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Lysergamides The Big & Dandy LSZ Thread

I thought LSZ was way better than AL-LAD, but the latter seems overall more popular :|
I thought LSZ was way better than AL-LAD, but the latter seems overall more popular :|
Agreed, though it seems individual reactions vary a bit more with LSZ. I've known a couple of people to get fairly sick from it, I experience no bodyload and love it. AL-LAD seems less impressive, but also more consistent in terms of a lack of bodyload.
on a half blotter today which I thought was mild but interesting,
my wife commented that I was squirming in my chair at hour 2 to hour 3.
I felt great, but I guess that happens.
we went out to dinner and baby sit with some friends after hour 3.
we took a taxi but I felt I would have been able to drive.
do not float and drive.
the 4 year old related to me as an equal, as per usual.
Anyone notice uneven heart beat with this stuff? Didn't like that at all. Don't know what to make of this stuff - a proportion love it whilst other have problems. No intention to take it again ever. It just isn't nice or useful and just not consistant. Nasty weird stuff.
there was a tracking system on the MAIL of a recent order
then it went marked DELIVERED.
the address was correct but nothing came to my place.

I requested a replacement by regular mail and the vendor said they sent it (a final replacement) but that did not arrive for 3 weeks.
I have no idea what is happening with the mail or with my address and the mail, like has an individual started opening them up or am I on a watchlist?
I suspect that missing return addresses makes the envelopes suspect.

That could be. I thought it was stupid myself when I got my order in an envelope with no return address. That's not being stealthy, it's raising a red flag. They're supposed to use various fake return addresses. A fake one is better than none. So what if it goes back to an address that turns out to be a Starbucks or something? A thieving postal worker would also be tempted to steal an envelope with no return address because he would figure out that it's something dirty and that its theft won't be reported. Anyway, try using a PO box and see if it still happens. Maybe your current address is flagged now by Customs.
I'd also say, as i did before, that LSZ is definitely preferable and far more enjoyable as AL-LAD is - even though i quit researching those and disagree to what the majority says, i.e. that the latter one is better. But this is just my subjective opinion and so bears no real value, eh?!
The best way to not get caught, send' n something in the mail...

You should, put your idem (sealed).. into an envelope or little box... seal it, address it... just like you would have any ways..

This is the important part.

PUT THAT Envelope or box, into another envelope, or box... Address it, with a return address (made up or not)
and the receivers address... Now it is safe to send it.

Why do I know this, you may ask?

.... I worked the "Undeliverable Unit" at USPS... this works for all other carriers too UPS FED-X... et cetera

This is how you can get caught.. it is really rear though ....
lets say; something you send, becomes damaged at the mail facility... this does happen but rear (via water damage, being crushed lots of things can happen).

If a clerk cant read the address, they have to send the letter or box to the undeliverable Unit then.... Clerks, mail handlers can not open ANY mail... or you get fired!!!

Guess what.... Undeliverable Clerks can open mail; We have to figure out, how to send that package on.... or back to sender... that's there only job...

I get to open any letter or package
in HOPES to find a address inside... then we have to seal it up, and send it on its way....with a stamp; saying, damaged in the mail... So (don't get paranoid if you see this stamp) Ether to the sender or receiver depending on what address we find... remember it is VERY rear something gets found ????

If I do find something questionable... I have to bring it to the attention of postal inspectors and or customs...
No real need to be paranoid just be smart about how you send something... \

By the way....
Damaged and or unclaimed packages, because of bad address do to damage etc.. are saved, and then auctioned off to the public... any thing of danger is destroyed etc...

I hope this helps...

That could be. I thought it was stupid myself when I got my order in an envelope with no return address. That's not being stealthy, it's raising a red flag. They're supposed to use various fake return addresses. A fake one is better than none. So what if it goes back to an address that turns out to be a Starbucks or something? A thieving postal worker would also be tempted to steal an envelope with no return address because he would figure out that it's something dirty and that its theft won't be reported. Anyway, try using a PO box and see if it still happens. Maybe your current address is flagged now by Customs.
Interesting. You gotta stop writing "rear" instead of "rare" though. Best not to use the word rear any more than necessary really.

