The Suicide Support Thread

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No, but thanks all the same.

You realize it's not going to bother/disturb me at all for you to talk about it, I'm all ears, and I am very kind/respectful to anyone who hits me up to vent/rant.

There's nothing that could be said to me that would be "TMI", you feel me? So even if you don't want to, it's worth a shot. You don't even have to accept/listen to any advice I'd offer, it's just still nice to know you have advice out there from others just in case you want to take it. :)

Hope you're feeling better Abject!

Thanks for the advice. I know the spiral my gf is going down, and that's what's so saddening. How much her personality has changed, so quickly.

I sold a couple bitcoin mining rigs on ebay, but no more since. I'm hanging on right now but I recently started smoking cigs again... for the first time in 5 years (my ex made me quit). It's almost like I want to die, ASAP. I've been thinking about it a lot lately and the opiates are about the only thing that makes me not give a fuck.

Severely Etarded,

Over the last 4-5 years of my life, I had a relationship with my ex-girlfriend. The last 1.5 to 2 years of it were god awful, where she contracted schizophrenia and made my life a true living hell. I wouldn't wish that shit on anyone. I was assaulted multiple times by her, I had struggled with suicidal ideation for a long time and this last 1.5 to 2 years were the worst of it. At times she would have moments of clarity and beg me to kill her and then end my life. I would have never been able to do that of course, but just knowing that she wanted to die so badly because she realized how bad the schizophrenia was ruining her life was getting to her, and that still makes me cry just thinking about it.

She lost her mind from smoking/IV methamphetamine. People with predispositions to psychosis or family histories of psychosis/schizophrenia should NEVER use methamphetamine. Nonetheless, she went from being a bright, intelligent, productive member of society, to a homeless and broke meth-zombie over the course of just a year or two.

When I finally got her out of my life, I realized how much better I felt and how much better my life would be. Within months I found a new girl in my life who is simply amazing (<3 to her <3), and I wanted to let you know that you don't have to let this ruin you.

If you just started smoking cigarettes again, quit! It might not be too late to cold turkey the cigarettes without feeling too awful. There's no reason to smoke cigarettes IMO, and if you quit, it'll be one more thing you can save money on, to put towards a better life for yourself - a better life you definitely deserve. <3

Don't give up on yourself buddy, you have come a long way and I want to know you got to a place of true happiness one day. ok? PM me if you need to, I'm here.
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i put myself into wds again i'm such an idiot if i kill myself at least i can't fail myself anymore
^ Why don't you use this as a motivation to try and get clean? Think if it this way: you won't have to experience the pain it w/d if you're clean.

But trust me, I know how hard it can be.

<3 If you ever want to talk, please private message me.
i put myself into wds again i'm such an idiot if i kill myself at least i can't fail myself anymore

Everybody makes mistakes man, and I'm really sorry to hear you have to suffer through WD's now. Be strong for your family, and best of luck. <3

yup, opiates have been my best friend ever for a long time and numb my brain, started my detox tues, fucked up friday,started it again that evening... sunday morning and back to feeling shite. Do I want to stop or what! yeah but...shit im all messed up in the head. My doc wouldnt help except for lopermide so bought from the streets (and buscopan from the chemist) what i needed to get a bit of kip, nobody cares,im so pathetic feeling so sorry fo myself, a weak stupid dumbass bitch that is too scared to kill myself coz knowing my luck i'll just end up fucking it up and givin myself brain damage,christ, if my family aint mega-keen on seeing me now they defo wouldnt be then! I did this to myself and hurt my family so so much, It's the 'services' that truly dont give a shit coz im just a smackhead and even a visit from a drug worker, (my ex's i was just there at the time) the other day 'yes, i can see how it would SEEM like nobody is bothered' they arnt ya stupid cow,ive been through it over and over, she aint, textbook junkies ffs. I dunno if it's my messed up mind, The only advice I kept from almost a month of detox 4 yrs ago was " changing your thought proccess is like trying to turn the QE2 around" no truer word said. Good luck to everyone, please keep going fo as long as you can
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i put myself into wds again i'm such an idiot if i kill myself at least i can't fail myself anymore

you're no idiot. addiction is an illness and not related to intelligence. or maybe it is- i know lots of addicts that are more intelligent than the average.
you're no idiot. addiction is an illness and not related to intelligence. or maybe it is- i know lots of addicts that are more intelligent than the average.

