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they would be SOOO lucky to find you... (merged)

ugh, i'm gonna edit this shit now. i wrote it in november when i had a gf and it must have sounded pretty weak. here's my new one...

-i have amazing blue eyes
-good, well-proportioned face
-i get the greatest colour when i tan
-thin, toned, defined body
-i like to party
-i just want my chick to be happy above all else and i'm not afraid of people knowing i care a lot about her
-i enjoy smoking pot if you're into that and get some real good stuff
-i love hip hop music and probably have some of the best taste in it of everyone i know
-i have a nice ass, i've been told %)
-i'm real generous
-i go to university, if that means anything
now why the fuck am i single right now?
:( i wouldn't say i'm lacking in the looks department, and i'm a really caring guy...but i guess i'm too depressed and often not one to engage conversations..
go out and engage in one---- What's holding you back? The worst she can say is no.
-I can seduce you with one glare

-I can dance my ass off, and am quite good at it

-I'm witty and have a dark, fucked up sense of humor

-I have a huge oral fixation, so I am a very good kisser and give wicked head, and i love to do both. PS I swallow

-I love cartoons, jumping on my bed and acting silly. I'm a huge dork but a cute one

-I <3 Star Wars.

-I will write you poetry and make you mix tapes

-I have the sex drive of a 15 year old boy

-good listener

-good taste in music, movies

-I'm a wierdo, but you'll love me for it..I will always keep you guessing.

-eager to please

- I have a pretty face and a nice body (particularly breasts, haha) and am fairly comfortable in my own skin

-open minded, accepting and blatantly honest. I see more than what meets the eye.

-good with money, giving and not a gold digger.

-I'll most likely get along with your guyfriends pretty well (I'm like one of the guys most of the time)
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Because im the complete fuckin deal....your bestfriend, your super kinky lover , your mom, your child, your psychologist cum neurologist, and your Goddess all rolled into one cute horny entertaining feisty irreplaceable and TOTALLY ADDICTING PACKAGE.
Plus, i have a high tolerance for pain , am EXTREMELY fun to be with its sick sometimes, and am the most loyal unconditional loving bitch in the world (if i love you, that is...) and would kill for you if need be. Did i mention im artistic? i draw,paint,write, play some instruments, and i graduated with two bachelor degrees in arts and commerce. What more could you possibly want in a woman?
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What the hell, I've been feeling really low lately, so I should remind myself why I rock. :)

-I'm really laid back.
-I can cook well, and I enjoy doing it.
-I can fix just about anything electronic. And a computer geek.
-I'm self motivated, yet can still be lazy. ;)
-I can speak Japanese.
-You can talk to me about anything.
-I don't take shit from people.
-I look good in a suit.
-Just when you think you have figured me, I'll give you the shock of your life. :D
-I'm a down to earth, realistic person.
-I love watching movies.
-Never too serious.
-Smart as you get.
-Apparently, I'm pretty cool.
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DAMN!!! This is too much fun.

1. I have killer blue eyes
2. I can shake my ass like a polariod picture
3. I can get along with any type of person there is
4. I can suck a mean cock oh wait i can deep throat it GOOD
5. I dress to impress
6. Can make anyone smile
7. Been told i fuck like a porn star
8. I will not depend on a man(very independent)
9. I love to cook and make new reciepes
10. I will stand up for anything that i know is a good cause
11. I love to be mysterious
Ok this is what makes me so fucking great.

I got a job

I pay my bills

I'm going to school

I'm really fucking nice

I take care of my girlfriend

I rub her feet, legs, theighs, back, neck, arms, hands,
nearly every night she gets a full body massage.

I cook

I clean

I take care of the birds

I do the grocery shopping

I can fix computer problems

I'm cute as fuck

I can be hilarious as hell

I can handle my alcohol ( most times )

I don't get mad that easy, so I can take a lot of abuse without even realizing it.

I can be really sensative and sweet and loving

I am damned confident in my abilities

I've got a big dick

I'm good in bed

I give my girlfriend really good head

I can paint

I can write poetry

I water the plants

I have a set of bose 601's which are fucking awesome

I know my mathmatical shit

I'm responsible

I like kids, matter of fact in the near future I want a pair ( like in 4 years )

I like to go bowling

I don't do any drugs whatsoever

I don't smoke

I like cats

I don't believe in cheating

I have really cool blue eyes

I'm passionate

I'm laid back

I don't take shit from anyone


I'm honest

Yup those are the things that make me so damned desireable. ;)
I'm well read, well spoken, and understand you when you use words with more than 2 syallables.

I enjoy reading books for pleasure and educational purposes.

I have an unparalleled and thriving passion for music, deejaying and collecting vinyl.

I have a well paid, respected stable job.

