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The Big & Dandy Methoxetamine Thread: 8th dose, I can't sleep so why not?

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For me MXE experince is extremely inspired by the days event's before the trip. Other dissociatives as well. I strongly recommed doing something... maybe active sports during the day, maybe going downhill skiing or something like that (even just taking a train trip), and then taking mxe (Not during the skiing naturally, that might end up badly?!). If MXE works for you like it does for me, you'll sort of relive those events during the trip but on a much trippier scale. I love that feeling of flying/moving in space that mxe causes more than anything.
This is good advice for any mind expanding drug. To get the most out of anything with psychedelic effects we have to always be supplying novel memories and knowledge for it to work with (otherwise it's just expanding the same thing over and over).
Good for you. I too follow the "rules of the road" if am I driving (which has nothing to do with having a license), in case you are implying that I don't. ...
Oops. Missed this reply until now (damned thread is like a weed). I'm going to put my reply and the rest of your quoted post in NSFW tags to reduce clutter in this thread. I'd recommend you (or anybody responding) do the same for the sake of conserving space.

Good for you. I too follow the "rules of the road" if am I driving (which has nothing to do with having a license), in case you are implying that I don't. And I have never been in an accident either. I have been tuitioned fully, and know exactly what I am doing when I am behind the wheel, thank you very much. Furthermore, I drive with care and mindfulness, and respect for pedestrians and other drivers. All of which have absolutely zero to do with having a license.

But does having a license prevent drivers from ever having accidents? No, it certainly does not. I see idiot drivers all the time, racing and swerving like macho pricks. And I have known people who have been in accidents, and witnessed them with my own eyes on many occasions. People die or get mangled every day because of motor vehicle accidents. Most of these people have licences, but it hasn't stopped them killing or injuring others or themselves on the road.

And getting a license is not going to make me a safer driver either. It's not something I even care about arguing with you about because there's no way you can tell me how much of a better driver I may be if I had a license.

A drug licensing system is not only just another way of restricting people's liberties and placing it under the supervision of government institutions who actually care less about your health and more about propping up their empire, but is also nearly useless when it comes to harm reduction, as the automobile example shows.

The number of dangerous or life-threatening experiences people are having with these compounds is minimal when compared to something like driving. Even if the statistics were proportionally matched (by taking in to account the difference between the global number of car journeys per day and the global number of MXE trips per day), you would probably find that drug use comes out significantly safer. I wonder, all drugs were perfectly legal would you be recommending they be placed under licensing restrictions.

I don’t see how “license holders still have accidents” is an exception that serves as proof against the rule. I'm arguing at the level of population effects, which is concerned with general trends of influence. Anecdotes about your safety as a driver without a license or the fact that there are dangerous licensed drivers are fine but don’t really serve as counterpoints in a discussion that’s about broad societal outcomes. Nor does it matter that the analogy to a car license isn’t perfect, because a drug license system doesn’t claim to function exactly like a driver’s license system. The analogy was merely illustrative rhetoric to support an isolated point, not the substance of the argument for a drug license system itself. Counterpoints using an analogy to the driver’s license system are not directly applicable to a drug licensing system for limited quantity supply.

The effect of a license system of limited quantity supply is one of general harm reduction, not a cure. In no way is the argument claiming the license system is perfect, just that it’s substantially less harmful on a societal level than the existing one or other established alternatives in terms of reducing problems with end-user drug abuse.

A licensing system in which only limited quantities are allowed per month (or some other interval) doesn’t absolutely prevent people from getting high and causing accidents. It doesn’t prevent people from building up their limited allocation from month to month by not using and then going on an overdosing bender. What it does claim to undermine is the possibility of a large population of addiction level use (such as exists under prohibition or any system of unlimited supply) as well as the black market. It also helps prevent totally ignorant drug use. Sure, people can still mix their limited supply of opiates with their limited supply of benzos, repress their breathing and die, but under a licensing system they would have to pass a test verifying that they knew the combination was dangerous before that happened. And should they overdose and survive, they lose their license and their ability to supply another overdose quantity to themselves legally. They also would be forced into drug testing and treatment, reducing their ability to be problem users further. Many accidents are caused by simple ignorance, and a licensing system addresses the ignorance in a way prohibition, absolute decriminalization, and absolute legalization do not.

