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The Cuddle Puddle vers. Molly is a dirty whore.. Welcome back Sam!!

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My subs blown out now.. mother fucker is only like 2 months old.

I'm looking for a new one.. you guys think a car sub would be bad in a house for any reason haha? The thing is BIG.
probably didnt like the shit you were playing through it tbph.. =D
Hate what you can't understand <3

I swear lol, if you were ever at one of the parties I throw... you wouldn't be complaining about the music :p
nah cause id be high nigga pie :)

do you ever get up to the cascades? they look fucking beautiful!
Not since I was little.. the slopes are great fun though. You ever gone sledding rolling? It's dope. lol

I'd love to get up there and trip in the snow, but I think going to a water park tripping again is a bit higher on the list haha
Maybe it was just the drugs, but Skrillex was a lot more like a scary little imp than I'd anticipated. I don't think he's human.

Also, morning all. I've finally given up on tossing and turning in bed. :D
^^ tripping up there would be tits. so pure, even for merica.

morning, so are you saying he was good or bad ella?
He was fantastic, until I looked at him or he spoke, and then I'd get weirded out. I was rolling turbo hard, so you'd think I'd have been in a more forgiving frame of mind, but apparently not. All in all though, fucking amazing show.
that's because Skrillex is an agent of the devil... oh wait this isn't P&S..
Saturday morning dilemma 1: Do I take 0.5mg Xanax now and try to get some sleep in before lunchtime or do I push through to tonight and get to bed early?

Gotta love the weekend.
put on some choons get up and dance dance dance imo
Chris Lake is in town for the opening of a new Club, should be a good night.
Festival season is fast approaching. First one of the season is 80 days away. Picked up tickets for wavefront, a 3 day pass for a $100 isn't too bad. It was the first of its kind, last year lineup was okay but nothing to brag about. Line up for 2013 has not been released but its supposed to be much improved. Anyway some much needed motivation to hit the gym.

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