What happens when something has no return address on it? Do the postal workers find it suspicious or is it common?
Is LSZ worth trying? I really did enjoy Al-lad. It didn't seem that deep though which I loved/hated.
^ At which Dose? I've found it not nearly as "good" as LSZ, with both at doses around 400 - 450 as far as i remember. But tbh none of both were as nice as good ole Daisy is ?
I've done about 790 ug and that was the most intense trip I've ever had. Obviously set and setting, blah blah blah... But the potential is there. 600 was much more mentally interesting than 450 as well.
Postal workers don't care about what's in letters or packages sent within the usa.
Letters coming from another country. The customs unit deals with overseas mail) yes, they should have a return address on them real or not.. or change it every once in a while.

If a senders address ever become suspect... Yes, it is place on a watch list... boxes too..... Letters are really not watch as much as the bigger boxes are... Letters, there are to many of them.... to watch 100% of the time.

Customs will save suspect packages. \
Once or twice a week, the clerks dump the sacks, of save mail, onto a belt...

Then a dog would walk back and forth and find what ever that dog is trained to find... Drugs, Plants, Live Animals etc...
The drugs they found where always, Heroin, cocaine, meth & Pot... I have never seen LSD or small packets of RC's ever..

Remember each facility near an airport receive hundreds of thousands of packages and letters every day...

I wouldn't worry bout anything sent in a letter that is flat...
So sat. im considering testing 1 al lad + 1 lsz or 2 lsz. i tried 2 allad previously, it was enjoyable, too intense for a hour or two but nothing CRAZY just disphoric/uncomfortable. next time i was thinking cut 1/4th off one blotter or even half the next time i take 2 al lad and MAYBE just dont take it or stagger the 1/4-1/2 like a hour after i drop , in hopes to lessen uncomfortable feeling....anyway thats not my real question. does anyone have any experience with 1 allad + 1 lsz ? i would think they fill in the gaps each are missing and the visuals would be as strong s 2 blotts of of either ? from what i read its not like that...any thoughts ?

what are peole meaning by bodyload, nausea, tremors ? al lad and lsd do not give me a "body load" i consider most but not all PEAs and things like 5 meo amt even AMT to have a bodyload ime. so not ever having a negative or nauseating feeling on lsd or al lad i cant imagine lsz doing that to me, so im just wondering specifically what they mean by that "terrible bodyload from lsz" ive read about, now waaaay back in HS one of my best early trips was on LSA and it was real deal, quite diff than lsd but if i could access that pure i def would anyway that gave me aching legs, like growing pains and nausea so i guess i have "bad " side effects from a lysergimide (sp)... although it was lsa.

Also i didnt get the in awe feeling and electric euphoria i get when i take lsd when i took al lad. is that feeling "awe/amazement" there with lsz or that super electric feeling euphoria like lsd has ?

and last how would u gauge 250-300ug lsz's OR 1 lsz + 1 al lad visuals to say 100ug-130ug of lsd's visuals ? al lad was visual but in a diff way than lsd, not particularly amazing or wowing or intricate like even low dose lsd.

