TDS The TDS grief/bereavement thread

Some days I enjoy the memories we created and smile, other days my heart falls out of my chest and bleeds for hours. Tonight's the latter. Celebrating someone's life is so much harder than it's said to be especially when there were so many words left unsaid and so many things left to be repaired. That guilt lives on with me and there isn't any solace from it. I even feel selfish grieving because I know his family is going through a much harder time than I am. But the pain is the same.

This is the first time I've ever lost someone close to me, and of all people, it just had to be him. I don't know what to do, and there isn't anything anyone else can do to make things better, only time.
Dna, im so sorry youre going through it at the moment. Have you tried writing a letter to them, or some other way to help bring you a little closure and peace? Its so fucking hard losing someone, especially someone we loved. Im sure he knows just how much he means to you. Dont beat yourself up, you cant change the past. Much love being sent your way.

In my own issues, my father passed away july 21st. His memorial service is today. I feel so crushed. We didnt always get along, but the past few years we had made our peace and he got to know his grandchild, they were the best of friends. Idk what to tell her shes only two and she keeps looking for him and I just say pawpaws not here. Fuck sometimes I feel like its gonna be okay and the next second im falling apart. I knew he was dying I just never expected him to die. Fuck. I miss you dad. Im breaking down. And to make it worse my.husband is still locked up, ever since I was pregnant. He comes home in a matter of days but I always hoped hed be here when this moment came. I guess my dad did pretty well, he was told hed be lucky to live six months in 2005...
Wow some powerful stuff here.
My mom took her own life four years ago, and it's been a struggle for me to get over the guilt and anger. She was real sick, had attempted suicide several times and lived like a hoarder. Her house was in such bad shape that I wasn't even allowed in for the last two years of her life. When I finally did get into her house I realized that she was incapable of living on her own. I told her that I was going to have to look into options for a new living arrangement, and she freaked out. We fought and the last thing she said to me was that she'd kill herself before I put her away anywhere. And that's exactly what she did. The guilt over that was horrible, I spent about two years in a drug induced blackout. Finally realized that if I didn't address the issues I was going to end up doing what she did. It's been hard, but getting better. I quit drinking this year, and that helped more than can't heal until you feel the pain and go through the grieving process.
My heart goes out to everyone.
I've never posted on bluelight before. I mostly come here for HR tips but I came across this thread and can't stop reading. My heart hurts for all of you. I cried reading your post, kieko. Guilt seems to follow death that happens unexpectedly. I lost my older sister last January. She was only 37 and died in her sleep from either an OD or a bad drug combonation. The autopsy report hasn't come back due to backlog but the hospital confirmed it was drug related. We were very close in age and look close to identical so we have always either leaned on each other or were in direct competition. It's hard to explain. We were in a stupid argument before she died. I saw her when she came to my mom's the afternoon before and we didn't speak. I never got to talk to her again. :'( I have a lot of guilt about that among other things. Everyone in the family does in some way or another. I have been a doped up mess ever since. Her husband has pretty much lost his mind. He decided to start shooting after her death and I decided feeling that numb was what I wanted too. My grandfather died of cancer 3 weeks after her and I don't think I have even allowed myself to think about that much yet. Everything is a blurry nightmare since she left. Her oldest son got pretty bad on drugs too and had a terrible accident soon after my grandfather's death. He survived it but was sent to rehab. He's doing really well now. I'm ashamed that I can't seem to pull myself out like he did. I am really trying though. Thanks so much to all of you who posted. I feel a lot less alone. Thanks for letting me post this.
Usernameman it is very hard indeed to lose a loved one. I cannot imagine losing a family member without even having the chance to say goodbye and resolve some issues. All I can say is try to pull yourself up. Slowly get clean and sober, I know it is easier said than done but just imagine how she feels right now if she sees yo u in that state. So please do your best. Do it for her♡♡♡.
Usernameman it is very hard indeed to lose a loved one. I cannot imagine losing a family member without even having the chance to say goodbye and resolve some issues. All I can say is try to pull yourself up. Slowly get clean and sober, I know it is easier said than done but just imagine how she feels right now if she sees yo u in that state. So please do your best. Do it for her♡♡♡.

