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The Big & Dandy Methoxetamine / MXE Thread - Part 16 - Sweet 16 mind-control machine

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Until I see if I can get permission I found this, which suggests the same sort of bladder and kidney issues as ketamine in rats.

The study was
undertaken to examine the claim made by retailers that
methoxetamine is a ‘bladder friendly’ alternative to ketamine.
Chronic use of ketamine is associated with serious toxicity of
the renal system and bladder (Advisory Council on the Misuse
of Drugs, 2013; Li et al., 2013; Morgan and Curran, 2012). Two-
month-old Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) mice were
administered either 30mg/kg of methoxetamine per day
(n=5) or saline control (n=3) by intraperitoneal injection for
three months. Hydropic degeneration in both the proximal and
distal convoluted tubules of the kidney and inflammatory cell
infiltration of the kidneys was seen in all the mice
administered methoxetamine; glomerular atrophy was seen in
three of these mice. Mononuclear cell infiltration in the
submucosal layer and in the muscle layer of bladder was seen
in all of the mice administered methoxetamine. None of the
above histological changes were seen in mice administered
the saline control.


Pretty much the same just worded more clearly.

Methoxetamine has been marketed to users as a ‘bladder
friendly’ alternative to ketamine. Since methoxetamine has
only been reported to be available and used for a relatively
short period of time compared to ketamine, there is currently
no human data to support or refute these claims. Using an
established animal model of ketamine toxicity, one published
study showed that three months of intraperitoneal
methoxetamine administration in mice was associated with
similar bladder and renal tract toxicity that have been seen in
similar animal models of chronic ketamine administration.


More studies need to be done, as the doses given in this study are very high although it at least shows that it does indeed display the similar damage to that seen with heavy ketamine use at some point. It's important that people are able to accept that heavy MXE use may be hard on the kidneys and bladder, and to be careful as with any poorly studied substance... regardless of how much you like the drug.

EyesWideOpen was constantly put down and even harassed when he shared his experience just because people won't accept that MXE has any detrimental effects on the body, MXE is a drug... and like all drugs there can be negatives. At this point it seems a bit early to tell just how much of a problem this will be for long term, heavy users.
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It's so similar to ketamine that until more information comes out I think it's safest to assume it has similar medical consequences. It may not, but better safe than sorry.
The various impurities found in many mxe batches going around are of primary concern to health. I dont know how so many inferior batches make it into circulation by both clearnet and email-only vendors, either it's greedy people doing anything for some $, or they are just seriously misinformed and dont test their batches before selling it.
From my experience, pure MXE causes no acute symptoms of ill health at levels under 250mg a day with proper hydration.
CK remember animals aren't humans, think onleys lesions...

Also proper hydration should solve some problems, flushing and the kidneys, and relieving the bladder of possible irritating metabolites....
Your right, they're not. Ketamine causes the same damage to these rats, and we all know that carries over to humans as well so there's no reason to assume this isn't the case with MXE. If people wanna ignore the possibility that MXE may cause renal and bladder damage that's fine, that just doesn't seem wise at this point... I don't think proper hydration solves ketamine induced bladder and kidney damage though. Just don't go on crazy binges and this should be little problem, or at least I assume. No telling what's gonna happen long-term.
Yeah.. as much as we'd like that MXE would be some kind of miracle drug that causes no damage at all - more than likely thats not the case. It causes enough mental problems for me after just a few night binge, that mental fog and anhedonia isnt fun at all, even if it lasts only a day or two. But maybe I'm just sensitive to notice those changes
This shit is habit forming. I do not like getting m-zombied but mixing a few mgs of mxe with a few mg of etiz, I just feel fucking awesome.

I did wolf of wall street myself last night. Could not walk nor talk and made a fucking fool out of myself. Thank god I was at home with people that are open minded. I keep telling myself not to buy any more but I am terrified that it will be banned soon (like Al Lad) and that I gotta stock up. I'll wake up from a night out with my buddies and notice that I ordered 5 gs of mxe at 3am "cause I gotta stock up!!"

I have no problem stockpiling drugs that do not lend themselves to daily use (ie alcohol/coke/mdma, while fun these substances have too many shitty next day effects to be used daily IMO). However, I really have to be careful with shit you can use every day without directly/instantly affecting my life. I had to force myself to never touch opiates again after I realized that there was no way I could maintain a "recreational" habit and found myself popping a few norcos every day after work. My use never caused any problems, I was just worried about my ability to stay on top of my use and when I started talking to myself about switching over to oxys, I knew that I had to quit while I was still ahead.

The one nice thing I have noticed about MXE is that it in large enough doses it has the psychedelic headspace that tells me "you are being a piece of shit and taking too much of this poison."

If I can't keep my MXE use reasonable/responsible, I will flush it all down the toilet, especially with this potential bladder/kidney shit. I just like to mellow out after a long day of work, and mxe is perfect for that.
^I've seen a vendor state that an EU-wide ban is incoming, but that notice has been there for months now so I'm not sure. Not sure if an EU-instated ban even means anything anyway.

