TDS The Suicide Support Thread

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I've been thinking very seriously about killing myself for about the past week or 2. I just feel alone all of the time, my teeth are fucked up and I'm a junkie and ex crack head with meth mouth, really, who could fucking love me for me? I'm just tired of feeling alone, it hurts too much, I shoot subutex, take clonazepam, drink and smoke pot all daily and it hardly even helps anymore, I still always feel sad and alone. I've been told I'm not a bad looking guy and I've had some beautiful girlfriends in my past but I just don't see anything when I'm single except why I wouldn't be wanted and it's become so fucking hard for me to find someone new to date or to have sex with, I just feel like I'll never be the confident guy I need to be and because of that, I'll be alone forever. I'm tired of needing a girlfriend or someone I'm having sex with to feel valued, I've been going to therapy, going to NA, trying to cut back on my drug use and everything else suggested to me and yet this week I've been thinking more seriously about killing myself than I have been in a long time. I've been having to shoot up mainly in my groin and legs these past few weeks and I've almost been hoping that kills me, at least then I wouldn't receive 100% of the blame where I would if I were to shoot myself or something like that. I just wish I hadn't deleted so many phone numbers when I was got sober, now that I'm thinking about killing myself, it's not too big of a deal if I just fucking relapse and do some dope or get a good gram of crack or something before that, hell, I would love to just get enough heroin to commit suicide.
I don't even know anymore, maybe I should do it, the only thing holding me back is guilt, if it were just me I'd of killed myself about 8 years ago or even sooner than that. I just want to finally feel happiness again...

hey, i haven't seen you posting around for a long while, welcome back .
i remember enjoying reading your posts, i think you have something positive to give the world. don't give up yet, things can only get better from here. its probably a cliche by now, but its true, suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. i don't think if you are really depressed, this is a time to make rational decisions about ending your entire future, its a big call...
there have been plenty of ex-addicts who have been able to find love after having problems with teeth, some will get dental work done, or even some partners will see past superficial appearances. danny brown has done pretty well missing both front teeth! he pulls it off because he has confidence, and that is something that can be cultivated.
use the motivation to be more connected with other people to strengthen your determination to live life without dulling it out, believe in yourself, forgive yourself. <3
man i have thought of it also....but i got pushed and got tough love from 2 of my only friends.....i used to have about 40 friends i could call at anytime until i did dope. And people found out. I realized that i was gonna do heroin until i died. I overdosed about 6 times and the last time i woke up to my parents and 3 of my friends who said i was about 15 seconds from dying. I dont know who or what is watching over me but it woke me up. I finally got back on my meds, xanax and adderall and subs, and got a job at ATT. It gave me motivation but ive been on them for 15 years. So when i think back on how i wanted it to all end, i feel horrible of what i could put my family through. Honestly man, life is beautiful. I have had good and bad days the last 2 years but 2 years before that as a table junkie everyday was a bad day. I put my friends and family through hell. After a year of still being on my meds, buying a new car, getting my license back after 2 duis, and getting my life straight. I am for once happy. I dont care what others think. I gotta be selfish and do what i gotta do for me. Just please dont do it. You can bounce back. I dont have a girlfriend and everytime i go out i can get laid. But i never do. I dont know why but i dont feel like they are the one. I have only felt that once. But anyways, you are here for a reason. You can still take meds and party but try to do the positive and think out what could happen when you do things that are bad. Your parents and friends love you. I would feel terrible if you did this. So please dont. If you wanna talk email me at [email protected], i will always be there. Keep your head up and i am not preaching....I HOPE!! ha but life can be great. It just takes a lil while. peace brother
I'm having a very rough year. Going through a lot of hard things, all at once.

I wish I had some idea of how to get through all this without feeling awful. :|
I'm having a very rough year. Going through a lot of hard things, all at once.

I wish I had some idea of how to get through all this without feeling awful. :|

whats been happening cpt. h? do you want to talk more about it?

