Positive The Tapering Supportive/Social Thread

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That's awesome Shroomi!!
Two weeks puts you past the worst of it. Just stay strong.
Me I have to cut down to 60 mg /day oxy or I'll run out. It'll be rough, but I have no choice.
I'm going to start up at half that amount each day, in a couple weeks. I will have not used for a long time but otherwise I know I will get paws like before. My tolerance should be low enough that I can get pain relief from that dose too. I'm not going to mess with anything else anymore except this weed and hashish and dmt which really was healing. They should just have opium dispensaries like the weed ones. I would like that, Dope is on my mind a lot I wouldn't do it again but I'd definitely eat or smoke opium. I have no opiates at all right now and it's alarming really. I didn't anticipate this but when I dropped from doing it every 12 hours to nothing it got really bad, easily as bad as when I started to do that. New changes arose too like am I really saying goodbye? Well I'm not going so soon or I'll go nuts in paws again, so when I get my script I am going to see it as this huge month something that it in fact is, and not take more than it says. Then I'll be fine and I'll be getting good pain relief tooo.
Just saying hello to you Shroomy and Squeaky... I think of you guys often and send you healing thoughts.
Thanks I am doing well. I haven't had any pain meds at all in a whole week now. Before that it was a bit over a week of harsh taper causing awful withdrawal both times I dropped. Now that I have nothing it feels weird, it's like if I get used to this is a week or two would those tamper proof meds I have really work like they used to? I think probably they will be able to help my pain and I also might get paws otherwise. I need some relief just not all that H as I tend to like it a lot and take to the habit quite easily when I have a connect for good stuff. Just not anymore and I won't regret it so long as I never do it again or at least very little of it. Never again like that it was insanity. My back really hurts and if I still need them in a couple weeks I'll have my oxy script which is low dose and actually pretty decent for pain when properly taken. I'm on guard but like I'd rather smoke more dmt haha, good weed and live resin.
Hi Poke
Shroomi- you're off the H now. Don't EVER go back. Not once. Not even for fun. That's how you got where you are. You know that joke about how you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.- You have finished a BIG piece of your addiction. Don't go putting it back together.
Me- I think I finally got my tolerance down to 60 mg/day oxy. Today should be the first day at that dose with no wd's. If today goes well, I'll start tomorrow at 45.
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Yeah dude ty9se are some nice oxy doses btw, I'm starting myself on 40mg next week. I will have a long break from all opiates an hopefully over time oxy's become good to use again like they were before. I've experienced it happen before so I'm sure that they will. Just need to keep it up another month or two but I ran out of subs now so I am kind of worried about this week, if I will feel bad before I feel better and then I will get back on 40mg oxy and definitely feel a little better I'm sure. My doses are going prescription range a little bit higher but that is okay and for now having no opiates at all is making me feel really tense and on the edge man. Like I really need a hit, and because I can't have one anymore it makes scary a little. It's okay though it's juts an opiate detox and I'm really stoned. It's been a while man now a solid two weeks so yeah. I need to start my meds as normal that's the thing but it won't be too hard, I have never really abused those it's too hard to. I think that I will feel it, the oxy, I mean... but maybe super quickly build massive tolerance to it, I'll have to see when I take it as prescribed. All I know is I am sitting here in pain right now. I bet it'd be enough oxy for me tp function especially give it a week, that's a long time away.
Part of me wishes I didn't have a new Rx coming in a couple of days. My inspiration for cutting down my dose came strictly from knowing that I had used too much and I was going to run out several days early if I didn't cut back. Now I'm stable at 30 mg/day less than my Rx and I want to stay on track but I know I will want some real pain relief when I have more pills. I got really used to taking these damn things for stress also, that's how I got to 180 mg/day, and my life is pretty stressful right now.
Looking back, I can't believe how many pills I had saved and that they are ALL gone. 30 mg oxy's, probably 200 of them...... damn.
I'm holding solid at 60mg/day oxy now. It took about 6 days to drop from 90 and feel normal again. I still wake up an hour or two too early in wd every morning. My guess is that I take my lasy dose too early in the afternoon and I'm sleeping through most of my wd's. My head is still a little scrambled so I just have to avoid stupid people at work.
Hang in there bud. I have nothing today, no opiates and I haven't for a while. I'm not really physically dependent but my back is killing me. I can't wait to get back to pain management. I won't have to wait long. I really just want this back pain to go away as I have com to fancy psychedelics and hash over any opiate. Those are good for pain and I will take a little oxy but not much. I wonder if it will feel like much? No idea. Never been cold turkey this long before, I don't know if tolerance just resets like that or what. I do know that taking my script is way better than what I was doing before though and a good place to maintain. Provided that it still works. I feel like I fucked up a lot but I can turn my life around.
Sounds like you're in a much better place Shroomi. Clean off opiates this long should have reset your tolerance a lot, though probably not back to zero. I think you have to be clean a year or so before you start from zero. Do yourself a favor and delete your sources for H from your phone and never go back down that road. Stick to your Rx plus weed, maybe alcohol if necessary. That H was ruining your life!
I just got a new doctor yesterday. This guy really seems to know his stuff. I think he's an orthopedic surgeon. He said he NEVER would have done my surgery in the way it has been done, too many complications. It was nice to meet with someone who gives a crap and wants to help. Right away he said I needed pain management and I think he wants to schedule another surgery to fix the previous one.
It never dawned on me that I could/should get a second opinion.
It seems I'm holding at about 75 mg /day oxy. It was necessary because I took too much and have only had 60/day for the last 10 days, but I had some Norco(10mg hydrocodone) and I was using 3 some days to help take the edge off. I hadn't done that for about 4 days, just my 60/day, and it was tolerable but not comfortable. Yesterday I took my 60 oxy plus 30 Norco and this morning I feel pretty good. Anyway I get my new script today. Im going to stick to 60/day (instead of my scripted 90) for the next month. Maybe I can bank some pills. I have zero in my stash now and I'm sure I'll have lots of trouble if I change pain mgmt Dr's or have another surgery. My first surgery was saved from absolute hell when I got home thanks to my stash and I really don't want to go through what you did Shroomi during these last couple of weeks if they make me change pain management Dr's and there's a lapse between scripts.
Shroomi- go back and read some of your old posts. When you were on H you were more scattered. When you were wd'iing you were obviously miserable. Now that you're past the acute wd's you sound more alive, even if you're in more pain.
Yo dude I agree. I am a hedonist. In so many ways, such a bad person to end up with chronic pain lol I just want that fucking fix mmmmmm don't we all hehehehe. I am def a mischievous little dope fiend but I do have legit chronic pain too.