Btw, I always thought MXE was expected to be more bladder friendly not because of it's lower bladderotoxicity (I have no idea what the medical term is), but rather because the dose is quite a bit lower than Ketamine; making the bladder troubles slower to fully develop itself.
Btw, I always thought MXE was expected to be more bladder friendly not because of it's lower bladderotoxicity (I have no idea what the medical term is), but rather because the dose is quite a bit lower than Ketamine; making the bladder troubles slower to fully develop itself.
Same here, until last night I didn't realize this was being challenged.
I don't think the fact that it's easier on one's bladder is being challenged, moreso that it has effects at all is. I was under the impression that it was already common knowledge that negative effects have been observed in rats/mice (whichever it was). Seeing as how much more potent MXE is, and thus the lowered dosages, I would say it's safe to assume it's easier on one's bladder. By how much? Total speculation at this point.
I don't think the fact that it's easier on one's bladder is being challenged

Don't spread misinformation please, Jason. MXE isn't kdtamine and there's no proof it's mdtabolites are anything like kets in terms of kidney and bladder damage. Theirs been no studies and many in this thread have used MXE daily and don't report ashy such side effects. Not trying to pick a fight, just saying!

Also most users can become forgetful, MXE is very dehydrating and some people forgot to eat properly, etc.

Also good advice Vor, I agree!

Admittedly this is one person... but I don't stay up to date with MXE info so when I pop in and see a post like the one above stating that no evidence has been posted I assumed that this territory was unexplored and possibly even denied by some, which I'm sure it is, as with die hard user of any drug.

Edit: Misread your post, your right that it's the capability of MXE causing damage that was denied. To be fair there's little difference as a drug that doesn't carry the same renal and bladder risks is more "bladder friendly".
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It seems mxe has at least some effect on the bladder as high doses cause urinary retention like dxm just to a lesser degree IME
I haven't noticed any issues with using it weekly to bi-weekly for roughly 4 months; however, I have a tolerance now, and when 40-50mg used to get me places months ago, it takes 60mg+ for me to get there now, even after a month long break. I can see bladder toxicity developing as one consumes higher quantities relative to their tolerance. I'm trying to take longer breaks between uses now to lower my tolerance (especially given my limited supply) but to be honest, I really wish it to be possible for me to use MXE at least monthly for the rest of my life.
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I notice everytime i dose, i have to urinate shortly after and it seems very unusually bubbly, as if there is excess salt in my urine. Could it possibly be draining electrolytes? Not sure..

I also get a tinnitus effect every time i dose, like a ringing that is already there just becomes more apparent.
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Havent ordered any for over 2 years and with all the talk about shitty batches it mKes me hesitant to order some
Any heada up via PM would be appreciated
And i would think if it were hard in your kidneys you woulsnt see frequent urination youd see oliguria.
I notice everytime i dose, i have to urinate shortly after and it seems very unusually bubbly, as if there is excess salt in my urine. Could it possibly be draining electrolytes? Not sure..

I have noticed the exact same thing only when using the powder batch that I have. Frequent peeing that is abnormally bubbly. I do drink a lot of water but this doesn't explain the extra bubbles.
speaking of peeing... I can't be the only one who keeps a container by the bed to piss in when going all the way to the bathroom while tripping on whatever isn't something I want to do...???
I have noticed the exact same thing only when using the powder batch that I have. Frequent peeing that is abnormally bubbly. I do drink a lot of water but this doesn't explain the extra bubbles.

I've only noticed my pee smelling funny, sort of like MXE. It starts a few hours after dosing and lasts up to two days after dosing (depending on how often I'm urinating).
^I've seen a vendor state that an EU-wide ban is incoming, but that notice has been there for months now so I'm not sure. Not sure if an EU-instated ban even means anything anyway.

Yes, it's being banned EU-wide:

"October 2014 – Belgium: European Commission places a EU-wide ban for MDPV, 25I-NBOMe, Methoxetamine and AH-7921

BRUSSELS, Belgium – October 2014: By the end of September EU Ministers adopted a proposal by the European Commission to put a ban on the synthetic cathinone MDPV, the phencyclidine-type substance methoxetamine, the phenethylamine 25I-NBOMe and the synthetic opioid receptor agonist AH-7921. The step was taken as more than a hundred poisonings related to these substance have occurred across Member States in recent years. The decision was made following the risk assessment and control procedure for NPS (Council Decision 2005/387/JHA) in April 2014. (MDPV: link, 25I-NBOMe: link, Methoxetamine: link, AH-7921: link). The risk assessment found that the substances are sold as substitutes for illicit drugs without a proven medical or other known legitimate purpose. Member States are given a period of one year to introduce the ban into national legislation. Following this decision, the manufacturing and marketing of these substances will become illegal across Europe.

Globally, out of these four new psychoactive substances MDPV has been reported to the UNODC Early Warning Advisory by the highest number of Member States (33 since 2009), followed by 25I-NBOMe (17 Member States since 2012), Methoxetamine (16 Member States since 2010) and AH-7921 by 5 Member States since 2012."

Functionally what this means is every country in the EU will be passing legislation between Oct 2014-Oct 2015, so it is still legal most places in the EU at the moment, but they won't be for long.

Depending on where in the EU you're ordering it from it'll be available for different amounts of time, depending on when their 'host country' actually gets around to banning it.

I really wouldn't worry too much about an EU-ban- as long as it's legal in either China or India it'll be available one way or another...And I can't see why they would bother. That said, I could see the RC market becoming a lot more cloak and dagger- I wouldn't be surprised if suppliers started ignoring laws and operating via the dark-market, for instance- or operating off-shore, via some third-world jurisdiction (from a legal POV) and selling via TOR or I2P.

It's still really easy to get 2C-B, for instance, despite being an 'illegal RC'.
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What is RC about 2C-B that is not true for say MDMA?

Not that that's on-topic but PD isn't really that meant for legal discussion either. EADD might be better suited for legislation in the EU..
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