Positive The Tapering Supportive/Social Thread

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Methinks the lope is not as bad as it sounds. The potential side effects of all of the drugs we are all taking by prescription are no worse than loperamide. No doubt some folks have heart problems from high doses, but there's no guarantee you'll have long term trouble from short term use.
Like cigarettes don't guarantee you get cancer, just increases your chances.
Yup! I agree Squeaky. It is so wonderful not to have to live in constant fear over running out of pain medication. The fear of the withdrawal makes me way more obsessive over my medication and actually makes me do worse because I am thinking about it too much. I remember you saying a while ago that you had to choose whether to feel decent for the weekend and be able to be a good dad or suffer at work. This way we don't have to compromise or worry! How bad is opiate withdrawal for your body? It feels like I loose a little something every time I go through a cold turkey even for a day.

I think taking 40-60 mg doses is way safer than taking 100-200mg or more doses. Mixing a smaller dosage of the lope with the MS Contin (or whatever your regular medication is) really helps. The lope lasts so long that it makes it possible for me to take way less of the MS Contin. Plus it really makes me feel good. The lope works for actual pain for me. It gives me a major warm feeling in my stomach too!

I'm able to skip days of taking the lope too after I get it in my system for two days.

Great to hear from you Shroomy! You are doing well and sound in good spirits! I am happy for that!

I hope everyone is doing well today.
Just saying be careful using lope long-term. Occasional use should be fine, or in short periods of time to reduce tolerance or jump off opiates. But there is a very long thread about lope in Trip Reports, and through the course of the thread there were 3 or 4 posts about people, either the poster themselves or a loved one, either dying or being hospitalized near death from loperamide abuse over a significant period of time (all heart-related - this is something you simply don't see with other opiates. Pills contain acetaminophen which damages your liver but if you cold water extract them you won't see basically any physical damage from other opiates other than in the case of ODs). It carries different risks than other opiates, when used chronically or increasingly as the dosage raises. It's important to know this. Opiate withdrawal damages you in the sense that stress is damaging, but it does not cause damage to your organs like high dose loperamide does. It just feels horrible, and like I said, chronic stress is a killer, long-term.
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Just saying be careful using lope long-term. Occasional use should be fine, or in short periods of time to reduce tolerance or jump off opiates. But there is a very long thread about lope in Trip Reports, and through the course of the thread there were 3 or 4 posts about people, either the poster themselves or a loved one, either dying or being hospitalized near death from loperamide abuse over a significant period of time (all heart-related - this is something you simply don't see with other opiates. Pills contain acetaminophen which damages your liver but if you cold water extract them you won't see basically any physical damage from other opiates other than in the case of ODs). It carries different risks than other opiates, when used chronically or increasingly as the dosage raises. It's important to know this. Opiate withdrawal damages you in the sense that stress is damaging, but it does not cause damage to your organs like high dose loperamide does. It just feels horrible, and like I said, chronic stress is a killer, long-term.

Yes. You are right and thanks for looking out for us! I appreciate that very much!
I read that thread and saw what you are talking about.
I have also felt some withdrawal from the lope once after taking it for a week straight. I only had the lope though and was taking a lot more of it since I had to cover 75 mg a day of MS Contin. It was a bad withdrawal and was coming through the 75 mg MS Contin

One must be very careful with the lope. I have a rule of never taking it for more than 7 days.
A few days here and there on bad months to get by until refill day has not had any bad effects in me. That I know of.
It allows me to get by without scaring my family to death also. That is a huge thing for me. I am no wimp and would probably just suck it up but I get so sick that it just totally freaks my family out and even stresses my dog to seizures.

The stress is not good for me, as you mentioned. It really effects my chronic pain and depression. I find that keeping a balance is best for me. There is a lot to be said for stability.
Yeah I agree there is a use for lope in opiate withdrawal, I used it a variety of times myself. it can be a godsend, I jujst don't want people thinking it's harmless or that they should take it daily so they can take lower doses of opiates. It should be used in short bursts with good breaks between, in the lowest dose possible, if it's used at all.
Hello everyone,

My internet has been down most of the week - they're coming out tomorrow to troubleshoot this issue.

From Sunday 12/3: So I went down to 32.5 MMEs today and I felt this drop hard (2.5 mg methadone [10 MMEs @ 12noon] + 15 mg oxycodone [22.5 MMEs @ 6 pm]). RLS started and my underlying pain was worse. I broke down and took a 150 mg Lyrica pill @ 4 pm, which I was saving as a comfort med when I don't have anymore opiates. Let me tell you, that Lyrica had me feeling buzzed, confident and talkative about 90 min after I took it for several hours, but almost a little too loopy. I also noticed significant relief of RLS and chronic pain. I took my oxycodone at dinner and I think the Lyrica really potentiated the oxy - my pain and withdrawal are gone for the moment on this mixture. I'm thinking of breaking Lyrica capsule open and taking only half dose. I never used to feel anything from Lyrica before so my tolerance must be way down. I vaped medical marijuana THC oils all day to keep mellow glow to help with the mental aspect of tapering as well as pain relief, so far it has been a huge help. I also smoke a joint of heavy Indica bud at night, which helps with sleep and gives me nods - provides a mind trick that you're still getting that high. I also got my hands on some Ambien, enough for 2 months to help get through PAWS. I am also thinking of asking my primary care physician for Ambien and Lyrica - they are not opiates so I'm hoping I would not get cut off of these cold turkey. Peace and love my friends.
- SweetLeaf7
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Lyrica helped me get off opiates once, it really helps a lot. It's also a really fun drug, or at least my few experiences I had with it were fun. However it too is addictive. But I can say I've had success getting past acute withdrawals by taking lyrica to mask it until it passed.
Hello again,

