• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

The SO Piercing Questions & Discussion Mega-Thread

He really should have used two fresh needles. And yes, you'll definitely be aware it's infected :p
Also, how long do these take to heal? I have relatively small breasts (B) and nipples. I want to change to a PTFE barbell as soon as possible, as it looks like the steel balls at the end of the barbell are staring to corrode... I don't think they are 316 surgical grade. I'm really concerned about them rusting! The barbell itself looks fine, and maybe it is high quality, but the balls are in pretty bad shape.

Nipple piercings take anywhere from six to eight weeks to heal. The time is also dependent on how much you mess with it. That just means that if you leave it alone, it's gonna heal faster.

If you want something that wont rust go with Titanium. That's what I have and they're as shiny now as the day they were put in.

Also, try to use internally threaded jewelry. It's not as big of a deal with nipple piercings as with genital piercings, but the internal threading makes switching bars much easier/comfortable.

This is a good illustration if you don't know, or want to see the difference.
I know the difference, but at the time of the piercing I was so sick with adrenaline I could barely hold the pen to sign my name, much less check the jewelry. I'm not worried about the appearance of the jewelry, and I plan to change them when I can anyway. As long as the surface rust/corrosion on the balls is not dangerous, I'm not all that concerned.
I want a "tear drop" microdermal piercing but I don't know if ill go through with it.... I always liked the anti-eyebrow but hated the high rate of rejection so a microdermal would be a lot better. So far all the piercings I have now:

14 guage tongue piercing
14 guage lip (did it myself correct equipment never infected but closed due to me not being allowed to have in in placement but got it re-pierced)
18 guage nose piercing
And of course like seven ear piercings I don't wear

Rest in peace:
Angel Bites /:
Just make sure you don't get it on the side of your face that you sleep on.
Yeah, good idea... Lol but I sometimes sleep on either side ): oh well just would have to get use to one side.

Don't know when I will get this piercing anyways. My job doesn't allow facial piercings except for the nose :|
Most jobs don't. Mine doesn't even allow ear piercings on guys. Which sucks because I've wanted to gauge my ears for years now.
just got my nipples pierced!!
cost $60, included the sea salt foam spray stuff, the jewlry, and a 10% discount on another piercing.
The first nipple piercing wasnt so bad because my body was expecting it, so it shot out those endorpins, but the second nipple.. holy fuck hurt like shit! (and i was soberrrrrr).!!
i'll upload pics later.. i totally have 2 work 2nite to lol, so hope they dont hurt thattt bad. anyways dunnno wat ima get pierced next, maybe get my tounge pierced again?
^^ Dude I never saw this post!! Go you!! Pics please???

I fiiiiiinalyyyyyyyeeeeee got my dermals done today!! I am so completely stoked with them :) I always imagined that they'd be higher up on my neck, but realised that with a corporate job, that shit wouldn't fly very well. Same with my conservative family. So I eventually opted to put them lower down. I'm so glad I did because they will heal better (no neck creasing/stretching), and I can hide them easily with shirts/t-shirts/jumpers.

My boyfriend is pretty repulsed by them though :D They're still a bit bloody and puffy though, so I'm sure once they've settled down, he'll come around ;)

NB: Oh and please excuse my lame swimming costume tan hahaha. I swim in an outdoor pool and tan way too easily.
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Oh N3o, I dig 'em! I think they look great, and they'll be way easy to hide. Yay!
AWW!! i love your dermals n3o, how bad did it hurt?
If I decide to have a child, (blegh), then I think ill get its ears pierced around 3 or 4, I had mine done then and im so happy my mom did that.
Now I have my first set of ears gauged out to 9/16ths or 5/8ths.. I cant remember because I had to remove them at one time, a second set of ear piercings at the normal size, my left nostril, right eyebrow, labret, and my nipples =D I love holes hehe
One day I want to get silicone stars inserted in my left arm where my tentacle unicorn is, so his throw up stars would be 3d =D
AWW!! i love your dermals n3o, how bad did it hurt?
Thanks hun!! Yeah......they hurt....I won't lie :)
BUT the instant that he stopped stretching my skin around them and they were in, they stopped hurting. It was worse because there were three of them, and apparently I have very tough skin so he was literally using most of his body weight to stretch my skin around the last bit of them :D

Good times %)
oohh.... I dunno if i can deal with that : D my 5 hour tattoo session was too much, so i dunno if I can deal with that...
Zamn n3o thats intense.

Me and my nips (I sang that and expect all of you too. Make up your own tune its fun)

Thizzer that is so freakin hot man, love it :)
When did you get those done?

oohh.... I dunno if i can deal with that : D my 5 hour tattoo session was too much, so i dunno if I can deal with that...
Fair enough....BUT it's different to tattoo pain because like, sure it's way more intense, but then it's OVER immediately! Tattoos (especially big ones like yours) just go on and on and on....so, it's different :)

It was really funny though, I always remembered a few people saying to me that their dermals hurt way LESS than their other piercings so I always just imagined it wouldn't hurt much.

So you can imagine my surprise when it actually did hurt :D I remember briefly thinking to myself "What the fuck am I doing?! I wasn't prepared for this!" Hahahahaa.
But then began my meditation/breathing exercises that work oh so well for pain, and it was totally fine. I dunno, with all the body mods/tattoos I've had over the years, I've developed my own breathing technique that just melts the pain away. Works like a charm :)
Thanks mang, got 'em done innnnnn October. Healed up nicely and fast too!
^ Nice additions, n3o. :D

Two questions for you guys:

1. Do you think replacing an industrial with two small silver hoops would look silly?

2. Is it possible to gauge/stretch the holes where the industrial is and have the holes go back if I ever decide to return to a standard-size industrial (16- or 18-gauge to a 14 or 12 possibly)?

My industrial looks like this, plus a tiny bump above the bottom hole 8). And I currently have a 12- or 10-gauge horse-shoe hoop where the small stud is:
