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  • EADD Moderators: axe battler | Pissed_and_messed

The EADD Metathread - Let's talk about how we can improve EADD

Forums gone to Sam. I mean shit.

It hasnt.

With all due respect if you two could reign in your feuds a bit, it would change the atmosphere of the forum for the better. You and Sam have the abilty to make hilarious witty remarks and make penetrating and original fresh interesting observations, and loads of knowledge to contribute. I find it kind of sad when two of the brightest minds on EADD are reduced to viscous no holds barred petty squabbling. Nothing positive is ever going to come from that.
It hasnt.

With all due respect if you two could reign in your feuds a bit, it would change the atmosphere of the forum for the better. You and Sam have the abilty to make hilarious witty remarks and make penetrating and original fresh interesting observations, and loads of knowledge to contribute. I find it kind of sad when two of the brightest minds on EADD are reduced to viscous no holds barred petty squabbling. Nothing positive is ever going to come from that.

It was a joke. My apologies. I'll go and polish my tumour eh.
You'll also find MDB that I wasn't around last night. Didn't stop some pretty poor vitriol spilling from Sam towards Marmz did it?
You'll also find MDB that I wasn't around last night. Didn't stop some pretty poor vitriol spilling from Sam towards Marmz did it?

sorry i didnt the first bit as a joke condsidering how things finished between you recently. But that takes some doing to be able to see the funny side of sams remark from your point of view. Anyway Im not saying its all your fault, or that you should reign in your ferocious arguments, expect perhaps when they turn into personal attacks on other members. As my Gran would say, and a wise old lady she is "it's 6 a one, and half a dozen the other"
I wasnt trying to be a smartass when i posted that comment PLUR featured quite prominently when i first joined this site nearly 13 years ago and made sense then although most people were off their tits on mdma a lot back then so practicing it probably came quite easy.
it fell out of favour after a few years but i dont see the big problem about having four basic tenets as the ethos of this site. A lot of organisations have basic principles or tenets at their core.
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You aren't gonna give it up tho now are you?


No I am not giving up. I've already come up with some even bigger ideas I'm discussing with staff. I'll discuss with you too! They're half-baked at the minute. Basically I'm thinking about the possibilities for distributing moderation "rights" amongst the general member base. Not in a blunt "everyone gets to censor" way, but a nuanced way. If anyone is familiar with Slashdot or other sites based on Slashcode, that is my inspiration.

wiki said:
Slash and peer moderation
The administration of the site uses the Slash source code and database, a content management system available under the GNU General Public License. Slashdot's editors are primarily responsible for selecting and editing the primary stories daily from submitters like Roland Piquepaille; they provide a one-paragraph summary for each and a link to an external site where the story originated. Each story becomes the topic for a threaded discussion among the site's users. A user-based moderation system is employed to filter out abusive comments. Every comment is initially given a score of -1 to +2, with a default score of +1 for registered users, 0 for anonymous users (Anonymous Coward), +2 for users with high "karma", or −1 for users with low "karma". As moderators read comments attached to articles, they click to moderate the comment, either up (+1) or down (−1). Moderators may choose to attach a particular descriptor to the comments as well, such as normal, offtopic, flamebait, troll, redundant, insightful, interesting, informative, funny, overrated, or underrated, with each corresponding to a -1 or +1 rating. So a comment may be seen to have a rating of "+1 insightful" or "-1 troll".

Moderation points add to a user's karma, and users with high "karma" are eligible to become moderators themselves. The system does not promote regular users as "moderators" and instead assigns five moderation points at a time to users based on the number of comments they have entered in the system – once a user's moderation points are used up, they can no longer moderate articles (though they can be assigned more moderation points at a later date). Paid staff editors have an unlimited number of moderation points.

A given comment can have any integer score from -1 to +5, and registered users of Slashdot can set a personal threshold so that no comments with a lesser score are displayed. For instance, a user reading Slashdot at level +5 will only see the highest rated comments, while a user reading at level -1 will see a more "unfiltered, anarchic version".

A meta-moderation system was implemented on September 7, 1999, to moderate the moderators and help contain abuses in the moderation system. Meta-moderators are presented with a set of moderations that they may rate as either fair or unfair. For each moderation, the meta-moderator sees the original comment and the reason assigned by the moderator (e.g. troll, funny), and the meta-moderator can click to see the context of comments surrounding the one that was moderated.

And I'm not saying "copy that", I'm saying "learn from it, adapt it".

The benefits include:
- a large task for a small number of staff becomes a tiny task for a large number of members
- everyone has a chance to have their say
- people don't get banned
- no elites, no us-and-them.
- no moaning about moderating, cos it's a community activity, and it's anonymous (except in the metamoderation process)

This is not about HR any more...
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RIP Bluelight if that ever happens.

Don't forget people like Captain Heroin and leftwing once moderated this place.