This is very true. Addiction and mental health problems can effect people from all walks of life, including the most intelligent, beautiful people on the face of the planet. Even without a family history of addiction, even in a family that is of high socioeconomic status, even a family full of unconditionally loving family members, an addict can still be born.

You may feel rather stupid for letting a drug or drugs get the better of you, but it's not stupidity. You just have to realize what your triggers are, why you're using, and to work on these in battles over time, and you'll win the war.
Does anyone have social anxiety and depression together? Awful awful combination, and I feel like I've had it my entire life. Seriously, I wake up and I'm filled with anxiety, and I go to bed filled with anxiety. I constantly think about killing myself, I even attempted a 'test' run once to see how fast I could potentially pass out by hanging myself. When I got the loop right I started getting tunnel vision in seconds, so at least I have a back up plan.

I guess its sort of a blessing that I have social anxiety because if I was more social without a doubt I would be hooked on drugs. Almost everyday, my mind is filled with fantasies about taking different drugs, reading bluelight/erowid for hours at a time, and occasionally trying a RC from online. Whenever I get any particular drug, like weed or more recently etizolam, I just try to get as fucked up as possible. I've tried a lot of drugs but since I have no connections or a job, I never have a real stash around. I'd like to think I'm above addiction, but hey that's the famous words of every addict right?

I've only tried opiates a handful of times, but every time was astounding. I remember being 16 years old with a hydro script after wisdom teeth and I took like 6 of em and was high for like 5 hours. Sadly, I think once you experience opiates you will never forget that feeling, even if its something as 'tame' as hydrocodone. It completely removed my social anxiety, and I don't think I can ever forget the sensation of walking out in public and truly not giving a fuck about what people thought of me.

My head is a fucking mess sometimes :(
How I Deal with Social Anxiety and Depression

Does anyone have social anxiety and depression together? Awful awful combination, and I feel like I've had it my entire life.

Yes, I have social anxiety and depression. Not all the time now, I've learned that there are essentially dials for these things in the mind that you can turn up and down temporarily as needed.

There are things you can do to alleviate the depression and anxiety.

I was suicidal for 9 years and only feel that this year things have changed for me. From 2004 to 2013, I was suicidal. How much I talked about it or to whom varied over these years. I should have reached out for help a long time ago, and I didn't. I still have a problem with reaching out for help, especially when I need it the most. It's very upsetting to me that all I had to do was man up and ask for help from the people who were there to help.

If I could build a time machine, exclusively just to go back in time and kick my ass, I would. Except, that would have implications on reality as it stands today, so I would hate to end up making my present any worse by doing this - but it's something I've thought about so much.

It completely removed my social anxiety, and I don't think I can ever forget the sensation of walking out in public and truly not giving a fuck about what people thought of me.

Opiates aren't the only thing that can enable you to not suffer from social anxiety; and unfortunately, if you use opiates often enough (it sounds like you have been lucky and fortunate enough to not have to go through opiate addiction), what happens is a tolerance forms to the positive effects of the opiates. Eventually, in an opiate addiction, you will feel so much worse than when you started when going without opiates (entering withdrawal), and to get the opiate in your system just renders a "normal" feeling; the high will totally disappear all together. The only way to avoid tolerance is constantly escalating your dosage, which isn't feasible nor an option for the majority of opiate users.

Because of this, I think it's best to approach reducing social anxiety and depression through non-opiate ways.

