Today I Am Thankful For... Ver. 3: Earth, Wind and Fire!

Being alive
Having people who love me
Being in a better financial position than many many people
Being psychologically healthy (besides addiction)
Did I mention being alive?
The ability to appreciate the beauty of the universe.
My general faith that in humanity good will eventually prevail our weaknesses
I'm thankful that I woke with only about 5% withdrawal, even though I only started withdrawing from poppy tea (one of the longest in the opiate world) 3 days ago. It's like the knowledge I'll be doing ibogaine tomorrow has caused my body to experience 25% withdrawal the whole time. Honestly I feel great today, I'm not cold, I'm not sore, I'm not restless, I'm not depressed... I'm tempted to call miracle, this has never happened before, just 2 weeks ago I tried this and my withdrawal was pretty horrendous.

Just... <3

I'm still doing the ibogaine though, the point of that is to kick myself in the ass so I don't relapse. By all accounts it is more effective the farther out of withdrawal you are... so, this really feels like a miracle.
Hmmm, not sure, not been a great day for me.

Have to keep it to the basics: financial stability, reasonable health, roof over my head, food in my stomach, opportunity to educate myself.
I got approved for Medicaid and got my card in the mail today. It feels great to finally have health coverage. :)
I got approved for Medicaid and got my card in the mail today. It feels great to finally have health coverage. :)

yay TC!! I am so happy for you!!

Today I am thankful for every moment I get to spend with my family.
My mum and dad.

Oh, and the unexpected two grand that turned up in my account today.%) Wahoo!

I think the fact that my choice of mum and dad came to mind before this says that I'm on the right path mentally though which is nice.

Oh, and I'm going for my first alcohol free day in at least six months (probably closer to a year) which will be something too be really grateful for. I guess today has been pretty good all in all, if I knock out another couple of hours of study on top of the three I've done already (which I might) then I think I can be pretty pleased with myself.

edit: Sorry for the triple post.:!
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That im finally feeling better today.. ugg hate being sick.. pluss the symptoms were reminiscent of the illness that gripped me for half a decade.. it was scary to think about it coming back. So glad to be feeling somewhat human again.. and just in time to see the brew crew hopefully schlack the cubbies and Miller park tomorrow. Yep, I will be right behind third base cheering them on.
my health! The last year has been ripe with health problems for me--PTSD, major depressive disorder, recovery, and epilepsy.

I'm still here, still fighting, sill learning, still reading, still kicking it with my friends/family, still making art. Life is good.
Today I am thankful for my heated home, My full time job that understands the bad (I have amazingly managed to keep, through all the panic attacks and breakdowns) and appreciates the good work as I do my best to produce the best.

I am thankful for the internet!!!!! I am thankful for music (without it my life would be empty)!!! I am thankful for my ability to comprehend such complexities.

I am thankful more than anything for the parental support that I have, I am grateful in their understanding of the way I am and they are one in a million!