I have stabilized on this dose (32.5 MMEs/day: 2.5 mg methadone [10 MMEs @ 12 noon] + 15 mg oxycodone [22.5 MMEs @ 6 pm]), so I plan to drop to 28.75 MME tomorrow (2.5 mg methadone + 12.5 mg oxycodone) and 25 MMEs on Sunday (2.5 mg methadone + 10 mg oxycodone), following my dose times above. I have been splitting my drops between Sat and Sun and I usually stabilize in 5-7 days. But now I have also been taking one 150 mg pill of Lyrica around 3 or 4 pm everyday. I kinda like the loopy, drunk feeling, lol. I have 100 pills left of Lyrica 150 mg and plan to see my PCP to ask for Ambien and Lyrica next month (I want to be off all opiates by then). Well now I am rethinking asking for Lyrica as I am learning that is addictive as well, but I was thinking the chances of me getting cut off Lyrica would be very slim. I also found some Sativa THC/CBD vape blend that doesn't make you feel high or give bloodshot eyes, but it does relieve pain - it's the perfect daytime medicine - thanks for the recommendation Painful One! I also continue to smoke a joint of heavy Indica bud or vape some shatter (THC concentrate) at night, a couple hrs before bed. I started taking Melatonin after I smoke/vape and this has almost made me pass out even before taking any Ambien! My pain has been the lowest in years, so I know I had opiate induced hyperalgesia. But I also have some really bad days and nights that I can't sleep because of the pain, especially when the barometric pressure drops even the slightest - that is real Painful One. So far the medical marijuana and adding one 150 mg Lyrica pill (this seems to last for 8-12 hrs) has made my pain tolerable. The mental part of not having my opiates does induce some anxiety. The opiates were a security blanket and made me feel like superwoman- and that I do miss. But not being at the mercy of PM docs and the DEA motivates me to stay the course and finish my taper. This taper is a little faster than the recommended weekly 10% drop for someone like myself that has been on opiates daily for 17 yrs, but I can say that most of it is mental and the physical withdrawals have been minimal for the most part. I have been able to work full time plus some overtime (42-48 hrs/wk) during this taper, to this point, but will be taking 2 wks vacation end of year to jump off. Wish me luck that I can do this. Those that have come before me have truly been an inspiration - much love and respect!
- SweetLeaf7
Struggling like crazy here guys. I keep waking up in the night in horrific pain and sweats. It is hard to tell what is from what in my body. More pain? Withdrawals? I don't know. It snowed here last night and the change in weather always hurts me so bad. It might be from that. I'm so tired of sleeping for a few hours here and there and being up most the night. The barometric pressure is something that spikes my pain level to 10. I have not even been able to eat much.

My life has completely changed after one car accident. Got hit from behind on the freeway and everything has become so hard and different. Sorry guys, I need to vent a bit.

I am considering trying to mix the lope and the morphine. I sure cannot taper right now. I'm going to be short anyway on morphine but the lope takes a few to kick in so I think it may be best to just do the best I can until I am really low on morphine and then switch over to the lope and morphine mix until refill day.

Hi Painful One,

I had a really bad night earlier this week too when a weather front moved in and the barometric pressure dropped - this is a real phenomenon. It took 2 vape hits of shatter (THC concentrate) to allow me to finally fall back asleep. Problem with that was it was only 3 hrs before I had to get up for work and I had a slight hangover, lol. I would recommend only doing this if you have 4 or more hrs left to sleep. The medical marijuana concentrates that have a high CBD oil percentage will not get you high but provide pain relief and reduce anxiety so these are good daytime pain/anxiety relievers - I happen to suffer form both. I also find carrying the vape pen and puffing on it gives me something else to focus on other than letting my mind race. They make different blends that help different ailments like depression, insomnia, etc. I smoke a joint of heavy Indica bud or vape some shatter and take some Melatonin and I about pass out for 4-6 hrs on good nights.
- SweetLeaf7
Baclofen is good for acute withdrawals and as hell as they are, the tougher part is rebuilding a life for yourself that doesn't revolve around opiates (this came naturally to me, as I was so damn excited and enthusiastic to feel alive and like myself again). But for a lot of people they get overwhelmed at how far they have to go, how much work they have to do to make up for the error of their ways and I am like that, but I am more than happy to take up the challenge. It won't even be challenging I really just have to keep positive, and clean.

