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Nice, you have all the luck with connects and freshly imported goodies. Regardless it still great your now leaving the #4 behind and if you hold on to cola for 6 months I don't see that taking you down anytime soon,
so keep on keeping༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽ on.

Your lady friend have your Oxys stashed yet? That's another good idea this soon out of acute and the rougher PAWS stage I would guess.
Thanks man, I need all the encouragement I can get. I'm holding onto the snow because I don't trust her with it. I trust myself with it because I tried it 15 years ago, pretty sure I'd have had a craving or something by now. She might blow through it in a week or something like that, which would suck because of how hard it is to get the good stuff. She's not a cokehead. Just likes to do more than 10 or 20 milligrams at a time since she is more depressed than myself, and I am more anxious than her.

My oxy's are not released for a bit, I'm just thinking ahead about what to do about them. I can sense that I would be able to easily get high as fuck off them and that part of me wants to. They are 5mg percs, but 3 of those on top of maybe a little extended release would give me that feeling I cannot control and then within two weeks I'd be fucked. I am so untrusting of myself that I will not be going to pick them up without her by my side so that when we get outside I can immediately hand them over to her. I don't think a safe with a code is necessary, I trust her not to use them and I'll keep count to make sure she isn't getting into that shit. I don't trust her to remember a code for a locked safe, she loses everything haha. Oxy's are not really for her... she likes to drink, smoke bong and occasionally coke. She's not in any sort of pain. I think I'll be safe from my own mind if I do it this way... sound like a good idea to you? They are so tough to get I definitely want to get them, I just don't want to be anywhere near them.
I know, Oxys take on a whole different intrinsic value with the hysteria and freaked out Docs, even if you don't touch them at all it's now something you would keep with precious metals or cash. 5 -10 years back I would skip my Doc appointment and it didn't seem like a big deal, to me or my Doc, just picked up where we left off. But now a missed appointment would trigger a consultation and most likely a dose reduction, even the Oxy IR 30's have been bulked up to the size of an Altoid or round Percocet to discourage "abuse". 300mg of "extra" microcrystalline cellulose and lactose monohydrate is all I need.

Good on you for taking these steps though as I would stub my toe and use it as an excuse for a couple. Say did you ever use your brother for a trip sitter when you first hit the DMT again? I'm sure he knows a lot more about what's going on now with your abstinence from ops and all right?.

Have you thought of getting some heavy duty NSAID's like Voltaren or something for the back?
The hysteria is insane up here because everyone is using fentanyl. There are numerous reasons for this, but around here, pretty much the only opiate/opioid immediately available is fentanyl. As soon as this started showing up in the news, I could never have an open relationship with my doctor again. It's almost like storing gold haha! I don't like have APAP in them either, and I could never even get the 5mg ones without APAP when I brought up my concern with my doctor. I just didn't want to be taking something that is scientifically proven to be toxic to the liver in any amount on a daily basis. I couldn't even get those, I guess I could pop 20 of them at once then right? I would think that a doctor would take my liver into consideration. They really don't give a fuck these days. It's an ego response to the hysteria in my opinion since they have been trained so thoroughly, and people are burying their kids when it starts with a fucking medicine cabinet.

I have chronic pain which I am okay with, I obviously don't enjoy it, but every week or 2 my back completely seizes up and the pain is so extreme that I have to lay down and ride it out like a 2 hour bad trip or something full of horrible, unbearable pain. She has seen me like that, and that's when I actually need or would benefit from these meds. She could give me a percocet or 2 in that situation because I get so fucked up that I pass out from the pain, and when I am like that I do not get high. The pain goes away and it is a little relief, so I'd like to have them around for occasions like that, and maybe for the odd hike that is a little steep for me. We are really open with each other so if I ever had a craving I would tell her (and I do).

I had so many excuses man. I am in a lot less pain than I convinced myself I was in, although, it is still very real sometimes and nothing else helps. I've been fine like, 95% of the time since I got through the acute withdrawal.

