gave me some DR, but since I am in a pretty good place and feel like a pro at dealing with my anxiety, it has not caused any problems. I would not classify it as a comedown. However, my life has not been affected at all. I just notice that my vision is a bit blurry here or there, or I will be like "oh yah I feel a bit of DR". Nothing really bothersome, just annoying.

For the record: it was NOT worth it. I definitely am disappointed in myself for being so reckless.
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ahh dawglaw man :( i look up to you in a way because you got through this really well , its just not worth taking it again , the suffering that comes with it now because our brains are so fragile is just not worth risking , be happy on life man with being normal , you know the sufffering that it brings so might aswell just be happy and appreciate what its like to have no problems , hope you don't take it again , im not going to ever, drink will be for the rest of my days , drugs are just not worth it for me anymore
Surfer - you are right. My drug days are over. I will never take MDMA or any other RC again. I am perfectly happy with social drinking and the occasional joint.

I know I will be back to 100% within a few weeks. If it takes a bit longer, no big deal. I can hardly tell anything is off.
Glad you didn't suffer a long term comedown this time dawglaw. Joints and occasional drinking are the way to go. Although i go over board and like abusing benzos and opiates to, but as long as i'm not messing with serotonin releasers i'm happy.
last 2 weeks my vision has improved immensely , still not right but much improved , as i said anxiety is what is causing all this, i wanted to try something out so what i did was put on one of my favourite songs on the tv full blast and rave basically lol, for about half hour , just dancing and having fun , i then checked my vision in the kitchen with the bright lights,

it was perfect , hardly any differences from normal atall.

i heard that the vision problem can be from minimal anxiety which i have. Even the slightest bit makes my vision mess up.

Over the last 2 weeks thought my vision has improved immensely, gonna keep on going , think i could be at the end of the road at this point but im not gonna count my chickens just yet....

I had a few instances of this the past week where I felt pretty much 100% for a couple hours or so, it was really encouraging. The first time this happened to me, I went into deep depression afterwards when it faded, but now I know to let it run it's course and look at it as a positive experience in my recovery.

I'm at the 3 month point and mainly just have weird head pressures/zaps and a bit of vision problems even though my optometrist said it's fine. Seeing that others are going through the same symptoms and how positive you guys are, is helping, and hopefully this will soon be an afterthought for all of us!
yeah dawglaw just stay off the drugs like me , just stick to drinking , once im completely normal il appreciate so much what its like to not have any problems, drugs just are not worth it, my vision is getting so much better, i keep coming out of it and just going back in sometimes , im thinking about it less and less now as before it was a constant thought of depersonalization and how i was feeling. Also im controlling my eyes much more so i know this is getting better, as before my eyes seemed to just move by themselves without me even doing anything, felt like a robot. The less i care and think about it the better it gets .
The less i care and think about it the better it gets .

That is the real secret for dealing with constant DP/DR. If you think about it or check in to see if you feel the DR, you will notice it and then you will get scared and it will bother you more.

In my experience, it was baby steps. I could go a few minutes without noticing the DR, then it turned into hours, then it turned into days. Then I realized I was fine.
yeah thats basically me , at the moment im in baby steps, its like for 5 to 10mins i dont notice it , but then i check in and i notice it , i know its def going though , once you get the anxiety out the way and calm yourself down the dr fades till eventually its gone
Hey guys, I'm gonna see the doctor on friday, kinda excited actually...

Lately, i've been feeling more positive about all this. My DR/DP is actually not as strong as it used to be, I'm almost positive. Especially when I'm out playing soccer with friends, I can barely notice it. It's worst at night when the lights in my house are on, but when I look outside during the day with the sunlight it looks pretty normal. My appetite has come back and I've mostly stopped worrying about dying from cancer and stuff.

I've started getting heart palpitations again but I hear they're fairly common. I'll mention it to the doctor but I'm pretty sure it's nothing and I'll be fine.

I've decided against SSRI's and benzos, I want to try therapy first... I hope it's the right decision.

You know, this whole experience makes me realize that there was no reason for me to be all depressed before. Life is a beautiful thing especially if you have a healthy body and mind, which I had. I think my sad feelings before were made up by myself. I'm the only one who made me feel that way. I really think that when I get through this... I will never feel as depressed as I was in high school.
Hey guys, I'm gonna see the doctor on friday, kinda excited actually...

Lately, i've been feeling more positive about all this. My DR/DP is actually not as strong as it used to be, I'm almost positive. Especially when I'm out playing soccer with friends, I can barely notice it. It's worst at night when the lights in my house are on, but when I look outside during the day with the sunlight it looks pretty normal. My appetite has come back and I've mostly stopped worrying about dying from cancer and stuff.

I've started getting heart palpitations again but I hear they're fairly common. I'll mention it to the doctor but I'm pretty sure it's nothing and I'll be fine.

I've decided against SSRI's and benzos, I want to try therapy first... I hope it's the right decision.

You know, this whole experience makes me realize that there was no reason for me to be all depressed before. Life is a beautiful thing especially if you have a healthy body and mind, which I had. I think my sad feelings before were made up by myself. I'm the only one who made me feel that way. I really think that when I get through this... I will never feel as depressed as I was in high school.