If you are trying to escape the suffering of the error of your ways, you will never truly quit if you want to. I used to be the most selfish, miserable, self-centred fucking manipulative asshole possible. I am happier than I have ever been in my life now. I just snapped one day and quit cold turkey and never looked back, and I never will because I refuse to hurt other people any more. Anyone addicted to this stuff and who isn't just dependent on it for pain relief is hurting others. I was both. The wasted money, risk of dropping dead etc is worth continuing to chase the drug and run away from inevitable withdrawal for certain types of addicts.

As a heroin addict I was making around 4k a month after taxes and I was always broke. I spent well over 100 grand in 5 years. Wouldn't even pay my bills, my credit is going to take years to recover from. I presently have money for a tattoo and piercing once a month, etizolam change, and money for my second date. I love the work that I do because I am truly helping people and it feels wonderful. I met through my work the most kind-hearted, sweet, cute, most beautiful woman I have ever met in my life. If I was still using so much as a couple of percocets a day, she would have nothing to do with me and I wouldn't even care as I would already be miserable.

I am happier than I have ever been in my life since quitting opiates, despite the chronic pain in my spine. I am happy and grateful to be alive. Suer this doesn't apply to everyone, but if I could drop that shit cold turkey anyone else sure as hell can too... if they want to, or feel a need to. Not everyone does I get that. I have fucking back pain but obviously many chronic pain patients are also drug addicts. They are even more susceptible to it as they generally have a constant supply, a reason to use, and are suffering. Of course not everyone is like that, just saying.

I am happier than I have ever been! This girl is honestly the most beautiful, most lovely girl in the world to me. She is on my mind ALL the time no matter what I'm doing for example, I took her shift last night because she was sick, and I learned a lot about her even through that. I learned really important things about her that made me like her even more and we wren't even hanging out in the material world. It's so nice to have so much love for someone or something that isn't a drug. I also love myself I am fucking awesome! Everyone tells me this... I got the silliest compliment from my other friends boyfriend the other day when I gave them a free ounce for the hell of it. He was like... dude is so chill, you don't feel like you JUST met the guy. She says it is rare for him to get along with people like that, and we are all going to smoke out sometime. Anyways, I was a miserable antisocial fuck as an opiate addict.

All I am doing is sharing my story and trying to help people realize that I used to be suicidal, hopeless, and slash my arm with razor blades and sharp scissors. By the end of it, I was attempting to overdose myself but I couldn't afford enough smack to do it and my tolerance was too high. All I am saying is if I can drop this shit like a hat and feel happier than I ever have and this happened in less than a month, I was honestly good after two weekends, anyone who wants to quit and see what happens easily can! You don't need shit but a bed to chain yourself to if that's what it takes. I didn't do therapy or rehab or suboxone or any of that. I just woke up and realized I was completely wasting and missing out on life.

Started with chronic pain, and some pills my ex-girlfriend gave me after I had already decided I didn't like opiates, but these were hydromorphone (dilaudid) from her dying gramma. I took a couple, and had the best day of my life as I was simply mellow and pain free. It can happen to anyone, and I am super happy that I am alive. My positivity is attracting so much goodness into my life that I did not even need to seek this girl out. We found each other, she initiated it and even asked me on our first date. We have a second one planned, but she is sick. I hope she gets well soon, I really care about her so much. We have been taking our sweet time as both of us our very thoughtful and cautious (see... I am actually a cautious person, literally anyone can get caught up in this shit). I started off taking 2.5mg of oxycodone and that was more than enough back then.

I do not even associate myself with opiates anymore. The friend I am falling in love with, well she is inviting her friend into her home who needs to get an abortion as she got that caught up in opiates. I was so lucky that nothing bad happened to me like that, I just internally suffered for a really long time. Never overdosed or anything like that or switched to the needle which is really a suicide risk. Really, this had a lot to do with what I learned from bluelight as I didn't associate with other addicts. That would have made me worse as misery loves company.

I believe that this website saved my life. I saved myself in the end, but without bluelight I don't think I would have been educated enough to make the right choices. This girl honest means the world to me, she is such a beautiful and lovely person. We can both sense that and have for a while, so a second date is actually a huge deal and took a hell of a lot for me to get as she wasn't going to ask me out and make the plans a second time. She is such a unique person, as crazy as me but in totally different ways and like we find balance. I can see this, and so can she although she is a shy cutie about it, despite being super energetic and outgoing and extroverted (like the opposite of me haha). Anyways, it is nice to have spare money for etizolam for my panic attacks, tattoos, I got a double conch piercing with her on our first date that she helped me decide on and I absolutely love. I never would have spent money on stuff like that as an opiate user, even from day one all I wanted was more and more. I wanted to try them all. Now, I want a triple conch piercing on my other ear, a tattoo of a thorny black rose stemming from my wrist all the way up to the veins on my elbow, on the palm underside part of my forearm. I have a lovely artistic friend who is so talented that she is working on this for me, just a great supportive friend I met after I got clean.

