The Feds Came To Visit...


Jul 20, 2002
Hey so heres the deal a few minutes ago 2 federal agents came to visit and they ask all sorts of questions allegaly someone cashed a large money order that was for some drugs now they basically said they knew who it was and if they confessed they would help them out right right so they didnt confess so they said that they would be watching them and that they would be back with a warrant and also that they have that person or persons on video tape they also searched that persons computer and asked family members questions should this person or persons be worried and what should they do? Basically this so called person or persons sold something illegal on the net and never sent it and that person filed a complaint so what to do what to do??? 8(
These individuals you describe should only have contact with any law enforcement officials IN ANY CAPACITY WHATSOEVER through their attorney.

If anyone perceives they are in legal danger, they should discuss the situation with their attorney PRIOR to any dealings with law enforcement. Everyone is guaranteed rights under the Constitution.

Keep your mouth shut until your attorney advises otherwise. I cannot stress this enough. You are within your rights to tell any law enforcement official that you have been advised not to speak about the situation until you have had the opportunity to speak with your attorney, and they are duty bound to honor the same.

Be careful and assert your rights.

On a personal level, this post has me more concerned than any post has in awhile. 8(

*edited for grammar and to add personal note*
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Having been told by the feds that they will be back with a search warrant, would it then be a crime of destroying or tampering with evidence if a person attempted to destroy or remove any incriminating items or data in their home?
that must have been a weird call for the snitch.. "umm yes, officer, i was trying to buy some drugs online, and well see i sent a money order and then they never sent me the drugs".

Could you face prosecution for attempted purchase of drugs?

Solicitation of Drugs, and if I remember correctly it is a misdemeanor in the state of Illinois.
OH shizzzay....

So really people what would you do in this situation? And what can come from this... Should the person or persons be worried about doing any kind of jail time? Please people some more feedback would be great thanks in advance.... 8o
Re: OH shizzzay....

TrickyGirl said:
So really people what would you do in this situation?

How much clearer can I make it?


TrickyGirl said:
And what can come from this... Should the person or persons be worried about doing any kind of jail time?

It is a distinct possibility, especially if the cops conduct a search and find contraband and/or evidence of the crime.
What if someone posted in Health Q&A:

"I think my friend is having a heart attack; he's rolling around on the floor, clutching his chest, gasping for breath, and turning dark red."

Response: "CALL A DOCTOR!"

Your response: "So really, what should I do?"

Come on people, we're not equipped to provide you with a full-blown legal defense strategy to serious criminal prosecutions in this forum. Most of us aren't even lawyers, and the few who are lawyers don't do criminal defense (as far as I know).

Would you ask an average on the street to conduct surgery on you? Of course not; you'd go to a doctor, right? IT'S THE SAME THING.
frizzantik said:
that must have been a weird call for the snitch.. "umm yes, officer, i was trying to buy some drugs online, and well see i sent a money order and then they never sent me the drugs".

Could you face prosecution for attempted purchase of drugs?

yes, conspiracy or intent to posses illegal substances in x amount, gotta love the consiracy laws
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You know, I placed a net order over a month ago, paid, and have yet to receive anything. I'm having mixed feelings about your situation... {edited for content by Mariposa, please do not give advice of that nature in here}!
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Come on people, we're not equipped to provide you with a full-blown legal defense strategy to serious criminal prosecutions in this forum. Most of us aren't even lawyers, and the few who are lawyers don't do criminal defense (as far as I know).
Yeah, but you're all we have!!! :\ ;)

It is a distinct possibility, especially if the cops conduct a search and find contraband and/or evidence of the crime.
So to restate my earlier question... Having been told by the feds that they will be back with a search warrant, would it then be a crime of destroying or tampering with evidence if a person attempted to destroy or remove any incriminating items or data in their home?
Having been told by the feds that they will be back with a search warrant, would it then be a crime of destroying or tampering with evidence if a person attempted to destroy or remove any incriminating items or data in their home?

I'd think yes, except that the threat of returning with a warrant is often used to threaten the suspect into allowing a search / just to intimidate them; if no warrant has been issued I don't see how the suspect could be blamed for destroying evidence.
Of course, even if its not technically illegal, it would no doubt get you in trouble somehow, especially if a warrant is in fact issued.
^^ I asked that question because it seems obvious that you'd want to get rid of anything illegal in your home before the warrant was served. But I didn't know if there was some specific law the feds could use against you for attempting to dispose of possible evidence after being notified by them that they intend to obtain a warrant for such possible evidence.

I thought perhaps there might be some misguided law on the books for trying to dispose of contraband that could impose an even more severe penalty than you would get for simply being found in possession of it.

It might not be ethical for an attorney to advise a client about committing another crime, so the advice provided here could be important for TrickyGirl. Anybody know?
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you said that the feds searched the accused's computer and talked with their familly members....why on earth would they be anywhere near the computer or inside the house if they did not yet have a search warrant? do not let any law enforcement officers into your home unless they have a search is never in your best interest to talk to them without an attorney should retain legal counsel immediately so that when they do come back you will at least be somewhat ready...
Mahan Atma said:
What if someone posted in Health Q&A:

"I think my friend is having a heart attack; he's rolling around on the floor, clutching his chest, gasping for breath, and turning dark red."

Response: "CALL A DOCTOR!"

Your response: "So really, what should I do?"

Unfortunately I have witnessed that happening quite a few times around here - folks having serious medical emergencies and hanging around posting in a thread for hours and getting really upset that people would be so RUDE as to SCREAM that they need to call 911...

Sometimes people just don't want to help themselves by taking what is clearly the only good course of action :(

--- G.
^I agree 100%.

Has the person in question found an attorney yet?

No there is no lawyer cant afford it shit... Hoping on hope that they never show up again not sure if they will or not... Mom let them in and let them look at the computer a little... And answered some questions they had... Decided to keep my mouth shut saying that no such money order was cashed... But they said they had video footage of it being cashed which I think is BullShit... My mom is going to pay off a outstanding warrant I have tommorrow so that they cant get me on that been meaning to pay that off anyways... geeze what a fucked up situation is this.... Hopefully I wont do anytime for this crap what do you guys think....I hope that they dont read this crap since they saw which websites I had on my faves... Oh well I guess what happens happens and theres not much I can do about that maybe I should just give them a call and plead out or something what do yall think any advice is welcome I know Im a complete idiot for all this crap but fuck it laterz...

Well it seems I cant do much of anything right... I totally should have read that whole when to post anomously thread... Damn I am so Screwed....8(