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The MDxx Discussion Thread Number 3!

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^ I've never seen MDMA like that in real life, but from memory it looks the same as others I've seen posted on here and elsewhere.
^ I've never seen MDMA like that in real life, but from memory it looks the same as others I've seen posted on here and elsewhere.

I currently have 3 different small amounts of crystal mdma I've acquired, almost a hobby of sorts. This yellowish/white cloudy stuff came back at .07g after washing 0.1g, clear white crystal that looks like meth 0.05g after washing 0.1g and the brown sugar posted above which pretty much came back exactly the same after a wash. All of these have been offered to me by multiple sources which means crystal is back in full swing. The yellowish stuff produced a more rolling effect and 1.5 points had me grinning but not buckled. The clear white stuff had me completely empathetic to everything but not so strong on the eye wobbles/chatters after 1.5 points but the brown sugar takes the cake. 1.5 points gave me jelly legs/jaw chatters, love, eye wobbles and the old 'everyone's face in the club looks like someone you know.' I watched a friend start with 2.5 points of the brown sugar and he just laid on the grass rolling around shivering away. All of these tests were done in near exact settings with the exception of 1 or 2 different people being there.

friend decided to consume a beige Bart Simpson which tested for MDA and he has quite a high tolerance and 1 had him fucked, took a second around 2 hours in and was gone. cannot believe how much things have picked up. very happy at the moment even started going out again and can see the majority of the club is on mdma as very relaxed comfortable environment. good times ahead!

edit: changed the Simpsons to MDA. dawn auto correct
That's great you're having a good time and things are improving, I'm happy for you :)

I think I remember replying to a post that said your MDMA looked really terrible, but I don't see the post. Maybe I'm going mad, or maybe I just drank too much last night (yes, I did).

Anyway, that response that I made doesn't make sense any more with the ^ Up, look at previous post thing, so I wasn't talking about your post lovepsychadelics.

It's good to hear that MDA, MDMA is making a comeback. The only time I've ever really enjoyed it was when I was by myself, other times I was too overwhelmed by the strength. One time I was having a good time but some person I knew, didn't know well, but knew, put a downer on the whole night by pointing out to everyone in the pub that I was "on something". Old cunts can be real nasty.
One time I was having a good time but some person I knew, didn't know well, but knew, put a downer on the whole night by pointing out to everyone in the pub that I was "on something". Old cunts can be real nasty.

Yeah that sort of shit frustrates me, it's crappy behavior really. Only the person who has taken drugs really has the right to talk about what they're on IMO.
That's great you're having a good time and things are improving, I'm happy for you :)

I think I remember replying to a post that said your MDMA looked really terrible, but I don't see the post. Maybe I'm going mad, or maybe I just drank too much last night (yes, I did).

Anyway, that response that I made doesn't make sense any more with the ^ Up, look at previous post thing, so I wasn't talking about your post lovepsychadelics.

It's good to hear that MDA, MDMA is making a comeback. The only time I've ever really enjoyed it was when I was by myself, other times I was too overwhelmed by the strength. One time I was having a good time but some person I knew, didn't know well, but knew, put a downer on the whole night by pointing out to everyone in the pub that I was "on something". Old cunts can be real nasty.

the brown sugar suff has always been my favorite, and has always been the best. I cannot take mdma on my own. I can't even take it if I'm heading to the pub for a few beers with mates. needs to be taken at an event/club/house party etc. Also helps when everyone else is on it with you. If you're too overwhelmed try starting with a little under a point. I usually try and have no more than 2 schooners but definitely need at least one drink in me before consumption. The come up to mdma and even more so MDA is very intense and something to calm the nerves definitely helps. I've seen people have full blown anxiety attacks on the come up but once they get past that stage they're in heaven. I like mdma/MDA because it can't be used discreetly which limits abuse (comparing to cocaine/meth which can be taken in any situation and not noticed if you're experienced enough).

mdma may not be everyone's drug of choice but I have NEVER met anyone who disliked it.

I just wish the whole pill form would fuck off and buying crystal became the norm.
the brown sugar suff has always been my favorite, and has always been the best. I cannot take mdma on my own. I can't even take it if I'm heading to the pub for a few beers with mates. needs to be taken at an event/club/house party etc. Also helps when everyone else is on it with you. If you're too overwhelmed try starting with a little under a point. I usually try and have no more than 2 schooners but definitely need at least one drink in me before consumption. The come up to mdma and even more so MDA is very intense and something to calm the nerves definitely helps. I've seen people have full blown anxiety attacks on the come up but once they get past that stage they're in heaven. I like mdma/MDA because it can't be used discreetly which limits abuse (comparing to cocaine/meth which can be taken in any situation and not noticed if you're experienced enough).

mdma may not be everyone's drug of choice but I have NEVER met anyone who disliked it.