Exercise is my #1 anxiety reliever at the moment. Cardiovascular or muscular exercise; both are preferable, especially if I have the time for it. Words can't describe how amazing it feels to get a work out in (to me); you feel accomplished, strong, alive, and the soreness of the muscles is comforting knowing you are doing your body a lot of good by working out. :)

Meditation (and/or prayer if you are religious) are also amazing tools. Have you tried either? I would suggest meditating the first and last 15 minutes of your day, so that you can begin and end every day with good feelings/thoughts. This can make a huge difference in how you feel for the other 15 and a half hours of the day (assuming you are getting 8 hours of sleep, and actually do two 15 minute sessions of meditation).

Support Network: This is a must. You need friends and/or family that know what you're going through to be there for you. It's really critical IMO. In the event you don't have a lot of friends, or don't want to tell what you're going through to your friends/family, feel free to PM me. I assure you I love getting PM's from other Bluelighters and I love being able to help others out.

Therapy/Psychiatry: This is your own decision on whether or not to utilize these tools, but I strongly recommend at least one of these if not both. It's nice to have a 3rd party perspective listening to you every now and then about what you're going through. And a psychiatrist can prescribe medications that could help your social anxiety/depression. They may not even feel that you actually need medication, but since it sounds like you are suffering a lot, I would say you deserve to at least try medication out for the short-term, and take it from there. If you do decide to start taking anti-anxiety medication, know to take days off, go out of your way not to get addicted to it. Only use the medication for actual panic or social anxiety; don't use it to get high. I don't have a problem with using benzos, I can hold onto them and not take them for a long time... but when you have a social anxiety disorder/problem, it can make benzos more reinforcing/rewarding to the brain as you're getting a drug effect and you're getting medicinal relief from social anxiety. For these reasons, I think you shouldn't immediately hop onto any medications, try the other advice I have in this post first.

Dating/Sex/Masturbation: It might seem like me listing this is silly or I'm not being serious, but I am. Without having orgasms on a regular basis, I won't feel right and will be depressed and more anxious. If you aren't taking care of your biological needs in this department, I advise you do this. If you don't have the desire, you should go to a doctor and report this to make sure that it's psychological and not related to low testosterone levels. Orgasms release endorphins, which are naturally occurring endogenous opioid peptides. So in short, taking care of these biological needs keeps you feeling good in general. I think it's very important to take care of these needs in order to attain proper mental well being. I also wanted to list dating because I wanted to note that just having a significant other in your life - sex aside - is amazing for relieving social anxiety and depression. I don't know if you have had any significant others in your life, but it is a unique experience compared to just having sex with people. So even without having sex, you can still get the endorphins flowing in your body. :)

Routine: Having a daily or cyclic routine within your day can be amazing. It is good to get into the good habit of doing productive things like showering, brushing your teeth, etc. - you can assimilate a daily routine/cycle that involves many enjoyable things. I'll give you an example of what I would do if I was trying to utilize a routine: I would wake up every day, shower, brush my teeth, listen to music while getting dressed, read a few pages of my favorite book that I am re-reading, give my parents and/or friends a call to stay in touch, jump onto the computer to post on Bluelight, put on my headphones on the way to go to get food and back to keep myself entertained, eat the food at home while watching a movie or TV show, then onto making some music, exercising - push ups and crunches and a static hold, and so on. This is an example of a daily routine you can do. Most people would include "school" or "work" in their daily routine, although you normally don't do either of these every day, as you have days off and stuff. Nonetheless, you can embrace the routine of things, and the more you get done in every day, the better you will feel about yourself. With social anxiety and depression, it's very easy to let the social anxiety take over to the point where you're getting so little done that the lack of doing anything causes depression, all due to avoiding social anxiety subconsciously. So this is why I wanted to stress having a routine.

Seeing a GP/PCP/Doctor on a regular basis: This is also very important. Social anxiety can be worsened by health conditions like thyroid problems, heightened blood pressure, excessive heart rate, etc. - it's good to rule out that the social anxiety and/or depression you're experiencing doesn't have a physical cause. Because, if it does, then you can get treatment for the physical cause of it, and then it won't be as bad. You can also become depressed and anxious as a result of vitamin deficiencies, especially Vitamin B12 for instance.

