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The Big & Dandy Seizures & Blackouts on Psychedelics Thread

It sounds like you had a seizure dude. Are you taking anything else? What type of shrooms were these?? They don't sound like psilocybin if you went from baseline to tripping the fuck out and having a seizure to back to baseline in 2 hrs....
There's a huge poll on the Shroomery called the Psychedelics Adverse Effects Poll. Thousands of respondents. It turns out one in ten people has fainted from shrooms, either once or multiple times. Its a thing that happens with that drug, and at unremarkable doses. Its linked to psychological trip intensity and having sat still for a while and then getting up or moving. Weed makes it worse so its likely precipitated by a sudden drop in blood pressure, or postural hypotension.
I had a friend pass out on me once... Just dropped flat from a standing position. It freaked me out. We hippyflipped that night, and he hadn't ate well the day before...
i took maybe 6 hits out of a chillum before i blacked out
I think the weed is to blame especially if you haven't eaten anything for a while before. I have seen experienced smokers blackout from just smoking weed if they haven't been eating.
My first Psilocybin experience was with 8g of truffles. I had eaten a lot before taking them but still after 1 1/2 hours my whole body was shaking really bad and I felt intense eiphoria but also fear of something not being right. My friend, who played the role of the sitter asked a couple of times if I was alright to which I answered to go google "intense shaking on magic mushrooms". I found out that this was pretty rare. The shaking disappeared after 4 minutes.

1 h before the trip I did 1 hour of intense sports. I had no naussea what so ever.
Yeah i have no idea. Before i passed out i was having a great time. And as far as how short the trip was, after i woke up i was so scared that i just pushed my high away kind of. i was still tripping a bit but not nearly as hard as before.
Almost this exact same thing happened to my friend. I felt so bad because he was making a funny noise when he spazzed, and I thought he was fucking with me while we were tripping balls(shrooms) - so he came to with me kinda bitching at him, I still feel a little bad. This sounds shitty, but I've avoided tripping with him since because I'm afraid it'll happen again. Someone having a medical problem while I'm peaking, sounds like a great recipe for catatonic anxiety - no thanks lol!

Also, here is a thread / incident about a blackout spanning multiple periods (merging would mess up the timeline)

Ok this might sound hard to believe, but this story is 100% truth and i want to know why if one can help:

Me and 2 friends split a 1/4 (rough 2.3 each) and we were smoking regs (weed). 20 miniutes in i felt the trip, strong too. Ive done lsd and some RCs so i know it should take at least an hour to kick in. Well the first few hours were good. My friend stopped at a liqur store and me and the 2 who were shroomin got out. My friend said somethin bout his pupils, then i said "these cars are freaking me the fuck out" and my friend then said my puplis went from nothing to my whole eye and then i blacked out. My friends (total of 4, 2 shrooming) said they though i was dead. 2 minutes later i awoke but had no clue about anything, not where i lived, if i had money, who i was, and i asked these questions multiply times. It took me 20-30 minutes before i was straight again.

this was not a bad trip, i had no "warnings" of this. I have no clue and cant find out anything. I have had alot on my mind but i wasnt thinkin too hard on it at the time (know a bad trip can be triggered). Does anyone have answers to why this happened?

I have blacked out on psilocybe mushrooms probably 4-5 times in exactly the same manner as described (no warning, out cold for 2 minutes, woke up completely confused).

Has never happened to me on anything else, which would include many many substances many many times. Somethin about psilocybin doesn't agree with my brain.

It's happened once to me & it was somewhat less than pleasant. However this was on high dose, so I just took less after that.

Happened to a friend of mine on 40g fresh, he was freaking out and going in and out of consciousness.

has happened to me in almost exactly the same manner. seems to happen fairly often.

It happens. Just gotta not worry about it.

I believe it happens to most of us. I remember a night that I dosed 7g(dry), started trippin', but decided I wanted to push the envelope. I ate another 3.5g, which I thought couldn't hurt. All I can recall after that is waking up on the couch, not realizing that I was trippin', looked in the droor where my bud was, found the last 3.5g(I had a half oz total that night), and ate it. I was in and out of consciousness for about 13 hours after that. It was a very productive trip, I just wish I could remember more of it than I do.