I just wish the whole pill form would fuck off and buying crystal became the norm.

back when pills were good i got these "red X 7's" (was a clock with handle pointing towards 7 oclock) one of my sisters friends took one on the come up she was begging us to take her to hospitable.after about 20 mins of calming her down and saying you will be ok u dont need a hospitable she was fucking loving it! thats just one of the times -_- drug noobs god lol jokes
Has anyone mixed these two..meth and mdma? I've been experimental with the Md today and yesterday but is it worth combining?
That must have been one hell of a come up ride ! I've seen that with the mdmc meow..we anyways this guy was having intense convulsions and spasms then he was ok loving it
Has anyone mixed these two..meth and mdma? I've been experimental with the Md today and yesterday but is it worth combining?

I regularly combine these two, have the meth before hand and use less then you normally would when having meth by itself.
It makes the MDMA more charged up and if you are clubbing or dancing it gives you the energy to keep moving rather then legs getting so tired like you do when having MDxx by itself.

It's worth noting that mixing these two is worse for the body, especially the heart then having meth or MDxx by themself. Keep hydrated and don't over do it, I've never had any problems mixing these two and have done so dozens of times but still always be cautious when trying new things. Do a lower dose then you would normally for both and then you can get a good feel for it for yourself of what is an ideal dose for the future.

It's worth noting that mixing these two is worse for the body, especially the heart then having meth or MDxx by themself. Keep hydrated and don't over do it, I've never had any problems mixing these two and have done so dozens of times but still always be cautious when trying new things. Do a lower dose then you would normally for both and then you can get a good feel for it for yourself of what is an ideal dose for the future.

I don't have a ready-to-hand source on this, but I remember reading on here some time ago that combining meth with MDMA greatly increases the neurotoxicity of both substances.
Might be something worth looking into if you're going planning to combine these two powerfully mind-altering drugs.
I mean, both obviously screw with your brain chemistry quite significantly - you wouldn't want to cause permanent damage by assuming it's safe.
I know a lot of pills back in the day had a bit of meth as well as MDxx in them; but then again, lots of pills had caffeine (but no meth) in them to give that extra "pep" that some folks need to enjoy MDMA as a "party" substance rather than a "writhe around with your eyes rolling back, drooling on yourself" substance.
Am I making any sense?
Coincidentally just this morning, I was pondering if, hypothetically, you were to make your own cap with molly and meth combo, what sort of ratio might be considered appropriate. 90mg MDMA + 20mg M ?

Since the influx of mdma crystal over the last few years, i've noticed mdma alone seems a little too cruisy for me, not as intense or manic as i remember some 'good' pills used to be. Of course this could just be tolerance (or MDA, caffeine or all of the above), but perhaps it was meth that gave it a little edge or some extra legs. Probably worth one experiment at least. :)

Sure, I know about and understand the extra risk you mentioned spacejunk (any link to studies?), but I rarely do either substance so it seems like a calculated risk i'm prepared to take... at least once.
had some abos-fucking-lutely amazing mdma (caps) in launceston Tassmania at the breath of life after party. God I missed that feeling
Coincidentally just this morning, I was pondering if, hypothetically, you were to make your own cap with molly and meth combo, what sort of ratio might be considered appropriate. 90mg MDMA + 20mg M ?

Since the influx of mdma crystal over the last few years, i've noticed mdma alone seems a little too cruisy for me, not as intense or manic as i remember some 'good' pills used to be. Of course this could just be tolerance (or MDA, caffeine or all of the above), but perhaps it was meth that gave it a little edge or some extra legs. Probably worth one experiment at least. :)

Sure, I know about and understand the extra risk you mentioned spacejunk (any link to studies?), but I rarely do either substance so it seems like a calculated risk i'm prepared to take... at least once.

I would still take a higher dose of MD don't know your tolerance, but even so 120mgMDMA + 20mg (shard) would be fine. If your meth is weaker you could have a higher dose of that. You would need a much higher dose of either substance to be in any danger from either substance even without a tolerance. I'm not encouraging going straight for high doses but don't stress too much, at these doses the risk is minimal.
120mg with 40mg of spd then a 50mg top up is my usual dose for a night out partying. I dont use mdma in a home setting
anyone had the pure white mdma rocks going around brisbane atm? quite a bit more expensive than usual but worth every cent for me, probs the best mdma ive ever had, if you can get your hands on it, dont think twice!
For once being dicked around by a dealer has paid dividends. He's usually a steady supply for coke and doesn't touch MDMA but low and behold he pulled out a bag of tan that made my very old test kit fizz and smoke into a deep purple haze. His dealer shades came on when he told me his mates were blown away by it but I have a tingly feeling I may have stumbled upon the jackpot.

Only one way to find out now but unfortunately life is too busy at the moment and my old man body needs a long weekend to recover these days so this sample might sit quietly for a few months for just the right occasion. Being an adult fucking sucks sometimes :(
120mg with 40mg of spd then a 50mg top up is my usual dose for a night out partying. I dont use mdma in a home setting

150mg of MD and a point of speed is always my favourite party starter, just like a good old dirty pill. But you should always know your tolerance before you start mixing
^^ 70-80mgs speed (base), 100mgs MDMA. Wait an hour or two and redose the same measurements.
Been a great night so far! Haha
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