The last thing I wanted to add in was to not let fear or anxiety dictate/control your life. You can talk to yourself in your mind and say "I know I feel this anxious, but I don't need to feel like this, I know I'll be OK in order to do this, I can contact a friend/family member if I need to, I can PM Captain if I need to, I can go on an extra long walk after work today, I can ask for some help if I need it, etc" - and remind yourself of the tools you have to allow yourself to feel better. It'll go a long way.

I hope this long post was worth all the time I put into it. I wanted to share all of this because it breaks my heart to know other people are suffering as bad as I used to. I have also gotten a lot of help from people's posts here, as well as having the honor and privilege of getting to meet some of these Bluelighters in real life, some of which have helped me more than I could put into words in this single post. For that reason, I wanted to post this for you 88dood88, as well as everyone else who may benefit from this post.

Much peace and <3,
life is so meaningless to me i wish i could want something so much that i would have a drive or focus but i just don't care what happens to me
Wow thanks for putting the time into that post. I'll try to address your points, hopefully this post isn't too long lol

Exercise: I haven't been good about it lately, I do need to go get back in the gym but I just find myself with not a lot of motivation for anything nowadays. It kind of pisses me off that I stopped going, before I stopped I got my deadlift up to 405lbs, now I'm afraid when I go back to the gym a lot of my strength will be lost :(

: Haven't tried this, even though I've read the numerous benefits of meditation. Something I'll definitely look into, thanks.

Support network
: Unfortunately, growing up in the South I was raised religious, but from the time from my confirmation (age 11 or 12) I started to seriously doubt all the things I was being taught at church. Of course, I could never admit to my parents that I'm an atheist, as their parents were religious and so were theirs. Even when I had friends, I sadly spun so many lies about my life that it became exhausting trying to keep up.

I've never been in a relationship, let alone date or have sex, so I have had literally zero emotional intimacy with anyone in my life. Knowing this is probably one of the biggest reasons why I'm depressed and social anxiety. A catch 22 if you will, scared to go out because I don't have social confidence, don't have social confidence because I don't go out. Anyways I used to tell my 'friends' that I had dated in the past, made up fake girlfriends names, told these people I was a Christian. My chronic low self esteem translated into me being a people pleaser type of person. Luckily, during high school I wasn't picked on badly or anything, and after college I got big as fuck so I never dealt with people harassing me.

Since I've been living throughout these lies for so long, I really feel like I can't trust anyone except my brother. Probably the only person I can talk about most stuff too.

Therapy: I've tried it before, although I did not give it it's fair shake. The guy I had clearly had no experience with social anxiety, as after an hour of telling him the terrible anxiety I deal with on a daily basis, he gave me a 2 page printoff about anxiety. It fucking looked like he just went to google and printed off the most cooke cutter bullshit ever. I probably should go back but it's tough man.

Dating: Yeah, possibly the very reason why I want to kill myself. I know it's not smart to base your happiness on a potential relationship but I feel at 21 years old that I have such little experience (I mean literallly NONE) that I don't even talk to women anymore. I just avoid them because I'm incredibly awkward and shy. Jacking off is nice but your hand gets old after awhile haha :p

Doc:I've been to the doc before, he actually referred me to a psychiatrist after trying out 3 or so different med combos for depression/anxiety. Right now I'm on paxil and remeron, but nothing has been improved really from it, honestly I feel worse after trying out a gauntlet of medication. I know benzos are addictive but I feel I'm at the point where my anxiety is so bad that it has essentially paralyzed me.