I sometimes had the girl I mentioned as a trip sitter when I was hitting DMT earlier in my recovery. The first few times, I was alone and seriously needed to do something to change my perspective. I don't even know why I chose DMT, it was just there like it was meant to be. She would be really comforting afterwards though, I like her to be present. I've talked about it with my little brother because he mentioned he really wants to try acid, and has done mushrooms, but I know him well and I'm telling him to look into DMT. I have a much better reaction to DMT than to acid and consider it safer, mentally speaking. My brother wants me to be a trip sitter for himself, if / when he first tries a stronger psychedelic than an eighth of mushrooms. We are ten years apart and he's only recently gotten to the age where we can really bond and it has been great. He smokes weed and takes mushrooms, is a musician in a band, and stays away from harder stuff... I still really look out for him though. He knows I was going through opiate withdrawal, I told him all about that when he was over here one day and I was really sick in bed and like he's my bro, I'm not gonna just say I have the flu. Didn't mention heroin though.

Never heard of that NSAID, there is one that works really well for me though. I take it sparingly and it's called flurbiprofen. I think the best thing to do, and what I have been doing, is forcing myself to be active even in pain. She really helps me with this because we'll get out for hikes together, and other fun physical activities. I'm getting back into shape and I think if I strengthen my core it might really help. I do a lot of yoga and stretching too, and I cook with a lot of turmeric too which I think is an NSAID as well. Also, there is pineapple which is soothing. Back massages are nice as well.

I'm pretty good with the back pain at the moment. It was worse in acute withdrawal, and immediately after but I feel like it's improving. It's more very low energy, insomnia, anxiety, occasional anger outbursts, and opiate cravings that I am dealing with. Man, I'd never get an IR 30 by the way despite this extreme pain. Not even a 15mg extended release. It's insane and if they gave me something more than a 5mg perc for years on end, maybe I wouldn't have done so much dope to compensate? I would talk and he wouldn't listen. I would write 4 page notes explaining my entire pain situation and he didn't have time to fucking read what I wrote. Interrupted me, just wanted to refill my script. Fucking bullshit medical treatment and they are very reluctant to try any actual treatments other then throwing drugs at me.

Apogies for the long message... little more coked out now. When I was experimenting with methamphetamine, I noticed huge variations in the effects. I could only handle it orally with my anxiety, but sometimes it would feel almost like a more controllable version of Mdma where I could really focus hard and fly through books or socialize proficiently and have massive pupils. Other times, it was much more subtle and kind of more like an adderall would be. I didn't really understand that. The former type I mentioned was what I really liked, but it would only work for a day or two in a row. I would use those during withdrawal sometimes, but found them hard on the body. I am starting to be more selective about the substances that I like to use most, and sticking with those ones and really getting to know them well.
That's cool you and your little bro are tight and you can steer him in the right directions. I also have to agree that without opioids you might have a better pain tolerance as there's no chance of getting OIH- opioid induced hyper-algesia. Between yoga, hiking and sexy time I imagine you're workin up a sweat at some point which equates to muscle growth & tone. Well done Shroomy. I hate to bring this up but it's affecting me too at the moment. If things ever go sour between you and the special lady, find a way to not let it destroy your progress. Not that it's anything to worry about right this second. My lady friend is moving up north to her sick mom's (transient ischemic attack with micro strokes) so we're figuring it out as the the next 6 weeks come to pass, I just know it is a great excuse to use is all. Just something to ponder in case it comes up, if ever, who knows. Anyways you're kickin ass brother.

So I wonder where all the kool kids went beside yourself. Maybe we should bring up rugby, aussie rules football, footy, MFCC/ MFT, Alhambra, rick & morty-pickle rick, Scrof-Maga, cookin for ma&pa, tossers & punters, insomnia, prawns, freud dissertations, or I guess there's always tomorrow. I only got a few hours sleep and stayed up with gabapentin of all things, also known as scroff's special lady who doesn't do amatory relationships but still shows one a good time. I might have to actually do work at work tomorrow so who knows.

I think some fusili with olive oil and tomatoes sounds good for din-din. Maybe an antipasto salad if I have all the goodies. You cookin anything crazy?
Thanks bro. I actually have already had similar thoughts. I really like her, and it is certainly mutual but you never know. My last relationship was awful and when she ran away I really went hard with the dope. I don't think that this would happen again, but it's a good point to bring up, since I am becoming a little attached to her. I like her for a lot of different reasons, and she has told me that she wants to stay together for a long time. Hope things work out for you by the way, with that issue you mentioned. Excuses, excuses... just remember the sickness man. I never, ever want to be in cold turkey withdrawal again.

