the lounge discussion v. september 2016

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I wonder if Lucy still has that bad religion jean jacket. If he does I bet he cant wait for winter.

SF & OTWs.
Assle, pharcey, whigga, and others are at reddit right now. Time to join and appease the BL rulers whom have put up with our crap for too long!
I only wear it on special occasions. I just rock a grey hoodie in the cold mornings these days
I hope Phr loses his mod because he really deserves whatever is coming to him. All the racist comments he has made towards me and about me was clearly not professional. So if bluelight wants to keep it's black people percentage at 1% then they better do what they have to do, or further become a white only site. My dreams have been nothing, but nightmares because of this. I am not shit!. I am a human!!!!! :(
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I'm on bluelight reddit but where are all the threads at?
I don't know how to reddit, I just see The Lounge Is Shutdown and Where did all the content go
it's funny how the lounge gets closed when a lot of the rest of the site have threads like

'chicago dope thread'
heroin in Georgia'
'lookin for chicago dope buddies '

n-s american forum sounds like a real hoot lol
I'm on bluelight reddit but where are all the threads at?
I don't know how to reddit, I just see The Lounge Is Shutdown and Where did all the content go

You need a basic IQ to use reddit. Looks like you won't make the cut. Take this time to work on yourself and grow. I mean, you understand the whole break up process quite well irl so there is no need for me to say anything further.
it's funny how the lounge gets closed when a lot of the rest of the site have threads like

'chicago dope thread'
heroin in Georgia'
'lookin for chicago dope buddies '

n-s american forum sounds like a real hoot lol
There's a thread called lookin for chicago dope buddies??? Lol
You need a basic IQ to use reddit. Looks like you won't make the cut. Take this time to work on yourself and grow. I mean, you understand the whole break up process quite well irl so there is no need for me to say anything further.

The whole break up process? Do elaborate as I am curious as to what it is you are referring to.
it's funny how the lounge gets closed when a lot of the rest of the site have threads like

'chicago dope thread'
heroin in Georgia'
'lookin for chicago dope buddies '

n-s american forum sounds like a real hoot lol

Let's not forget The Lounge TC was closed when after Mugz died. I'm surprised Mzfluffy's porn career wasn't blamed on the Longe encouraging her to post underage nudes
You're not helping the case for the lounge, SF.

Sorry, but everything I say is the truth especially my phr comment. Don't make me feel like less than I am. My feelings are very valid :( see this is why we can't have nice things.

/bl can barely pay their server fees. Will they be able to cover my mental health bills that have steadily increased after the lounge came into my life?

Please tell me that
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This thread is already posted in by 20 different Loungerats who post regularly.

How is this a small minority?

It's doubletalk by the top brass, akin to the "Silent Majority" in US politics.

What it really boils down to is Senior Staff being outsiders, looking in and disagreeing with the party going on inside as their noses press up against the window.

It's like, three buddies are sitting around drinking beers, shootin pool and busting each other's balls, really talking shit to each other likes guys do. A fourth 'outcast' shows up, let's call him Shmalas-Shmairm. This fourth guy, even though the jokes he hears are not aimed at him, he calls the police and shuts down the party because he feels someone, somewhere might possibly be offended.

He suggests some nice CLEAN fun. Like Pictionary! And put down those beers and drink some non-alcoholic Margaritas before it gets too rowdy, boys!

I understand why Kytn would be upset, but Bardo would have been cool with the jokes because he understood the nature of the Lounge.
So this is how it ends huh?

horrifically cliché as it may sound it's more of a new beginning; those of you who don't like the terms will have a multitude of options opened to you, I'm more than sure; I may even accompany you in some, but without any pretense to being a voice of authority that I have here.

you all, however, dare I say we all, as people who have participated in and made friends from TL, will have a space, it just may be a different one.

events for a long time have seen TL drifting away from what is necessarily acceptable on BL on a number of fronts; but certain events in particular have had even me, by no means a proponent of boot on the neck political correctness, truly aghast.

There's gonna be some changes made, &c.

We fucking won!