I wish I could say that talking about my depression to my family/doc has helped, but honestly it really hasn't. I feel even more depressed and suicidal for whatever reason.
It's been about 3 months since my attempt at suicide, well it was more of a success since i did die for a couple minutes, overdose on seroquel 6000mg and 200mg of xanax, woke up after a week long coma and just haven't felt right since. it feels like i'm purposely doing dangerous things just to feel something again, i pick fights at bars that i'm not legally allowed in for three more weeks, i've gotten the shit beat out of me, been jumped, beat up a couple bigger guys after hitting on there wives, slept with married women, tried a whole new array of drugs and ive been arrested twice in this span of three months, I can't stop, I don't want to stop. Hell, I've even taken my mountain biking to a whole new level hitting dangerous trails way out of my league hitting 20-30 foot drops.

Wow it feels good to say all of that.

I still think of different ways to die everyday but don't have the nerve anymore, I'm afraid i will someday soon.

on top of all that my girlfriend was messing around on me and i knew it and didn't really care, she just broke up with me and i feel completely numb to it, hell, we were both cheating it wasn't healthy.
So before I made that long ass post I must've left my side door accidentally open. After typing I get up and see my cat is gone and my door is cracked. It's probably been cracked for an hour. My 11 year old cat with no tags is now gone and I have no idea where he went. Please someone end it for me
So before I made that long ass post I must've left my side door accidentally open. After typing I get up and see my cat is gone and my door is cracked. It's probably been cracked for an hour. My 11 year old cat with no tags is now gone and I have no idea where he went. Please someone end it for me

Oh I'm so sorry, don't worry though, cats love to explore outside (especially if it's an indoor cat). It should come back when it's tired and hungry. When I first let my (5yo) cat outside she disappeared for 3 days before coming home. My youngest cat (9 weeks) has been gone for a week now and I'm worried about her.
life is so meaningless to me i wish i could want something so much that i would have a drive or focus but i just don't care what happens to me

That's just part of your depression talking Mr. Flowers. Just try giving yourself a chance. It's worth it. :)
Oh I'm so sorry, don't worry though, cats love to explore outside (especially if it's an indoor cat). It should come back when it's tired and hungry. When I first let my (5yo) cat outside she disappeared for 3 days before coming home. My youngest cat (9 weeks) has been gone for a week now and I'm worried about her.

Hope you find your cat as well. I think I'm going to leave some food out in hopes of luring him back in
Wow thanks for putting the time into that post. I'll try to address your points, hopefully this post isn't too long lol

Exercise: I haven't been good about it lately, I do need to go get back in the gym but I just find myself with not a lot of motivation for anything nowadays. It kind of pisses me off that I stopped going, before I stopped I got my deadlift up to 405lbs, now I'm afraid when I go back to the gym a lot of my strength will be lost :(

: Haven't tried this, even though I've read the numerous benefits of meditation. Something I'll definitely look into, thanks.

Support network
: Unfortunately, growing up in the South I was raised religious, but from the time from my confirmation (age 11 or 12) I started to seriously doubt all the things I was being taught at church. Of course, I could never admit to my parents that I'm an atheist, as their parents were religious and so were theirs. Even when I had friends, I sadly spun so many lies about my life that it became exhausting trying to keep up.

I've never been in a relationship, let alone date or have sex, so I have had literally zero emotional intimacy with anyone in my life. Knowing this is probably one of the biggest reasons why I'm depressed and social anxiety. A catch 22 if you will, scared to go out because I don't have social confidence, don't have social confidence because I don't go out. Anyways I used to tell my 'friends' that I had dated in the past, made up fake girlfriends names, told these people I was a Christian. My chronic low self esteem translated into me being a people pleaser type of person. Luckily, during high school I wasn't picked on badly or anything, and after college I got big as fuck so I never dealt with people harassing me.

Since I've been living throughout these lies for so long, I really feel like I can't trust anyone except my brother. Probably the only person I can talk about most stuff too.

Therapy: I've tried it before, although I did not give it it's fair shake. The guy I had clearly had no experience with social anxiety, as after an hour of telling him the terrible anxiety I deal with on a daily basis, he gave me a 2 page printoff about anxiety. It fucking looked like he just went to google and printed off the most cooke cutter bullshit ever. I probably should go back but it's tough man.