Anyways I have written so much hear I thought I would continue to finish my story off. Maybe, just maybe, I will write about how this lovely lady and I have fallen in love, as I sense that is already happening. She is the most amazing, most beautiful creature humanly possibly to me. Anyways, I will stop in because it isn't just about tapering your dose or quitting. It is about making changes in your mind that will alter your thinking to realize that opiates are not a necessity at all. The withdrawal cannot even kill you generally speaking. Just feels that way, and worse.

So this friend of mine, she got all sick on me after we made plans for today8(. For once, something I don't actually feel the need for is driving me fucking crazy! I don't feel the need for shit, I'm just happy to be me. There really is a path to salvation no matter how much you are suffering... it's just typically not through opiates. Rather, through acceptance especially if you are like me or Pokemama, the lady who started this thread. She was also a drug addict and had chronic pain, we were both in denial for a very long time - myself longer than her - and eventually got so fed up that we quit cold turkey and dealt with the pain. I am sure she is doing great right now, just like me.

I truly owe my life to this website, not just this thread but definitely this thread too. It is a beautiful thing because without access to harm reduction information and support from friends, I would surely be dead. I didn't know what i was doing, I was an addict in secret the whole time. Not even my family ever found out. I am so lucky that everything literally worked out in the best possible way for me - so many horrible things could have happened to me, and they just didn't. I owe it to myself and all those who have either died or lost their very souls before me, to do the most I can possibly do with my life to create the most amazing and positive reality that helps as many others as I possibly can. So yeah... this girl is on my mind constantly now. It's not an addiction or anything like that. I just really, really like her personality so much and it doesn't hurt that she is a total fox. Most beautiful girl I ever met and all she cares about is that I'm just real with her and myself, and really thoughtful all the time with her in silly cute ways! She is a little more shy, despite being so outgoing in social situations (like opposite of me), but we have so much in common, and she drops me little hints here and there that lets me know how she feels if I really think about why she would do that : ) sneaky little fox lol so tiny and short, blonde hair and vivid green eyes, beautiful body I am like WTF are you doing with this selfish junkie fuck who essentially ruined his life and is lucky to be alive but I really have changed so much, to the extent that I didn't even need to ask her out. I don't even know how it happened. I have no idea at all, but it makes me really happy even if I only 'make it' this far... I am not thinking about it like that. I am thinking about how damn cute she is and how much I like her, how we could help each other so much and create a beautiful life together. Not to get ahead of myself... but I think I finally found someone I really really like who for strange reason, actually thinks my atrocious emotional outbursts at everyone inclduing our boss are cute : ) it's cause she knows I'm just a harmless hippie with a bad temper. She has been abused by ex's and stuff and that is such shit to me to hear. How could you hurt such a kind person who is completely selfless. She is on the go so much that she needs someone to tone her down a bit, like a tripped out stoner aka me who is somehow more down to earth than her, but I'd be way too boring for her if I didn't have all these issues haha. It's so damn cute like our connection is intertwined in so many ways, twisted and turned and flipped around but somehow it all comes together and we just chill out and really enjoyed each other's company. I'm not expecting anything from her, but I feel like this is going really great and I have a sense for this kind of stuff. So does she... she just likes to be super shy and speak in tongues about it to me. Which is funny as hell because she asked me out on the first date... but then got all shy and cute. I think that means she likes me. haha. Took weeks and weeks to get that second date lol and then she got all sick on me and I had to take her night shift before my 4am one! LOL. I'm sure she is resting up today and we probs won't end up hanging out like we were planning to but I hope she gets well soon. I did what I needed to do... come up with a plan for a date and ask her and I asked her like 5 times lol before she even answered me in the span of a week because she is analytical like me, but not mathematical, she just thinks her decisions through more than like anyone I know haha. So I have to be super patient with her but there is nobody else I want in any way like this at all.

Look back a few pages at some of my posts. Pissing people off (sorry friends lol... seriously... I still am explosive a bit but she finds it cute for some reason so whatever! I'm not getting in fights or any some shit...). Talking about how I want to kill myself, how I slash my arms or used to, how much oxy or dope or dilaudid or whatever the fuck I had, what taper dose I was on, if I was trying cold turkey or just suicidal in withdrawal without the energy to get up and do it. I ended up going cold turkey and felt like I was burning alive on the stake for 10 days, then I woke up one morning like everything was normal. Things have been great ever since. I still have my youth, and a really healthy diet, and I took a lot of supplements and went for long walks and shredded a lot of guitar, got a new job too so I recovered fast because I had to. Can't just sit around waiting to feel better... not going to happen that way.

