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The MDxx Discussion Thread Number 3!

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^ That is because MDMA is MDMA not meth and ???. Old school pills were made from excellent quality MDMA. Today, well lets just say I'm not convinced that MDMA is as pure as it once was. Isis231's MDMA is actually fairly clean looking vs some shit I've seen in recent years. MDMA and MDA in a cap at say a 100/50 mg ratio will give stimulation and the magic. I've seen some of the Euro pills and they look amazing but the quality is not what it once was.

I think a big issue is the clandestine manufacture. Sassafras oil or safrole oil is hard to come by and usually produced illegally in Laos/Cambodia. Not sure the quality is as good as it could be and synthesis methods may have changed or manufacturers are not as concerned with a high purity product vs a less pure slightly more bulky product that gets one more "fucked up" due to impurities.

Just my opinion but smoking MDMA is just wrong. IVing it with a micron filter is probably better for you. Smoking meth produces 10% highly carcinogenic byproduct for every lung full (discussed at length on the meth bong thread), pretty sure smoking MDMA is up there let alone talcosis from any adulterants/impurities present.
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Smoking MDMA is fuckin rank. I did it once and found it tasted like that mercurochrome shit and the smell clung to my clothes and not really worth the high. It's in enjoyable because of the taste it leaves in your mouth.
^ that actually looks very similar to some mdma i had very recently
it was easily the strongest i've ever had
Fucking jealous. Haven't had proper mdma in years, everyones all about ice it seems. By far the most positive, beautiful and unforgettable experiences ive ever had. Last time I got on some pills they were very stoning and completely lacked empathy, better then panadol though.
Received some MDA from a mate but it appears to be very oily and wet. Is this normal ? Smells like alot like Safrole, alot stronger than when you smell a bag of MDMA crystals
The precursors safrole, isosafrole and MDP2P are oily (water insoluble) liquids at room temperature. That is a sign that the manufacturer has not made much effort when purifying the end product, which should have no smell at all; as is the colour of your substance as well, which if pure, would be white and not brown. Saying that, even small amounts of precursors left in will give a very strong and distinctive odour.

An oily product is also a sign of leftover water insoluble solvents in the product, which of course the precursors are soluble in and why oily product invariably smells more than dry product (same goes for other drugs such as methamphetamine).
Mmmm Theres a few dominoes around in adelaide few different people from different groups have told me about them. prices are a joke tho
If you consider the dominos are supposed to contain 200mgs (some tested a lot less) and theres 5 in that picture which would be a total of 1gram MDMA, Ive got a fair idea what you paid for them and thats a VERY expensive gram.

Id really only get them for the novelty value
yeah people seemed to think they were good. im not one to buy shit aussie made ones anymore waist of time money and my health lol, fuck knows whats in them and they write me off the next day every time, crystals usually cheaper and easier to source then imports. But at the same time i would like to try a authentic dutch import at least once,
^ That is some dirty looking MDA. I hear its ok for the cost but folks needing to dose similar to MDMA for effects. Id expect a lower dose than mdma for good mda. My hunch domestic synth that has not been cleaned up much/at all. MDMA can be made from MDA although yeilds are low. Just a guess... Biscuit has said it all so I'd just be repeating the same thing. Summary: Dirty shit needs much more work but it'l still get you fucked up... If you value your liver though I'd not use it often... if at all.
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The precursors safrole, isosafrole and MDP2P are oily (water insoluble) liquids at room temperature. That is a sign that the manufacturer has not made much effort when purifying the end product, which should have no smell at all; as is the colour of your substance as well, which if pure, would be white and not brown. Saying that, even small amounts of precursors left in will give a very strong and distinctive odour.

