Today I Am Thankful For... Ver. 3: Earth, Wind and Fire!

Today I am thankful that I have free time to use however I want. I relax in nature, I make art, I meditate, I spend time with those I love. It's a blessing and a privilege to have free time. So many people around the globe work 10, 12, 14 hour days to make ends meet, to take care of their children, and to put food on their table. I have a modest salary, but I work a 40 hour week and have weekends to myself. I am grateful for that.
Thankful for green tea and music, and the internet, and being alive and human, no matter how shit it can get.
For being able to critically reflect on my self n action in order to change them.

My mother, she has such amazing inner strength and conveys such love towards her family.

I know deep down she has many problems but she chooses to push on and live her life rather than dwell on the negative.

If I can be half the person she is I would be justly proud<3
Thankful for green tea and music, and the internet, and being alive and human, no matter how shit it can get.

That is wonderful, my friend.<3

I am thankful for everything. Absolutely everything.

Whilst things are far from rosy for me at the moment and I have a lot of worries and issues on the horizon, at the moment I am gratreful for the fact that I'm just happy being me. It's not always been this way for me, and I'm sure it might not be that way in the future at some point, but for the moment I am very grateful for being me and happy and content being me. I wish I was able to pass on this contentment to those who aren't feeling it at the moment because I know how shit it is not having it.
My patient and understanding wife, she puts up with my ongoing problems and remains my biggest support, we have been together since we were 15 and she is my world<3

That's wonderful man. <3 My wife and I just broke up a couple of months ago, we'd been together since we were 18 (12 years). I know I'm going to eventually meet someone that I can be happier with than her, something changed in the last few years, we got older and realized what we really needed I guess. For 10 years we were so close it still feels kind of impossible that it's gone, impossible and wrong. But my life feels so much healthier since she left, so I have to admit that it was the right thing. Still, I really wish I could still be able to tell the story of how we met when we were kids and have been together ever since and grew up together, and became part of each others' families before we were even adults. It was a really special thing, and it really hurts that it's gone. :(

But um, I'm thankful that I figured out how to get my life back on track, it was scary where it went when it went wrong with her.
I'm thankful for my daughter: her laugh, her smile, everything about that lil' mini me who is growing n getting smarter every day. Love her so very much.

Oh addy that's a true thing to be thankful for. Every time I get a year older people expect me to be sad n upset but I'm not because so many people don't get the chance to live to the age I'm at: young children in third world countrries, children dying of cancer n other terminal illness; people from their addiction.
I'm not preaching, in any way, those are just my thoughts on addy's comment n why I don't mind, and appreciate, my age.

Good day people!

Evey xxxx
Happy Earth Day everybody! <3

I am thankful to have such a beautiful plant to live on ^^
Pharmacy was supposed to give me 30 pills, and gave me 60 by mistake! Okay it's not a spiritual thing but I'm thankful for it. :)
Given that you're posting in TDS I guess you might have some addiction issues?

If so go and hand them back, you will be amazed by the feeling of liberation. I've done it before and the feeling of handing them back gave me something the pills never could.