Like the entire time I have been writing this I just meant to write about how good I am doing how amazing it is to be alive and have a second chance... but like half or more of what I wrote is about this beautiful fox. She wouldn't have a damn thing to do with me if I was using so much as a couple percs a day because I can't handle that shit! Hope you guys and ladies are doing well.

All I did to quit is cold turkey despite everyone telling me I needed rehab or serious therapy or like a mental institute. I didn't need shit but balls to do it. I get my girl advice from listening constantly to Lil Peep (he overdosed at 21 a few weeks ago, clearly an opioid OD with xanax, and if you know him like I do, it was totally a suicide. He was miserable and didn't care about how he was going to be world famous). But yeah he knows them women lol, just couldn't ever find love so he killed himself. I am doing this, putting so much effort into her, for his spirit in a way because I love his music and it's exactly what he always wanted and needed. Was just that caught up in drugs I guess, and it's not possible if you are like that.

Also, I get tips from my decade younger brother who just says things like "yeah dude you should defs ask her on a second date she seems chill" after ranting at him with like essays of my feeling LOL. Then there is my farmer friend who is fucking hilarious, just lives out on a farm smokin pot his life away, still working through his feelings over his high school ex girlfriend at 30 and has been single ever since. Then there is my buddy from here who has had equally as bad drug problems, and really shitty relationships too (he dated a heroin addict so... all he cared about was she was alive and like, went with her to score and stuff just to look out for her, but shit fucked him up and he had people die on him too. So he was always looking out for me. I'm telling you I owe my life to this website even if it sounds like I never listen to anyone it's because I needed to hear it from myself! All I want to do is help people now and there isn't bad energy here. You are all lovely people trying your hardest to taper and it seems like we all have serious health problems. My spine is completely fucked I just don't depend on opiates for it anymore. I'm too caught up with this chick on my mind and all you see... omg haha like I seriously can't get her out of my mind this has never ever remotely happened to me before. Sorry about that lol! and yeah Squeaky dude I have what they would call "borderline personality disorder" so when I am stressed out I freak out at people and say hurtful things then immediately regret it. Luckily, my foxy new friend finds this silly and cute (she isn't from this planet... I think it was Neptune she said? But she is so 'real world' compared to me like I am so tripped out and far out from all these psychedelics I don't even know up from down anymore yet continue to appear sane to others, while I have a crush on a fucking entity I see on dmt (fuck... I lost the guardian angel I had on my arm in a hemp rope... I need to find her haha but maybe I don't anymore? I know she is ever present in my life anyway, she was talking to me through a painting the other day... well communicating non verbally, more with vibrations of cosmic energy catalyzed by 2c-c an 2c-d. I'm losing my shit and I don't even give a fuck that's another thing she crushes on me about I can tell, since I yell at our boss and end up getting my way and getting shifts to "calm down' talking to this hippie dude who is teaching my chinese symbols and how to speak them. And she is always so diplomatic about it, I end up benefitting and she ends up working the hardest of all lol like she overworked herself into being sick!

Hope you are all doing great and even still using just don't get caught up in the stuff there is so much more to life! I'm not calling you all junkies lol I know a junkie when I see one they stick out like sore thumbs and you guys are just not like that! We got caught up in this shit because pain fucked us up, whatever injury you have, and then we get scripted highly addicted drugs that feel exactly like heroin. Taking 60mg oxycodone IR with no tolerance the other week nearly killed me, and it would have been my regular dose. That "nod" that junkies speak of and revere over isn't anything special, but I know if I ever had opiates again that is exactly what I would want out of them. And that is a death wish. I never nodded at all, I was function and making 4k after taxes when I was a heroin addict. I railed low doses like any other pain med because I couldn't get more than 15mg oxy prescribed to me and obviously after a few years I needed much more. I'm not blaming anyone I was just being a selfish piece of shit and it's time to make up for that! So you have my blessings and apologies : )

Hopefully someone reads my story and benefits from it in some way as you can literally read through this and see me climb my way out of the depths of hell on earth and become a wonderful person and strong man who is so damn proud and happy with himself that really, I don't need anyone but myself and my creative outlets to be happy. Keep healthy and stuff, always productive. This girl would just be like winning the lottery to me lol.
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When I think of her, head gets warm and fuzzy almost high.
As if she's right now, here with me by my side
Take her by the foxtail for a ride through my mind
In the name of Lil Peep, he was in a tight bind

haha ahahaha. Well Squeaky dude you know I freak out at everyone like that haha I don't mean shit by that shit. I think they call it BPD, I don't really care cause my new foxy friend thinks it's cute, and when I yell at my boss I just end up doing fuck all for 'calm down' shifts lol. But yeah dude hope you are well that sucks about the surgery.

Been writing more than ever 'fore, too much shit be on my mind
Me and my best friend, we only speak in rhymes
About farmland, chrontrees, old dogs old strains, and fox finds
At least we can say we mawfuckn try

haha. ahaha. Well, my and my best friend actually do only speak in rhymes together now, but ones that make sense to each other. But we are always stoned, and giggling so hard when we freestyle each other it's tooo silly. Nobody would understand what the fuck we are talking about but us, and we are starting a band, and he is just gonna howl about whatever is on the mind of a 30 year old isolated stoner farmer who is still getting over his high school ex-fox. lol.