Dating: Yeah, possibly the very reason why I want to kill myself. I know it's not smart to base your happiness on a potential relationship but I feel at 21 years old that I have such little experience (I mean literallly NONE) that I don't even talk to women anymore. I just avoid them because I'm incredibly awkward and shy. Jacking off is nice but your hand gets old after awhile haha :p

Doc:I've been to the doc before, he actually referred me to a psychiatrist after trying out 3 or so different med combos for depression/anxiety. Right now I'm on paxil and remeron, but nothing has been improved really from it, honestly I feel worse after trying out a gauntlet of medication. I know benzos are addictive but I feel I'm at the point where my anxiety is so bad that it has essentially paralyzed me.

I wish I could say that talking about my depression to my family/doc has helped, but honestly it really hasn't. I feel even more depressed and suicidal for whatever reason.

I am similar in many ways the same, except in high school I started losing track was who was who. Benzodiazepines, especially Xanax, clonazepam and my favorite is valium - I literally found dozens of girls numbers in my phone, all the time. I can't imagine how fucked up I was when I would ask if I don't remember, but it was always Xanax and always at school lol

FYI I stayed with a fucking gorgeous babe... moved in as a solo partner with her for 5 years. Now she started smoking crack with one over her "friends" it all went downhill, fast. I know what you mean about jacking off lately too...

It's not so bad being single. just sucks she left me broke too :(
Wow thanks for putting the time into that post.
Of course man; I did it not just for you, but anyone else in the same situation. No one deserves to have to struggle with social anxiety and depression on a daily basis.

Exercise: I haven't been good about it lately, I do need to go get back in the gym but I just find myself with not a lot of motivation for anything nowadays. It kind of pisses me off that I stopped going, before I stopped I got my deadlift up to 405lbs, now I'm afraid when I go back to the gym a lot of my strength will be lost :(
This happens to a lot of people with social anxiety and depression. We'll start with it, and then give it up due to one thing or another; either laziness, social anxiety, depression, or another factor - whatever it might be, or a combination of all of these.

The most important way to address exercise is to realize that I exercise every day and I don't go to a gym to do it. I lay out a floor on my carpet to do crunches, I have an iron gym (one of these things) to do push ups with, and I can do static holds on the same towel on my carpet. When I go jogging/running/speed walking, all I need are my shoes and the city streets. :)

So don't let "not going to the gym" be a deterrent from exercising. Really. Just think of it like, who needs a gym? Haha. People often think you have to go to a gym to stay fit, it's just not true. It's ideal, and sure, if I had a gym membership, I'm sure I'd be using it instead of what I do instead. However, the dedication it takes to keep up with going to a gym, the effort involved, and the guilt you'll feel if you don't keep up with it, is in a lot of ways setting yourself up for failure. It's better to keep up with something you know you can do and know you can keep yourself doing.

People often aim for like the BEST in life, and when they don't get what they want, they feel horribly let down. The way I like to deal with things is that I am for "good enough", and when things turn out for the best, it's a pleasant surprise.

So in this sense, just get started exercising again. Even if it just involves doing like a few push ups and going on a mile walk, start somewhere and work your way up. If you do want to go to a gym again one day, start exercising without a gym first, prove to yourself you're dedicated enough to want to get the gym membership, and then after you get into the cycle of exercising regularly again, go for it. :)

And do not let yourself feel bad for not doing something, instead: just do it. I'm sure that sounds easier said than done, but it really is that simple. The other day I was coming to the realization about how disgusted I was with something not being clean, so I picked up a bottle of cleaner and a sponge, and I kept scrubbing vigorously until my entire stove was clean, and then I kept going and did all the counter tops to my kitchen, I did my whole bathroom, I cleaned all the walls and ceilings, and threw away a lot of stuff I didn't need.

If I would have just sat around feeling bad about not doing anything, nothing would have gotten done, and I would have just felt worse about myself. All it takes is for you to realize you just have to do something and knowing as soon as you get it done, you'll feel great that you got it accomplished.