I believe it, I blacked out when I mixed 4-aco-DMT and mushrooms. Tryptamines can get very intense like that. Thats why I like to do them in very safe environments (quiet patch of meadow in the sunlight or my home).

Its happened to me once, 5.25 grams dry on my second time trying them, except I think I was out for a long time, at least an hour. But I woke up on the floor of my room half naked with no idea who I was or what anything else was.

ive blacked out on 2.5 grams of mushrooms for ~6 hours, remembering short little bits of very weird shit. this was also my first trip ever, what an introduction to psychedelics haha

This happened to me on 4-aco-dmt, as I said in a previous thread. I was just wondering, before you guys blacked out was your vision strange - for me it was like red and pixlated and hearing was muffled.

You're description is exactly how hypotension occurs in me. Red and black (sometimes some shimmery ones in the mix) grid of squares, kinda like digital tv not receiving the signal correctly with a checker board over laid over top. My ears feel sorta warm and then sound gets muffled, and I get dizzy. Pretty much just like you described.
I've completely passed out on mushrooms probably 5-6 times. It's the exact same feeling as if I passed out from heat or something...everything gets fuzzy, I feel lightheaded and next thing I know everyone is standing around saying WTF?!?!. Always on higher doses (3g+), it's happened to my sister several times as well. Each time I've been out cold for about a minute, then come to and have no idea what happened...way scary shit.

Never happened on any other hallucinogen, including probably 10 other tryptamines. Something about psilocin and me just don't mix well.

i've never seen anyone pass out or have a seizure from mushrooms, though i haven't eaten mushrooms that many times.

a friend of mine passed out and had a "seizure" from 30 mg 4-AcO-DMT (taken maybe 9 hours after ~150 ug LSD....and excessive drinking - i think that was the key factor). i'm only on page two of this thread...haven't read of anyone seizing from mixing alcohol with mushrooms..

my friend went from standing to hitting the floor. he had a few full body contractions of his muscles, and then he came too. he said he saw some weird shit when he was out...it was psychedelic. it was scary, but he was fine after.

it got me worried about 4-aco-dmt, and ...i think that was the last time i took any (over a year ago). it was pretty scary giving my friend 30 mg, and taking 32 mg myself...then having him pass out and seize. "am i next?"
All this talk of seizures is quite worrying....it seems as though if psilocybin was a marketed drug the label would have to include "MAY CAUSE SEIZURES" as a COMMON side effect of moderate to large doses.

Its just odd to me how common it seems to be associated with mushrooms. They seem to be a drug with this as a fairly common risk. I have never had a seizure and do not plan to. I undertand once you have had one you automatically lower your seizure threshold and you can have them much easier in the future. Since I don't trip extremely often and use benzos to a lesser degree dependence would not be an issue but would taking a small amount of benzo counter the lowering of seizure threshold for psychedelics? This may be a fairly reasonable thing to do for trippers that have this concern or are more susceptible to seizing.

Id like to add that the number of people reporting siezures from mushrooms as of late is absolutely astonishing. Google it and youll see its on every forum ...dozens of reports of otherwise healthy people.

On a side note, is sleep paralysis a form of a seizure? They sure feel like one.

Sorry to bump an old thread but I feel I have something important to add/ask.
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All this talk of seizures is quite worrying....it seems as though if psilocybin was a marketed drug the label would have to include "MAY CAUSE SEIZURES" as a COMMON side effect of moderate to large doses.

Its just odd to me how common it seems to be associated with mushrooms. They seem to be a drug with this as a fairly common risk. I have never had a seizure and do not plan to. I undertand once you have had one you automatically lower your seizure threshold and you can have them much easier in the future. Since I don't trip extremely often and use benzos to a lesser degree dependence would not be an issue but would taking a small amount of benzo counter the lowering of seizure threshold for psychedelics? This may be a fairly reasonable thing to do for trippers that have this concern or are more susceptible to seizing.

Id like to add that the number of people reporting siezures from mushrooms as of late is absolutely astonishing. Google it and youll see its on every forum ...dozens of reports of otherwise healthy people.

On a side note, is sleep paralysis a form of a seizure? They sure feel like one.

Sorry to bump an old thread but I feel I have something important to add/ask.