Well, I've been trying to talk to my friends and decided to be honest and admit that I tried killing myself in this past month and sometimes just having someone I can trust and talk to can help at least get me through the day. It's hard hanging out with some friends, either I'll just get depressed being around them because I'm jealous of their life or I'll be around somebody high on some kind of opiate and I hate that, I just end up hanging out with someone who's annoying the fuck out of me while I just crave heroin the whole fucking time too! I've been feeling really pissed off a lot, seeing my friend act fucking stupid by taking the things and people he has for granted when I'd kill for what he has really upsets me, I wish I had a pretty girlfriend that I could fucking cheat on, treat however I wanted to and use opiates without a care, fuck him! I appreciate the replies from everyone, I just don't know what the fuck to do anymore and anything recommended may help. I've just been trying to keep my mind occupied by occasionally going out to see a friend, playing online videogames, writing out my biography, watching TV and sleeping. Sleeping for up to 18 hours at a time may not be good for me but at least when I'm sleeping, I'm not stressed or wanting to die so it helps in that way. I'm still just fucking stupid and can't stop shooting up a high dose of bupe (prefer not to say how high) every day and even using extra pills way too often.
I'm still alive but something inside of me needs to change and soon because I can't keep living a life where I'm never really happy, I consistently feel emotionally alone and the only thing that even kind of helps is using drugs. I just want to feel happy again, I like to think that a girl is what I need but I really have learned by now that it raises my self esteem but only adds to my level of stress and I'm then just always worried, waiting for her to leave me at any time. I thought my last relationship would fix things but it didn't, I still was shooting up behind her back during our entire relationship. I don't know why I have this obsession but I just feel like something is missing and I need someone to love and to love me to fill the hole, I sometimes just think that I must be fucking crazy!
I'm still alive but something inside of me needs to change and soon....

While you may be feeling the most intense pain and uncertainty right now you are probably in a very powerful and wise place in one part of your mind. The realization that it is something inside that needs to change is exactly what leads many of us to make the most positive and lasting changes in life. I recommend reading books about Buddhist philosophy as a way to make peace with existential loneliness for one thing and to gain some very powerful insight into how we construct our own mental prisons with our self-defeating thoughts (anxieties). For me at least, this was a very beneficial new way of thinking that allowed me to simply step outside of the ways I had been thinking my whole life. Life is still full of stress, still full of suffering. What has changed is my relationship to stress and suffering. I am not a Buddhist and I am not pushing that religion in any way--I just think that it holds a way of thinking that is much healthier than the one we are force fed in western culture. Try any book by Pema Chodron, Eckhart Tolle or even a blog like Rick Hansen. These people are neither gurus nor stars--they are just people sharing wisdom we can all use daily to improve our lives.

here is a quote I like from Eckhart Tolle that speaks to what you were talking about in terms of looking for a relationship:
The reason why the romantic love relationship is such an intense and universally sought-after experience is that it seems to offer liberation from a deep-seated state of fear, need, lack, and incompleteness that is part of the human condition in its unredeemed and unenlightened state.
Love is a state of Being. Your love is not outside; it is deep within you. You can never lose it, and it cannot leave you.
I can't stop using. My boyfriend is visiting from his job in Colorado, was supposed to be Fri-Mon but ended up being Sat-Mon, I thought I would be able to abstain during this period at least. Nope. Saturday night I copped when he went to sleep, Sunday I copped while he went to his sister's for a couple hours, today when we woke up I really was intending not to, I asked him to come with me on my daily trip to the methadone clinic, but he declined. Strange, bc last time he visited, he offered to come with me and I said I preferred to go alone, and that was a source of contention for a little while. Tables turned I guess.