Meditation: Haven't tried this, even though I've read the numerous benefits of meditation. Something I'll definitely look into, thanks.
Definitely recommended. And of course, you are welcome. I hope that meditation works well for you. It's great for me.

Support network: Unfortunately, growing up in the South I was raised religious, but from the time from my confirmation (age 11 or 12) I started to seriously doubt all the things I was being taught at church. Of course, I could never admit to my parents that I'm an atheist, as their parents were religious and so were theirs. Even when I had friends, I sadly spun so many lies about my life that it became exhausting trying to keep up.

Since I've been living throughout these lies for so long, I really feel like I can't trust anyone except my brother. Probably the only person I can talk about most stuff too.
I'm sorry to hear about this. I never doubted the existence of god but I quickly became disenchanted with Christianity too. I'm a very spiritual person despite not being a religious one.

Definitely stay in touch with your brother. If you think you can trust him, you should tell him most of the stuff you have shared here, if you are able to/want to. I think he will be understanding and loving enough to be there for you through this. You never know, he might have some of the same problems and might not have many people to talk to about it either.

I've never been in a relationship, let alone date or have sex, so I have had literally zero emotional intimacy with anyone in my life. Knowing this is probably one of the biggest reasons why I'm depressed and social anxiety. A catch 22 if you will, scared to go out because I don't have social confidence, don't have social confidence because I don't go out. Anyways I used to tell my 'friends' that I had dated in the past, made up fake girlfriends names, told these people I was a Christian. My chronic low self esteem translated into me being a people pleaser type of person. Luckily, during high school I wasn't picked on badly or anything, and after college I got big as fuck so I never dealt with people harassing me.
Well I will say that it's not a bad thing to be a virgin. If I could go back in time just so I didn't lose my virginity to the person that I did, I would. But, that ship has sailed and there's no going back. Just know that when you do get to have sex, it should be with someone you really care about and who really cares about you as well.

May I ask you what your plans are regarding this? You definitely deserve happiness. Do you think you're going to try to start dating in the future? Is that something you would want for your life?

Therapy: I've tried it before, although I did not give it it's fair shake. The guy I had clearly had no experience with social anxiety, as after an hour of telling him the terrible anxiety I deal with on a daily basis, he gave me a 2 page printoff about anxiety. It fucking looked like he just went to google and printed off the most cooke cutter bullshit ever. I probably should go back but it's tough man.
Well it sounds like you didn't go to a good therapist. Try going to a different one. This time, you can go online and read reviews about who you're going to go see, so you can avoid people with bad reviews. Another thing you can do is ask friends/family if anyone of them know a good therapist; someone in your circle of people probably does.

You didn't tell me a lot about what happened with your first attempt with therapy, but just hearing the fact that he gave you a 2 page print off from some online website should show that he definitely was under-qualified to be your therapist. No questions asked. I would definitely give therapy another attempt, with someone more qualified. Try to cherry pick the person who you think is going to be best for you. You can even call and talk to them on the phone first so you can get a feel for if you're going to "click" with them or not.

Dating: Yeah, possibly the very reason why I want to kill myself. I know it's not smart to base your happiness on a potential relationship but I feel at 21 years old that I have such little experience (I mean literallly NONE) that I don't even talk to women anymore. I just avoid them because I'm incredibly awkward and shy. Jacking off is nice but your hand gets old after awhile haha :p
Don't let this make you feel bad. I lost my virginity at 19 and I wish I had held onto it for a few more years, although I did not.

The awkward feeling/sensations you experience are a result of social anxiety. The more you work towards alleviating your social anxiety, the less awkwardness you will perceive with yourself. I used to feel awkward almost all the time, in every way possible. I don't think I feel awkward anymore though. It just takes time getting used to yourself; I'm sure at 21 I was still a bit awkward feeling too.

Doc:I've been to the doc before, he actually referred me to a psychiatrist after trying out 3 or so different med combos for depression/anxiety. Right now I'm on paxil and remeron, but nothing has been improved really from it, honestly I feel worse after trying out a gauntlet of medication. I know benzos are addictive but I feel I'm at the point where my anxiety is so bad that it has essentially paralyzed me.

