Positive The Tapering Supportive/Social Thread

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Cduggles: Welcome to our tapering thread! Of course, we will be supportive. The fact you are on day 5 is a HUGE accomplishment. You are past the worse of it, based on my past experience with cold turkey in 2013. I always hated the physical symptoms the most, which is why I am on a slow taper now, instead of jumping off as you did. Hang in there. what are you doing to distract yourself? Many people use Netflix, some play video games... anything that does not require physical effort, and yet will take your mind off of your suffering. Just tell yourself this: "If I do not use opiates, I will never have to feel this way again." Also, you might want to sit in some recovery based meetings, just to hear about others going through the same thing as you. You do not have to share, you can just listen. Meetings are not for everyone... many egos pop up there so you have to be able to take others with a grain of salt. But they definitely provide distraction.
Good luck and please continue to stay clean... you will be so happy you did this! You are reclaiming your freedom!
Cduggles- you are just past the worst of it. It gets a little better every day from here. Just remember that ANYTHING is better that a relapse, so be careful not to go anywhere or talk to anyone who may trigger any cravings for the next two weeks.
And .... I call it 'getting greedy'- don't get greedy. Just because you made it through the hardest part of the opiate withdrawl doesn't make you Superman. Don't go quitting cigarettes or benzos or something like that just yet. Stick with your current lifestyle for at least 2 more weeks. The stress of quitting something else right now could cause you to relapse into the oxy and your last 5 days in hell all are gone.
Tackle one at a time (even junkfood) and try not to think how much is left. Focus on how far you've come and know that we're all pulling for you. We know what an accomplishment it is to make it to where you are, and what a tragedy it is to relapse.
Great work Sir.
P.S. I finally broke through my wall at 75 mg/day. I have been at 60 mg/ day for 7 days now and I'm getting ready to run for 45 mg. it turns out what I really needed was smaller doses more frequently. I take a little every 3 hours, and the WD's are manageable enough to keep me sane. Avoiding triggers has been the hardest part, but knowing relief is never more than 1 or 2 hours away makes it a lot easier.
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POkemamma, Thank you. I'm bingeing Game of Thrones and The Wire when awake.
Shroomysatori, thanks for the specific date information and things to watch out for in the future.
Squeaky, thanks for the cautionary words. I'm taking it easy for a couple of congratulatory weeks. I WAS on it for medical reasons so I don't have people who are vested in my taking it. I'm tapering off the rest- benzodiazepines are next. And to be done LATER!
Shroomy: You are doing so well... keep up the good work!
Squeaky: I am so happy for you! You certainly are demonstrating the meaning of persistence! You give me so much hope in that I am never giving up on this taper... no matter what it takes.
cduggles: did not know you were female... thanks for letting us know. OMG: The Wire was one of my most favorite shows of all times. I wish I still had it ahead of me to watch... I hope you enjoy it even half as much as I did.

I am still hanging around the same levels as before... I have managed to put aside a nice amount of my oxycodone again this month. However, my daughter is holding them in the safe at her home. She understands when I do need them, if I quit pain management or decide to use them to taper and then jump off, she is to give them to me. I just want them safe and not too accessible on a daily basis. Before this thread, I had not been able to save even one pill. Now, I have saved some for two months in a row. Thank you all for your ongoing encouragement !
I was at a wall with 40mg for longer than 2 weeks. I am surprised that I decided to go any lower. It was a shock to my system. I have never been so mentally unstable in all my life. I was skin and bones for a while too (I really looked like a gaunt skeleton, it sucked) but I'm looking like my normal self again. So it's time to do it all over again. Today has been my first day at 30mg and my spine pain is becoming more apparent. Otherwise, I haven't noticed any physical wd's very much. I was just hanging out and playing guitar with my younger brother for a few hours and I am on the heating pad presently in agony. I feel like the last little bit is going to be the toughest because I'm going to have to figure out how to deal with this back pain more. I'm not as worried as before about another relapse from cravings, because my dumb ass was stupid enough to have dilaudid pills laying around for that. And I've been working on dealing with those. I am more worried about this back pain which might trigger me to go back up to 40mg when the pain wasn't as bad as it is now. The pain I would describe as excruciating and I am worried how I am going to function without this stuff in any way, shape, or form really.