An oily product is also a sign of leftover water insoluble solvents in the product, which of course the precursors are soluble in and why oily product invariably smells more than dry product (same goes for other drugs such as methamphetamine).

clear your inbox dude.. every time I log on I reply to your PM then realize your inbox is full lol I've done it 4 times now haha
Done! Oops, I didn't realise. It didn't help that I had messages dating back to 2003 stored there :)

As for manufacturing MDMA from MDA, I just cannot fathom anyone bothering to do this. It is not easy and you are throwing away perfectly good product which remains highly valued, especially in Australia.
Done! Oops, I didn't realise. It didn't help that I had messages dating back to 2003 stored there :)

As for manufacturing MDMA from MDA, I just cannot fathom anyone bothering to do this. It is not easy and you are throwing away perfectly good product which remains highly valued, especially in Australia.

Hi Biscuit,
is it possible for MDA to be a light brown fine powder with the consistency of flour and smell like liquorice but taste of nothing?
Hi Biscuit,
is it possible for MDA to be a light brown fine powder with the consistency of flour and smell like liquorice but taste of nothing?

I swapped a tab with my mate for 150mg of what was ment to be mdma powder but turned out to be mda and its looked and smelled exactly how you described.. dunno about the taste as I tally-bombed it.. after that dissapointed of munging without that mdma euphoria, I swapped another 3 tabs for 3 of those pink dollars (med. dose of MDMA) which made it all that much better :)

Done! Oops, I didn't realise. It didn't help that I had messages dating back to 2003 stored there :)

As for manufacturing MDMA from MDA, I just cannot fathom anyone bothering to do this. It is not easy and you are throwing away perfectly good product which remains highly valued, especially in Australia.

haha all good man, bit overdue for a clean-up ay :p Ill re-send the message when I get home if I remember after all this xannax kicks in 8(
I swapped a tab with my mate for 150mg of what was ment to be mdma powder but turned out to be mda and its looked and smelled exactly how you described.. dunno about the taste as I tally-bombed it.. after that dissapointed of munging without that mdma euphoria, I swapped another 3 tabs for 3 of those pink dollars (med. dose of MDMA) which made it all that much better :)(

Thanks for the reply mate, not doubting you but how do you know it was MDA? all the MDA Ive ever come across has been crystalline apart from this. the smell is almost fake and it just remind's me of one of the APB's, it also gives me the runs like the APB's do.

I suppose Im asking if its possible to make pure MDA that has this consistency of flour.
If you're ordering off the deep web you actually have a pretty good chance of getting decent stuff. Be careful ordering off the net if you haven't before, have a read of suggested ways to be a bit safer like using a fake name.

I wouldn't be too concerned about getting pma/pmma. Whilst they do sometimes get sold in bics as MDMA it's less common in crystal form and most dealers wouldn't be stupid enough to mix PMA/PMMA with MDxx as it can have severe side affects (even lethal in rare cases). But even so you'd need a higher dose and if you're testing your stuff you should be fine, I've been taking ecstasy for nearly 7 years and I've never once come across PMA or Bath Salts. I've come across other Research chemicals but none that have been dangerous.

I can honestly say that I do recommend you try MDMA, it's been a great addition to my life, like your doing now I did my research early and as a result I've never had a problem with it, no addiction scares, no health scares physical or psychological and hasn't affected my ambitions with work and university. It's an extremely fun drug to try out at a club or in a house session with friends. The first two times I had ecstasy once was at my friends house and second at my own. Amazing experiences, it is the most social drug I can think of (even more then alcohol or cannabis). On ecstasy you want to be around people, friends or strangers. It'll be a unique feeling at first but an extremely pleasant one, I've seen dozens of people try it for the first time and nearly everyone fell in love with it (Like all things it doesn't mix with everyone, but I would say a higher percentage of people enjoy E to almost any other drug).

Don't be intimidated by the dose, when I have friends try it for the first time I recommend around 100mg, 50-70 you'll still get a buzz but I believe people are better off trying a slightly larger dose to get a real feel for what MDMA is actually like. You've got the right idea asking questions early so I can't see you making any mistakes. If you choose to take 50-70 to start off, I advise you have more on you, cause after about an hour you may realise you haven't taken enough. ALTHOUGH if you're still cautious about the PMA possibility, PMA can take up to two hours to kick in but I reitterate I'd be VERY surprised if you got PMA when ordering MDMA.

