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The MDxx Discussion Thread Number 3!

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there's no better way to end a roll than with a blunt, nitrous and k......ah the memories come flooding back!

re pre-loading - it was a big thing years back in pre-loading with 5htp up to a week before...theory being to build up reserves of serotonin for mass release. I never bothered but some swore by it
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Keep forgetting about the good ol' nitrous! Definitely gonna have that on hand for my birthday next month :D
Hi Biscuit,
is it possible for MDA to be a light brown fine powder with the consistency of flour and smell like liquorice but taste of nothing?
In my opinion, no. Taste comes from the chemical structure of the molecule/salt and therefore shouldn't change if the molecule is the same.

The salts of MDA, MDMA, amphetamine and methylamphetamine are all extremely bitter tasting chemicals. So if you have these chemicals and they are present in reasonable to high purities, the substance must taste bitter, period - unless there is something wrong with your taste buds or there is some additive present which somehow hides or suppresses the bitter taste when it reaches your tongue (something I have never heard of before). This is another reason why half decent MDMA pills should taste bitter when chewed and not chalky or sweet etc.
^ Yeah sounds so true from my days using MDA and pills. We used to have a mate who used to get given quite alot of (what we were told was) MDA to move and we'd take small amounts off him for ourselves and some friends, it was pink alot of the time from memory (dont know what the deal with that was) and it was such a strong taste (and possibly smell? I cant recall now) and really strong effects. We had so many great nights/mornings on that stuff in clubs and at raves.

Would the pinkness be bad, as in not made correctly or is that usual?
is it possible for MDA to be a light brown fine powder with the consistency of flour and smell like liquorice but taste of nothing?

Pretty much any tiny tiny trace of any impurity could cause a colour in the final product. In regards to pink I would assume some kind of dye not necessarily but likely. I have seen reaction pics of MDA and in the some of the final processes there is definitely a red colour produced. Perhaps the pink could be a trace impurity of this?

Some people seem to like the muddy brown MDMA effectively an MDMA / Impurity buzz. Some claim its a more balls to wall experience. Subjective argument but there could well be other CNS active compounds in some of these impure coctails.

Consistency could depend on so many factors type of salt is one thing that springs to mind. Liquorice smell usually left over unreacted safrol again only very trace amount required to affect the smell as safrol oil has a very strong aniside smell.

Some dealers actually add a smell to "ligitimise" the product. Pouring ANISE oil on the final product will give it a liquorice smell often associated with "quality" mdma.

Not sure about taste. Would a hydrocloride salt taste different to a Tartrate salt. I guess so. It would be interesting to try and work that out from a technical perspective. I know that certain salts of MDMA are more prone to attract water from the air so as a result can easily become a slushy mess im sure this would affect the taste too.

A lot of pills often have various sugars added both illegal and legal so in regards to pills and taste its a total guessing game.
we have this man to mostly thank for all those amazing nights.

Sasha Shulgin, "Godfather of Ecstasy," Dead at 88

Alexander "Sasha" Shulgin, pioneer, pharmacologist, author, and medicinal chemist, passed away this evening at the age of 88. He is best known for introducing MDMA, the purest form of ecstasy, to psychologists in the 70s.

Shulgin published the popular TiHkal (Tryptamines I Have Known And Loved) and PiHKAL (Phenethylamines I Have Known And Loved) with his wife, Ann. Shulgin was formerly a chemist for The Dow Chemical Company before he moved on in 1965 to pursue his own research, which he performed at his house in Berkeley, California.

He is credited with having sampled and synthesized over 200 psychedelic drug compounds. Shulgin had suffered a stroke when he turned 85, and an organization had been set up to help to cover health costs.

A great interview with Shulgin entitled "The Last Interview With Alexander Shulgin" by Hamilton Morris was published at VICE in 2010.

