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The Big & Dandy Methoxetamine / MXE Thread - Holey Shit no. 15

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30 mg I.M. MXE is quickly becoming my D.O.C. There’s a problem though…post M-Hole, as I am coming back to my body, EVERY TIME I get MUSCLE TREMORS that are right on the edge of what I’d call a seizure. Sometimes I can focus this energy and do the Kundalini thing, but I would rather just eliminate this side effect. My wife said it scares her to see me like that. Is there an anti-conversant medication that I could try to use with this? I have access to gabapentin (Neurontin), pregabilin (Lyrica), alprazolam(Xanax), cyclobenzaprine(Flexeril) . Wanted to hear some veteran opinions before I start mixing things. PS my wife does not experience tremors on double my dosage...she also eats a fistful of gabapentin everyday

@raj:Full time shaman. Paid vacations.

Anywhoo I used 600 mg oral gabapentin to try to stop the tremors T-3:00 before my MXE to some effect, my legs were charged, and shook a little bit, but my wife described it as mild....a step down from what she had been calling moderate without the anticonvulsant.

I was thinking about it in the shower this morning, that these mild negative effects are, in my opinion, acceptable... if they don't worsen...
Has anyone had any experience with slightly yellowish MXE? The source I usually get it from has always had pure white, fluffy MXE, but this time (same source) it's yellowish. Haven't tried it yet, just wondering if this is precedented. I have only seen white and slightly off-white/gray MXE.
i love both of them mxe an 3meopcp but do you agree the 3meo really rocks your tolerance when it comes to mxe? 3meo is very emotional/anxious for me at high doses an I have found mxe to be the oppisate. But I do find both to be extremely spiritual.
Has anyone had any experience with slightly yellowish MXE? The source I usually get it from has always had pure white, fluffy MXE, but this time (same source) it's yellowish. Haven't tried it yet, just wondering if this is precedented. I have only seen white and slightly off-white/gray MXE.

It's difficult to say what to expect because I've had batches that were yellowish that were just as good as anything else, but also some that were remarkably lower quality. Texture/appearance is usually a better indicator in my experience, but even that isn't always reliable.
Has anyone had any experience with slightly yellowish MXE? The source I usually get it from has always had pure white, fluffy MXE, but this time (same source) it's yellowish. Haven't tried it yet, just wondering if this is precedented. I have only seen white and slightly off-white/gray MXE.

The first couple batches of MXE I tried were yellowish and grainier or sandy, as opposed to the good, floury or powdered sugar-like MXE. I was skeptical that there was such a big difference between it and high quality MXE until I happened across some of the good white kind. Doses were about double and the duration was off with the sandy kind (somewhere I mentioned a three hour oral come up).

Solipsis said something that I found interesting on the last page.

The only differences between polymorphs of the same psychoactive substance I can think of is slightly different rates of solubility and therefore absorption when administered as a solid. That could (I would guess mildly) be reflected in pharmacokinetics. If you pre-dissolve it say for injection or nasal spray, any difference should be gone.
I personally think there is a big psychological component, the power of suggestion is big and underestimated to begin with, and when drugs / being under the influence of them are involved it easily runs wild. Some people really obsess about batches, I wouldn't be surprised if it strongly contributes to setting, and therefore factors based on that like setting-based tolerance.

I also thought batch differences would be mostly placebo, but having started with the sandy MXE the white stuff really almost caught me off guard. All my doses with those batches were sublingual and oral, and the larger dose and delayed onset really make me wonder if the impact could be a little greater than he is guessing. Anyway, you can't judge an RC by its appearance. Hopefully you got the good shit. ;)
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the yellowish stuff when it started getting dark like the drug was talking to me saying fuck off out of it you're doin to much
I've been very curious lately about how listening to an audiobook would go while under the influence of a strong dose of MXE or another dissociative

I enjoyed listening to some of "Out of Your Mind" By Alan Watts while on a medium dose of Ketamine. That was my only experience with listening to speeches/audiobooks on dissociatives, though.
Has anyone had any experience with slightly yellowish MXE? The source I usually get it from has always had pure white, fluffy MXE, but this time (same source) it's yellowish. Haven't tried it yet, just wondering if this is precedented. I have only seen white and slightly off-white/gray MXE.
This has me concerned Xork, I guess in about a week I'll be finding out if I got yellow MXE. I hope it turns out good, I feel like this'll be the last I can get, so I got five g's. It'll suck a big donger if I wasted all that on half-potency MXE...
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I'll definitely chime in and let you all know what colour and density etc my MXE is when (if) it arrives, as it's from the same source as Xork I believe, and was ordered recently enough to be from the same batch. Maybe.
making me wonder what color mine will be if it ever gets here hopefully its not the yellow stuff think it was from the guys who brought us the stuff in the uk if i remember right and it was towards the end just before the ban
If you guys are talking about who I'm thinking about, SoS, and a reliable friend have said it's pretty much as potent as the powdery white batches. I'll be able to comment in a couple days.
Oral gabapentin again last night again before the MXE. I took one more this time 600mg three hours before, and then another 300mg 40 mins before injection. The tremors were completely gone. Not a single one. This might be the solution I had hoped for. Was even able to do a booster that sent me to LaLaLand. Had a nice flight listening to some classical music. It really chills me out. I've had a very good week in the real world. Social anxiety is markedly diminished, and I don't hate my job.
Well the yellowish MXE is all good, it's official! Just as good as anything else from there. It's just a bit yellowed and is the same consistency I'm used to.
As geology has taught me about minerals, color is determined by minor impurities in the overall make-up; perhaps something similar is at play with the color of the MXE, and it is simply the result of an insignificant impurity. Hearing that it's still good makes me smile!

Has anyone tried nasal dosing the yellow MXE? It's my preferred ROA, and I'd like to know if it feels any different from the common white powdery MXE.
Actually, ironically, even though we never do this, we all boosted nasally last night... but I haven't done it much with any batch of MXE. It definitely worked, and quickly.

If anything this yellowish MXE is even better than the pure white. Very clean, very strong, and magical.
another disaster with mxe, i remember sniffing 3 fat lines approx 20;00,went out, bumnped into a mate, who suggested i should head back upststairs, re-dodosedd 3 HUGE lines then apparantly was falling over eveerywhere at 4am (blackout) and now hurts my arm a lot! ouch! (fracture?) DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMDUMDUMB

(was also yellow(ish)
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another disaster with mxe, i remember sniffing 3 fat lines approx 20;00,went out, bumnped into a mate, who suggested i should head back upststairs, re-dodosedd 3 HUGE lines then apparantly was falling over eveerywhere at 4am (blackout) and now hurts my arm a lot! ouch! (fracture?) DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMDUMDUMB

(was also yellow(ish)
Considering that a "fat line" could be 100mg, I'd say you probably shouldn't be snorting as much as 600mg in one night when other people seem to be enjoying less than 1/10 that amount orally.
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