I'm quite sure you don't mean this, especially made. If you think this is Sumter, let's hope we never get to the unimaginably bloody Antietam, and we won't, because this is the Internet, and it's not USENET (I think know you're old enough and tapped I'm enough) or even 4chan or reddit. Not to mention, we're an organization coming in to it's own beyond just being some random druggie forum, but even—we, publicly, can't, and I personally can't, associate ourselves with mockery of the dead when a great portion of our Work, the harm reduction part and the community support part, in the first is to prevent unnecessary, saddening and enfuriating deaths, and so too is the latter, even if they're voluntary, and ultimately, people with more authority than I—but let me not try to defer blame, in light of the latest excesses, I am fully in line with what's happening right now. In fact I might well have been more severe in a few incidents. But this is why we as BL have a system, often pretty democratic, and a hierarchy.

If you believe you've won behind all this, mockery of the dead and the persistent use of unpleasant language towards various groups, you've lost already. As for me it was never about nigger jokes, or whatever, they may have behind them a useful meaning and politically speaking they might be
useful as such, but I don't even think that's often the agenda behind the posts. It's just to be offensive. Nothing legitimate about that.

Can the actual members who call the lounge home have any contribution as to how it is run?

Can we please see actual numbers of this "small clique" cross referenced with all the other forums? For instance how many members contribute to the vape forums?

How the fuck is a nicotine product in anyway harm reduction?

Given a bit of time, pardoning me because my main Internet access is mobile right now, but I can give you concrete data, but roughly seen it and can promise you two proportions: (a) the Lounge posts are by the vast majority made by a certain clique of posters; and (b) the vast majority of these posters post little to nothing elsewhere. it's as it TL, for many, is an entirely different community than TL. this is troubling in itself.

why does an off topic section that supposedly nobody goes on piss off your donors so much because this is what this is really about

donors aren't at issue here.

History suggests the chances the admins have of even being able to open the lounge again is pretty slim. I'm surprised the servers weren't wiped

no intention of this. the lounge might change but we value Bluelight history and what's valuable in it won't die. you have my word or I will resign my position


Goodbye Bluelight

I know specifically for you that TL isn't the entirely for BL, so whatever has been between us and whether we like each other or not that's something that deserves reconsidering.

Thankyou for taking action.

I have a suggestion.

I suggest the moderators of the lounge and -maybe extend to all social forums-

be a fixed term contract position. Like 3 or 6 months.

I think phr has let the team down. He has done a lot of good things in the past but allowing himself and a couple of his mates harass and rub in bardeaux death to kyt and others was below the belt and he needs to be fired .

Having a fixed term position means that persons modship can be renewed and rebiewed by us and staff.

It means no one moderator can be complacent and feel they are above anyone else as they are not.

It means we can have less bullshit when its time to change direction and be fun!

The other mods are great and.some are relatively new so this will be good for them to work together and with us to have more fun times and stuff.


Bardo handed out as good as he received in the lounge when he was alive. I doubt my eventual death would be met with any more or less respect than his.

It seems pretty poor form to parade a suicide as being noble when this whole site is built upon keeping people alive.

If you can't help your friends what hope of saving a stranger?

Z, thanks a lot for real, constructive input; expect to hear from me soon

1kw, just see what one got to day generally + our recent communication

I posted this elsewhere but it belongs here as well:

While I understand where Ali is coming from here, I'm concerned that the outcome of this will cause more lounge regulars to leave the lounge.

A few concerns/comments I'd like to voice:

- making the lounge private was a decision made entirely by senior staff, and was actively fought against by most lounge regulars.

- having senior staff that oversee the lounge but have never been lounge regulars causes more issues than it fixes.

- not regularly or semi-regularly asking for the input of community members about how to improve the forum does nothing but further the agenda of those currently in power without improving the forum overall.

I also dont think the lounge is really homophobic at all. That concern should really be left up to the LGBT members of the forum and not its "allies".

Look at my posts in CE&P and tell me if I'm an "LGBT ally." The pathologies of this community run substantially deeper than the use of off color phrases to refer to homosexuals or blacks.

Some of your points ring true, though; however, on each round of mod recruitment we've often lacked people acceptable alike to the masses and the admins (largely due to OTT trolling and fuckery.) Some happy medium needs to be arranged.