That's great to hear Whatiswrongwithme. I havent been on lately as well and I don't notice my symptom as well when I am hanging out with my friends and laughing a lot. I had been doin a lot of outside activities without any alcohol and my friends are very understandin about my situation I am really lucky to be surrounded by supportive people which makes it easier to handle. I am hoping to recover in a few months goodluck to you on your appointment
A lot better. Noticing improvement in myself & most of my symptoms have disappeared. Head pressure is definitely fading. I can think a lot more clearly now.
I was about to make a new post when I found this. I read the entire 9 pages. Can't believe how many other people are experiencing similar symptoms...

I started using ecstasy in 2011. Through that year, I used MDMA about 10 times. My last time in 2011, I decided that the after effects outweighed the positives so I chose to take a break. A year later, I took a very small dose and didn’t re-up because I had a bit of a panic attack. I wish I'd learned from my prior negative experiences...

About two weeks ago, I decided once more to give MDMA another chance. I took one cap of about 90 mg and since then I’ve felt pretty awful. The roll itself was very standard. Nothing out of the usual, normal come up, normal come down, felt good and danced in between. Exactly what I remembered. The next day, I slept virtually the entire day and was really groggy, which I’ve obviously come to expect.

That entire next week I felt awful. I felt weak, lethargic, exhausted, dizzy, spacey, nauseous, and my vision was a little blurred. I can see, but it’s as if my eyes aren’t focusing together. I couldn’t eat or sleep. The thought of food made me sick and I woke up often through the night. Aside from that, I just felt generally anxious and depressed because of my symptoms and very spacey as well.

Now, two weeks later, the nausea and the insomnia have subsided. I have been taking a range of supplements – magnesium, lots of fish oil, a B complex, D3, elderberry, and about 2000 mg of Vitamin C a day. I have been exercising and eating healthy as well. I’ve always been a health conscious person so this has been fairly easy for me – I eat a balanced, vegetarian diet and go on runs/practice yoga regularly. I’ve also been refraining from tampering with any form of mind altering substances including alcohol, marijuana, and even coffee.

Unfortunately, after two weeks, I still have some prevailing cognitive symptoms. Most notable is that I feel very spacey and still have blurred vision. Aside from that, I just have this general anxiety and feeling like my personality has disappeared. I don’t feel like myself – I don’t feel like anybody. I jumble my words occasionally when I speak. Prior to this I was an avid reader and also aspired to be a fiction writer. These last two weeks I have been unable to read. The thought of conjuring fictitious characters in my mind is almost incomprehensible as I can barely make sense of my own reality.

I am trying to remain optimistic that these feelings will subside and that my personality will reemerge, but I can’t help but feel very worried, anxious, and depressed. My biggest concern is my inability to pursue my writing endeavors. Writing has always been such a therapeutic undertaking for me and a way to deal with stress in the past. In my current state, I can't even write because my mind feels so foggy! For those of you who are months into your recovery, did you experience such mental/cognitive deficits? Did you return to your original mental acumen? I have no idea how to take my mind off my symptoms when my symptoms feel so mentally debilitating...

Recently, the fatigue and exhaustion has also been debilitating. Last night, I slept ten hours! Now, at 3:18 PM, all I can think about it getting back in bed again! Did anyone out there experience such fatigue and lethargy? Did it wane with time?

Much thanks for any advice/words of wisdom...
Damn, these are some pretty serious side effects in this thread! I decided long ago that MDMA wasn't worth it, but everyone has to make that decision for themselves. 4-6 hours of pleasure is not worth 2-5 days of misery for me.

Some of the symptoms I encountered during my brief run with MDMA included:

Severe depression, paranoia (thinking my friends were plotting against me), angry outbursts, anxiety, brain zaps, total cognitive impairment and fatigue. They didn't come on immediately and would set in about 2 full days after rolling.

Keep in mind that your pills may contain drugs other than pure MDMA. Dose makes a huge difference. If you're prone to anxiety/depression, I'd suggest avoiding it altogether. There are other stimulant/entactogens out there with less severe side effects.
Unfortunately, after two weeks, I still have some prevailing cognitive symptoms. Most notable is that I feel very spacey and still have blurred vision. Aside from that, I just have this general anxiety and feeling like my personality has disappeared. I don’t feel like myself – I don’t feel like anybody. I jumble my words occasionally when I speak. Prior to this I was an avid reader and also aspired to be a fiction writer. These last two weeks I have been unable to read. The thought of conjuring fictitious characters in my mind is almost incomprehensible as I can barely make sense of my own reality.

I am trying to remain optimistic that these feelings will subside and that my personality will reemerge, but I can’t help but feel very worried, anxious, and depressed. My biggest concern is my inability to pursue my writing endeavors. Writing has always been such a therapeutic undertaking for me and a way to deal with stress in the past. In my current state, I can't even write because my mind feels so foggy! For those of you who are months into your recovery, did you experience such mental/cognitive deficits? Did you return to your original mental acumen? I have no idea how to take my mind off my symptoms when my symptoms feel so mentally debilitating...

Recently, the fatigue and exhaustion has also been debilitating. Last night, I slept ten hours! Now, at 3:18 PM, all I can think about it getting back in bed again! Did anyone out there experience such fatigue and lethargy? Did it wane with time?

Much thanks for any advice/words of wisdom...

Been through exactly what you are experiencing. You will be fine.

If you want the long answer, read through the many threads here on comedown support or through my post history. Short answer is you will return back to normal. It may be a bit of a battle but you will recover, it just will take some time.