Thanks Maya. I am trying.
I tried to read as many posts as I could but ten pages is quite a big read. I hope I'm not cutting anyone off or anything. It's very late right now, about 4am, I was doing alright for the whole month of october but tonight is different. I lost a very close friend of 10 years to an overdose during the month of september of this year. I think about her every day but I think when she comes to mind I tend to busy myself and push those thoughts away. Earlier me and a couple friends who were also very close to her got together to chill, you know, smoke something and play some video games but, the thing that got me thinking about her was being picked up by my friend who now drives her car. It was given to him by her family, he was her room mate and was the one who found her when she passed. Anyway, being in her car felt eerie to me and the harder I tried to push those thoughts away the harder they became to ignore. It got to the point where I had to head home early because I just kept getting more and more upset. It was like all those emotions were just hiding out and building up, and then suddenly flowing out all at once. I can't imagine what it would be like to lose a child or a partner but I know how it feels to lose my sucks.
I tried to read as many posts as I could but ten pages is quite a big read. I hope I'm not cutting anyone off or anything. It's very late right now, about 4am, I was doing alright for the whole month of october but tonight is different. I lost a very close friend of 10 years to an overdose during the month of september of this year. I think about her every day but I think when she comes to mind I tend to busy myself and push those thoughts away. Earlier me and a couple friends who were also very close to her got together to chill, you know, smoke something and play some video games but, the thing that got me thinking about her was being picked up by my friend who now drives her car. It was given to him by her family, he was her room mate and was the one who found her when she passed. Anyway, being in her car felt eerie to me and the harder I tried to push those thoughts away the harder they became to ignore. It got to the point where I had to head home early because I just kept getting more and more upset. It was like all those emotions were just hiding out and building up, and then suddenly flowing out all at once. I can't imagine what it would be like to lose a child or a partner but I know how it feels to lose my sucks.

Hey <3

Grief comes in stages. The days leading up to my grandmother passing were horrible (about 4 days). When she actually did pass in the hospital, I was an absolute wreck. I cried, wanted to scream, and just ran out of the hospital room. I couldn't deal. However, when it was time for her funeral a few days later, I was just numb. I just sat there, emotionless, stating at her casket. Then I walked up to her casket, placed a picture of myst in there, kissed her head, and sad back down. Then when we were going to the cemetery, it's like I was on auto pilot. I didn't cry, I didn't feel any emotions. I was totally numb to everything...

A few weeks go by, and I turn into an absolute wreck. I can't sleep, I can't eat, and my stomach was in knots. It finally hit me....and it hit me hard. I never lost anyone in death before. She's still the first person I lost- I was 19 at the time.

Even after 4 years since her death, I have my "bad days". Days where I feel like I just want to crawl up in a ball and cry because I miss her so fucking much. She was like my best friend. I wish I could tell you that it's easy, but it's not. Coping with death is fucking hard.... At least for me..:

If I were to get in her old car, I'm sure that I'd feel the same way you did with your friend. There are so many memories in there. It's where you laughed, listened to music together, probably sang together, went places together... It's hard because there are so many memories. I know this will sound cliche, but it's true- your friend doesn't want you to be so sad over this. She wants you to be okay. There's no brining her back, but just think of it this way; what advice would she give to you about her passing? Maybe something along the lines of: "don't cry for me. I love you. I want you to be happy! Enjoy riding in my car too, it's okay! Just make sure no one hits it"

So I guess the bottom line is- what you are feeling is normal. It's part of the Grief process. In time, you will get better and it won't hurt as much when you think of it or are surrounded by things that remind you of her. I couldn't even look at my grandmas rings before without breaking down and crying but now I wear them everyday.

Here's an interesting link I found for you: (sorry that it's mobile version, I'm using my phone)

Also, one final thing! Have you thought of making something in remembrance of her? I made something I named a "memory box". It's about the size of a shoebox, and I decorated it to customize it. Then inside of it I put a vial of her perfume, pictures, and other miscellaneous items that were hers/reminded me of her. When i really miss her, I open it and it brings me comfort. You have to find what works for you, but you will get through it <3
Hey <3

Grief comes in stages. The days leading up to my grandmother passing were horrible (about 4 days). When she actually did pass in the hospital, I was an absolute wreck. I cried, wanted to scream, and just ran out of the hospital room. I couldn't deal. However, when it was time for her funeral a few days later, I was just numb. I just sat there, emotionless, stating at her casket. Then I walked up to her casket, placed a picture of myst in there, kissed her head, and sad back down. Then when we were going to the cemetery, it's like I was on auto pilot. I didn't cry, I didn't feel any emotions. I was totally numb to everything...

A few weeks go by, and I turn into an absolute wreck. I can't sleep, I can't eat, and my stomach was in knots. It finally hit me....and it hit me hard. I never lost anyone in death before. She's still the first person I lost- I was 19 at the time.

Even after 4 years since her death, I have my "bad days". Days where I feel like I just want to crawl up in a ball and cry because I miss her so fucking much. She was like my best friend. I wish I could tell you that it's easy, but it's not. Coping with death is fucking hard.... At least for me..:

If I were to get in her old car, I'm sure that I'd feel the same way you did with your friend. There are so many memories in there. It's where you laughed, listened to music together, probably sang together, went places together... It's hard because there are so many memories. I know this will sound cliche, but it's true- your friend doesn't want you to be so sad over this. She wants you to be okay. There's no brining her back, but just think of it this way; what advice would she give to you about her passing? Maybe something along the lines of: "don't cry for me. I love you. I want you to be happy! Enjoy riding in my car too, it's okay! Just make sure no one hits it"

So I guess the bottom line is- what you are feeling is normal. It's part of the Grief process. In time, you will get better and it won't hurt as much when you think of it or are surrounded by things that remind you of her. I couldn't even look at my grandmas rings before without breaking down and crying but now I wear them everyday.

