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The Official EADD Paedo Discussion Thread v3 -Nonce-tastic

He's about 102, he'll be dead in a couple years.

I'm not sure what purpose locking him up now really serves tbh.
No. I don't see the point of putting an old man in jail, regardless of what he's done. I don't see jail as the be all and end all of punishment. He's fucked, no more telly shows, no more money, no more walking down the street without people screaming PAEDO! at you. What purpose does 2 years in jail really serve? Other than to satisfy a need for "vengeance"?
No. I don't see the point of putting an old man in jail, regardless of what he's done. I don't see jail as the be all and end all of punishment. He's fucked, no more telly shows, no more money, no more walking down the street without people screaming PAEDO! at you. What purpose does 2 years in jail really serve? Other than to satisfy a need for "vengeance"?

Yes hes fucked, he could lock himself away with all his money living a comfy life, doesn't need more telly shows, more money, no walk down a street or do fuck all, prison rips him away from that. its gonna be far less comfy than what hes used to. and i agree, jail isnt the be all and end all of punishment, but its better than nothing

" I don't see the point of putting an old man in jail, " ... what would you're suggestion to be to somebody like joseph fritzle or something
Do you honestly think he could lock himself away though?

There are some nutters who will travel the length and breadth of the country (and beyond) in order to 'fuck up a nonce'. Even when the person in question isn't a nonce. It's not like Gary Glitter could escape the tabloids during the period after his initial release, is it?

I'd imagine that the effect of even half of that kind of prison term on an eightysomething guy is going to be pretty profound to be honest. He won't be the same again, that's for sure.
Yeah good point, but yeah i reckon he could lock himself away, he wont fully escape the press or people but hes probably got enough money to move into a fortress of a house, hire security etc
Fort Rolf? :)

Yeah, I know what you're saying. People's addresses do get leaked though, and even footballers' mansions with top-level security get broken into.

In any case, he'll effectively become a prisoner in his own home if / when he does get released. He just won't have to worry about dropping the soap.

It's not like he can throw on glasses and a silly beard, is it?
" I don't see the point of putting an old man in jail, " ... what would you're suggestion to be to somebody like joseph fritzle or something

You have a point. But Fritzl would be locked up forever, so that he couldn't do that to anyone again. That's what I'd see as the point there. Rolf for a year or two isn't quite the same thing.

I hardly think Rolf Harris is a danger to the public. It's not like he's going to go rape someone tomorrow if he's not in jail.
TBH I don't think Rolf is going to get the usual treatment from your average knuckle-dragging sun reader. People are more disappointed than disgusted - it's far easier to despise some decontextualised paedo than someone in whom the public had an emotional investment.

Not saying that a jail sentence is necessarily appropriate, but I think Harris is in a lot less danger of a nonce-bashing than your average beast.
No. I don't see the point of putting an old man in jail, regardless of what he's done. I don't see jail as the be all and end all of punishment. He's fucked, no more telly shows, no more money, no more walking down the street without people screaming PAEDO! at you. What purpose does 2 years in jail really serve? Other than to satisfy a need for "vengeance"?

lol, you think rolf should go back home to his luxury house and spend his days sipping fine whiskey's after he's been found guilty of paedophilia crimes? And what kind of message does that give to other sex offenders!? Don't worry if you get caught in old age, the police will let you off!?

His sentence in prison is deserved.
I didn't say he should be let off scot free. I also didn't say that he doesn't deserve prison (he deserves any punishment imaginable, but that doesn't mean I necessarily agree with the punishment). I just said that I don't see the point. Take all his money off him, make him do community service of some sort, either of those things would be more effective than 2 years in jail.

Do you think that makes it better for the victim? To know that he gets locked up for 2 years then goes back to his cushty life? I don't think it would make any difference (but that's just my opinion, maybe they do feel better).

Or that it deters a would be paedo? The public trial might, but the actual sentence? I don't think so.
It's paedogeddon.

I can't see how a five is justified at 84, particularly when he hasn't "offended" in over 30 years. And it isn't like the victims are paragons of virtue is it - one of them (the one he was shagging for years) went to him and said "Give me 30 grand to open a petshop or my boyfriend is going to the papers". That doesn't sound like someone "traumatised" to me, it sounds like some cunt wanting to put their feet up courtesy of Rolfs money. No doubt the compo claims will arrive shortly.

I'm disappointed in Rolf having the stash of kiddie filth on his PC tho - although his defence argued they were all over 18. It's hard to know what to believe.

It's not like he can throw on glasses and a silly beard, is it?


Take all his money off him

No doubt the victims are working on this as we speak.
You are a paedophile, you are a nonce, you're a perv, you're a slot badger, you're a two pin DIN plug, you're a bush dodger, you're a small bean regarder, you're a unabummer, you're a nut administrator, you're a bent ref, you're the crazy world of Arthur Brown, you're a fence foal, you're a free willy, you're a chimney bottler, you're a bunty man, you're a shrub rocketeer...
You're a roboplegic wrongcock! Your rastapaedic impulses are out of control.
There's nothing quite as unedifying as some nonentity of a magistrate finally getting his thirty seconds of fame and gloating it over an 84 year old either.
As I understand it, the kiddie pictures were found in his temp files, amongst thousands if adult porn images. They were from BANNER ADS!
Hi, I'm not sure if the documentary with, Chris Fay, called "Nightmare of Elm Guest House" has been shared here yet?

I was very relieved to hear the UK's Prime Minister on the news last night saying they are, at long last, going to look into the, Leon Britton, allegations. This will hopefully blow the whole lid off the sick paedophile ring, which includes many politicians, celebrities and even high ranking police officers. The poor kids didn't have a chance against these savages....

At last it looks like people are going to start listening to Chris Fay. This is one on the most shocking interviews I've ever seen. ?