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The LYRICA (pregabalin) Mega Thread

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The only two problems with Lyrica are:
-the loss of coordination (you can't walk straight)
-the double vision. sometimes your vision are so fukced that you can't read.

How are those problems?

Been very curious about this compound, can't wait to read this thread. Were you scriped it? if not was it expensive?
I take lyrica for severe cervical nerve pain (from a bike accident). It's the most effective drug I've taken for this type of pain. In terms of recreational use, I find it very inconsistent. When I've taken opioids, the "feeling", although it may vary in terms of intensity, is ALWAYS predictable and pleasant. Lyrica is really strange for me. One day, I may feel absolutely nothing from it. A few days later at the same dose, I will feel a strange 'relaxed yet pumped up at the same time' sensation. A few days after that, same dose, I will feel drunk and dizzy--yuk. Few days later-same dose, I'll feel nothing again. Really weird stuff -- but EXCELLENT for nerve pain. :0)
mostly peripheral neuropathic pain but also...

ive never heard of lyrica....what is the script for? pain, anxiety.....what is it comparable to?

indicated for adjunctive for adults w/ partial onset seizures, postherpetic neuralgia, and fibromyalgia (probably in that order). If you have fibromyalgia you are unlikely to find an neurologist who will not imply that your full of shit and will actually treat you:|

It is pretty close to gabapenin (Neurontin) in many ways.

anyone know anything about this drug causing either decreased fertility or possible birth defects when used by potential fathers?

Yes there have been findings that suggest it has the potential to cause male mediated teratogenicity.

I also suspect that it will be found to be a mutagen and would not be surprised if I were to learn that it is a carcinogen. Gabapentin has been linked to renal cancer. Pregabalin, like gabapentin, is almost entirely excreted by the renal system.
Lyrica gives me serious problems with suicidal thoughts and self-injury sometimes at very high doses. It's just a side effect you have to take into serious consideration if you have a history of mental illness, suicidal thoughts/attempts, and/or self-injury. I got fucking cutting marks on my wrist now and I really do blame it on the Lyrica, I am not a cutter and have exclusively experienced cutting episodes under the influence of Lyrica. This shit is dangerous to me in high recreational doses.
- to top it off is the extreme weight gain from the appetite increase and your muscles turning to fat from no exercise. So if you find a girl that will tolerate your slow, moronic dumbass with low sex drive knocking over her ornaments and standing on her toes, she will leave you when you put on 100lbs of fat and 25lbs of the little muscle you have left turns into fat making you even slower and less likely to be voted most likely to succeed.
Gosh, I'm glad I'm not the only one who experienced weight gain. Almost 50 pounds and rising ATM :(
umm males don't tend to get knocked up or lactate and...

RXlist only says this: "Pregnancy/Nursing
Before taking this medicine, if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or planning to become pregnant, talk to your health care provider."

I really don't think it decrease fertility...

It is very unlikely that he is a chimera. If he+she won that genetic lottery he would know anyway.

I 've been slowly raising my dose today & I think over the course of the day I've had 1.2g or maybe it was 1.4g and I'm now ABSOLUTELY FUCKED. It is extremely difficult to type and I keep hitting the side of the keyboard with muscle spasms and trembling. I can't walk straight & for some unknown reason I decided to clean the microwave and I couldn't manage it because my thoughts are utterly screwed and I thought a random head came out of it to attack me so I ran away to the sink and managed to throw water everywhere. Other screwed up, fucked up thoguhts going on. Drinking beer. Probably won't help but fuck it. More muscle spasms. Managed to knock beer over. -Oops. Cuntwank.
This morning i got ahold of a couple of the 100mg Lyrica capsules. I only had 2 of 'em so I took 'em because I had read this mega-thread and had been interested in Lyrica for quite some time. Anyway its probably been 3 - 4 hours since I took the caps and I feel really nice, hard to explain but I will definitely be dosing Lyrica again probably more if I can get ahold of it. People who like opiates and benzos will probably enjoy the recreational value of Lyrica at a dose around 500-600mg is what I would say to start with. Cheers~!
I 've been slowly raising my dose today & I think over the course of the day I've had 1.2g or maybe it was 1.4g and I'm now ABSOLUTELY FUCKED. It is extremely difficult to type and I keep hitting the side of the keyboard with muscle spasms and trembling. I can't walk straight & for some unknown reason I decided to clean the microwave and I couldn't manage it because my thoughts are utterly screwed and I thought a random head came out of it to attack me so I ran away to the sink and managed to throw water everywhere. Other screwed up, fucked up thoguhts going on. Drinking beer. Probably won't help but fuck it. More muscle spasms. Managed to knock beer over. -Oops. Cuntwank.