Well check out this post from earlier in this thread:

No ones probably listening now but I thought I might add that I have pretty bad epilepsy. If I miss a dose of my meds I usually have a grand mal. I am on trileptal, gabapentin and lamictal. I have done mushrooms and LSD a number of times. Each time I have taken the psychedelic in the morning after and only after a good sleep, along with my medications, fish oil and 15mg of valium. If during the trip I start getting an aura I will take more valium. I have never had a problem. So if anyone is worried about having a seizure just take valium with your trip, it will stop most seizures if you don't have a resistance to it and it doesn't take away from a trip, just softens it. Take care.

Maybe you are particularly reading it so much recently because you are looking for it / the filtering of selective perception, or people remind each other of their own experiences encouraging them to report on it. I am not saying it doesn't happen and you're right that mushrooms seem to be the most common psychedelic for this to happen on... but you probably shouldn't get carried away trying to conclude statistics from it, and that it would be likely to make a person seizure prone for the rest of their life.

If you don't want to run risks, don't use drugs - it's that simple. But as a more fine-tuned reaction, you might also wanna be careful with particular things: I don't know if you combine drugs often but if you do, just keep an eye out for adding ones that lower the seizure threshold. If you're worried IMO avoid nitrous while on psychedelics. Preemptively taking benzo's seems like a shame cause of the effects you are dulling / taking away probably more or less proportionate to how much it could potentially prevent a seizure-like event. I'm not sure if flashing lights are a factor just like with regular epilepsy but stroboscopic light while tripping may also be something to keep in mind if you wanna keep yourself nice and non-convulsing.

I think seizures being reported on are relatively common, but still probably somewhat rare if you think of the sheer total number of trips people are having... IMO don't panic about it, but yes be smart: having a benzo (and arguably even an anti-psychotic) on hand or nearby always when tripping or being around a lot of tripping people, that doesnt seem unwise at all. React, dont overreact, or you might give yourself a seizure ;)

(also - two threads were just merged together making this one)
Thanks Solipsis, I would just like to say Im very ware of the selective perception phenomena. Im actually probably a bit more of a hypochondriac when it comes to drugs. I would like to use psychedelics to better my life and FOR ME the major side effects with my perect drug (LSD) is hpp...and this has been getting out of hand. I have noticed no matter how much psilocybin I use it has not exacerbated HPP and I have always tried to find what major side effects mushrooms have and never ran into this. I don't think its so much selective perception, even the medical /science community never mentions seizures as a threat. YOu would think if it was common as it seems to be they would have mentioned it in the recent pssychedelic studies performed on humans. In fact psychedleics have been tested on lab animals at high doses and you never hear about convulsions (although this could be due to different neurology). Surely this would have been mentioned if it were common. I can assure you I have been looking, perhaps not in the right places??? But I really don't think that it has anything to do with the selective perception phenomena. But believe me this is not something Im excited to hear. Its very frustrating. Maybe Im being TOO careful but I was planning to trip real soon and now I don't think its a good idea having this in the back of my head. I may be even more sensitive to tactile hallucinations tricking me into thinking Im about to have a seizure when nothing of that sort is happening, thus having a bad trip :(

And I know that drugs have their risks but I think its wise for anyone to look into the risks and contraindications so that people can avoid substances which cause them harm. By saying "if you worried about risks, don't do drugs", makes me feel like my concerns are not valid, and this is after all a harm reduction site.
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On a side note, is sleep paralysis a form of a seizure? They sure feel like one.

Sorry to bump an old thread but I feel I have something important to add/ask.

Maybe they're related but they're not the same thing, I don't think. I've had sleep paralysis as a result of fucking with my serotonin too much from serotonin releasers (both from MDMA and AMT abuse), and it's scary for sure, but also linked to incredibly vivid dreams. Seizures are actually dangerous and violent and seem to me to be a different thing.
Xorkoth, Ive had sleep paralysis since I was a kid, resulting in many out of body experience type events, lucid dreams and some too starnge for most to believe (precognitive experiences) This happens to me spontaneously if I sleep on my back. Neeldess to say I learned to sleep on my sides or stomach

I wonder if the ever-so-strange mushroom paralysis has to do with chemical signals telling your brain its "bed time". hmmmmm

By the way I noticed you pop up in a lot of erowid reports, xorkoth! Kinda cool to see your posts on another site...sorry way off topic :p
A few coworkers and I will be dosing 24-48mg of 4-ho-met. There are 11 of us and 7 of us have done it before. Out of the 7 who've have had previous experiences, the second time we done it one of us seized up for approximately 10-25 seconds and convulsed vigoursly after dropping to the floor during the comedown. He was the only one who's experienced so, and since 4-ho-met (metocin)
basicly shrooms man made cousin has extremely similar effects to psilocibin. I was wondering if the cause would or is the reason of my friend seizing up, just like shrooms can cause. A few of my coworkers are startled and I do not want them to be worried yet alone injured or hospitalized, any info/reply is appreciated. Only 3 days till we take it. Is there anything I could do or help to prevent someone seizing up again? No one has any bad medical history that we know of.

