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The Big & Dandy Nitrous Thread

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No metal is going in my lungs, fuck purewhip.



Erowid nitrous experiment link

Holy shit - that's scary. Yikes!! If I can find any good Nitrous again I will definitely implement some kind of filter.

I have wondered for quite some time whether the metal particles were from where the seal on the cartridge is pierced. In any case - given the absolutely *vast* amount of Nitrous I did over a 30 year period, I have suffered no lung problems, so I wouldn't be too paranoid. I suffered severe damage from Nitrous abuse, but none related to the lungs specifically.

Nitrous newbie here. I'll be trying it for the first time next week, with MDMA. This might sound like some stupid questions, but here goes:

After inhaling the nitrous from the balloon through the mouth, how can I ensure that I don't get to accidentally swallow the nitrous?

And secondly, supposing that I don't wanna exhale the nitrous back into the balloon but instead just exhale into the open air, do I exhale through the nose or do I exhale it through the mouth?
^ some of the stupidest questions ive read so far on BL. i cant even be bothered to answer them. un-fucking-believable
Nitrous newbie here. I'll be trying it for the first time next week, with MDMA. This might sound like some stupid questions, but here goes:

After inhaling the nitrous from the balloon through the mouth, how can I ensure that I don't get to accidentally swallow the nitrous?

And secondly, supposing that I don't wanna exhale the nitrous back into the balloon but instead just exhale into the open air, do I exhale through the nose or do I exhale it through the mouth?


Good for a giggle.

Nitrous is a *gas*. It is - as such - unswallowable...


I'm sorry - I can't do this...

Why on earth would you even *think* of exhaling back into the balloon??
(and the stuff that comes out of your lungs when you breathe out - regardless of what you breathed in - is largely carbon dioxide).

Hang on - there has to be a better answer than these.,,, OK - I think that this is scientifically sound... :))

If you do the Nitrous standing on your head, then when you breathe out, you know that you can't swallow it, because your tummy is higher than your mouth, and the worst thing that would happen is that it would all sink to the top of your brain (which would be underneath your tummy owing to being upside down) and sit there until you passed out, at which point you would fall over and the Nitrous would escape.

And if you breathe out through your mouth, you'll stay higher longer, because your mouth is higher than your nose (as long as you're standing on your head - if you do it the right way round, then breathe out through your nose, because *it* is higher than your tummy).

Hope this helps..

:)) :)) ;-))

It may sound like a stupid question.......but it's really quite complicated...

We are capable of swallowing air or nitrous, but it aint the best idea cause it just fills up our stomach and sooner or later comes out when you burp....
Oh, and rebreathing the exhaled "air" after inhaling pure nitrous from a balloon does clearly extend the affect of a fixed amount of nitrous. But, it quite quickly becomes a complex problem in respiratory physiology. The gas exhaled after inhaling a balloon filled with pure nitrous would be mostly nitrous, mixed with air from your lungs and a couple percent of carbon dioxide. If you continue to rebreath this gas, the percentage of nitrous does decrease, the amount of oxygen would start at zero and remain fairly low and the amount of carbon dioxide would increase. So, the affect of inhaling and rebreathing nitrous via a balloon is is an interaction of the nitrous, low oxygen and increasing carbon dioxide, which could lead to a respiratory acidosis.

Is there anyone out there that can follow me???

the affect of inhaling and rebreathing nitrous via a balloon is is an interaction of the nitrous, low oxygen and increasing carbon dioxide, which could lead to a respiratory acidosis.

Yup, very true. 1 or 2 rebreaths are OK, but that's about it. I can usually 'taste' the difference between fresh N2O and nasty stale N2O/CO2 combo. Actually, I prefer hitting right off my dispenser... fortunately the handle isn't too sensitive so I can get a nice easy hit. I know I'm always getting good fresh nitrous.
We are capable of swallowing air or nitrous, but it aint the best idea cause it just fills up our stomach and sooner or later comes out when you burp....
Oh, and rebreathing the exhaled "air" after inhaling pure nitrous from a balloon does clearly extend the affect of a fixed amount of nitrous. But, it quite quickly becomes a complex problem in respiratory physiology. The gas exhaled after inhaling a balloon filled with pure nitrous would be mostly nitrous, mixed with air from your lungs and a couple percent of carbon dioxide. If you continue to rebreath this gas, the percentage of nitrous does decrease, the amount of oxygen would start at zero and remain fairly low and the amount of carbon dioxide would increase. So, the affect of inhaling and rebreathing nitrous via a balloon is is an interaction of the nitrous, low oxygen and increasing carbon dioxide, which could lead to a respiratory acidosis.

Is there anyone out there that can follow me???