Don't drink on top of it if you're so fucked up already!!! You're gonna black the hell out, or worse!!! They both work on GABA and intensify each other.

The one time I did on Lyrica and benzos (expect similar results), I wound up in jail covered in cuts...
Idon't know. thehallucinations I got from it, and cloudy-headed syndrome, made me have a bad panic attack.(dose was; 700 mg) I may try it again, after all, I was using it with a very low-dose of Xanax, for a amphetamine-comedown, out of desperation, might have had something to do with it.
lyrica...anyone else on?

they scripted me lyrica at the pain clinic...anybody taking this? anyone have experience to share? (yeah i tried to search and found little on this here). i have it but haven't taken it yet. few questions....does this stuff give you any nice high at all? (all the web sites say it is makes you tried and fat, yipee?) on the off chance anyone has used it as i'm suppose to be in combo with avinza and percocet, how did that work out for you? and last (will be really impressed if anyone knows) can you take it when on buprenex since my pain meds never make it the whole month so if i start this stuff will be taking it with bupe that last 7-10 days of month.
Right now I am taking it. I absolutely hate it.
The reason I am taking it is I am withdrawing beause I left my oc's in a hotel room last week, and I don't see the doc till the 21st.
I have been totally fucked up fora few days now, I have what feels like electricity
in my hands and I cannot walk straight and my vision is messed up.
The reason I could not take it is the vision problem.
I am glad it is helping with my withdrawals.
A doc gave me some samples of Lyrica. I got a bit of euphoria from it and it put my balance off like i had a few cocktails. Can't tell you much about how it interacts with Opiate adventures other than adding to the euphoria.

Read the interaction warnings again.
Be careful with this drug. My caps are only 75mg and I only take 1 sometimes 2 at a time a few times a day. I cannot wait to get off this crap, that will be on the 19th prolly.
I would not recommend drinking at all.
I am all jerky and cannot control my actions and I have been seeing things. Weird as hell. If you could see my typing you would think I have a neurological problem, which I do but not anything that messes up my coordination.
This drug realy does help people who have fibromyalgia ..I would sugest you take as it says if you want it to last till the end of the month...but in low mgs it won't do much for most expierenced users ...I woul sugest taking 100-200mg your first time and see how it hits ya ..but don't drive till you know how it acts on you...could take a few hours before you feel it ...I have such a natural high tolerance i need 800mgs to get a good buzz but at that high of a dose it last into the next day..gives me a dreamy drung feeling without the nausea.
What mg did you get and how many time a day are post to take it??? ...but do be careful cause i have seen alot of friend that in low doses get realy sleepy to the point of crawling to bed...Rx~
Yes it does help with Fibro. I have Fibro.
I just cannot take lyrica, and anything like it, and I cannot take anti depressants, and NSAIDS, Cymbalta included.
I am wired backwards, said my doc.

Like RX said, I would take as prescribed.
I have used this drug many times.
It is a great sleeping pill, one of the only ones out of the many I have tried that will keep me asleep all damn night without any wake ups or very few.

I take it with Suboxone (bup) and I have had no adverse reactions and rather like the combo. I usually take 300-450 mg at time for desirable effects.

Some like it others hate it. Only thing you can do is try it and judge for yourself.
The buzz is different and seems to come in waves.
First I get an energy burst similar to the come on of hydrocodone.
Then it makes me feel complacent and anxiety fades similar to a benzo and coordination goes all to hell as if I was drunk.
Then it makes me sleepy and it is lights out.

The effects last a very, very long time. 10+ hours. The first time I took it I woke up stoned 18 hours later.

Others report an MDMA like effect on erowid and it is the same there....some love it others hate it. Dose ranges on there range from 75mg-700mg+

Hope that helps ya. :)

One last thing... This is an addictive drug and has very unpleasant withdrawal. Almost identical to a benzo withdrawal. I do not wish that on anyone, so please use with caution if you do decide to stay on it, and if you do ever want off make sure you taper slowly.
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