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Opioids The Opioid Withdrawal Megathread and FAQ

I hate this drawn out post-acute period between days 3-whatever. Every morning I wake up feeling like complete shit and end up dosing my daily neurontin earlier than I'd like.

Anybody else noticed that actually falling asleep is a curse sometimes, because it feels like it sets me back withdrawal-wise and I wake up feeling shitty, although it has its own distinct constellation of symptoms. I just feel cloudy in the head and shitty.

Woke up feeling this way today, but not after acute withdrawal. I have an H habit right now, and got really high last night at like 4am, then immediately fell asleep pretty much. Woke up at noon with this cloudy head and a distinct feeling of withdrawal symptoms setting in quickly.

Right now I am in the beginning stages of WD. Runny nose, watery eyes and mouth, sweating, achy, etc...

Yesterday though, I woke up and WD hadn't hit me like that and it had been longer since my last use. I think it may have to do with metabolism when you sleep? That's when your metabolism boosts right?
I just hope the T3 is a downgrade from Norco 10

It is.. Hydrocodone is about 6-7 the strength of codeine.. So 30mg of codeine is the equivalent of 4.5mg of hydrocodone..
It is.. Hydrocodone is about 6-7 the strength of codeine.. So 30mg of codeine is the equivalent of 4.5mg of hydrocodone..

Sorry, I was reading an old bottle from my closet. I keep old empty bottles for record keeping in case I ever needed to prove a pill is prescribed to me. The bottle does say "Substitute for tylenol 3". I was given that bottle when I was in an urgent care. I just tossed it in the closet. This was before this nerve damage showed up. Each time I stop all opiate the muscle around that nerve draws in and that nerve rises up like satan from hell and shocks me like a tazer. It literally makes me feel like Johnny from the Shining. Completely nuts and screaming. There is much worse things in life than pain and even death. A bad nerve in your body that shocks you and screams bloody murder. Anyway, It appears that nipping on small pieces of T3 is just enough to not trigger a flare. I have enough to get me by a couple weeks. After that I am supposed to have this special Nerve block from a specialist that will deaden that nerve. That is when I plan on making the get away. When you got your head in the lion's mouth, you got to ease it out real slow.
WD Comment: If all I had to do was feel hung over and sad for a week or two then I would choose that and not even complain. That is not the case for me.
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I was just browsing through here and noticed that there is an herb called Kratom. I'm curious if I could nip on this in just a small amount with my piece of T3 to keep me from having WD that trigger a major Nerve shock pain I get. My main concern is 1. is is legal. 2. will it put me on some creepy watch list and get my pets shot and have nuts going through my trash? 3. Is there a purity standard from a high quality herbal store (If 1 and 2 are not issues). Ever since this family was put on a watch list for hydroponic tomatoes, I'm scared to even plant Okra in the back yard. Honestly, I'm more scared of police than I am of the boogy man.
Well kratom is even weaker than codeine, but it will help. It is legal. I don't think they have it at herbal stores, I could be wrong. It's a plant and its not regulated by the fda, so no, no purity standard. Also we have a kratom mega thread, I would suggest dropping a line in there and ask which kind works best for experienced users...
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Has anyone actually tried this Rick Simpson oil and can confrim this what seems like an amazing way to get off of opiates??
I could really use some support. Im doing a really fast oxy taper after 2 years at over 200mg per day. Im very scared. I have ptsd and panic disorder also and these were the only thing helping but Im tired of always needing more, running out etc. Please help
Welcome Rubyfusion: Have you visited The Dark Side Forum yet, here under Recovery Support on BL? I recently started a tapering support thread... you may find some of the posts helpful... well, there are only a few as the thread is new but there are some great experiences around tapering that were posted. If you post over there, I am sure you will receive support, especially since you suffer from co-occurring disorders of ptsd and panic disorder.

Because of your PTSD and panic disorder, I would think you would want to do a reasonable taper... not too fast, as I find that exacerbates any underlying anxiety I am suffering from at the moment.
Is there any person here who has personally quit opioids for good? I've managed to go months at a time without them due to the military, but now I'm out all has gone downhill real fast. How can you quit taking something that makes everything ok? Please help.
I could really use some support. Im doing a really fast oxy taper after 2 years at over 200mg per day. Im very scared. I have ptsd and panic disorder also and these were the only thing helping but Im tired of always needing more, running out etc. Please help

It's a high dose, Ruby, but there's no need to be afraid. I've noticed that my fear of withdrawal and expectations of suffering are very inflated compared to what it actually turns out to be.

americapicker & Ruby: I haven't really slept more than 30-60 minutes each night for over a week now as a result of coming off a super low buprenorphine and xanax dose (I'm actually starting to hallucinate and am thinking of not driving until I can get a solid 4-hour block of sleep), and that's after I tapered down on the buprenorphine, and that was after 2 years of smoking black tar H every day, sometimes in excess of 2 grams in a day. So, all of this to say that, yes, there are people here who have quit opioids, you can do it, really anyone can as long as they want to, have the right support, and the right tools. You might say, "but, buprenorphine is a drug!", to which I would say, yes it is, but I haven't smoked any heroin for something like 10-12 months, and am expecting this episode to pass as well, and for me to become the same person I was 3 years ago, just depressed as hell and 20lbs lighter, and a little less wealthy.

