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the official 'pets and drugs' thread

I've noted that every animal that I've witnessed it attempted upon has to be cajoled into that first hit of what-the-hell-is-that-smell. At that point, the animal will either be forever terrified of it, or forever enthralled by it. I honestly think you'll know which is which pretty quickly, and that you should respect that.
And yes, I would forcefully hotbox a human too for their first time if I could. I've considered doing it with some of my straight-edged friends, a roll of duct tape, and a refridgerator box.
But it's just a thought. :)
hahahaha. noodle ive got that picture right above my computer.lol. 4 sum reason it always makes me giggle my ass off wen im baked.i start pointing out all the flaws like "how could they use a lighter if theyve got paws?".
My mate once lost a half a pill on the carpet, and then about an hour later his dog was cowered in the corner shaking a bit looking really wide eyed, and he really REALLY loved being stroked!
I have a friend who owns a 16 year old cat called "gromett". Now Gromett is the kind of cat who will eat ANYTHING that is even remotely food related, and was so fat at one stage that she had to have liposuction (i shit you not). She has been known to eat the bowls of mix left around, and once or twise has been found cleaning out the baggies of whatever as well (we figure this is how she lost weight whilst we were on a powder binge of our own)...
However, these were all accidents and not deliberate. I have always believed that drugs were strickly a choice thing - noone should ever be forced to try a drug without their consent. Therefore deliberately trying to get an animal high doesn't seem appropriate to me - it's as bad as trying to get your kids high (when i say kids, i mean younger than the age of 10.) WHen the being is old enough to make a decision, then that is fine, IMHO, but an animal is less likely to understand what is going on...
That's just my 0.02 though - i'd never deliberately get my dog high, but far be it from me to judge others who get their animals high. :)
My old dog used to love a few beers every once and a while. It was never forced... the dog just loved to drink beer with us.
I have a friend whose dog is really into smoking. He says "Hey, wanna smoke some pot?" and the miniture poodle will sit on your lap and lick your lips as you blow out the smoke. As the bowl goes around the circle, the dog will follow for a bit. He stops after a bit and just sits there, as if he knows he's had enough. Regardless, this dog doesn't seem to have any problems as a result of this...
On the other hand, coke is NOT for animals. My friends' cat licked some off someone's fingers at a party once and that kitten was wired beyond belief. He really wanted to see what was going on at the table and kept trying to jump up toward the pile. He ran around faster than I'd ever seen him and seemed nice a playful... The next time I saw him, he was laying on someone's bed asleep. Usually, you can pick him up and he'll be mellow if you woke him up, but in this case he was just dopey and would fall back asleep in your arms. Either way, coke and crack aren't for creatures who can understand what they're getting into. Crack is the only substance they've been able to get any animal to ALWAYS smoke willingly.
how i made brownies for my dog

yesterday i made some brownies for myself and a few mates. my dog sampson was hanging around, "curiously strange" so i decided to hook the 5 pound pup up, with some good eats. he loved the stuff, so i gave him another, and another. an hour later he was immobile sitting on his ass, just loving life. i think it was the best bonding experience we've had together and considering doing it with him on a bi-monthly basis.
highly recommended!
don't blow a bunch of weed smoke into a pillow case and then stuff your cat in there and tie it shut, beause you'll probably end up with a cat covered in puke in a few minutes :p
I don't blow pot smoke into my cats' faces because I just think it is cruel and the animal really has no say in the matter, and basically it would be like someone drugging you without your consent. However, I do notice that one of my cats will ALWAYS jump on my lap when I am smoking pot. He will put his face up to mine and kinda follow the smoke with his eyes. I don't know if he just likes the smell, is intrigued by the smoke or if he is indeed a pot head. But I gotta figure: like momma, like kitty. :)
One time I was missing 3 grams out of my coke stash. Well 3 days later I find the empty baggies under the kitchen table ripped apart... explained why the dog was acting so weird 2 days before hand.
AHAHAHAHA i laughed fuckin hard at that shit party kid. how was the dog actin? dam.
shit like this can be considered as fucking abusse of animals. its not fucking right. do whatever you like to yourselves but leave the helpless animals alone you sick fucks
dude, my cats have all loved to eat pot (especially roach pot), and they're fucking smart (smarter then some of my girlfriends have been) at finding where it's stashed.
it's certainly not abuse to let an animal do what it wants to do, so long as it isn't being hurt by it.
There is nothing sick on here!
I think your nutts! didnt you read the posts? half of them are like mine when a pet wants it, theres no force!
In my case at least I can tell you my kitty fukcing loved the pot! I mean take a cat that smells cig. smoke and takes off cuze he hates it, to a joint and sits there sucking it in? you tell me was that force?
But definitly the assholes who force ie: put pet in bag and blowing hits at him, or makes there pet take anything they clearly have no interest in, are sick! Ill agree there.
But Honestly some cats (pets) like the shit? cant be explained but they do! My Sal was so freeking high and loving it, he was so happy and cuddly which he is noramly but it was so much more so while he was stoned!
I've tried to get my cat stoned (passively), but she gets up & moves away, so I figure she probably doesn't want it a lot. My friend gave his cat a shroom, the cat just went out & killed a bird.
If your pet ain't goin for it, don't get them high, It's cruel. (on another note, A guy i know but don't associate with anymore gave his insane grandmother shrooms - she walked into the room & dropped a log (shit) on the carpet while they were watching TV, no bull.)
I don't know how you guys can actually let/allow your/friend's pets get high on any drug.... How irresponsible.
I'm sure if the RSPCA knew about it, you wouldn't be allowed to keep a dog/cat/bird/insane grandmother in your house.
Be more careful with your pets, they don't have the lung and stomach capacity as we do. I also wonder if anyone's pet has actually died from a result of eating or inhaling drugs...or are you to ashamed to say?
^another one who hasn't read any of the posts.
I used to think the same thing about getting animals high, that it was unmitigated cruelty.
But then I thought about it realistically, and tried to put it on a scale with:
Tail bobbing
Feeding people food to pets
Feeding pet food to pets
Caging pets
Neglecting pets
Abandoning pets
Euthanizing pets
And then I realized that most people do worse to their pets every day and don't even think twice about it. It's just when we hear the magic word "drugs" that we rush to be all self-righteous about it. Don't believe me? How many of you keep pets in a (tobacco) smoking household? That's a whole lot of smoke there too...
On a slightly related note, on New Year's eve they had an "Insomnia" where Dave Attel visited a bar in New York where they served alcohol to patrons and their dogs. Is that cruel?
...who just let out how little a life she had on NYE
I've heard about tons of people getting their pets high all the time and just never really thought of how funny it would look. After reading this post i got my dog high and it was funny as shit, he just laid around all sluggish and goofy and because of course i was high too, it made it especially entertaining.