It's also worth noting that MD doesn't work the way alcohol does in terms of doses. With alcohol you can keep drinking and get more drunk, with MDMA, the initial dose is what drives the rest of the night more then re-dosing. This is why I recommend starting 100mg, it'll give you a good hit, and then if you wanna re-dose you can do some small 30mg lines or caps opposed to the opposite way around where you end up wasting MD and don't get as much out of it.

Best of luck, and please report back on if you end up doing it, I always enjoy a good first timer story =)
PARTY SAFE and Welcome to Bluelight =)

P.s, if you have any questions feel free to PM me.
If you're ordering off the deep web you actually have a pretty good chance of getting decent stuff. Be careful ordering off the net if you haven't before, have a read of suggested ways to be a bit safer like using a fake name.

I wouldn't be too concerned about getting pma/pmma. Whilst they do sometimes get sold in bics as MDMA it's less common in crystal form and most dealers wouldn't be stupid enough to mix PMA/PMMA with MDxx as it can have severe side affects (even lethal in rare cases). But even so you'd need a higher dose and if you're testing your stuff you should be fine, I've been taking ecstasy for nearly 7 years and I've never once come across PMA or Bath Salts. I've come across other Research chemicals but none that have been dangerous.

I can honestly say that I do recommend you try MDMA, it's been a great addition to my life, like your doing now I did my research early and as a result I've never had a problem with it, no addiction scares, no health scares physical or psychological and hasn't affected my ambitions with work and university. It's an extremely fun drug to try out at a club or in a house session with friends. The first two times I had ecstasy once was at my friends house and second at my own. Amazing experiences, it is the most social drug I can think of (even more then alcohol or cannabis). On ecstasy you want to be around people, friends or strangers. It'll be a unique feeling at first but an extremely pleasant one, I've seen dozens of people try it for the first time and nearly everyone fell in love with it (Like all things it doesn't mix with everyone, but I would say a higher percentage of people enjoy E to almost any other drug).

Don't be intimidated by the dose, when I have friends try it for the first time I recommend around 100mg, 50-70 you'll still get a buzz but I believe people are better off trying a slightly larger dose to get a real feel for what MDMA is actually like. You've got the right idea asking questions early so I can't see you making any mistakes. If you choose to take 50-70 to start off, I advise you have more on you, cause after about an hour you may realise you haven't taken enough. ALTHOUGH if you're still cautious about the PMA possibility, PMA can take up to two hours to kick in but I reitterate I'd be VERY surprised if you got PMA when ordering MDMA.

It's also worth noting that MD doesn't work the way alcohol does in terms of doses. With alcohol you can keep drinking and get more drunk, with MDMA, the initial dose is what drives the rest of the night more then re-dosing. This is why I recommend starting 100mg, it'll give you a good hit, and then if you wanna re-dose you can do some small 30mg lines or caps opposed to the opposite way around where you end up wasting MD and don't get as much out of it.

Best of luck, and please report back on if you end up doing it, I always enjoy a good first timer story =)
PARTY SAFE and Welcome to Bluelight =)

P.s, if you have any questions feel free to PM me.

Thanks for sharing this brilliant information man, I'll definitely crank the dosage up to 100mg. What's the best way to take?
Just curious, but what makes you say "don't overdrink water"? I know when I'm out clubbing on MD, even in the middle of winter here in shitty cold Canberra, I'll chug water like nothing the whole night yet rarely need to piss if at all hahaha
Ah, yep fair enough though it might be to do with flushing electrolytes. Guess it's handy part of my pre-roll routine involves downing a decent amount of an electrolyte blend supp I have (sodium, potassium, magnesium, and some calcium). Probably why I haven't had any issues given the couple of litres I'll go through in a night of dancing haha
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