I am going to try having some more turmeric and pineapple to see if it helps my pain level. It's simply unbearable right now. I haven't taken a daily dose this low in years. I don't feel like I will have recovered at all, until I learn how to deal with my back problems - really, this is just the first step of a long journey. I also have to figure out how to be at least a little mentally stable and not completely off the wall all the time now that I'm no longer high. It is truly like waking up to a shit storm... I have wrecked my whole entire life. I am concerned, that I might have a lot of trouble dealing with sober living.

Good to hear you are doing well Squeaky... it is impressive you got your dose down so quickly when you said you were banging your head against the wall. That's great to hear actually.

If I take zero mg oxycodone a day - but I spend 75% of my time laying down on a heating pad while still being in excruciating pain, and spend the rest of my time struggling with borderline-related freakouts - what kind of life is that? It's not recovery in my opinion. I would just no longer be an opiate addict. That is what I am concerned about, how I have been running away from myself since I was 15 and I can't deal with life.
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Shroomy, are over the counter meds an option for you? I used to take Aleve, and it worked well...until it burned a whole in my stomach. I can't take NSAIDS at all. Have you tried using any of those? I don't know why anyone bothers with Tylenol, except to bring down a fever, but Aleve is pretty good.

You guys are all awesome! Way to go! I'm maintaining, and happy with that for now.
Shroomy and Annabanana333: sulindac is anecdotally an NSAID for people with sensitive stomachs. I haven't checked the literature. You might already know anyway but I thought it worth mentioning.
Congratulations Squeaky! I meant to post and I had to go. I'm doing this because I couldn't taper anymore without horrendous symptoms so I am proud of you!
And no offense- I've just been called a guy here multiple times. It's odd.
^Sorry about that. Everyone take note : )

I'm using turmeric as an anti-inflammatory and it really does help. I took a decent amount of it when I was in pain earlier, and my pain hasn't returned since. Second time today that's happened. My friend Laura's dad has chronic pain (like really bad chronic pain, worse than mine for sure) and all he uses for it is turmeric.

Never heard of sulindac before. I am really trying to stick to natural things at this point.
^ Good to hear that turmeric is giving you relief from back pain. I know you really want to be done with opiates, and hopefully you will be soon. However, you are now at or close to your prescribed dosage. Getting off of H displays huge harm reduction success; no one would judge you for managing your pain with your medication. Whatever you choose: to get off of opiates completely or to use your legally prescribed meds... try to find what works and gives you peace of mind so that you can have some serenity and begin to recover emotionally, as well.
That's a good point, and something I'm struggling with. I didn't need to take 30mg today. I could have taken more as scripted.

There just always seems to come a point when it's never enough, or it doesn't help anymore. I feel like I just need to get off the stuff entirely. I know that I am almost there, as a 30mg habit isn't really that hard to kick, nor does it provide much pain relief for me. I think that my chronic pain may actually improve without the drugs. I need to see for myself. I plan on keeping hold of my prescription in any case... but at this point I'm committed to getting it over and done with.

You brought up something I am definitely struggling with. I wouldn't even see heroin as an option anymore, at least I'd like to think so. I never feel high, and I feel quite like my good old (borderline psychopath) self. If I stayed here, I'm sure I could do fine, but something tells me to keep going.

Another thing I struggle with is that when I go cold turkey, I get extreme cravings to use. What if I went back to heroin or some shit? Used it the same way as before, but with like zero tolerance. That concerns me. One thing I know now is that I am going to take this slow from here on out. There is no reason to rush now that I am a good few percocets below my prescribed dose. I can answer questions like these over time. I was sort of considering jumping off at this point, but I don't think it would be a smart choice. I could end up in a bad situation and I seem to be doing okay. I'd definitely like to be taking a low enough dose that if I were to be cut off my meds at some point, I wouldn't really care that much. I think if I was taking 15mg daily, just 3 percs a day, I wouldn't be all that concerned about my use to control pain.