Addressing the issue is what those arguing against any kind of legalization are arguing is needed. They choose to address it through a tough law enforcement/punishment model. The license system allows them power over drug users. It gives those currently in control some of what they truly want (power) while reducing public health harms and recognizing individuals' rights to use in moderation. You may argue what prohibitionists really want is to keep the money flowing from prohibition, and you'd probably be right, but when a license system is part of the debate it gets increasingly hard to couch those desires in arguments about addressing the public health risks of unfettered use because the license argument address those concerns explicitly in ways other arguments don't.

As stated, a license can be revoked. Does not having a license absolutely prevent unlicensed drivers from driving? No, but it does have an effect in that they can’t renew their plates and they will be arrested should they be caught driving. And, again, the driver’s license system analogy does not map on fully to the practices involved in a drug licensing system. A revoked drug license would mean there is no legal means for an individual to legally acquire more drugs themselves. So it’s not like a revoked driver’s license where the unlicensed still have a car sitting in their driveway.

An unlicensed drug user could go to other license holders and ask them to buy drugs for them, but that would mean the other license holders need to dip into their own limited supply and risk losing their own license should they be caught supplying the unlicensed with drugs, thus limiting the quantity of drugs accessible to the unlicensed. No licensed holder could make a living as a drug dealer without far greater supply for themselves than the amount allocated monthly under a license system for limited quantity purchase. Because people would need to pay to hold a drug license, there’s little motive for groups of license holders getting together to make some meager money off supplying the unlicensed. If two unlicensed addicts depended on one licensed drug sharer the accessible quantities shrink more, and so on. This is all somewhat beside the point, as those with revoked drug licenses would need to be drug tested as part of their punishment, and should they fail repeatedly more stringent control measures such as home arrest could be applied just as in the current system. All this goes FAR further to discourage problem use than any other system, and problem use is what the prohibitionists are arguing they are most worried about at the level of public discourse and public concern.

Over a short time the black market distribution network for recreational drugs would also necessarily shrink due to lack of new users funding the network, so a traditional black market source for the unlicensed to acquire drugs would also be very limited at a population wide level. What new user or existing casual user just wanting to try or continue moderate use is going to go to the expensive, dangerous, and less accessible black market when a legal source of pure pre-measured doses for reasonable prices exists? Yes, there would still be some exceptions where the unlicensed could gain access to a number of licensed friends willing to share and supply the unlicensed person’s addiction, and pockets of black market networks may survive to supply the addicted, but population wide the reduction in the ability of the addicted population to supply their habit would be profoundly stunted.

A drug license system for limited quantity supply is a concession to the larger society drug users are a part of that acknowledges that immoderate use is the real problem and offers a legal way to profoundly reduce it. It says, “We respect your concerns about problem drug use, but we’re not asking for the right to be problem addicts, only to be moderate users who can prove they are not ignorant of the dangers of use and who are willing to fund the system that gives us that right ourselves.” It says we understand individuals must give up some rights for the society they are part of to function. It’s simply not realistic, and a bit dismissive, to ask a prohibitionist society that must deal with the problems of drug addiction to leap in blindly and legally endorse a system that doesn’t explicitly address the problem in some way.

