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The Cuddle Puddle vers. Shulgin's sanctuary

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I got a half gram back in Janurary, smoked it in 4 sessions (almost back to back) and was still nodding the next day =D

Never touching that stuff again lol.. I only tried a bit over a point of tar and I still felt sick the next day, and was craving it for quite a while too

blehhh, heroin. being an addict it sucks to even think about that shit. i started when i lived in PA and then started doing it in seattle as well. gram a day IV of tar in Seattle. Then i stopped, got on the suboxone film program and tapered off within three months...now im left with intense cravings for opiates and benzos. Ive been using both on and on for about 4 1/2 years. now im clean off benzos and dope for 2 1/2 months. i quit my sub program about 3 weeks ago and i just started craving hardcore yesterday. ill catch myself staring at my veins thinking about how easy itd be to hit them and its really depressing. Sorry for the rant but i got too many beers and buds in me to not share. i feel like ive been around PR and BL for too long to not share any background about myself.
Its all good man lol, it makes you more interesting ;) I dont think I could ever really get into a habit with opiates though lol... Ive done quite a few different kinds in my days and they're all pretty much the same. Some are just really shitty, and some are really good, but its always that lazy ass, cant move, itchin my balls high... at least with shit like meth and coke it can change a little bit, psychs are the best for that though :) so is MDA for that matter
Theres people who have been on BL for years that barely have any posts, so youre not alone haha. Youre still new though 8)
itchin my balls high...
My night with H in a nutshell... Multiple facedesks. Almost caught my sheet on fire cause I started nodding as I took a hit haha.
Already had 2 blunts, endless bowls, now a bong. Insane.
LOOL just fucked some chick and left while shes still asleep. Now at home with insane euphoric drunk. Gonna smoke abit and watch family guy/sleep. feelin so good right now, how bout u guys
Lucky B lol... this one hot ginger girl keeps giving me the run around, its annoying I would just ask her out but she keeps bringing up her boyfriend
lol foreal the back of the hand will straighten her up.

She was my first kiss a long time ago though, and shes like 2 years older than me :eek:
LOL. Nice one haha. I have no idea where the chick I first kissed is, dont care either haha.

Just had a third blunt :|
I couldn't see myself with a ginger, not that I think some aren't hot, but idk, I've never really shown interest in gingers

Or blondes, well I could see myself with a blonde more than a ginger but brunette is my preference.
I lost my virginity when i was 16.. The girl was 27. -winning- xD
the color of the hair is of very little importance to me lol, but redheads are fiery as fuck! The other chick I dont really care for (shes kinda a bitch) is a Mexi though lolz
Blondes or gtfo imo. I like me a nice brunette but the personality has to be A+ haha.
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