I'd like to hear others thoughts on this. What I'd like to do, is get down to zero and experience what my true pain levels are like. If it is truly unbearable and I really need something for my quality of life, the option of a low dose will always be there - say 5mg, max 3x daily. But I feel like I have been a braindead recluse for so long that it is unhealthy. I kind of need a break for a bit... and 30mg might be it for me. I feel braindead from it and I have mixed feelings. Maybe I will stay here for a long while before dropping any lower, since I don't seem to be experiencing side effects at this dose, and it isn't really hardcore addiction territory anymore. It would be safer to drop lower, once I have further distanced myself from my H use too.
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One thing to consider is that if you lowered yourself and got to zero for a bit, your tolerance would drop, and 3percs would do so much more for your pain. But I think it's important for long term to do it slowly, so your body and mind can acclimate. When I went cold turkey a few months ago, I didn't stay there long enough for it to really make a significant change. But as you know, CT is awful, especially for your mind, and hard to do when you still have pills.

Just my my two cents. I'm so proud of how far you've come. And again, everyone posting or even reading in here is making a choice that is making a difference. We should all be glad that we're aware of where we are and where we want to be.
So I had an interesting moment. I was away from home for the first time and I had to take a med. I opened a small pillbox and there's oxycodone. Wrong pillbox. I feel nothing right now and my body is letting me know that I'm in pain. All over but also at my small but invasive surgery site (I love my operating surgeon... words rarely uttered). I know these pills are going to take it all away and I didn't even want them. I dug around for the right meds and voila. So for today I'm fine.
It's okay to ask, remember it is a social thread too. Ibogaine is a naturally occurring psychedelic drug that is found in the root bark of the Tabernanthe Iboga bush that is native to west-central Africa. It is a complex molecule with very unique properties. In the states it is illegal for some odd reason (I suppose they must want addicts to remain addicted), up here in the north you can just buy it. We also have ibogaine clinics, as it is used specifically to treat opiate addiction. So if I had thousands of dollars I could go and take a 'flood dose' - or enormous, life changing experience, surrounding by nurses monitoring my vitals. Some hardcore addicts will take high doses of it, trip out for 24 hours, and wake up feeling cured of all cravings and withdrawal symptoms. It helps by working directly on the mu-opioid receptors of the brain in a way similar to suboxone or methadone... however as an extremely uncomfortable feeling psychedelic with no recreational potential whatsoever it does not cause physical dependency like those ones... it's metabolite has something like a 200 hour half life so it works in the body for months to heal. It is very hard on the body, even at the low dose I took, I thought wow, I am lucky to have a healthy heart. My friends were asking if my heart and liver were okay, and if I had a history of seizures. It's really serious stuff and it works on many different systems of the brain not just the mu-opioid receptors... serotonin and dopamine too among others if I'm not mistaken. I personally believe the healing power can go well beyond just opiate addiction.

There is a slight risk of death at high doses because stimulant effects become apparent long before psychedelic effects do. I have been taking very low doses whenever I feel like things get too much for me emotionally. It is like a flick is switched and I feel like my normal self again, no wd's. It is truly remarkable, and it was giving me increased access to memory as well among other interesting insightful effects, as well as enhanced creativity and stimulation when I'd otherwise just be feeling shit wd's wishing I was dead. It completely got me over the hump after I slipped with dilaudid and all I took was 30mg or a little more to get back on track. (the doses they give at the clinics are upwards of a gram). I need very little now that my habit is small.

So I have decided to remain at my prescribed dose for now. I feel like the tolerance is safety in a way in case I decide to go back to H. I hate my life so much now, that there is a very real possibility I could take a small amount of money and start doing that shit again. Once there has been more distance between myself and that drug, than just a few months, I will lower my dose if I feel the need to. I have also been suffering for far too long and feel like I deserve a break, a time to feel human and normal again. At this dose, I'm still experiencing PAWS symptoms and I will be for some time. I need to start dealing with a lot of other aspects of my messed up life, and at 20mg oxy every 12 hours I am getting no side effects at all. Few cravings, no constipation, no testosterone issues, no lack of motivation, no high... I just feel normal. More normal each day. I am scripted these meds as for two years prior to being on them, my life was a living hell... I had trouble cooking food for myself, showering, even getting up to go to the washroom. The pain was extreme and I have to remember that because it will all come back if I fully quit.