As you imply, it’s true that all non-alcohol drug use does not cause as many societal problems as alcohol use alone, and so you are right to argue that absolute legalization likely wouldn’t increase or may even decrease problems associated with non-alcohol drug abuse. But there are still problems and the powers that be demand they be addressed explicitly regardless. That isn’t going to change soon. Perhaps someday when the benefits of legalization have been established conclusively and prohibitionist’s fears have been exposed as largely unfounded the limited quantity license system could give way to a more liberal system. But in the interim it’s a way to compromise with prohibitionists and to prove that legal access is not the disaster they envision. It’s a way of taking real steps towards drug user liberation now in countries like the U.S. that are stubborn in their stance. I understand you want total freedom right now (so do I) and want to refuse to have a government babysitter, but these are not a very realistic or compromising demands at this time. To me this is not about what we'd like to have personally or our philosophies about individual freedom, it's about actually making something happen.
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Does anyone else get an uncomfortable body load about 2-3 hours into the experience with high doses? I normally take 1 large dose orally instead of several smaller ones when experimenting with MXE. Usually when I take >75mgs I get a very uncomfortable body load e.g., nausea (although this has never induced vomiting), lingering bad taste in my mouth, and an overall extremely uncomfortable lethargic feeling. I feel this compound would be impossible to induce a hole with oral or nasal administration. I have personally went through almost 2 grams of this substance and do not feel it has much potential, other than inducing extremely nostalgic feelings, contrary to many others' beliefs. On the tail end of of my high dose trips, I sometimes find myself thinking "I will never try a dose this large again" because I feel the negatives outweigh the positives at this dosage.
Exercise on 10-30mg of the stuff?

I was at a doom metal show which wasn't all too bad (got out for the bands that sucked) but the headliners vocalist was enourmous and quite deformed looking. I found him absolutely repulsive, grotesque! I mean when he opened his mouth I pictured bile from an unfiltered corner of his stomach seeping out and onto the microphone. Anyway his head was bent forth, had no neck and this terrified me. (By the end of it, I respected the man, the show they put on was great but I don't think I've ever paid much attention to ANYONE that physically monstrous the way I did that day)

I felt like doing squats there and then, heading outside and running a mile. I was coming down off of 25mg so I was quite capable at the time of keeping balance. Is it safe to do semi-rigourous excercise while UTI? (Don't wanna get a heart attack or someshit)
Since MXE is not a psychedelic, and is dissacociative, should this not be in a dissacociative sub-forum? If there is one
Anywho, might as well post my experiences to add to this nice MXE database like thread.

For me MXE's opiod receptor effects are definitely noticeable, I can feel the opiate feeling on it, and it is sedating yet energizing at the same time. MXE is definitely something that should be done outside, not really because of risk of a bad trip or anything like that, but it can just get boring sitting inside, there is so much more to experiance outside, and it gives you the chance to grab more insight out of the experiance.
It is a lot like K, but different, more bright I guess you can say.
The most I've done was 60mg so far, soon to do a M-hole dose shortly.
I also snort it, takes about 4-10minutes to kick in. The dissacociation is the first apparent thing of course, everything slowly becomes surreal in a strange way, as the unfamiliarity of things starts to come forth. I've done it about 3-4 times so far, and I can't not see how you can have a bad experience personally but thats only in the 60mg range, I'm sure things get a lot more intense when hitting 100mg. I've also noticed on MXE it is hard to tell if things are loud or quiet, I find my self whispering a lot and not even noticing it. Definitely a useful drug
Since MXE is not a psychedelic, and is dissacociative, should this not be in a dissacociative sub-forum? If there is one

Dissociatives themselves are a sub-group of hallucinogens, along with psychedelics and deliriants. While there is no dissociative sub-forum on bluelight, no is there a hallucinogen sub-forum, it's safe to assume that as a forum title, 'psychedelic' is interchangeable with hallucinogen.

You'll see threads about datura and DPH in here as well.
I've also noticed on MXE it is hard to tell if things are loud or quiet, I find my self whispering a lot and not even noticing it. Definitely a useful drug

+1. I'll often have a very hard time talking to others when I'm on MXE because I'll feel like I'm talking normally when I'm actually mumbling..
Exercise on 10-30mg of the stuff?

