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Opioids Thebaine Toxicity in Poppy Seed Tea?

chicken hoagie

Jan 1, 2014
I have recently been doing research on poppy seed tea and stumbled across a study performed on various brands of poppy seeds and their different alkaloid contents. I became aware of the fact that thebaine in larger quantities can cause convulsions and/or death.

Also in my research, I stumbled across the brand name of poppy seed I am using and noticed that it contained the highest amount of thebaine out of all brands of poppy seeds tested. Studies showed that per 1Kg of poppy seeds used(the amount I have chosen to brew with) contained approximately 120mg of thebaine. I have seen various studies on thebaine CD50/LD50, usually by subcutaneous or intravenous injections to be anywhere from 4mg/kg to 20mg/kg..

So my question ultimately is, does this amount of thebaine in my poppy seed tea pose a risk to contracting convulsions or seizures for me?
It's hard to say but I will tell you to be very cautious. I've experienced a poppy seed tea OD and I was very close to the edge of something that would have killed me.

If you've been taking this for a while and haven't noticed any kind of severe reactions then you are probably good. Just be careful, the seeds vary batch to batch and you may get an extra high thebaine batch one of these times.
What were the symptoms of your OD? I drank a pound worth of seeds last night but didnt have much of a strong opiate effect so I wanted to use 2 pounds today but that is double the thebaine content, although I hadnt experienced ill effects either despite little opiate effect.
I've been wanting to share my thebaine PST horror story on this subject. I first got some high thebaine pods some years ago. Then, the symptoms consisted of moderate to extreme nervousness and additional shortness of breath. I had an unexplained grand mal seizure the same week I was going through this batch of poppies though it was far enough from a dose that it was undetectable in my blood. I was never really sure about the cause of this seizure until the following happened.

In 2015 and '16 I was using a very commonly used / reviewed brand of seeds. They were very strong, and were great for just a morphine effect at first. After a few months I had a habit of course.

It only took about one or two grams of them to achieve a nod. It started with panic attacks, accompanied by a pounding heart/ shortness of breath. I chalked it up to just regular respirtory depression, but this was different - There was a panic / confusion factor. If you get dosed with thebaine you'll know it. It's as dysphoric as the literature says it is.

The second thing that started to happen was when I would take a nap or try to sleep at all.. as *soon* as I started to drift into REM sleep, I would have a violent seizure like jerk. It was scary as hell. I had to dose this stuff, as I only had a 5lbs bag of seeds and no kratom or anything to fall back on and every time I tried to sleep, these convulsions would literally make me jump up off the bed.

I'm confident had I continued to take the particular batch of seeds I would have suffered further. I currently am doing well on kratom, but miss seeds. I play around with the idea of getting a pound every once in a while but I have trouble enough moving my bowels on daily kratom. With PST I have a daily impaction. I used to drink epsom salts daily just to go normal.

Careful with thebaine
I've been wanting to share my thebaine PST horror story on this subject. I first got some high thebaine pods some years ago. Then, the symptoms consisted of moderate to extreme nervousness and additional shortness of breath. I had an unexplained grand mal seizure the same week I was going through this batch of poppies though it was far enough from a dose that it was undetectable in my blood. I was never really sure about the cause of this seizure until the following happened.

In 2015 and '16 I was using a very commonly used / reviewed brand of seeds. They were very strong, and were great for just a morphine effect at first. After a few months I had a habit of course.

It only took about one or two grams of them to achieve a nod. It started with panic attacks, accompanied by a pounding heart/ shortness of breath. I chalked it up to just regular respirtory depression, but this was different - There was a panic / confusion factor. If you get dosed with thebaine you'll know it. It's as dysphoric as the literature says it is.

The second thing that started to happen was when I would take a nap or try to sleep at all.. as *soon* as I started to drift into REM sleep, I would have a violent seizure like jerk. It was scary as hell. I had to dose this stuff, as I only had a 5lbs bag of seeds and no kratom or anything to fall back on and every time I tried to sleep, these convulsions would literally make me jump up off the bed.

I'm confident had I continued to take the particular batch of seeds I would have suffered further. I currently am doing well on kratom, but miss seeds. I play around with the idea of getting a pound every once in a while but I have trouble enough moving my bowels on daily kratom. With PST I have a daily impaction. I used to drink epsom salts daily just to go normal.

Careful with thebaine
Its crazy that you tell this story and describe it how you have. I decided to go throughwith drinking a 2lb mixture of these seeds and almost immediately my heart began to race and i was on the verge of a panic attack. I managed to keep myself level headed and occupy my mind with other tasks because i knew psyching myself out would only make things exponentially worse..but just as you described the convulsing jerks when falling asleep, the exact same thing was happening to me for hours despite having a slight sleepyness from the little morphine i was able to absorb from the batch of seeds..and along with the jerks I also had the scariest sense of impending doom or the very real feeling of an oncoming convulsive episode or seizure. I have been fortunate in my life to never actually had a seizure as far as I am aware despite all of the drugs I have tried and done, but it is surely one of the things that I am deathly afraid of having..