I have no hesitations going to any kind of lengths to help out a friend or family member in need, whether it be money, emotional support, a shoulder to cry on or a place to stay.

All of my friends find it easy to open up to me no matter how long we've known eachother, I'm everyones counsellor and my advice seems to work! ;)

I'm a good listener.

I have a good sense of humour.

Am open, honest and trustworthy.

I'm tall, curvy, have soft olive skin, long brown hair, straight white teeth, tasteful piercings and deep brown eyes with flecks of green and blue.

I eat what I want to. If you take me to dinner I wont eat a lettuce leaf for main course.

I'm happy to do what you want to do. I wont complain if we had plans but you don't feel like going through with them. (Within reason)

I love sex, love to give as much as receive, and have been complimented many times on various aspects ;)

I enjoy watching porn. I'm not afraid to admit it. I have my own collection.

I like computers. You might even call me a nerd. I have an extensive knowledge on the internet, fundamentals of a PC and trouble shooting.

I'm easy going, a pleasure to know and a loyal friend.

I don't judge, discrimintate or stereotype unfairly.

I'm flexible. I enjoy a good night out, but I can have just as much fun snuggling and watching movies on a weekend.

I adore kissing, cuddling, sleeping naked and talking in bed.

I'm passionate, loving and a hopeless romantic.

I have aspirations and plans to travel, further my career, and education, and will see them through.

I have my own style, and wear what I'm comfy in, not what I should to fit in.

Edit: This is really weird for me as I don't take compliments well and am very humble and shy! :)
I like having fun!

I am an incredibly funny bastard, mainly a bastard tho

I love music

I hate children, they are disgusting creatures :p

Im very affectionate, I love hugging and kissing and being hopelessly romantic

Im a rad kisser %)

Im shy until I feel comfortable, but when i am comfortable you cant shut me up

I'll try something before saying I don't like it

Fairly good looking, average height, brown hair, hazel/brown eyes

Im smarter than most people tho I dont flaunt it

Im laid back, fun to be around and generally good company

I like reading for the sake of reading

I respect most peoples opinions...unless of course I don't like you =D

I give the best hugs in the world

Loyal, my friends are very important to me and I'd do anything in the world for them

Dont take myself too seriously

Im too generous for my own good

Possibly insane ;)
I sometimes get depressed
I'm slightly confused about my sexuality
I'm confused as to whether I love another girl
I'm shy
I'm easily intimidated
I'm vulnerable
I can't belong to any social group, doesn't work in my head
I can't really handle groups of people in general
I attract attention from conservative redneck assholes
I'm opinionated
Sometimes I go a little insane
My head is terrifying to look into for some people
I have sort of bad skin (not acne, but some pimples here and there)
I take life and everything too seriously sometimes
I think too much
I don't know how to be "one of the guys"
My verbosity and 'energy' can seem like arrogance
I can't bring you to loads of parties, cos I don't even know how I got there myself
I need time for myself, away from everything
I shut down sometimes, and you won't know what to do
And finally, er... I smoke sometimes?

A lot of them sound just like me!
minus -being one of the guys
-my sexuality
-red neck assholes

so pretty much all the insecurity/can't seem to connect socially stuff

Therefore I REALLY don't think I am the bomb, I'm incredibly grateful for the people that have taken an interest in me!


Red Koi.... OUT
Psychodonovan said:
I wonder if I'm the only one who can only read two or three of these before their natural aversion to egotism goes haywire? But then again, I'M not an American :p

And now, for the sake of hippocrasy:

So PM me ladies, cuz I'm the bomb yo yo in da haus (what?)

I just found your post funny, Psychodonovan, simply b/c of your hypocrisy.. I guess you're just as bad as an American.

An, although I am an American, I refuse to respond to this thread with responses about myself b/c I do find it to be quite egotistical, and I DO have a natural aversion to it, and yet I still manage to not respond with glorious adjectives describing my (wonderful) self just for the SAKE of hypocrisy :p

1. Because I will go out of my way to do anything for the one I love. And I mean anything.

2. I am also very, very compassionate towards the one I love. I sometimes feel like I take on a somewhat of a motherly role towards my boyfriends.

3. I will stand by the one I love through thick and thin. I try my hardest to be their "rock."

4. I have no problem with my boyfriend having a 2 foot thick stack of porno mags-- I actually enjoying looking at them sometimes. Hell, I have some of my own.

5. I like to think I try and look out for my boyfriends and their best interests, although I sometimes come off as controlling.
Ive just started seeing this girl, i was millimetres from kissing her last saturday but shes got some issues she wants to sort out before we get together - and thats fine with me, im not going to rush her....

I think im good for her because:

1 - Im inciteful and understanding. With the right person, Im good with words and im a good listener.

2 - Im pretty stable as a person, sure I have my ups and downs but overall, i know where im at and where im going. within this, Im still spontaneous.

