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the official 'pets and drugs' thread

Yeah, I knew some sicko's that shot a bunny up with coke. I wasn't there, otherwise, it would not have happened.
A friend once told me about his dog getting scripted some valiums to help him stay calm and not move around too much when coming home after surgery. Don't know the amount of mg though.

/e: if a dog can get high from 2nd hand smoke I suppose I've gotten him high a few times. But I never deliberately blow smoke in his face or whatnot. When I go outside for a joint my cat always comes running as soon as I light it though. :?
Cats can get RX'd Buprenorphine for pain management. Lucky fucks :|
^Cattle is even luckier. Ketanest. <3
Once a mate had a bottle of that. He doesn't use needles so we evaporated the thing. Man that stuff was potent. :D
my mate named his cat "bickie"... and his parents call it's name so innocently "come here bickie... good girllll".. such a laugh.

(bickie means pill in case that isn't the slang wherever you may be from)
Personally I've never liked seeing my animals intoxicated on anything (even vet prescribed meds). I don't even like to smoke cigs in front of my dog because of the smoke. That said, my best friend when I was 18 was my lab-boxer Maizie. I had some friends over to celebrate and we were having a few beers, so I put some in a bowl just to see if she would drink it. Surprisingly, she did. I took it away from her pretty quickly, thinking it wouldn't have an effect on a 85 lb boxer-rottweiler.

A little while later we were in my room sitting on the floor playing a drinking game with chutes and ladders. All of the sudden she came into the room, stumbled onto the board game knocking all of the pieces everywhere, and then promptly fell asleep with her head on my lap.

While I would never condone getting your animals messed up I was honestly just seeing if she would like it. I sent my friends home shortly after and spent the rest of the evening sipping my beer with her head on my lap, letting her sleep off the buzz. Man, she was the best dog. I know that's what every owner says but she really was. I can't wait to meet up with her again in the ever-after.
PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU POST: this thread is NOT to post about giving your animals drugs or related topics. If any posts are about giving drugs to animals you will be warned and if it continues, given an infraction. Be smart, DO NOT GIVE DRUGS TO ANIMALS -thizzer

I named my cat Mary Jane specifically for this reason. I used to be the biggest pothead and I would get my cat high everday. I think she got addicted to it.
Today I while I was freebasing, I think I might have gotten her high on coke...which explains her tweeking out on me.
I also think my cat is addicted to nicotine. When I'm out of smokes my cat and I will sit here going crazy (she cries and shit like that) then as soon as I light a cig I notice she's sitting there completely calm.
So...what do you people think of this? I know you get your pets high...Do you think they get addicted to this shit like we do???

Am I the only one who thinks this is deplorable? I try not to judge people cause it happens sometimes your smoking some pot or a cig or some crack and accidently blow it at your dog or cat and they go crazy and you laugh. But doing that multiple times is wrong. Smh
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Getting animals intoxicated is sick as fuck. I think they should be stoned to death.... stoned with rocks that is. lol
A friend of mine actually trained his dog to tell him when he wanted to smoke weed with him, which I guess is alright. He would simply pull out his pipe, calls his dogs name and if he saw the pipe he'd either sit on his lap or sit across the room.

I am glad I am not alone in what I think about this. I don't get how people think it's funny. Wow
lol one time we were smoking weed n my friends beagle smelled it and it ran upstairs n started barking to my friends mom she came down n yelled at us for smoking lol the dog snitched on us.

OMG that is hilarious I was literally laughing so loudly I scared the cat lmao
My friend named his cat Ketamine, and I feel it's rather clever, it's almost cute! shes a girl and keta is good short, most adults don't catch on or have a clue and think it creative.

Has anyone else named pets after drugs ?

No but my cat was named after cigarettes tho
Does it really fuck dogs up that much? The one time he did get to go to the vet he came back very very fucked up. It was really funny. He has had a good life, I just cant stand to see him like he is now. But then again I dont know how much weed really effects dogs? Will he jump off the couch and plow his head into the floor? Or will he just go to sleep and quite walking around staring at everything. He looks like he's in pain. I just put a little on the end of one of his snacks and gave it to him. I wish I could give him some painkillers or phenobarbital or something