Extra notes:
-previous doses were 40mg when he seized up and it only happened after the come down, one week later we redosed and everyone was fine.
-the first 7 of us have taken 4 doses so far and only one of us has had a bad experience
- 2-4 of friends reported anxiety rise
-during all four experiences we insulfated our doses
Nobody seems to know the reason for this; but if you Google Lithium + LSD it appears that this combo is almost guaranteed to induce a seizure.

People say LSD reduces your "seizure threshold" but I don't believe for a second that real LSD - on its own - has the potential to induce seizures in non-epileptic individuals (unless you OD on the stuff, and how often does that happen)?
If you don't suffer from epilepsy/brain damage/critical illness yet you claim to have taken a seizure on 'LSD' then what you had was most likely NBOMe or some other toxic crap.
Only thing I blacked out on was mushrooms but they due produce a sort of sloppy out of it kind of state. I had smoked a lot - that might well have been a factor although in over two decades of heavy wake and bake type use I never had a "whitey" - don't really know if I know what one is - freaked out, spasmed, hallucinated, paranoid/delusional, unconscious and sick as a dog but not sure I ever had a 'whitey' - perhaps that's the only time - but even high dose nicotine at the time might have contributed - not really considered black part of tripping but no surprised black/seizure isn't possible with some of the weird synthetics
I took lsd one time and someone started telling me I wasn't real so I bugged out and quickly left my friends house with my girlfriend and a couple friends. On the way out to the car in the parking lot of the apartment complex I lost feeling in my legs while my vision was filled with the image of the leaves on the tree above me only magnified in size. Each leaf had an eye on it staring at me and blinking and everything was swirling. Next thing I know I hear "is he okay?" And "babe are you okay, look at me"
While my other friend said "did he just have a seizure ?" I got back to my wits and stood back up. It turns out (so I'm told) when I fell I was violently convulsing with my head going back and forth with my fist balled and arms straight and my legs completely tight while tremouring. This was right after the peak on two tabs of ~150 mics. after taking dabs of hash oil. I don't know why it happened but theorize I had a severe panic attack that could've induced it? Or possibly a bad reaction between the panic, hash, and LSD?
I had something like this happen on a heavy shroom trip once.

I suddenly started feeling strange and light-headed then blacked out momentarily. Next thing I know I slumped over on my side with no clue where I was or what was going on and all these people were around me trying to make sure I was okay.

From the outside it appeared like some kind of seizure, I was pale, clammy, rigid, and unresponsive for less than a minute. When I came to I was extremely sweaty and clammy with my heart pounding like a massive adrenaline rush. It took me a few minutes gain composure then I returned home with my friend uneventfully and enjoyed the remainder of the trip.

A point I want to make here is that I went to a doctor following the incident and told her all about it. She was certain that it was not a seizure and said that it was likely a vasovagal reflex attack (syncope i.e. fainting). She said that it could have been caused by a combination of stressors, including the mushrooms, pushing me over the tipping point into fainting.

SO I want everyone in this thread to realize that just because something appears to be a seizure does not necessarily mean that it is an actual seizure.
I read several reports of seizures in this thread that do not seem to have been a seizure at all.
If someone has a memory of what happened during the moments of suspect seizure, then that's not a seizure, with a very high degree of certainty.
During a seizure the brain is not working/thinking.
Most episodes sound like it was low blood pressure during a moment of strong hallucinations, causing a temporary impossibility of coordinated movement and interaction with others.
Upon waking from a seizure there usually are also significant neurological problems like impossibility to speak or move or partial access to memory, although this normally ceases after a few minutes.
Also the whole seizure, and a few minutes before and after go completely missing from memory as well, and a strong feeling of being tired is present.