Sometimes I forget these posts are even recorded. Where? Who? You? (looking myself in the eyes)((*startled look of wtf*)

I am tripping out on some psychedelics because that is what needs to be done to this man for the sake of the fake and continuity of consciousness let these holy words continue

Dude I am tripping out. I've really smoked dmt, dropped a ton of acid, what's left are the mushrooms and it's all helping me heal. This is all like 2 weeks later when I'm beginning to feel like a baby reborn. Since I feel that way on lsd anyway, it's perfect for withdrawal recovery. It got me really physically active today I walked a solid 10km at least. That's good for someone off a bad heroin habit for just a couple weeks. I've been laying in bed doing hardly nothin.

So yeah man Squeaky I'm at a crossroads in mathematics I believe they call is a fuck I'm too high to think of it. Anyways man I'm doing well. Or not. It could go either way but the fate is in my hands. I am taking back control and one of the ways I am doing so is with the help of these psychedelics. I didn't know they could help me until I tried them. Now I'm like man to understand what happened to me tonight you would need to have known my story of life from beginning to present...
Squeaky and Shroomy: It sounds like you are both working really hard on harm reduction.. reducing dosages, etc. Good job! Yes... the pain sucks, but you know what? the opiates did nothing for my knee pain anyway, so I might as well be clear headed and clean and in pain instead of addicted and in pain. I have much less anxiety now that I will be coming up on 5 months off the pills on 7/25. They caused anxiety... they did not cure it. I only realize that in hindsight.
Take care, you two!!
Congrats Poke.
I saw a new doctor last week who said my surgeon set my bones at the wrong angle, and that he thinks the vertebrae haven't fused like they should have(it's been almost 2 years).I really want off the pills - but they do make it not hurt when I'm taking them correctly.
So I ended up a huge about of AL-LAD. It was completely insane and I get my oxy script today. I was fighting to not take them or take them as prescribed but I am getting high today. Hopefully I don't keep it going. It was a wild ride that trip, I took 1400 micrograms because after 2 weeks I was still so sick and cravings. I honestly need that oxy today because I am recovering
that acid trip. However it opened my mind so much I am not too worried about that.
And yeah Squeaky man when I take them correctly they work so well. I was really preparing for that today and I thought about my habit while tripping. I was asking serious questions about my habit. Like, if I can't pick my oxy's up today and take them as prescribed, I'll never be able to. And if I am back and forth about it, I'll never be able to. It was like, make the choice man telling myself. However I am SO wiped out I'm taking the chance today.80mg oxy fuck do I need it after the culminating point of my existence so far! The trip was INSANE.
I got my script and went a little over it for 3 days. Now I'm working towards sticking to a real plan again. No way I'm going to burn through my pills like I have been though. Last month scared me a little. I was almost looking at cold turkey for a couple of days.
I'm really not getting anything from higher doses anymore anyway. At 60 mg/day I suffer just a little between doses, then get relief from a dose. I do that 4 times a day. At 120 mg/day I just go from feeling crappy to feeling OK after a dose. Strange but I think I enjoy my pills more at a lower dose. AND I get to save pills when I take less than scripted(probably not what I should be focusing on but somehow I'm really unhappy with myself for using all of my stash and I want to rebuild it ASAP).
Man same with me. I went through my oxy's in three days last time. This time I've already taken double my daily dose and I picked up my script today, but honestly I really need to recover from my acid trip and also have a damn meal! I was planning to keep tapering, because people are already giving me shit about weed smoking and I can't eat or sleep without. Plus, I need my shit together because I really need those benzos. Man I gotta stop blowing through these drugs (except the psychedelics haha, but I'm even done with weed).