According to the Erowid Center, Shulgin "died peacefully surrounded by friends and family."
the creator of the best two coffee table books ever..... RIP dude!
Absolute legend. May he rest in peace, and his legacy carry on forever. We owe him more than we could ever imagine.
Thanks Futura, yeah it may have been reddish or pinkish at times, we went thru so many different batches in the early 90's but what I recall most was how chemically it tasted and how strong in effects it was for us all. There was never any complaints, you had a cap and you were smashed for hours.
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In my opinion, no. Taste comes from the chemical structure of the molecule/salt and therefore shouldn't change if the molecule is the same.

The salts of MDA, MDMA, amphetamine and methylamphetamine are all extremely bitter tasting chemicals. So if you have these chemicals and they are present in reasonable to high purities, the substance must taste bitter, period - unless there is something wrong with your taste buds or there is some additive present which somehow hides or suppresses the bitter taste when it reaches your tongue (something I have never heard of before). This is another reason why half decent MDMA pills should taste bitter when chewed and not chalky or sweet etc.
OP I know of this MDA and someone I know off dosed 400 mgs just to feel like his usual dose of 140 mgs MDA. It is cut to fuck. Hope it didn't take to big a bite out of the hip pocket. Stuff is barely even synthesized well and may even by a ragtag of piss poor production MDA, some 5 apb or similar and cut till all you can taste is cut. SHIT stay away. HR says avoid more than a rabid dog.

OMG... well it surprises me he lived as long as he did after his wife passed. Thank you Dr A Shulgin. You changed my life for the better with you wonderful range of mind enhancing substances, except a few duds but hey that is what systematic diligent work is all about. The beatnik to end them all. An era has passed. Albert, Alexander... such amazing minds. Shulgins work was demonized but lets face it I believe he and his wife discovered a legitimate use for MDMA as a psychotherapy tool, a far better use than what Merck had originally hoped it would produce back in 1912 (trying to create a vasoconstrictor... never good) and what it may have been used for during the wars that followed.
Thank you for the range of 2cx chemicals, Dox's and a host of tryptamines, not so happy about 5 meo dalt/malt but hey for every gem there may be a turd.

RIP a true genius a beatnik with a brain and for trying to talk chemistry to a bunch of new age fruit-loops at Burning Man festival. New ager: Hey how can I get some man? (2cbfly) Sasha: You will have to synthesize it yourself! Hahaha! Well I guess the new ager found out about chinese labs and their nack for manufacturing things like 2cbfly. Unfortunately they also have a nack for mislabeling products that get shipped and 4 mg of what was thought to be 2cbfly turns out to be bromodragonfly and man dies. Blame Dr. Shulgin hell no. Blame some random chinese rc manufacturer for mislableing a procduct: Hell yes.

Dr Shulgin touched many people, was a unique individual with a burning curiosity. May he RIP along with his beloved wife.
OMG... well it surprises me he lived as long as he did after his wife passed. Thank you Dr A Shulgin. You changed my life for the better with you wonderful range of mind enhancing substances, except a few duds but hey that is what systematic diligent work is all about. The beatnik to end them all. An era has passed. Albert, Alexander... such amazing minds. Shulgins work was demonized but lets face it I believe he and his wife discovered a legitimate use for MDMA as a psychotherapy tool, a far better use than what Merck had originally hoped it would produce back in 1912 (trying to create a vasoconstrictor... never good) and what it may have been used for during the wars that followed.
Thank you for the range of 2cx chemicals, Dox's and a host of tryptamines, not so happy about 5 meo dalt/malt but hey for every gem there may be a turd.

RIP a true genius a beatnik with a brain and for trying to talk chemistry to a bunch of new age fruit-loops at Burning Man festival. New ager: Hey how can I get some man? (2cbfly) Sasha: You will have to synthesize it yourself! Hahaha! Well I guess the new ager found out about chinese labs and their nack for manufacturing things like 2cbfly. Unfortunately they also have a nack for mislabeling products that get shipped and 4 mg of what was thought to be 2cbfly turns out to be bromodragonfly and man dies. Blame Dr. Shulgin hell no. Blame some random chinese rc manufacturer for mislableing a procduct: Hell yes.

Dr Shulgin touched many people, was a unique individual with a burning curiosity. May he RIP along with his beloved wife.