I wish I could say that talking about my depression to my family/doc has helped, but honestly it really hasn't. I feel even more depressed and suicidal for whatever reason.
You should go back to your doctor and get off the paxil and remeron. I'm not saying this because I'm a doctor, I'm not, and I'm not saying this because I think you should just hop on benzos either (because they are addictive and you can't use them every day and still have them work well).

The only reason I'm saying you should get off of paxil and remeron is because you said that nothing has been improved from it. Taking medications that don't work for you only does 1 thing: it makes doctors and pharmaceutical companies a lot of money. Clearly it isn't working well for you, and that's going off what you're telling me (and you have no reason to lie about this).

It's important when you go back to the doctor/psychiatrist that you explain that the gauntlet (nice word choice by the way) of medications you have tried have not worked, and you want to try a benzodiazepine for anxiety, as needed. They will likely be all right with prescribing you a small amount of a benzodiazepine. You can tell them you don't want to get dependent on the medication and you only want to take it as needed. I'm only recommending this for you because I suffered from social anxiety/depression for so long that I should have done this very thing a long time ago. It took me about 9 years of suffering through suicidal ideation/social anxiety/depression/PTSD until I was able to ask (and get prescribed) xanax. When I take my medication (I always take it as prescribed), I feel amazing. I don't over-think things, I just do them. And then after I've gotten an entire day's worth of stuff done and still have time in the evening to relax by myself, I feel amazing. I literally have never felt so effective and productive in my entire life.

It's been about 3 months since my attempt at suicide, well it was more of a success since i did die for a couple minutes, overdose on seroquel 6000mg and 200mg of xanax, woke up after a week long coma and just haven't felt right since. it feels like i'm purposely doing dangerous things just to feel something again, i pick fights at bars that i'm not legally allowed in for three more weeks, i've gotten the shit beat out of me, been jumped, beat up a couple bigger guys after hitting on there wives, slept with married women, tried a whole new array of drugs and ive been arrested twice in this span of three months, I can't stop, I don't want to stop. Hell, I've even taken my mountain biking to a whole new level hitting dangerous trails way out of my league hitting 20-30 foot drops.

Wow it feels good to say all of that.

I still think of different ways to die everyday but don't have the nerve anymore, I'm afraid i will someday soon.

on top of all that my girlfriend was messing around on me and i knew it and didn't really care, she just broke up with me and i feel completely numb to it, hell, we were both cheating it wasn't healthy.

I don't know you, and all I've heard about you is from this post here, but it sounds like you have a problem regulating your impulses, as well as being what is colloquially referred to as an "adrenaline junkie".

You've admitted to doing all of these outrageous, incredibly dangerous, physically risky behaviors, and it seems like you're not quite proud nor ashamed of it, but almost confused by why you feel compelled to do these things.

Do you know why you do stuff like this? Have you thought about asking for help?

Feel free to PM me if you'd like. I got your friend request and accepted it. :)

So before I made that long ass post I must've left my side door accidentally open. After typing I get up and see my cat is gone and my door is cracked. It's probably been cracked for an hour. My 11 year old cat with no tags is now gone and I have no idea where he went. Please someone end it for me

I'm so sorry man.

When I was with my ex-girlfriend, while she was fully psychotic, she let her own cat run away. No tags. I still miss the cat, my other cat I own misses that cat, etc. - and I know what it feels like.

I hope your cat comes back; they can and do come back sometimes. I had a cat with my family when I was growing up, the cat ran away for a few days, but she came back. She had a bunch of scratches (apparently had been fighting with the other cats in the neighborhood) but she was fine.

I'm very sorry to hear about your missing cat and am wishing you the best of luck. <3
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i need a gf that isn't totally insane but that seems to be the type of women i attract it sucks and it makes me feel like theres something wrong with me that a decent woman wont go near me
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