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The Big & Dandy Trip Preparation Thread

acid trip preperation:
Wake up after a good night's sleep, fruit and good breakfast, shower, get dressed and pack (unless my friends are coming to my area.. we switch it up. not to mention, I used to live in such a beautiful area to trip)

and then whenever I drop... usually we drop as a group (whoevers doing it) and chill and
smoke weed until we start to feel it, and we'd usually go on a walk and start our adventure.

I always make sure to have at least 10-20 dollars of weed (Im never the only one to have weed on these occasions) food money, face cloth + wash, change of clothing, extra sweater, always an extra change of socks, body spray/perfume and deodorant and a water bottle

when we're out and about I usually buy gatorade because we tend to walk around for many, many hours.

I always have a shower the next morning when we're still awake, and I usually have fruit or fruit smoothies. pear nectar is the juice of the Gods. my favourite fruits to eat are cold red grapes, cold green apples, and pears. oh, and strawberries.

another good place to stop for food if you need something substantial is subway. any stops like that and we roll a joint.

fuck acid in the winter. Ive done it once, but never again.

Although I gotta admit it was BEAUTIFUL
One time, I literally woke up, first thing in the morning, and dropped. So I did all my preparation steps while I waited
when it started getting cooler in the mornings Id have hot chocolate or hazelnut coffee
fuck acid in the winter. Ive done it once, but never again.

Although I gotta admit it was BEAUTIFUL

It gets cold & that takes the shine of it pretty quickly IME - blue skies & sunshine all the way I reckon - or stay in.
I usually eat lightly day of, and I usually try to eat a turkey sandwhich or wrap, since My personal theory (and I have no evidence for this) is that the L-Tryptophan in the turkey will help build my personal seratonin store and make my trip harder and smoother. At the least, its some good protein and carbs. I make sure I have weed, alcohol, and that my dog has gone out and played recently so he wont go nuts being inside. I also like to collect music and tripping toys and such, but finding it whilst tripping can be quite enjoyable as well. Then I dose, and go take a hot soothing shower.
Could anyone tell me about their experience just laying down with their eyes closed? Is it more introspective that way?

That's the setting that was used for most psychedelic psychotherapy I believe.
The Importance of Mind when taking Psychedelics(and drugs in general)

I'll make this clear quickly - there is a high likelihood that this post will not make much sense and be pretty full of logical fallacies. I'm cold and can't feel my feet. And I'm hungry.

I was thinking about my upcoming trip to a certain laid-back city, refreshing my knowledge about all sorts of interesting psychedelic and medicinal plants and chemicals. I really do believe that these things can be beneficial. I'm not going to say, though, that they have to be "used rightly". That is just too slippery a slope to tackle right now. However, I do think that clear mind? perceptive mind? balanced mind? is essential to keep your psychedelic use "on track". Not necessarily on any track that you or I can perceive, but perhaps one we can feel..?
I have alot of friends and acquaintances that take drugs - mostly smoke weed, drink and cigarettes, though mushrooms and coke certainly pop up from time to time. But I'll get back to them later.
In myself, I've noticed a kind of unnerving static underlying the fabric of my reality. I guess I should stress this - my reality. This may not apply at all to any of you.
The thing is, that whenever I'm careless with my use of psychoactive compunds - be it something as mundane as tobacco or alcohol - my thoughts get jumbled up, my emotions slowly start going haywire, any sense of right or wrong is often disregarded, and my life, if you imagine it like a tower, ominously starts swaying slowly in the wind.
It isn't concerning just drugs, of course. Whenever I get careless about life, the underlying static just gets louder and more disruptive. This also significantly affects my pshycedelic voyages, which, surprise surprise, significantly affect my everyday way of living and thinking.

So the topic question is, I suppose, how important is it for you to have a 'clear' mind(not on a short-term scale, but in general) when taking psychedelics? This is getting a bit too abstract and mystic for my liking, but I don't know how to word it otherwise now. Do you believe that, when taking psychedelics(or any drugs), you should have a stable psychic/mental "foundation" to build upon? Do you try to live healthily, by exercising, eating well, not beating your brain with liquor and drugs, as Iggy Pop succintly put it?
Why I'm thinking about this is because I've certainly read alot of texts by people who advocate just "letting go", that everything is subject to change and is infinitely subjective, reality is what we make of it, etc. I'd just like your thoughts on this, Bluelighters.