I am doing well, lots of shit on my mind. That was bad when I took those oxy's that one time, I really could have died. I don't know my tolerance anymore but would take the same amount like it's fucked, so I really have to watch out to never ever use an opiate ever again as if I do, I am really risking sudden death at this point. Not worth it when I have this foxy chick to chase and like, just way more than that going on. Like 6 different future holistic business plans, just want to help people really and give back what I took away for so long.
Is that a rap song or a poem?
Come to think of it, aren't all songs which contain lyrics Poetry?

I'm a big poetry buff.
I used to be pretty good at writing it; doubting my abilities here lately however.

Perhaps I just need Inspiration. And of course I remember (it wasn't all that long ago.... haha) those whimsical and butterfly-filled first moments when you're falling in LOVE with someone new.

Nothin zaps Life back into one's soul, like falling in love does. Nothing.
I don't know what it is. Me and my best friend speak to each other that way (and actually talk about stuff... it's hilarious). So, you could say it is a freestyle rap I randomly came up with when I started typing because it is what I am doing already anyway, since I am practicing doing that all day every day with my friend! We are far out, you see. Not really in touch with everyday reality. We are going to start a band and we freestyle with our own lingo that nobody else in the world would be able to decipher... it's like we made a new language out of english, all the crowd would just know is that it's ridiculously silly.

Yeah like Kurt Cobain said he was lazy and just got his lyrics from random poems and literature and stuff, but they are awesome. I think music and poetry are manifestations of the same creative spirit, just different outlets.

Do you know the poem Annabel Lee? That is my favourite one so far. I have a book of poems by Edgar Allen Poe that I just picked up. I was looking through the list of poems in it, and I wouldn't have bought it... but Annabel Lee was the very last one on the list. The end of the book too sweet! There was a lot of poetry in this book I like, probably my favourite book it is a lovely romance story too, and trippy as fuck always off on tangents. Called Diary of a Drug Fiend by Aleister Crowley. It is like an occult, romance, esoteric, poetic, ethereal, very well written old english from like 1910 or something, coke and heroin influenced love story that is super awesome and based on his life. I am into anything and everything creative, but I am just getting into poetry recently. I like to find meaning in poems. Gangster rap has been my poetry for a long while but I am very picky about them Wu Tang I listen to!

But yeah I always used to freestyle with my gf around in the past and she was like hey... that was actually pretty good. Me and my buddy are joking around in hysterics and he's like dude... you're actually getting good at this. I'm like... well we spend half our life rapping to each other speaking in tongues mane. I'm gonna text him some silly freestyle about a weed strain we like in a moment.

My guitar has been amazing lately, so inspired in so many ways and so much energy that needs outlets for. Creative outlets are super healthy for pain relief and depression and stuff. I was just learning some Mandarin this morning after work, and I should practice the intricate symbols some more. They remind me of quantum physics a lot, their language is insane. Right up my alley.

Yeah... those feelings are really nice but I don't think I have felt them this strongly before. I can tell I'm on her mind a lot too, even though I might not hear from her too much. She says the cutest things at just the right time that say more than my walls of writing haha (it's nice to hear from her all cutie and all first thing in the morning... cause I know she is waking up and thinking about me... just like I wake up and whenever I have the time for a second thought... my thoughts drift to her...

I agree with this. I sorta need to fall in love these days haha. My life is so great, I am happier than ever before just being me and I am having a blast each and every day. Would be nice to share my awesomeness with someone cute and special. Pretty sure I finally found her. I am as picky choosy as she is so picky and choosy and we take our sweet time. She's getting all sick on me though and skipping second dates lol, looking back I saw her progress day to day from feeling great until she was sick and bedridden8(. Silly girl, I was hoping to see her yesterday I can't wait to see her again! I've been spending so much time laughing, learning, reading, playing guitar, listening to Lil Peep the dude who overdosed and had similar problems as me that led to his xanax and fent overdose / suicide (in my opinion).

The entire time I was on opiates I lost my sense of humour looking back. I seriously couldn't laugh at anything whatsoever. I think I was too euphoric, and numb or somethin, depressed, I dunno... all I know is I feel way better now despite the back pain which is really improving too! I feel like mine is the sort where positivity can really influence how much it hurts.

So I hope you guys are having a nice morning. It is morning here anyway, I slept like shit and then worked at 4. Started learning a little Mandarin but got lazy. Her and I are quasi-vegetarians like all we enjoy is yummy vegetarian food 90% of the time but then we will have a steak without thinking about it lol. I am having bacon eggs and toast this morning I don't give a fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. Starving from a couple hours sleep and then working hard this morning, but I really helped some people today at work and it felt great.