You mean his first wife.
Might want to clarify that. Could confuse people. They might think Ann died as well.
Rest his poor soul
We got two threads running now so firstly:

Alexandar Shulgin RIP. Amazing guy totally inspirational books my favourite Tihkal and Pihkal I think what I love most about them is the way you can take these books on any level.

You can read effectively a love story / trip report

You can read about dosage, effects

You can look at molecular structures

You can effectively read up on a recipe and start your own lab LOL.

If you really look hard at the books there are also clues about new structures and molecules that you could experiment with.

In terms of designer drugs, their effects and impact to millions and millions of people world wide this is about as good as it gets.

Clearly not driven by money just fascinated by science and someone always willing to step out of the box in the pursuit of new compounds. Videos from this chap I find fascinating and my overall opinion is he was just a VERY NICE and GENUINE PERSON.

I am sorry to hear this news but looking at the overall picture I think we can say he had a long and for filled life. The legacy of this man will go on for many years and the books and literature he published will remain very pioneering and current for years to come.


thread two -

Thanks Futura, yeah it may have been reddish or pinkish at times, we went thru so many different batches in the early 90's but what I recall most was how chemically it tasted and how strong in effects it was for us all. There was never any complaints, you had a cap and you were smashed for hours.

yo! mr poledriver long time no speak as alwas a pleasure ;)

so what do you mean by it tasted 'very chemically' i guess taste is a hard one to put into words. are there any chemicals you could associate this taste with?

i am also interested to hear the word 'cap' do you mean in a liquid form? or gel cap in the sence of cystals in a cap?

nice to hear from you mate ;)
Hey mate, it was in powder form, maybe you could call it crushed down crystals, my friend used to get ounces of it (for quite a few years) and we would put it into gel caps to consume and flog off at raves and nightclubs or where ever we were. Sometimes I think it was a bit damp.

From memory (which is along time ago now as it was 20 odd yrs ago) some of it looked like this -


But the odd thing is if I type 'pink mda powder' into google images hardly anything comes up that really makes me go 'oh yeah that was it'..

Maybe it was dyed? We got told it was MDA, but I really have no idea, we weren't testing stuff with reagents back then. The taste and even smell (i think) was just chemically, as you said it's hard to explain, but if snorted the taste would be sliding down the back of your throat and nose.

If I type MDA powder into google images most of it seems to be brownish or white, is that it would look if made correctly? I'm guessing it was just dyed then, like branding it I guess.
Some 2cx chemicals have a pink tinge. Google bromodragonfly and you get a picture of the 95% pure lethal batch that was mislabeled as 2cbfly and sent to US RC vendors around 2004. One of who snorted 4 mg's and promptly died at his office desk (from memory). MDA shouldn't look pink like the photo poledriver posted. Most likely dyed pink MDA back in the day (like the blue meth lol) or one of the early RC's or illicit manufactured RC's like the DOx's that where being manufactured and sold as LSD as far back as the late 70's in California. TBH who knows. What did the reagent test indicate? Did this stuff get reagent tested. OK I'm signing off this 5 meo pcp is hitting like a brick...

Edit: some times you get a pinkish tint to the crystals, just refract light off them and it'll give a pinkish tint to the clear/whitish crystal but that is it. Never solid pink. The crystals are always whitish/clear never brown, pink, green, purple or whatever other colors of the rainbow.
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You mean his first wife.
Might want to clarify that. Could confuse people. They might think Ann died as well.
Rest his poor soul

Wasn't Ann his 2nd or 3rd wife? She has past on as well. Ann Shulgin past on a while ago. She was the founder of using MDMA for psychotherapy. IDK I'm pretty fucked atm 3 meo pcp style... To clarify Sasha married a couple of women in his time but his last partner/wife was his soul mate and he hers...
Last thing there were some bonkers MDMA/MDA labs in the 90's producing stuff domestically. Heroin was public enemy number 1 so MDMA slipped under the radar for a long while. So???? These days good luck getting anything solid in terms of locally made MDxx. Stranger things have happened though.
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