Anyway, I ended up calling my dealer afterward, withdrawing literally the very last money in my bank account (I was terminated from my job about two weeks [ish?] ago,) and shooting up 1.3g of "cocaine" in a matter of 3 shots.
(I put the quotation marks there because I did not feel a rush, or hear bells, it didn't come in a wave the way it usually does, even in such high amounts that it was literally hard to draw up because it was so thick with powder - so I assume it was mostly cut?) the first two I did in my forearm, miraculously was able to register there for once, and the last one in the front of my neck, bc historically the rush has come on stronger that way and I was frustrated from feeling nothing but mild negative side effects from the first 2 shots - registered at first but not the next few times I checked. I put two fingers of my other hand at (where I thought) the point where the tip of the syringe was, so I could stop if I felt any swelling - I thought maybe my blood pressure was very low and I was in a vein but not drawing up blood, because as I fished around there were brief flashes of a trickle, very dark red - and pushed down the plunger anyway. The site is a bit swollen and tender - not like a complete miss, but ... I don't know. I freaked out, but a warm compress on for 15 min and then an ice pack for 20, over a piece of gauze soaked with witch hazel. It didn't get any worse, but I don't think there's any improvement either. It's not flat and smooth, like the rest of my neck, that's for sure. I bet it will bruise in the next 20-30 hours. The forecast for this coming week is in the high 90's. I already have had to wear long sleeves because my forearms and especially left bicep are covered in hard, red lumps.

Well that was a more detailed account of my day than I really intended to go into. My point I guess is that I made not just one poor choice, but several, despite my most earnest intention not to, and then made it even worse by using the stupidest ROA, in the worst location imaginable, and failing to get a clean hit - not to mention the lack of fucking rush/high - and have not only colored the tone of my boyfriend's visit - marred it, really - but set the stage for the next week of my life (at LEAST) to be broke, probably not going out anywhere, (it just so happens that I have nowhere to go, no obligations, or friends, anyway!) self-conscious and self-loathing.

I wish I could sleep through the next 7 days. But I'd still wake up as me, is the problem. Every morning, I am still me. Why am I this way, why do I do this. I hate it, I'm tired of it, I hate what it's done to my life, I can't fucking stand myself. And yeah, my eyes are welling up, but my cheeks are dry. I don't even have the capacity to truly get upset about this deepest problem at the root of my existence, that would serve as maybe a turning point, catalyst, or at least catharsis, something. I'm just tired. Ready to tap out. Done.
It does sound like you are done. But try really hard right now at this specific juncture to feel what you are truly done with because it is NOT your life, it is the way you are living your life. It is not you that needs to die in order to escape this, it is addiction that needs to be starved out. How you choose to do that will depend on you. But you are ready--you can see it in every word you posted. Get involved over in Sober Living--it can be a huge support for this scary time when you are facing taking the first step away from addiction.<3
whats been happening cpt. h? do you want to talk more about it?


I'm beginning to understand some of the mistakes I've been making in life regarding interpersonal relationships, and I'm really perturbed by how much more work I have to do on myself.

I have 10 and a half months clean, but I wonder if I'll ever make it to a point where I could be proud of my life.

There's a lot going on that is depressing me and I don't have many people to talk it over with.
I have 10 and a half months clean, but I wonder if I'll ever make it to a point where I could be proud of my life.

You should be very proud of your life RIGHT NOW. Captain, you are always trying and always changing--nothing more can be asked of anyone. We don't get to choose our natures, our families, our circumstances or environment for the first influential part of our lives--we just get thrown in like a baby gets thrown into a pool and we start swimming. Every single one of us faces challenges that no one else can see or even comprehend. We do so much alone, inside, unseen by anyone else. Take a minute and feel proud of what you have accomplished. I think that having the insight you mentioned (that you need to change something about your interpersonal relationships) is something to be proud of! Many people would just go on blaming everyone else. It takes courage to look honestly at yourself but don't forget the compassion.<3
You should be very proud of your life RIGHT NOW. Captain, you are always trying and always changing--nothing more can be asked of anyone. We don't get to choose our natures, our families, our circumstances or environment for the first influential part of our lives--we just get thrown in like a baby gets thrown into a pool and we start swimming. Every single one of us faces challenges that no one else can see or even comprehend. We do so much alone, inside, unseen by anyone else. Take a minute and feel proud of what you have accomplished. I think that having the insight you mentioned (that you need to change something about your interpersonal relationships) is something to be proud of! Many people would just go on blaming everyone else. It takes courage to look honestly at yourself but don't forget the compassion.<3

thanks herby <3 <3

I needed that today :)
You ever feel like you know you are going to have to kill yourself one day? Your life is no longer salvageable. Is not killing yourself to spare others any further pain from your death a good reason to live?
Sorry for being vague. I'm not planning on hurting myself.