PS - Did not know where to put this. ADD didn't seem appropriate, neither did Philosophy since this relates mostly to psychedelics, although it did get quite abstract and mystical... If any mod feels this could do better in another forum, please, move it. :)
Taking psychedelics in an inappropriate frame of mind can be horrifying, and destructive to you and your life. It's imperative you are in the right frame of mind to ingest psychedelics.
Could anyone tell me about their experience just laying down with their eyes closed? Is it more introspective that way?

That's the setting that was used for most psychedelic psychotherapy I believe.

There are weirder and more wild things inside your head than exist in all the world, I reckon.
Or maybe just in mine? Nah, probably most peoples...

I prefer the inner trip all the way. Why waste that opportunity doing the social chit chat verbal trip?
Or walking in paranoid circles downtown? Or possibly ending up like this:
Or this:
Or goodness gracious like this:

All those people disregarded set and setting...and suffered.

Anyways, it depends on what you've ingested, what music you have playing, what kind of life you lead, what kind of meditation (if any) you practice.
Usually, for me, there's not much worth noting...I just lie there blissfully observing my body. And wondering in awe that I am alive, that I have a body.

Sounds silly, but it's quite fun and special for me, actually.
I say just be ready for damn trip, be happy and no bad thoughts and just no worries.

-definitly have some type of beverage, i get so thirsty
-music is great
-stuff to look at, have some dvds ready or go for a nature walk
-be clean and showered, being the tiniest amount of dirty dampened my mood during
-turn your phone off definitly
-have no unexpected guests show up, lock the door or something
-if you are worried about freaking out, write notes to yourself on your hand or something before you drop, it what im doing this time. Like "its only a drug" or "you will come down, no worries" just positive shit.
-have a clean environment to be in, nasty rooms will fuck your day up

These are my rules :D
Just find a comfy place to lay up in for a few hours. Away from distractions and unwanted guests.
If you have some 'work' you want to do .. get that prepared beforehand so you can focus on that with your new eyes.

All of my bad experiences have come from being around people I despise when tripping.
But, greedily taking the substance because it was offered, even though I knew I was in a bad atmosphere.
Stupid, I know.

Anyways, psychedelics have a great way of letting you know when you've done too much. (Yikes!)
Or when you're doing them too much. As it tends to magnify what's happening, when 'addiction' and 'ill health' start happening,
you'll get a close up, 'fishbowl' view of that. It won't be pretty.

It'll cease to be 'fun' real quick.

So 'rules'?

1) Stay inside, if you venture out be sure it's a very safe and secure place.
2) Don't trip around dumbfucks and people you don't like. Trip alone if possible.
3) Dose small with new substances or preparations.
4) If you plan on doing something special and contemplating a specific issue, have some materials ready for that.
5) Maybe clean a little?

That's it for me.

Set and Setting.
Safe journey space fans, wherever you are!
I'm just figuring out my rules but this is what I have so far (and this is with regards to mushrooms, in my limited experience):

1) Make sure I have a sidekick or a sitter (as soon as I'm alone, I get anxious, so far, but I intend to work that out and learn to trip alone without triggering anxiety)
2) Make sure I have someone who's done psychedelics for me to text/MSN with incase I end up alone.
3) Make sure I have some nice music handy, depending on what keeps me feeling decent. I'm not sure I've figured it out yet, but Shpongle and Infected Mushroom have done me well, and so has Justice. Silence ain't bad either... I imagine I'd like to try wind chimes on a windy day.
4) Prepare some Terence McKenna audio lectures. They seem to do wonders for my headset, and I've heard so much of what he had to say that I can fall asleep listening to him. I imagine a McKenna rant would be a good way to guide my next come-up to a trippy mindset.
5) Have handy a distracting videogame... Some old mario game maybe. Just incase.
6) Have comfy spaces to relax. Outside, inside, whatever is best.
7) Try to time it for day, at least until I get the hang of things.
8 ) Like the person before me said, maybe clean a little. :p Part of my comfy spaces thing. If the space is clean I won't start thinking about how lazy I am. (edit to change 8) into 8 )
9) Related to cleaning a little, grow a little. If I intend to have a growing experience, I think I ought to get out of the way some things that I can take care of quite sober. Then the drugs can work on something I haven't thought of yet instead of harassing me about something I've been putting off.
10) If I do go for a night trip, I'm going to make sure I have trippy lights hanging from my ceiling or along my walls in my room. Lights in a dark room seem to look really neat when I'm on mushrooms, so I'd at least have something to be in awe of. Someone once said Christmas lights, and after seeing my cellphone in the dark I'm thinking it sounds like a great idea.

I'm sure I'll change my mind on some of this stuff... But that's what I'm thinking at this moment of my life.