Here's an interesting link I found for you: (sorry that it's mobile version, I'm using my phone)

Also, one final thing! Have you thought of making something in remembrance of her? I made something I named a "memory box". It's about the size of a shoebox, and I decorated it to customize it. Then inside of it I put a vial of her perfume, pictures, and other miscellaneous items that were hers/reminded me of her. When i really miss her, I open it and it brings me comfort. You have to find what works for you, but you will get through it <3

Reading this put a smile on my face :) I have been working on a memory type thing, I gathered up some old pictures and pinned them to a cork board in my room. Once a week I go to the cemetery with a friend or my sister, it's nice to just sit there by her headstone and think of good times. Earlier today I met up with those same friends and we just sat around telling stories about our time with her, It was nice reminiscing.

All we have left are our memories and it's nice to have so many good ones.
All I want to do is see my friend, just one more time. Even for a minute. God I miss her, I don't know if it's because I'm drunk or what, but god I miss her like crazy.
One of my very best friends in the world died yesterday. Or maybe not yesterday, but I heard about it yesterday. He killed himself. I'd known he'd been having a lot of issues for a while, a LOT of issues, and I really did do my very best to help him through them. I feel so horribly sad for him. He deserved so much better. He was an incredible man, I've never met someone with such a shit life care so much for others and do so much to try and make others happier and try to create a better place out of this world.
He made me feel like 'me' for quite a while and I could tell him anything. I was in love with him for months. Not anymore, but it doesn't change anything. He changed my life in so many ways. Made me into a better person. I'm so grateful I got to know him.
But he killed himself and now I'll never get to speak to him again. I'll never get to see his smile or hear his laugh. Never. How do I deal with that? The world shouldn't keep turning now he's gone.
I miss you Tom.
my beautiful chihuahua (gizzy) passed naturally and had to be buried yesterday.

he passed pain free and of old age, but putting one of my babies in the ground after 20 years on this earth absolutely killed me. i had no idea of the level grief one would experience in losing their first and closest pet, its kindred to losing a family member and emotionally i go between shock, tears, sadness and loss. its been a hard 48 hours and i miss my best mate. <3

my greatest concern is for my shih tzu. hes grieving terribly and wont leave my side. he kept sniffing gizzy as he had passed and was pawing at me frantically and crying. seeing him so vulnerable in loss after losing his best friend is absolutely tragic. i let him sleep with me last night, and when he would get comfortable, would start howling loudly and curling into my arms and face as if there was an emergency. cuddles and kisses (and bbq chicken pizza) seem to be a temporary consolidation but i worry about him long term and may have to get him a friend eventually if this doesnt pass. for now im keeping him indoors and with the family at all times as it seems to bring him solace.

sweet dreams baby gaz. we love you so much. rest in peace honey. <3

^I'm sorry about your baby. I lost mine over two years ago and I still miss her. Like yours, she was my first dog.

It's tragic losing a dog. They really are our best friends.
Kytnism, im very sorry about the passing of your beloved Gizzy.
I hope you can feel better soon <3 <3 <3
20 years is a long life span for dogs, I am sure you have many great memories to treasure from here on out.
My heart goes out to everyone suffering right now.

I wish there was a magic cure to take the pain, suffering, and grief away from all of you. <3
My heart goes out to everyone suffering right now.

I wish there was a magic cure to take the pain, suffering, and grief away from all of you. <3

+1 Sending some love to everyone
I bumped this thread because I was going to post something about what it feels like moving towards what would have been my son's 23rd birthday, what grief feels like after a couple of years. I ended up reading all ten pages and now I am not up for talking about my own situation. It took a long time to read because I kept having to stop and blow my nose or wipe my eyes or just breathe for a few minutes. Two of my beloved friends that used to post here, Michael and Sepher, who gave me so much support and inspiration are now themselves gone from this world. It wasn't that I had forgotten. I think about them constantly. It is just surreal. Others have moved on from Bluelight and I know that they too are learning ways to carry their sorrow and find joy. At least that is what I hope for them.
^<3<3<3 Talk when you can hun. Much love.

I remember the photo/thumbnail of Michael (I think) wearing your, knitted, hat with pride! :)
I didn't know him only from seeing his posts. Wasn't he the one who flooded the picture thread with all those magnificent, nature pictures?


@Kytinism: I have a cat of the near the same age and I worry about losing her, as she is family, they are like babies, eh? :). My condolences to you hun <3
^Yes, that was Michael. He was an amazing photographer, a great cook and a nature lover and animal lover. He was so proud of his recovery and how he saw his life opening up for him because of it. He had gone on a trip to Machu Picchu and that started a yearning for more travel. I seriously thought we might meet up in Bolivia when I was first planning my trip. He was the kind of guy that got just as excited over seeing a new bird or wildflower than a sports game. And, yeah, I often wonder where the hat has traveled at this point. I doubt anyone that found it realized it was made from alpaca wool in honor of his great escape to Peru. I like to think of it going to some second hand store and being passed on to some person completely unaware of all the magic I knitted into every stitch! I hope they feel hopeful every time they wear it.