I don't feel like that. If I felt I ever "had" to do anything, I used to feel like I had to continue using (heroin, then bupe), for years. This is definitely no better, because using turns out to be a slow, drawn out process of self-harm that may lead to death.

What's getting you down? <3
I don't feel like that. If I felt I ever "had" to do anything, I used to feel like I had to continue using (heroin, then bupe), for years. This is definitely no better, because using turns out to be a slow, drawn out process of self-harm that may lead to death.

What's getting you down? <3
Hah. I tried to delete that before you replied. I'm just being mopey and wanted to say something somewhere. Alcohol is my heroin at the moment. Hence why I get on here, type shit, then delete it. Stuff makes you think you're making sense when you're being irrational.
Hah. I tried to delete that before you replied. I'm just being mopey and wanted to say something somewhere. Alcohol is my heroin at the moment. Hence why I get on here, type shit, then delete it. Stuff makes you think you're making sense when you're being irrational.

Do you want to quit drinking?
^ yes. What did you do when you didn't have any heroin or bupe? Did you have something to keep you going? Methadone? Dph? Coffee? Poon? Choking yourself??? Was the thought of the next high enough to keep you high until you actually got high?
^ yes. What did you do when you didn't have any heroin or bupe? Did you have something to keep you going? Methadone? Dph? Coffee? Poon? Choking yourself??? Was the thought of the next high enough to keep you high until you actually got high?

This is a really interesting question, and I would like to answer it honestly and completely. However, the answer might be triggering, so I'll answer in NSFW tags.

Please be aware that I'm just being honest and I do not wish anyone to follow in my unfortunate, ordeal-ridden footsteps. <3

For the first few weeks I went without heroin, I did some cocaine the first night, and smoked a lot of weed for three weeks. I was still depressed and experiencing anhedonia, from just abstaining after my first experience with heroin, which lasted for 9 days. You do not have to be using for weeks to get to the point of anhedonia after quitting.

I then used heroin for about 9 months. Withdrawals from one day of abstinence were unutterably horrible. I then went to a Suboxone doctor.

I couldn't stand going a day without Suboxone.

I was on Suboxone for 5 years.

The first time I tried getting clean off Suboxone (dec 2013-jul 2014), in the beginning I shot a lot of meth (methamphetamine, not methadone). I was and still am using cannabis extract/shatter. I made it those seven months, and then relapsed.

Oct '14-to date, I am clean.

What did I do? Have sex, read compulsively, write compulsively, play video games compulsively, got back into school/work, and abused my body in a number of ways (sleep deprivation, burning myself).

None of these things are good or bad in themselves, but I recommend getting into writing, reading, video games, TV shows, movies, school/work, and therapy or 12 step programs or their non-religious equivalent. Please don't resort to the other things I have done (self-harm) to get past pain. <3

Also, as a writer I consume a lot of caffeine through tea or coffee, but I don't see it as a compulsion or problem. :)
Capt. Heroin, read your posts and I have to agree that as a writer caffeine is not a problem. At a recent writer's conference, I attended a workshop for writing publishable poetry. We had to bring in something we had previously written. It was early morning, and I didn't really have anything prepared, so I decided to use something from memory I had written concerning coffee in my journal since it would fit the bill. The first line was "I inhale the peach color." He didn't get it at first but then said - "oh yea, duh, ok," and everyone laughed then he said, "without coffee, writers probably wouldn't exist" then everybody laughed again. I thought, "how true," and not just necessarily coffee but for me it's -
- fountain soda
- nicotine
- root beer
- an occasional red bull.

Good luck with everything, peace,

Can't believe I'm actually here. But I'm not okay and really could use some help. PM me or message me in other ways if you know me personally. Thanks in advance.

I just sent you a message. Breathe and hang on.
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