I want to fall in loooooooove. When is this girl going to stop being all sick on me? lol. It reminds me of being heroin sick, like I used to just fuck off for 2 weeks and disappear from everyone then show up high and "happy" and everyone would think I was totally fine. I came up with so many excuses, well I was talking to my other work friend who is sketching my tattoos and she is such a great friend and I was like hey... I never actually get sick... what is the flu like? Is it like this? And I described to her opiate wd's in fact I talked to her about how I got caught up in that shit, all the horrible things that came with my habit and she was like NO WTF it's not like that. She's like that sounds like hell on earth, she's so stoned she's like experiencing it herself the way I am vividly describing the horrors of hardcore opiate addiction. I'm like k good... my foxy crush lady is just sleeping in her bed haha. I have a strong immune system, so I never really had the flu before and it is frigid up here so everyone is getting it. Never sick anymore! Actually... after that "relapse" or whatever the fuck you want to call taking 60mg IR oxy one day, it took me 4 days before I felt like myself again. I wasn't in full blown wd's, but it stole my spirit those days so I couldn't be happy or creative or anything.

When I was on opiates, long term I eventually didn't even pick up my guitar for like 2 or 3 years... that shit really fucked my head up but I'm just SO happy to be alive! I could have died so many times and it would have devastated so many people, it is unthinkable how that would have affected my younger brother (one of the only people who actually knew what was up).

Someone from work just showed me the Chinese symbols for camel... WTF. It is two syllables lol, then it's like writing a page of quantum physics symbols sandwiched into two ridiculously intricate symbols. So damn beautiful their language is not language to me it is artwork I can actually do!
I don't know too much of other languages. A lil high school Spanish & I learned American Sign Language in college so I can Manage a conversation with a Deafie. (I love Deaf folks!)

Cool you n your buddy speak in verses that way .... for a long time I had a close friend (10 years) who was intellectually my equal n there's truly so much to be said for communication with ppl who GET YOU. I really miss him; he's around but it's been .... God two n half years we kinda went our separate ways. There's NEVER been a person like him in my life.

Well let's not get Depressed for Fuck sakes.
I'm successfully tapered down on gabapentin from around 6000mg/ day to a current Fox Status of 1200-1500 a day with the occasional day Off. The drops provide Shitty withdrawal each time n yeah I'm dropping Fast. I wanna either get OFF all meds or get to a teeeny tiny level that might have therapeutic affect again.

I've gained like 40-some pounds of fat n water. I'm bored listless lost n depressed.... it's gonna turn around by God. I'm not living like This mess anymore.

Happy HOLIDAY season to all ! Wishing wellness strength n peace to All !
Hello everyone,

I dropped to 25 MME/day yesterday (2.5 mg methadone [10 MMEs @ 12 noon] + 10 mg oxycodone [15 MMEs @ 6 pm]) - to put it in perspective, 25 MMEs is like 3 and 1/3 Percocet. Boy did I feel that drop. Dry heaves and nausea, bone and muscle pain. I have had to stay on the one 150 mg Lyrica pill around 3-4 pm. I've been taking Lyrica for 8 days now and can already notice a tolerance. I have about 90 pills left so will either have to taper from Lyrica or get scripted for that after I'm off opiates - it really does seem to help with my chronic pain though. I have about 2 months of Ambien so have been able to sleep about 4-6 hrs before waking, then can fall asleep for another hour or two. I also continue to use medical marijuana, Sativa/CBD concentrate for daytime and heavy Indica bud or shatter (THC concentrate) at night - this too seems to help my chronic pain. I also take Ibuprofen 600 mg 3 times/day and Melatonin at night (2 gummies). So far I have been able to manage working full time. I started my taper on 11/8 at 90 MME/day. I know these last few drops are the worst so have taken 2 wks vacation at end of year to jump off. Respect to all that have done this.
- SweetLeaf7
When I think of her, head gets warm and fuzzy almost high.
As if she's right now, here with me by my side
Take her by the foxtail for a ride through my mind
In the name of Lil Peep, he was in a tight bind

haha ahahaha. Well Squeaky dude you know I freak out at everyone like that haha I don't mean shit by that shit. I think they call it BPD, I don't really care cause my new foxy friend thinks it's cute, and when I yell at my boss I just end up doing fuck all for 'calm down' shifts lol. But yeah dude hope you are well that sucks about the surgery.

Been writing more than ever 'fore, too much shit be on my mind
Me and my best friend, we only speak in rhymes
About farmland, chrontrees, old dogs old strains, and fox finds
At least we can say we mawfuckn try

haha. ahaha. Well, my and my best friend actually do only speak in rhymes together now, but ones that make sense to each other. But we are always stoned, and giggling so hard when we freestyle each other it's tooo silly. Nobody would understand what the fuck we are talking about but us, and we are starting a band, and he is just gonna howl about whatever is on the mind of a 30 year old isolated stoner farmer who is still getting over his high school ex-fox. lol.