Ask your vet about Tramadol it's an opiate and safe for dogs and cats. My friends vet prescribes it. If this isn't allowed plz delete hate to hear of an animal in pain.
This is 2005. Sorry well maybe my Tramadol suggestion will help someone else who doesn't know it's great for animals in pain
This has never happened to me solely because

my mother would have killed me. Sorry folks being retard comes second to me. My bad
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Hey guys, I apologize in advance if this is not the correct place for this post but i wasn't sure where else to put it... I am slightly worried that my dog and/or cat may have ingested either meth/cocaine from fall out on the carpet. I am not sure whether or not they actually did but I am just a little worried. My dog who is an 80 pound pit has been a little off awhile before I started using again (almost a month), he has been eating a lot of grass and has puked a couple times. However, he does have severe food allergies and tends to eat anything he finds, so this did not concern me at first. I am concerned now because after a binge night, he ended up puking twice huge amounts of his food. I immediately checked his pupils, checked his puke, and checked my stash to make sure he didn't get the baggy or anything and he didn't. So I am not sure if I'm just being paranoid or could a small amount that fell on the floor be the reason for this. I've been keeping a close eye on him and vacuuming the area I cut up in just to be safe now. But if he pukes at all like he did the other night I want to take him to the vet. And I am soooo paranoid that they will take his blood and find the drugs in it... can they detect that small of a dose and do they call the police if they find it? Any information from your own experience or even just knowledge would be greatly appreciated.

On note of the cat... Last night, I was worried that she had potentially stepped in or laid down on the rug under the table where the potentially fall out happened. Last night I found her tweaking out on a "bug" in the kitchen that I personally did not see. But I also was coming down and had taken a few sleeping aids to actually sleep last night. So I am not sure which one of us was tweaking or if it was both. She seems to be doing fine and I also checked her pupils out which were normal. Both of them are zonked out right now, so I am not really worried about a potential OD or anything for them or I would already be at the vet. Just hoping to get a little more info on what may happen if they test the dog and find it or if I am just totally paranoid because I've been on one for a few days. Hopefully this post mad sense, I had to rewrite it a few times because... well, you know.
The first time I did mephedrone with my buddy and we were geeking hard, my dog was the best thing ever as far as an emotional anchor.
I'm pretty sure that your fears are based on paranoia plus the fact that, although unlikely, your fear is a possibility rather than a deluded impossibility

If your dog keeps vomiting or shows any other signs of illness, take him straight to the vet. I don't know this for a fact, but I'm pretty certain that if bloods are taken from a pet at the vet's, that they will be testing for certain things & won't be drug-testing your dog.
I don't think drugs just 'show up' unless they are specifically being tested for

Eating grass & then throwing it up is normal for cats & dogs - as long as it's just grass in a little bile that they bring up. (I always thought they did it to give their stomachs a clean out, but just got sucked into a whole ream of Google theories seeing if I was right - you can do that too!)

Hopefully, both the pets are absolutely fine and that this scare has made you shut them out of the room you're preparing & partaking in, then clean any away any traces, unless it's a pill that you can just swallow
I don't do any drug preps in the same room as my pets as I'm worried about them knocking over something and/or ingesting it in the process. My pets aren't allowed in my bedroom, so any drugs that are smoked are done there too.
When we're doing tweaky drugs, we don't want our pets tweaking too!

Anyway, they're probably fine, but if they show any physical symptoms of being unwell, just take them to the bloody vet & don't sort your drugs out in the same room again
The first time I did mephedrone with my buddy and we were geeking hard, my dog was the best thing ever as far as an emotional anchor.

I've had many amazing times with my dogs of yore whilst under the influence (I watched my bitch give birth under my bed after I'd taken a trip one NYE -WOW!) but it's a lot easier & safer to shut them out if preparation spillage & noxious fumes are a possibility
I really appreciate the response! I definitely think I was being super paranoid about it. But I definitely have learned my lesson to take more precautions from now on. My pup is doing great now, no signs of ingestion so I think we are in the clear! He's just pissed now that I shut him out of the room when I need to do my business haha. Thank again for the help and the reality check!

One last question I am curious about... my dog has a fetish with used tissues (it's disgusting, yes... I know). We keep all the trash cans up and in spots he can't reach, etc. it dawned on me just now though, I always spray saline into my nose after anything goes in there to ensure my nose doesn't too damaged, sometimes this makes my nasal drip even worse so naturally I wipe it with a tissue. If he somehow could have gotten into this, could that have potentially put the stimulant into his system or would the saline have "washed" it away? This I said probably a stupid question but I figured I'd ask it anyways. Thanks!
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