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The Big & Dandy Set and Setting Thread

My thoughts exactly... very peaceful and beautiful, depending on your views on death I suppose... might not be good if you had a close friend or relative buried there but since I don't, I'm keen to try :)
LSD and chocolate

Hi guys I did a quick search but could not find what I was looking for in the 1st few threads the search brought up so i thought id start a new one to answer my question

Iv done LSD 3 times with 2 good trips and 1 not so good trip that left me feeling a bit messed up for a week or so after

Anyhow on my 2nd trip I ate some chocolate that I had in the fridge and all i can say is the feeling that came over me was almost orgasmic!

Same results on the 3rd trip only this time I tried out white and dark milk chocolate with the same results

Now i haven’t found much on this forum looking on google or erowid but is this just me or has anyone else experienced the pleasures of chocolate during a trip?
I sure have. I've found many things to taste better in the psychedelic state.

Chocolate also has the benefit of being a mild vasodilator which I've found useful as a safeguard (however placebo) during trips!
Oh yea definitely, Eating dark chocolate while tripping (and even still but much less so not tripping) brings like this incredible joy to my face and everywhere. It's always a great experience when I throw some chocolate in....and also a chilli pepper is unique as well
chocolate is great, as are fruits and yogurts. light snacks are wonderful whilst tripping.

stay away from red meats though!!! :(
Yeah I once dropped acid after eating a greasy pizza.

result.. lots of vomit
I had my second MDMA pill a few hours after eating a small steak and it was one of the most magical experiences of my life. That's when the magic was running full bore though.

I find things like juicy fruits give me taste explosions in my mouth that feel like you say.. orgasmic :)
chocolate is great, as are fruits and yogurts. light snacks are wonderful whilst tripping.

Agreed entirely with this(not the read meat part, that's just crazy ;))
While I enjoy eating these foods when I am sober, there seems to be a unique flavor compound found in certain foods that can only be unlocked while using psychedelics :D

An interesting side note : I very rarely do a dose of ketamine without running(or crawling) to my fridge a few minutes later. Ketamine makes me rediculously hungry, to the point where I have gone through months worth of food in a couple of weeks during a k binge.
I dunno man, something about eating the flesh of another animal while under the influence of psychs that just doesn't feel right. :\
Oh ya, I've never eaten meat while tripping; I'm just not drawn to it.

What I was saying is that a lot of people say eating something heavy before a trip is going to make it more dull and nausea could be a factor, which I agree with but I also have had experiences of eating meat for supper hours before a trip and not had it affect it at all; it was actually a very powerful trip.
I find it hard to want to eat food that moves and changes colors lol. I'd guess you felt what you did because of the intense chocolate taste (and perhaps memories/associations you have with it).
chocolate doesn't have an organic-animal appearance. not a whole lot of texture to appear molding or decaying before your eyes. hmmm.

I like this, I may go have some on T7 :D
The best thing I ever ate on acid was a pack of peanut butter cups <3 Was given a lemon yoghurt at the tail end of a shroom trip that also tasted absolutely fantastic.
I find it hard to want to eat food that moves and changes colors lol. I'd guess you felt what you did because of the intense chocolate taste (and perhaps memories/associations you have with it).

I like chocolate as much as the next guy, but its not something that i eat all that often as I try to keep my body in good shape

but just letting it melt in ur mouth and the flavour just makes my body feel literally orgasmic! it also seems to temporally increase the visual effects for me as well

i'll have to try dark chocolate next time as iv only given milk and white chocolate a go

I wonder if ill have similar effects when rolling on MDMA? never eaten much when iv been rolling due to the decrease in appetite
Haven't eaten chocolate on psychedelics before but when I bite into a good piece of dark chocolate it certainly does take my senses for a run. :)

Since chocolate is one of those sensual things to have around that constitutes "setting" and to keep PD organized I'm going to merge this with the Big&Dandy Set and Setting thread.
i was always grossed out by the thought and sight of meat on psychs until little while ago when i first did mescaline and cooked a few burgers towards the end of a 14 hr trip and it was amazing. that could have been cause i hadnt eaten in like 24 hours and my body was craving protein, dunno.

chocolate and fruits still top the list of foods to eat while tripping imo.
Trips in Society

Does anyone else get a kick out of tripping in the middle of public?

Even with saucers for pupils, nervous tremors, and utter inability to communicate effectively (to mention the objective phenomena apparent to others in the society)? Because recently I've thrown myself into some public situations, including some strangers' wedding at the park, while on good syd (subjectively high as a KITE and feeling like my thoughts are loud as a greatful dead amp broadcasting my feelings and whims to everyone around) - and it has been exTREMEly interesting. Nervewracking, of course, even terrifying at times (librarians are secretly dinosaurs with human skin as disguise),

but the process of exposing myself to unfamiliar people while tripping has proved very insight-provoking, in terms of letting me see and better experience their own psyches. A sort of telepathy, you could say, occurs when I'm tripping and occurs to others with whom I've spoken when ThEyre tripping, sort of like empathy but much stronger where you seem to step into the other person's skin. Kind of like you pick up on every little mannerism the person has, every tic and twitch, sigh and groan, giggle and every quirk of conversation, tone, and facial expression, and can just SEE THROUGH it all to the person's core, and all those mannerisms are just games that have evolved from the core's interactions with society.

And there's the flip side: it's like YOU/ME, as the tripper and the outsider, have a magnetic, powerful effect on other people - often a disorienting effect, sometimes a scary effect, and sometimes an eye-opening effect.

I know the golden rule of set and setting frowns upon putting one's self in that kind of context, wildly unpredictable and probably upsetting, sometimes I feel like "set and setting" is a construct that is getting old and limiting peoples' trips. What do you guys think?
I love tripping in public, but more at shows or out in the mountains than just randomly in the middle of a city...
Whilst I prefer to trip either at home, or in some nice bed n breakfast type thing in the woods with Miss Swilow, or a doof; I think its a good experience doing it in the midst of normal society, so to speak. You can learn a lot, and see through a lot of the stupid things we hold dear....quite liberating, but I've had bad experiences doing such and not preparing a safe haven somewhere to retreat when I grow my third or fourth arm.