I also suggest starting a thread in Dark Side or Sober Living to help you get through. Just the minute social interaction you get from that is therapeutic, nevermind the information you gain.

So Ruby, how's that taper going? What is your plan? Know also that if you fail the taper, that's ok. It's very hard to taper full agonists; I have excellent self-control and couldn't taper heroin for the life of me.
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I could really use some support. Im doing a really fast oxy taper after 2 years at over 200mg per day. Im very scared. I have ptsd and panic disorder also and these were the only thing helping but Im tired of always needing more, running out etc. Please help

Check yourself into a detox unit so you can safely detox and get on suboxone. (Just a thought) Keep in mind you'll be out for a couple weeks. The VA can detox you.
Is there any person here who has personally quit opioids for good? I've managed to go months at a time without them due to the military, but now I'm out all has gone downhill real fast. How can you quit taking something that makes everything ok? Please help.
Yes in the sober living forum, but probably not in OD lol.

I could really use some support. Im doing a really fast oxy taper after 2 years at over 200mg per day. Im very scared. I have ptsd and panic disorder also and these were the only thing helping but Im tired of always needing more, running out etc. Please help
Are you planning on doing this taper without medical assistance? As mentioned above, check out the sover living dark side forums and talk to the va, they'll cover you. If you choose to do it by yourself, you want to take a nice slow and easy tapering route. decrease your dose by 10-20%/week.
What do you think my doctor would think if I asked to downgrade from Norco to T3? I'm basically scared of my medical condition. If my hip flares up, it pulls my hip and then torments a nerve that makes me feel like I'm being tasered by Satan. I know when it is coming on and take a nip of my norco and it buys me some time to get things done. I did get this script a while back of T3 and noticed it has just enough oomph just to stop this process. Nothing impressive but I'm functional. Would a doctor think badly of me asking to be put on a T3? I think the fear of the nerve in the lady parts shocking me if my driving force to keep something close.
I am VERY close with many individuals who have been struggling with opiate use. I want to share a method that has been effective for one friend who was using a bundle to two a day for about 1.5 years, before that a half to a whole for a couple years... She was able to get on suboxone, but they told her to take 3 a day; now anyone who knows anything about opiates (and yes Suboxone is an opiate), they know that this will produce dependance. A "normal" (non opiate addict) will be sick off of half of a Sub... let alone 3... so one should think about that, since most people want to eventually be off all opiates (if they want to get sober of course). Well she did not use the docs advice; she waited till she got sick before taking the 3 (8 mg) sublingual films; the next day she went to two, with little reaction, the next day to 1, the next to a half, then to 1/4 (2 mg). The 2 mg she has taken for 2 days, but she has also used vitamins, minerals, asprin and tylenol for body aches, that virtually did not exist till she tried to go from the 2 mg to nothing. She used this method right off of her 1 to 2 buns a day.. so it is possible. BUt the longer you stay on subs, the longer you will be on them, and the worse it will be to come off. Just some helpful words, I hope...
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naltrexone induced opioid withdrawal

So, I had a terrible heroin problem. Tried to quit cold turkey, was too sick, and had to do a 4 day taper. I'm getting the naltrexone implant tomorrow, I'm only 3 days off my taper. Anyway, my doctor wants me to start with 1/4 pill so its in my system. Now, I know I'm going to get even more sick. I've accepted that. My question is, how long will I be sick before it starts to feel better? Is it like Suboxone and after 1-2 hours, you're feeling quite a bit better, orrr...? Thanks!
Hey guys im a newbie...I've spent hours reading forums and finally registered to start talking with y'all...can someone direct me towards the COW sheet....the test to see how bad your withdrawals are so you can judge on when to take a sub Ty
My friend was sick for a week...I think everyone is diff though...she said the sick days were totally worth it though just go for it!
I have been trying to get off this shit for the last month. Using lope kratom even oxy but nothing helped. The oxy even taking 150 mg a day didn't even give me a buzz it was like taking Tylenol. The kratom also didn't have any feeling but at 10 grams helped with the withdrawal. Also 30 lope 60 mg has helped the best At not feeling any withdrawal almost 100% just the tired feeling and of course the constipation but that can be fixed with stool softener. The problem with all of these is I still couldn't stop myself from taking the drug I would get clean and then say ok I'll try one more time and then I'm stuck using again everyday. This drug is tourture because I haven't slept through the night in about 3 weeks. Waking up every 2 hours not to use but just awake. Then the last time I wake up usually 5am I have to dose. So I read about
Agmatine. I highly suggest anyone trying to get clean to research it. I take 6 pills 3G and its helps about 80%with the withdraws. The best part is it blocks the opiods receptors in your brain so if you dose all day u will prob just feel the first dose if any and very faint at that no rush like usually and not even get a buzz the rest of the day. So taking these pills kill your drug from working and that triggers you to think if the drug doesn't work why even take any because you will feel the same. So mentally you will quit if you keep taking these pills because your not getting high with your drug.
Good luck guys I hope this will help save some of you. This can be bought at any vitamin store or online for $25