Be the change, perhaps?

So I guess ill just run rampant throughout bl posting like I'm still in the lounge. Fuck your stupid rules

And then you will be finished on bluelight. In my opinion a great loss as I consider you a good contributor and a friend. But do not sink that if you go over the top you will have any protection.

I have no friends irl pls don't ruin the lounge pls

Nobody will be ruining this for him I can give you my solemn word. However real change is coming I can guarantee you that. We will not however be without a social outlet and an informal one, one in which our rather unique user population can gather together and shoot the shit.

Lounge is dead bros. Dont believe them when they say jet fuel melts steel beams, and its or two days

I got the inside info.

I dunno about the rest of you but I'm tearing up EADD. Look our limeys, Americas comings

Again don't risk your presence here on your simple outrage at whatever is going on right now. Give yourself some time to evaluate the changes when they actually happen. They may not be as bad as you think.

And if you want a social forum hit up N&S. We have a just in it's infancy general social thread and expect to have a tolerance for discussion of hard drugs and an overall degenerate lifestyle. I think you could have a lot of fun there. This might be the point at which it is time for a lot of people who post constantly in the lounge to diversify a bit before returning to the new incarnation of the lounge.

Rip TL. Come on guys with all the cuurent advances in safe spaces … reditt &c.

Droopy don't act like I am not probably further to the right than you are and that this is about politics or political correctness. This is about a forum and a bunch of shit over all gone way too far ending with the mockery of our dead. We will begin with something new. If you wish to depart for your other place online please feel free but again don't think that I want you to leave. We don't want anyone to leave except for perhaps those who only want to stir the shit after changes are made.

This thread is already posted in by 20 different Loungerats who post regularly.

How is this that a small minority?

After issue is the fact that the lounge has become dominated by a small minority relative to the entire site and that others often do not come in because they feel an insurmountable difficulty in coming in and filling in. And exclusive cliqué is appropriate and and in a place like a tinychat or your own forum of various types which by the way I would be happy to host but not so much on a front-facing harm reduction platform which is trying to become a more legitimate entity in the more widespread universe of harm reduction and drug policy.
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It's doubletalk by the top brass, akin to the "Silent Majority" in US politics.

What it really boils down to is Senior Staff being outsiders, looking in and disagreeing with the party going on inside as their noses press up against the window.

It's like, three buddies are sitting around drinking beers, shootin pool and busting each other's balls, really talking shit to each other likes guys do. A fourth 'outcast' shows up, let's call him Shmalas-Shmairm. This fourth guy, even though the jokes he hears are not aimed at him, he calls the police and shuts down the party because he feels someone, somewhere might possibly be offended.

He suggests some nice CLEAN fun. Like Pictionary! And put down those beers and drink some non-alcoholic Margaritas before it gets too rowdy, boys!

I understand why Kytn would be upset, but Bardo would have been cool with the jokes because he understood the nature of the Lounge.

Being the objective poster that I am, let me say that it's not just ali and his window crew, but there's plenty of blame to pass around for everyone.
What I find highly offensive is SKL's use of hookers and his judgement about them. I say "hookers" have rights and even here on bluelight. Not all are mentally unsound and with the feminist movements going on in this world, things like that should not be tolerated. Change is needed. Change is coming and this should also be apart of it. One thing that might not be offensive to one person may be offensive for another.... so we really need to crack down on everything and make it a "safe fun space" because everything has to PC nowadays, you know?
The day you start collating KPR for the Shrine and accept that current HR policies are not working is the day Bluelight will become legitimate. Until then it is simply a front to allow druggies to talk about drugs without attracting the attention of the authorities.

And if you want a social forum hit up N&S. We have a just in it's infancy general social thread and expect to have a tolerance for discussion of hard drugs and an overall degenerate lifestyle. I think you could have a lot of fun there. This might be the point at which it is time for a lot of people who post constantly in the lounge to diversify a bit before returning to the new incarnation of the lounge.

Why the fuck would I want to legitimise junky lifestyle? How is this harm reduction?
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