3 - Im well learned, read, experienced. I can be good advice sometimes and I know how to deal with things. This also means i know some pretty cool places and how to get stuff for free/cheaper :D

4 - I have a decent job / education & prospects for further education. Im not going to be heaps rich, but im far from poor and I can treat a girl pretty well.

5 - I respect differences. Im and individual and so is any girl im going to be with - were not the same, and its not necessarily going to be exactly how i want things all the time. i can comprimise things, but i wont comprimise myself pt 6.

6 - I stand firm, i have a spine and im an individual. Sure ill let things slide to make life easier, but i wont change myself.

7 - I have taste :D Sometimes its expensive, other times is down to earth. I know how to dress well, eat well and live well.

8 - I understand many functions of the world, if somethink is difficult, it doesnt mean its the end. there are ways to do things if you really want. Im the type of person to find them, not give up.

9 - I realise i dont know everything. Sure i may be confident in things, but i like to think im not ignorant. There is much to learn, and sometimes im wrong.

10 - Im fun, as much as i like sitting on a couch, i need to get out and do things, see things & enjoy life.

11 - I like kiss & cuddles, seriously, just pure and plain affection without fucking. There is nothing like feeling totally close to someone just be being curled up next to them.

12 - Im pretty dedicated. I used to be the call-too-much kind of guy but im over that. Im here for the long haul and i can lay in wait. Im also realistic, sometimes things dont work out - Ill get over it.

13 - Ill stay at 12 :D I like to be a little humble.

I know its early days with this girl, but seriously I'd marry her.
It's all about me

I'm a loyal friend
I don't spill out secrets
I've been told I give the best blowjobs, and I love giving them to the one I care about
I love being fucked HARD
I've been told I could be a model/celebrity
I have the greatest legs
You'll never meet a girl that loves to *party*as much as I do
NOT referring to anyone specfic...But i find it funny what people think is a positive character trait for their lover. According to this thread, every girl gives the best blowjobs, swallows, has pretty (hair, face, eyes), a great ass, can cook, and likes to fuck hard, etc. The list could go on, but it seems to me that none of those things would make a girl unique or special. Right?

Does anyone have any accomplishments or things like that about them that would make them attractive and unique for their lover? I didnt read the entire thread, just the first couple pages....
If I can open up to you, you'll never meet anyone who's funnier or more insightful.
I can sing to/with you.
I can write you love letters.
I can cook brownies and cookies for that sweet tooth of yours.
I could spend HOURS just cuddling, talking, and kissing.
I'm short and skinny, but I can be the most huggable teddy bear this side of the Hundred Acre Woods. :)
I could argue vehemently with you about politics, religion, Canadian seal clubbing, any topic you want...and one kiss would dispell all the tension.
I quote musical theatre shamelessly.
You're the Nile.
You're the Tow'r of Pisa.
You're the smile
On the Mona Lisa.
I'm a worthless check,
A total wreck,
A flop.
But if baby, I'm the bottom,
You're The Top. ;)
Well - from what my better 1/2 told me - my best feature is covering her ears at a party when we both kind of laid down. This is kind of how we met.
Well, after doing the bizzarro thread I gotta do this one. Makes ya feel like an asshole...

- Tall, thin, blonde hair, blue eyes, reasonably tan
- In good athletic shape, runner's build but solid, muscular legs
- Graduated summa cum laude from Harvard last year in one of the most difficult majors
- Work low paying job so I can help autistic children, could work anywhere
- Not disgustingly rich, but from enough money that I don't have to worry about retirement
- Incredibly funny to talk to, ran a humor magazine in college, can always cheer people up.
- Loyal, reliable, always on time
- Humble, except on this thread (and even then only with the help of 4 glasses of wine)
- Low maintenance, never fight
- Surfer
- Learning to play the guitar
- Great at oral sex - gave both LTR girlfriends better orgasms than they'd ever had before (and no, they weren't just padding my ego)
- Thick cock
- Inexperienced at actual sex so I will be fun to teach ;) but incredibly attentive lover
- Great taste in music
- Expert on world history, religion, philosophy, neurobiology, and the psychedelic experience
- One of the best writers everywhere, 2 months after starting my job I am already the de facto editor for my whole lab
- Understand all sports at a deep level and can play them competently
- Kick everyone's ass at poker
- Also insanely ticklish
- Love touching, massage, cuddling as well as sex, had one girlfriend practically orgasming off a delicate touch back massage (try it! just brush your fingers gently over the person and think feather-light)
- Enjoy drugs but don't do them very much, handle them very well
- Children and animals love me, gravitate to me
- Excellent dancer and love dancing even when sober
- Good singing voice for karaoke
- Constantly striving to make myself a better person through introspection and meditation
- Endearingly spacy and clumsy