I am actually starving now, since I'm coming off the coke. I'm thinking of making a pasta with a whole bunch of vegetables and spices: garlic, ginger, turmeric, zucchini, eggplant, cherry tomatoes, some farm-direct cheddar cheese that is just awesome, black peppercorn, and stuff like parsley, rosemary, and basil. A habanero pepper from last years garden for sure (I sundry them, they are not growing as well this year). In olive oil for sure, I just picked up groceries, so I should make use of them and not just do coke all day. That is a normal meal I have, once a day and I haven't had it yet so I should. I might need a bump to get up and cook it. So yeah... I'm really into cooking too. I like to keep healthy, which I suppose makes me a hypocrite.

Man, I wonder where all the cool kids went too. My buddy was saying that the other day, he's a little older and was like where were dudes like you growing up? Seems like people are really out of touch with life these days. Lots of brainwashing going on, far too much competition and ego shit, it's like people can't sit around in a circle anymore in a meadow and smoke some pot without having phones out and all that or talking about things that happened last night instead of being in the moment... it bothers me. Growing up I had a skater crew and all we did was snowboard and skateboard, smoke weed all day and dabble in psychedelics and coke. It's like those drugs don't even exist anymore. Lsd is 25i-nbome. Coke is hell knows what. #4 is fentanyl. What the fuck is wrong with our species, it's like we are collectively committing suicide and destroying this beautiful planet.

ahaha dude I'd love to chat about those topics you mentioned. There is definitely tomorrow, I don't think I have very much to do at all until Friday. I'm pretty wiped out, since I was completely and totally exhausted before I did the snow. And you are correct, my lady friend is whipping me into shape. I would be sad if she didn't want to hang out, but we have built up a lot of fun activities to do together and are intellectually and physically, as well as emotionally active together. She is just so legit. I'd be really upset, but I highly doubt that I would relapse at this point. I was getting clean before we really started spending a lot of time together (like 5 days of the week, sleepovers, etc.). That's a really good point though, I guess you could tell I kinda like her a little bit.

I'm beginning to find the cool kids around here. We're planning a little party centred around introducing friends to DMT. You know, with a really ambient atmosphere as well... burning real frankincense, candles everywhere, friends taking turns tripping out for 15 minutes. That's the kind of stuff I'd like to be doing on Friday night, not going out to a bar and forgetting what happened the next day and feeling like shit. Maybe I just haven't been looking hard enough but chill people seem tough to find these days. I don't want my life to be some fucking competition that flies by before I have time to eat some mushrooms and smell the roses. Take risks, enjoy life, have relationships, and pay attention to the present moment. I get stuck inside my head a lot of the time, that's one reason I like DMT so much. Helps reset my experience of life, it really has changed me... the gram I dabbed over the past month.
Yeah I hear ya. My sentence was loaded with some duality as the kool kids have become more scarce in a grand sense (because I'm becoming an old fart hitting 14k days on this planet)spending their time with kids , family and what not and in the short term this thread too. I just shotgunned some key words out to see if any body else (on BL) was feeling chatty but it's good to catch up with yourself. I sometimes forget it's late around the rest of the world. Maybe morning for Spacejunk.

I like this thread because most everyone on here is smart as a whip and chock full o' wisdom. Whether it's a grad student, engineer like yourself, seasoned professional, it's just nice to rap with a random group located all over the planet but all with upper echelon educations or intrinsically high IQ's. Kind of makes me want to take better care of my noodle so I can converse with smart ladies, pals and BL'ers alike. I should talk with CFC about some no ester test and maybe an aromatase inhibitor to get a little jumpstart, although relying on substances in a bad habit I've carried for too long and I need to study up on supplements, so we'll see.

You mentioned how your stims were smooth and sometimes spikey and nerve wracking. I think all the active cuts these days is atrocious and causes some of that like RTI-111 dichloropane (bad synth coke), pseudo ephedrine and a dozen others. I'm going to grab something to eat but if your up I'll be back for a bit. I've been marathon lurking and Hyper-posting for some reason but I need to get some sleep so I don't make an idiot out of myself on here. I already left a cringe worthy post on Sun and I hate that. It's akin to drunk posting.

Nice sounding dinner btw, your nothing if not a healthy eater.
Hey bro, I'll read your message in a bit - I'm in a rush, I'd love to right now and skimmed through it. But, deserves a solid read. My lady friend just called me and we were on the phone for an hour having conversations similar to what I am having with you (real shit, important topics, really interesting stuff) and she invited me over for the night. So, I guess I am doing coke with her until 4am. I'm not going to say no to that! Even though I was just getting healthy and ready to crash, I've never actually done coke just with a girl I really like before. It's exciting to me, so I'll hit you up tomorrow man. It's 11pm and time flies on coke I find so I am going to rush over there, blasting some hardcore tunes in my car and do another bump.