Hell yeah! I love skiing and mountain biking on lowish doses of MXE. Then again I have a large dissociative tolerance so it mostly hits me as a slightly wonky stimulant.
The last few heavy MXE trips I had (120 mg), I definitley had some strange body actions and was vibrating like crazy, accommpanied by extremly lound buzzing through my ears and moving around a lot. I was definitley in some kind of hole for over an hour or maybe two, but I twice found myself sort of waking up in the middle of doing something. For instance I sort of came to and I was in the kitchen on my knees looking through the cupboards of pots and pans? but couldn't for the life of me remember why? also I stupidly sent some bizarre messages to friends who don't really use drugs much anymore, and worried a few of them as they know I obviously sit at home alone and go on voyages.

Also there always seems tp be a period of time where I'm sitting on the toilet trying pee for ages but can't. I always to a big piss when I come out of a K hole but it passes through easily, wheras on MXE i'm sitting on the toilet for fuckin 15 min, which I find really annoying. I think I had you in mind ColtDan and taking the advice of keeping hydrated throughout the trip, but it seems to make the feeling of needing to pee more and not being able to pass it easily.

Anyone else find this? or is it just my bladder? The only other drug which does this to me is MDMA but not as bad. It might be also made worse by the fact I usually have consumed alchol about 200-300 mls of brandy or vodka - like a few drinks before, and maybe one or 2 during but by no means heavy drinking.
Mxe makes me have to pee often but its not really difficult... cept when your just massively trashed and trying to figure out how to use the toilet lol...
I had just obtained my sample and seem to love the low dose effects.

Does anyone have any experience with taking this drug every day? I feel like that I can function on a low dose and wonder if its safe to take everyday?

I had just obtained my sample and seem to love the low dose effects.

Does anyone have any experience with taking this drug every day? I feel like that I can function on a low dose and wonder if its safe to take everyday?


I've been taking it everyday for about a week now but I wouldn't really suggest doing the amounts I snort. Time can get a little lost if you know what I mean.

I'm not really sure about taking a lose dose everyday. I've been snorting it for fun... I've had a lot of free time this week.
I've basically used low doses the majority of days for the last year and a few months on top of that.

You're going to ruin your tolerance eventually, and you might find yourself with high blood pressure and a hard time sleeping. That is a sign that you need to cut back.

Stay hydrated at all times if you are going to attempt this. Honestly, I've had a great year ;)

If you attempt to take it daily you will probably learn your limits sooner or later. There is such a thing as too much MXE, so be careful.

At this point I get no dissociative effects from MXE but it works as a nice stimulant and I prefer it over any other kind of stimulant I can think of. Less side effects and easier to sleep after, plus it works as sort of an antidepressant as well.

My usual doses are 10mg or 20mg at the most... maybe 3x a day. In the past I tried higher doses and all that, but these days I prefer keeping it light so I don't encounter the negative side effects that come along with high doses and repeated high doses. Besides, it's not like I can "M-Hole" (never could..)
Well the comedown for reason feel speedy.

Does anyone have that experience? its like when you first do a little line it feels like your floating in a cloud, and you feel wonderful. But when you start coming down you feel a bit manic, and ughh...

well I'm going to redose, because I want to feel that floaty feeling back.

I love the floaty feeling it gives me when I blow a line. Sadly I feel that I'm coming down again so I'm gonna redose again.

How many times can you redose before having to give a break?

This is one drug I would love to be able to use everyday.


Interesting to hear from another person with a long history of daily use of small doses. I usually only do one 20-30mg dose in the evening because basically it 'feelsgoodman' helps me get to sleep is relaxing and entertaining, but I find that after a week or two of successive daily use I generally want to take at least a few days off. Right now I don't think I've done it for maybe 4 days, but I'm about to do a little bump as I troll around BL, might finally make bluelighter status tonight, after 2 years! I'm lurkish I guess

Also I've been doing it less to try and avoid any mania / mood swings, don't want to end up like some of the deranged mxe addicts in this thread ; ) I think I'll try to settl around once a week or once a month to really stretch out my next gram.

Also, being blazed on some synth cannabinoids or some collie herbs while on a 20-30mg dose of mxe is really freaking blissful to me. that is all : P
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