Yeah - but if you read my post (http://www.bluelight.ru/vb/showthread.php?t=445374 - which has also turned into a Dandy Nitrous thread of it's own - some really cool stuff going on in there) - you would know that I would never fuck with my oxygen supply again - even to extend the buzz. I suffered permanent brain damage after seriously protracted Nitrous abuse - anyone doing Nitrous regularly shold read this post if they have not already (Note: it's a *long* post, but everyone who got through it thoroughly enjoyed it)).

And you're right on another count that I forgot. Nitrous does *not* undergo a chemical transformation in the body - the molecule remains intact and comes out through the lungs - however I am assuming in a very diluted form, given the gasses already in the body).

But I was just kidding around...

Yup, very true. 1 or 2 rebreaths are OK, but that's about it. I can usually 'taste' the difference between fresh N2O and nasty stale N2O/CO2 combo. Actually, I prefer hitting right off my dispenser... fortunately the handle isn't too sensitive so I can get a nice easy hit. I know I'm always getting good fresh nitrous.

Likewise - I have *never* used balloons. I also find (although it could be my imagination) that the more compressed the Nitrous in the machine, the more ppowerful the hit (this is not true with the newer impure Nitrous that has been around the last couple of years.

The more compressed it is, the more it rips open the alveoli in the lungs. But I guess that can still get ya fucked up, but physically too...

I know 2-3 re-inhales will work but rarely do more. I had my tripping partner the other nite blow out into the balloon after inhaling and holding a few secs, and i hit it, damn did that get me blasted (felt like at least half a whippet; about 3/4ths of one were in her lungs)

When we breathe out normally (no nitrous involved) there are still at least 2 breaths of O2 remaining, and oxygen only makes up 16% of the air. There is probably enough nitrous to last 4-5 breaths and still have an effect. Our exhaled air only contains 4% CO2.
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can anybd tell me a way of getting n2o iut of bulb without having to makea cracker or buy a dispnser? ive got 10 bulbs here and im dying to try it out but too muc hassel makinga cracker
I have been hesitate to share this with you nolys. this is dangerous.

take a tack or small nail. stabilize it on the end of the whippet with tape. tie a balloon around both. Smack nail with hammer through balloon while stabilizing whippet in vice or something steady. wider the head of the tack or nail, the better chance. wear eye protection. success rate: 33% (about 8 out of our case worked). have a few extra balloons. trial and error.

(source: one drunken nite..)

get a damn cracker off the internet.
Hi there guys. The biggest problem I have with using Nitrous, is that after using it, I feel that my stomach is full or "air" and it makes me very uncomfortable. A bit like drinking a lot of fizzy drinks quickly but being unable to burp.

Is there any possible way for a relief against this?

Thank you.
^ Are you using a nitrous gun and possibly swallowing some or air when you are really fucked up?

Doing enough whippets when I'm tripping has made me throw up before and my stomach felt bad first, but that was cases upon cases.
^ Weird! Done tons and TONS of nitrous, alone and with other stuff... never the slightest nausea or "stomach air"
I use a whipper + balloon. If I could burp (or excuse me, fart) then it gets a bit better. Not always possible though.

Can you somehow force a burp?
Hi there guys. The biggest problem I have with using Nitrous, is that after using it, I feel that my stomach is full or "air" and it makes me very uncomfortable. A bit like drinking a lot of fizzy drinks quickly but being unable to burp.

Is there any possible way for a relief against this?

Thank you.

Is this a feeling or do you actually get nitrous in your stomach? If you are actually swallowing the gas, you are doing it wrong.
^ why the hell would you need to burp? dont you know how to inhale a balloon without swallowing air into your stomach?? its real easy, you do it thousands of times a day... its called BREATHING!!! LOL

Nitrous is a *gas*. It is - as such - unswallowable...
You can swallow gas. You can swallow nitrous oxide, and you do, when you eat whipped cream from a can. If we couldn't swallow gas, we wouldn't be able to ingest carbonated drinks, or most of the things we consume.
Why on earth would you even *think* of exhaling back into the balloon?
So that you can inhale the nitrous oxide again.
the stuff that comes out of your lungs when you breathe out - regardless of what you breathed in - is largely carbon dioxide).
Bullshit. The air you breathe out is largely the same as the air you breathe out, mostly nitrogen, and containing less than 0.1% carbon dioxide.
If you do the Nitrous standing on your head, then when you breathe out, you know that you can't swallow it, because your tummy is higher than your mouth, and the worst thing that would happen is that it would all sink to the top of your brain (which would be underneath your tummy owing to being upside down) and sit there until you passed out, at which point you would fall over and the Nitrous would escape.
*sigh* swallowing is a muscular action, not an effect of gravity. Try it if you want, you can eat a sandwich whilst hanging upside down. As for the idea that the nitrous could fall into your brain...that's so patently ridiculous that I'm not going to dignify it with a rebunking.

If you're going to style yourself as an authority on a subject, you might want to spout less ridiculous misinformation.
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