Definitely a learning experience and fortunate to have experienced what this thebaine substance is capable of firsthand without any seizures or convulsions or worse. Next time I am going to be sure that the seeds I try are guaranteed to be of high quality and low thebaine/high morphine content. I would order dried poppy pods but not sure how easy they would come through the mail and how the potency compares to high quality seeds.
I was very addicted to poppy seed tea for 3-4 years, and I got up to doing 4 pounds of strong seeds and it was always really sedating and relaxing for me. I never thought about the thebaine content although technically I knew opium contains them (poppy seed tea is oral opium).
Firstly I gotta say again that the amounts of seeds ppl are using is just insanely high a pound,a kilo or a couple of grams are what ppl are saying that they used and got wasted off.with that much variation it's really harmful for someone who has no tolerance to do more than 50-100grams of seeds.secondly I've just for the second time in 3years come across a weird nasty batch of seeds that give me an uneasy negative jittery feeling from my usual 60g dose.shame bcoz it seems like a decent batch morphine wise but it's too unpleasant to use again.this has only happened once before which is a good thing.much worse the first time.this batch I suspect is a high thebaine variety but not one of the thebaine only types.to the back of the cupboard with an X scratched into the lid it goes for all eternity.
If someone did a pound or 2 of these high thebaine seeds I'd say death from seizures is a VERY real possibility.
I used to get dried and fresh poppy pods from some florists in NYC around 2005_2006 but I've heard that it became illegal to sell pods after 2008 if I recall correctly.
Seeds always felt more risky to me because seeds' potency changes so much. One batch, you can nod hard with 100 grams, another batch, you use a kilo of seeds and you barely feel it. Pods are easier to control and give a much better, clean, warm opiate high.
Is it impossible even to get the pods online now? It's a shame because they are especially useful when you can't get gear or when you want to taper down and stop using potent opiates like heroin because of their strength and very long half life.
Here in Turkey, we grow poppies with high morphine content because the Alkoloid factory produces mostly morphine and codeine but I've heard that especially in Tasmania, they favor a very high Thebaine content to export for production of semi-synthetic pain killers like Oxycodone, Buprenorphine, Oxymorphone and also Naloxone. I never had a problem because of neither in Turkey nor in the U.S..
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I've also noticed this shortness of breath and tension in the chest when taking poppy seed tea. It begins really quickly, before I've managed to drink even half of the stuff. The poppy seeds sold over here are so low in alkaloids that you need 1000-1500 grams for a good dose, so it's a volume of about 2 litres to drink and you can't down it very quickly without getting nauseous. Without that anxiogenic effect it would be a lot more addictive, I think. The full stomach after drinking it makes that feeling of tension even worse.

I took a dose made from over a kilogram of seeds less than a week ago, and experienced probably the strongest opiate high I've ever had, with open eye visuals similar to static on an old television screen but colorful instead of gray. Never had hallucinogenic effects from opioids before... Maybe it's the small kappa agonist effect of morphine.
I have recently been doing research on poppy seed tea and stumbled across a study performed on various brands of poppy seeds and their different alkaloid contents. I became aware of the fact that thebaine in larger quantities can cause convulsions and/or death.

Also in my research, I stumbled across the brand name of poppy seed I am using and noticed that it contained the highest amount of thebaine out of all brands of poppy seeds tested. Studies showed that per 1Kg of poppy seeds used(the amount I have chosen to brew with) contained approximately 120mg of thebaine. I have seen various studies on thebaine CD50/LD50, usually by subcutaneous or intravenous injections to be anywhere from 4mg/kg to 20mg/kg..

So my question ultimately is, does this amount of thebaine in my poppy seed tea pose a risk to contracting convulsions or seizures for me?

On rare occasions I had a bit of myoclonus -- it seemed that doing a second wash and drinking it by itself increased this, so differential in solubility could be part of it
I've been wanting to share my thebaine PST horror story on this subject. I first got some high thebaine pods some years ago. Then, the symptoms consisted of moderate to extreme nervousness and additional shortness of breath. I had an unexplained grand mal seizure the same week I was going through this batch of poppies though it was far enough from a dose that it was undetectable in my blood. I was never really sure about the cause of this seizure until the following happened.

In 2015 and '16 I was using a very commonly used / reviewed brand of seeds. They were very strong, and were great for just a morphine effect at first. After a few months I had a habit of course.

It only took about one or two grams of them to achieve a nod. It started with panic attacks, accompanied by a pounding heart/ shortness of breath. I chalked it up to just regular respirtory depression, but this was different - There was a panic / confusion factor. If you get dosed with thebaine you'll know it. It's as dysphoric as the literature says it is.

The second thing that started to happen was when I would take a nap or try to sleep at all.. as *soon* as I started to drift into REM sleep, I would have a violent seizure like jerk. It was scary as hell. I had to dose this stuff, as I only had a 5lbs bag of seeds and no kratom or anything to fall back on and every time I tried to sleep, these convulsions would literally make me jump up off the bed.

I'm confident had I continued to take the particular batch of seeds I would have suffered further. I currently am doing well on kratom, but miss seeds. I play around with the idea of getting a pound every once in a while but I have trouble enough moving my bowels on daily kratom. With PST I have a daily impaction. I used to drink epsom salts daily just to go normal.

Careful with thebaine
Do you know if this can happen with Opium tea? I have felt that way on few occasions on the comedown of opium tea and I had always wondered if it could be due to the thebaine.
Yes, it also can happen with poppy pod tea.
I have felt that way sometimes however opium usually only has 1 to 2% of thebaine at most as far as I know and I usually do tea with 400mgs at most so that would be at most 8mg thebaine almost nothing.