That trip completely changed my perspective in so many ways. I'll never be the same after 10 hits of AL-LAD (1500ug my mistake haha... but I am brain fried ever since). I'm just so much more optimistic! Even though I've already taken 95mg oxy's today after a good amount of clean time. It's oxy's and they are way the fuck less addictive for me than heroin and I've been off that for a damn while. Man, my life just completely changed and I didn't even expect it to at all. Insanely therapeutic trip. My energy is super different ever since. It's like I'm still sick, but I've forgotten that it's from heroin because that al-lad trip was so intense and left so many unanswered questions and just plain insanity that I haven't had time to think I've heroin or oxy and when I do, it's all about plans to quit. Since I'm taking more today, tomorrow, probably Monday I'll do a 3 day detox before next script (just to lower my tolerance a bit, and also so I can get healthy. Man I'm still pastel neon colours on the computer screen.

Changed my life, but I don't know if I can live without opiates. Back is right fucked. If I can't get them under control though I'm going to have to quit and that is why I am so adamant regarding quitting now (except for the next 3 days haha, but it's oxy not H at least). Hope everyone is doing well and hell to you Pokemama too.
And yo Squeaky I am doing great so far. I took 125mg oxy yesterday but I needed to, I was so wiped out from the two weeks of withdrawal and the wild psychedelic trip, the lack of nutrition when I normally have a clean diet. However I have my scripted dose ready and out for tomorrow. Every 6 hours, since I have to take all percocet some days because I used a lot of extended release pills yesterday. I need to remember I had absolutely nothing for a while and it was complete shit, and I sort of think that's just who I am without the pills. I need these prescriptions and I better start respecting them. My oxy's are at a low enough scripted dose that it is easily sustainable, and the withdrawal wouldn't be too bad.

It's a matter of keeping it under control and I don't have an H connect right now. They are really tough for me to find at least good H so I'm done. I'll never do it again. Taking my script tomorrow and I'll take all percocet for the rest of the week and I'll be caught up for the rest of the month apart from 3 days of no oxy's, so then I'll have to cut out some percs on some days (I'm just doing the math and it's only ten of them). This month should be the first time I don't abuse my script. I had a great time yesterday and it was a good day for it, but I can't do that again. Perhaps once a month because yeah like I do one line of H and I'm on it 6 months non stop. Oxy's I'm on non stop too but it's not the same in terms of fiending. I can take a lot one day, and then a normal amount the next day.

I wouldn't even call yesterday a slip, I am being very cautious today and after the other day I know I can do this. I have a little spare money and instead of getting a half gram of dope that would ruin my tolerance right back up to that fucking misery, I am stocking up on benzos. I need to and I have a really sweet benzo available to me. I'm psyched to use it to taper down the road as I'm getting, again quite a bit of it. I never would have considered this when I was on H and I really wanted the benzo and knew I needed to stock up, I let my supply get down to 30 valium which is kinda dangerous while spending all my money on dope and blowing through it. So stupid in hindsight when oxy's relieve my back pain and are not anywhere near as addictive to me as H is.

The oddest thing of all to me is I am actually happy, motivated, and managing my time! I hardly remember how much I was struggling, it's tough for me to remember a withdrawal that harsh. That acid trip changed me though, at least temporarily.
I remember quitting cold turkey off oxy. They say it's actually harder than heroin. The point is that it was close to a month befor I felt completely normal. It could be Shroomi that you're not as bad as you think. Maybe you need some more distance between you and the H (and the acid too) before you get back to your real self. Even after I was done wd'ing my head was screwy for a couple weeks, and the ONLY thing I was coming off was 60 mg oxy/day.
Either way Shroomi it sounds like you're donig better and you're past the acute wd's from H, so stay th F away from that stuff! And go have a hamburger......
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