TDS The Official Herbavore Appreciation Thread!

We wont let her leave :) once you go TDS youll realize you had the best.
Just found this thread..though a tad late; >>appreciating Herbavore<<.
Also hoping you got out to find more sea glass this summer:)

The great thing about the words of support Herbavore offers to the "threads in need," is that the rest of us that read them- can equally benefit, now or in the future.
much love and respect <3 :D

'let us meet each other with smile, for one smile is the beginning of love' Teresa
awwwwww, you all are making me blush, cry and beam, all at once.

Every day I end up talking about Bluelight to somebody in my life that has nothing in his or her head but stereotypes about drugs, drug users, addiction, etc. I have learned so much from everyone here and I continue to. The love that you all trust me with is amazing to me. <3
your always so nice that doesn't happen much from outside the best of loved ones thank you it restores my faith in humanity... at least some
Oh wow, first an Ocean appreciation thread surfaces and now this! This was created before my TDS time. Much apresh to the Herby <3 I owe it all to her <3<3<3<3!!!
With my absence from "fore-front moderation" in lieu of all the background stuff going on, it warms my heart to see you receiving the appreciation you deserve as you truly do make a stellar effort to respond genuinely, and lovingly, to essentially every thread that pops up here.

You're a wonderful woman; friend; co-moderator; confidant; soul.

Continue to shine.


~ Vaya
From my short time as an active member of these forums, I haven't seen a member more dedicated to helping and supporting others.

You're doing an amazing job, Herby!
I was thrilled out of my mind to see this thread---had to come post immediately! I love you too, Herby! Lots and lots! We all do!
Wonderful heart, mind, and spirit! Shes been the nicest person to me ever since I came to BL. Thanks herbavore for all you do!
Everybody loves Herby. Everybody. To bits and pieces. Everyone should have a Herbavore in their life, the world would be such a better place for it. She's a gift! :)
<3<3<3<3 ¡herby! <3<3<3<3

(who knitted me a beanie that came in VERY HANDY last night out in the cold. because some doofus forgot where he parked.)
I can sincerely say that all this love holds me up. I have been talking a lot to Where?_Wolf's mother lately, who is herself in that first awful period of grief when you literally do not want to be alive and it has made me realize how much support I have gotten every step of the way into my own journey, this past year and a half, from all of you. I should be making appreciation threads to every one of you. I only wish that Caleb would have lived long enough to find his way here to TDS. He was still holding the tiger by the tail, so sure that he could catch this wild beast and ride it at will, but he had caught his first glimpse of the terrible teeth and I know it would not have been long before he visited this part of Bluelight. And it might have saved him. Never underestimate the power of your kindness. I am so proud of this community, of all the sincerity and the empathy and honesty that people bring to this forum every day; but mostly it is the courage that lies in vulnerability that just takes my breath away every time I see it. To be held and loved and valued by such as you is more than enough treasure for one life.<3
Herby you have been there for me through and through and I can never thank you enough for what you've done for. Thank you so much, much love to you my dear. I feel you are a guardian angel to me these days. I love you dearly.
Just spent some days with Motherwolf, who is holding together thanks to you. I keep your first message on my phone and re-read it often to help me keep going. I can see from the time you have spent on us how much this costs you (and probably your family), but I only wish they could understand the gift you give to all of us.

I am still breathing.