I am doing well, lots of shit on my mind. That was bad when I took those oxy's that one time, I really could have died. I don't know my tolerance anymore but would take the same amount like it's fucked, so I really have to watch out to never ever use an opiate ever again as if I do, I am really risking sudden death at this point. Not worth it when I have this foxy chick to chase and like, just way more than that going on. Like 6 different future holistic business plans, just want to help people really and give back what I took away for so long.

Hi Shroomy,

I'm glad to see you back posting here. I read this site for a couple of weeks before joining and felt like I knew you. I appreciate that your story is raw and uncensored and that you keep things real. Your story inspires me. And I agree that BlueLight is great! I was in sheer panic after opening the dreaded letter that my PM doc had been shut down - BlueLight really helped me and I'm grateful for this site. I'm so happy to see your growth on this journey.
I don't know the equivalent dose of methadone. Sounds like gnarly withdrawals to me. The worst symptom for me is the muscle pain. I get full body muscles aches that make me feel like I'm burning on the stake if I wasn't tossing and turning and kicking so much. And the stuff get it's your BONES. I don't know how it does that. I've been taking 2cc for a month and definitely notice a tolerance, so it is a good thing there is nothing left of the 3 grams I had of this lovely psychedelic drug. There hasn't been a crash or anything whatsoever so far... after 5 or 6 weeks clean I feel great! Apart from that one time I took 60mg oxycodone not knowing my tolerance... I came very close to overdosing that day, and had the most insane 12 hour hardcore nod of my life. Wasn't myself for 4 or 5 days after that and had severe nausea, no fiery spirit in me at all... just lazed around feeling a little dead inside. Wasn't bad, since I flushed the other 96 first thing the next morning after an intense internal conflict before I ended up dead.
That is silly we messaged each other in unison! And yeah... I don't give a fuck! That's one reason why this one girl likes me (or is driving me crazy?8().

But yeah, I am going for corporate positions now and before I do that taking some time of with a chiller job from home. It's nice. So I am getting some tattoos my friend is sketching, got a double conch piercing in one ear, getting a triple conch piercing in the other ear sometimes soon (they take like a year to heal... and hurt like hell... fml but I love them)... and I am going to see if this lady I fancy, since I know she cuts her own hair and used to model a lot... I'm assuming in fact I trust her more than anyone to do my hairstyle I have in mind. It is ridiculous, but then again so am I. I want to like, bleach and dye my black hair (well, it's a subtle crimson red now) a soft light kinda pastel pink... maybe on only one side, but probably all of it. Then have like a longer spot somewhere and use one of those girly tie things to tie up a stretch of my hair off on a weird angle. I seriously don't give a fuck I will go into engineering interviews like that and eventually find someone who sees my creative nature manifesting and doesn't care about me looking like an acidfreak and not a conformist corporate slave. If I don't show out blatant warning signs... they won't know what they are getting into haha. This girl I like would be down for stuff like that she's really chill like that, doesn't mind cool tattoos and piercings was there with me when I got the double conch (like a minute of being stabbed in the innermost post of the ear with something dull while it twisted.. it was fucked... she said he had to have a block for it to hit when it pierced through so it would like stab my neck... she def knows what's up with piercings. I think she is the only one who could get this hairstyle right, really... I don't really want to resemble my past self, you see. I mean I don't because I have a contagious smile now and bright eyes and am pretty much always giggling and my brain is half gone. But yeah, I have gotten so creative since I quit and found a few new outlets so this will just be another one.

I think you inspired me as much as I inspired you!
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I don't know too much of other languages. A lil high school Spanish & I learned American Sign Language in college so I can Manage a conversation with a Deafie. (I love Deaf folks!)

Cool you n your buddy speak in verses that way .... for a long time I had a close friend (10 years) who was intellectually my equal n there's truly so much to be said for communication with ppl who GET YOU. I really miss him; he's around but it's been .... God two n half years we kinda went our separate ways. There's NEVER been a person like him in my life.

Well let's not get Depressed for Fuck sakes.
I'm successfully tapered down on gabapentin from around 6000mg/ day to a current Fox Status of 1200-1500 a day with the occasional day Off. The drops provide Shitty withdrawal each time n yeah I'm dropping Fast. I wanna either get OFF all meds or get to a teeeny tiny level that might have therapeutic affect again.

I've gained like 40-some pounds of fat n water. I'm bored listless lost n depressed.... it's gonna turn around by God. I'm not living like This mess anymore.

Happy HOLIDAY season to all ! Wishing wellness strength n peace to All !

Hi Runningfox,

I didn't realize how quickly I am developing a tolerance to Lyrica, which I understand is similar to Gabapentin but more concentrated. I've used Lyrica before and stopped because I didn't notice anything, but I was on higher doses of opiates. I also gained about 15 lbs of fat/water in a month of being on it so thanks for the reminder. I am debating if I want to become dependent on another pill, but it's hard to use my medical marijuana during the work day and I feel like I will need one 150 mg Lyrica pill a day. I wish you much success and Happy Holidays also.
- SweetLeaf7
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