I'm well known as a healthy eater and excellent cook, that is for sure. Never did any training or followed recipes but in university we all got together and cooked. We all took bits and pieces from each other's cooking styles and afterwards I refined my own cooking style that I feel makes me really healthy (when I'm not on heroin or an opiate, or hungover).

I'd like to chat more, because what you wrote is very interesting, but I have some fun times ahead : )
Oh, I see,,,, you want to hang out with a hot girl on stims instead of talk to me and my spikey, colored, pollen looking avatar ball. Fine, that's fine.

Stick with water based lube as it isn't as hard on latex and won't trap bacteria and friends as easy in warm, dark places.

Have a good one Shroomster!
Did I hear stims and cuts? IS SOMEONE CUTTING YOUR METH?

Have you heard, all of your dope is like 95% not-dope? That's right, the cartels and the DEA are cutting it with isopropylbenzylamine. Yeah, N-ISO. (Also the sulfone version of DMSO.)

N-ISO is mystical and may put you to sleep. You'll know your dope is cut when on the sixth day of being awake, it doesn't keep you awake anymore, right when you finally got to know the shadow people.

You also know your dope is cut with N-ISO when you've been using daily for a year, and it just doesn't have the same rush it used to.

Finally, you'll know you yourself are now at least 30% N-ISO when you hit the acetone protocols, and re-crystallization, and acid/base extractions, and begin experimentation. This can result in Epsom salt purchases and more insects in your skin. They like to eat N-ISO, you know.

Fortunately, N-ISO fever lasts only a few days, and can be cured immediately by sleeping a solid eight hours. New daily users are most at risk of acute N-ISO infection, but there is a chronic form directly linked to the number of bicycles you've stolen. This form has no cure and is often fatal if the patient is not incarcerated first.
In my early days it was phenylpropanolamine and epheddy. People were using anhydrous ammonia and keeping it in propane tanks till the valves let go and the cooks were off gassing while choking to death. Isopropylbenzylamine sounds yummy. Is the Gov mixing that with aluminium for chem trails?
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Good morning, good evening, good afternoon!

Scrof: I concur - it's all iso now. I've thoroughly googled every 'does this look like meth?' thread by swim, and seen every suspicious 'are these bubbles in my shards?' image floating on the interwebz to back my paranoia. It's totally obvious it's vaping at a different temperature than real meth, has a metallic taste, and the crystals are much too pure and hard. Plus it's just not feeling like real meth - I feel sleepy, moody, my vision is blurry and I have a migraine. The Iranian meth I had when I started the binge last week felt totally different!
@ Jekyl - are you planning to turn to the darkside? Steroids will turn you into a child molesting, roid raging monster doncha know? ;)
It's all in the crackback, man. The cut, I mean, not the steroids. Or maybe they are steroids?

Please just look at the not-attached cause I'm too spun, fifteen poorly lit pictures of the bottoms of my pipes. There are clear spiderweb to curly-cue transitions here, plus some radial action, definitively indicative of a possibility that N-ISO contamination can theoretically occur.

So I killed a bird and smashed it on my kitchen counter, and the guts matched the crackback. Right now I'm trying to figure out the protocol for "T-Leaves" but all I get are British people being smug.

It's all in the crackback, man. The cut, I mean, not the steroids. Or maybe they are steroids?

Please just look at the not-attached cause I'm too spun, fifteen poorly lit pictures of the bottoms of my pipes. There are clear spiderweb to curly-cue transitions here, plus some radial action, definitively indicative of a possibility that N-ISO contamination can theoretically occur.

So I killed a bird and smashed it on my kitchen counter, and the guts matched the crackback. Right now I'm trying to figure out the protocol for "T-Leaves" but all I get are British people being smug.

Damn you're right - the crackback! How could I forget that little tip for the wise? With all these evidences, you're going to totally be able to convince your dealer to replace the 15g you just smoked over the last 3 days with the real deal AND get him to refund your initial outlay like any good businessman who's totally dependent on your custom would. It wasn't like this back in my day, when the honest god-fearing meth-cooking bikers were in charge. Their product will never be rivalled...
Dam straight, the name "Crank" came from them storing good ol' racemic meth in the crank-case of the motor sicles. That would be a messy search & seizure..