I'm staying here for now because it is not healthy to be strung out and cooped up like this alone in darkness for months on end. It is driving me insane and I think I am becoming suicidal. 40mg is not that much either... I am hanging on by a thread. I'm looking forward to feeling more and more normal for a while, and not touching my dose after making so much progress to be a legit pain patient now as opposed to an H addict. I can now walk into my doctors office and be completely honest about how I am feeling and that's a big deal to me. And if I want to quit further, I think I would talk to my doctor about that too. I will definitely continue to post here as much as ever, since I do not consider myself recovered at all. I am a trainwreck.

And there is no longer any hustle. I spent approximately 100k on opiates in the past 4 years. I never will have to source an extra pill again so long as I live. Just need to ensure that I remain a legit pain patient. So this is my decision and I think it is great as it is a nice balance between being in pain, being functional, and being an addict. Anyways, I am planning a series of psychedelic experiences over the next two months and doing some serious soul searching. I need to figure out what I want out of life and that isn't going to happen while I am dope sick. I don't think it is good for the brain to spend 2 months doing absolutely nothing, I wasn't even able to read. I'm still just getting my energy back but I generally feel very normal.

See as a borderline disorder person I see things in black and white I suppose. I am either all-in, or calling bluffs. It is time to find some balance for once, I am prescribed these drugs for a reason. Nothing else whatsoever has ever helped my back pain in a significant way. Turmeric is nice and all but it doesn't hold a candle to low dose oxy. I only ever go overboard with drugs in more abusable forms like dope and dilaudid, percocet makes me too concerned for my liver health to take a dose high enough to get that kind of feeling.

I was also smoking hash all day every day and quit a few weeks ago. I will never use cannabis again. This had to be done.. no offense to anyone who smokes it, but that shit turns me into a fiend, and a dumbass. It makes me so stupid and lazy that I can't take a single other thing seriously. I despise cannabis with all my heart. There is no way whatsoever that I can use it responsibly or in moderation. I fiend it as much as a crackhead would fiend crack. It is out of my life for good and I am glad I recognized that it does nothing but harm me. I am furious at myself for buying into that bullshit after quitting for 3 years. I feel like I am still recovering from that sheer abuse too, and I will be for the coming months. I abused the hell out of that shit. What a mistake. It does nothing whatsoever good for me and I fell into the trap of medical marijuana. Fiending hash to giggle all day and escape reality is hardly medical use, and it does nothing to my pain levels but increase them from all the coughing. It also really interferes with career life when you have to fiend it so much before leaving for work, trying to keep the high going until you get home. It was fucked. I was waking up an hour earlier than I needed to just so that I could constantly fiend hash before leaving for work. What a joke! I am so happy that garbage is out of my life forever.
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Yes, anyone can ask any question they like on this thread. And Shroomy, you certainly have a lot of knowledge about different types of drugs... grateful that you are generous enough to share it.

It sounds like those posting are doing well... making healthy and wise choices and decisions... so positive!! I had a crazy night.... woke up freezing... my furnace had stopped, which it does every now and then. It was 22 degrees F outside... and only 61 in the house. I had the dogs to keep me warm, and a space heater. Around 4am the furnace kicked back on and now I am warm and cozy. I think it is possessed.
That's weird. In Canada yesterday it was pretty much t-shrt weather... or global warming weather I should say. I possess knowledge about the drugs as it is my nature since I studied science, I have to learn everything about stuff.

I'm going to ask my doc to switch me to more of the tamper proof oxy, and much less percocet as well. Just to make sure that I can't abuse it anymore. I feel a sense of inner peace that I haven't in a long while. Next time I start making money again, I won't be spending every last cent on opiates and hash. My finances are fucked and now that street drugs are out of the picture, I will have a chance at getting my life together. The hash was a big problem too.
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