ps. i just want to comment on the super high doses im seeing on lsz and al lad.... im confused 1 thats just ALOT of $ taking 5-6 blotts but even more than that. are people who do this the same people that love taking insane lsd dosed like 5-10 blotters ? bc i couldnt imagine me taking more than 2 lsd blotts ever. 100-150ug lsd totally satisfies me with minimal anxiety...so is this just a case of people liking really high doses or its just not "THAT" crazy at those doses 450ug+ bc 300ug al lad was intense not ego dissolving but i couldnt imagine being MORE confused or double what i was feeling on 300ug, any thought on that too ? also when i say 1 or 2 blotts im talking about 150ug blotters. thanks ! peace
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How would it compare to al-lad or lsd-25?
Those are the only lysergic compounds tried by myself. Definitely interested in the whole family.
  • Today, 06:00
    So sat. im considering testing 1 al lad + 1 lsz or 2 lsz. i tried 2 allad previously, it was enjoyable, too intense for a hour or two but nothing CRAZY just disphoric/uncomfortable. next time i was thinking cut 1/4th off one blotter or even half the next time i take 2 al lad and MAYBE just dont take it or stagger the 1/4-1/2 like a hour after i drop , in hopes to lessen uncomfortable feeling....anyway thats not my real question. does anyone have any experience with 1 allad + 1 lsz ? i would think they fill in the gaps each are missing and the visuals would be as strong s 2 blotts of of either ? from what i read its not like that...any thoughts ?

    what are peole meaning by bodyload, nausea, tremors ? al lad and lsd do not give me a "body load" i consider most but not all PEAs and things like 5 meo amt even AMT to have a bodyload ime. so not ever having a negative or nauseating feeling on lsd or al lad i cant imagine lsz doing that to me, so im just wondering specifically what they mean by that "terrible bodyload from lsz" ive read about, now waaaay back in HS one of my best early trips was on LSA and it was real deal, quite diff than lsd but if i could access that pure i def would anyway that gave me aching legs, like growing pains and nausea so i guess i have "bad " side effects from a lysergimide (sp)... although it was lsa.

    Also i didnt get the in awe feeling and electric euphoria i get when i take lsd when i took al lad. is that feeling "awe/amazement" there with lsz or that super electric feeling euphoria like lsd has ?

    and last how would u gauge 250-300ug lsz's OR 1 lsz + 1 al lad visuals to say 100ug-130ug of lsd's visuals ? al lad was visual but in a diff way than lsd, not particularly amazing or wowing or intricate like even low dose lsd.

    ps. i just want to comment on the super high doses im seeing on lsz and al lad.... im confused 1 thats just ALOT of $ taking 5-6 blotts but even more than that. are people who do this the same people that love taking insane lsd dosed like 5-10 blotters ? bc i couldnt imagine me taking more than 2 lsd blotts ever. 100-150ug lsd totally satisfies me with minimal anxiety...so is this just a case of people liking really high doses or its just not "THAT" crazy at those doses 450ug+ bc 300ug al lad was intense not ego dissolving but i couldnt imagine being MORE confused or double what i was feeling on 300ug, any thought on that too ? also when i say 1 or 2 blotts im talking about 150ug blotters. thanks ! peace
    • psynce of sound

      How would it compare to al-lad or lsd-25?
      Those are the only lysergic compounds tried by myself. Definitely interested in the whole family.​

i havent tried the lsz only al lad. but al lad def felt like Lsd, ish, different but def a good replacement considering i never leave the house so finding real lsd is pretty hard. although for the high price i could take it leave it and just grab a gram of 4 aco/ho xxx . those are JUST as recreational as al lad if not more IMO but i bought 50 of each off rip in 2013 bc they would last me litterally forever just eating them myself and a bud...

any experiences with 1 al lad + 1 lsz or 2 lsz (300ug) ?
I think a few pages back I posted a short summary of my experience mixing 150ug LSZ and 150ug AL-LAD. Both were taken simultaneously. The come up was awful. It was one of the worst come ups I've ever experienced. It was dysphoric and the body load was incredibly unpleasant. Normally LSZ or AL-LAD take about two hours to really kick in for me, but the combo hit fast and hard with it only taking about an hour to begin peaking.

Once the come up resolved into the peak, it was really enjoyable. All the side effects from the onset period disappeared quite rapidly. I felt the two substances complimented eachother quite well, it was a really neat experience and I really enjoyed it. I felt like there was definitely synergy between the two, it certainly seemed more unique than I anticipated from just LSZ+AL-LAD.

I hesitate to do it again though just because of how difficult the come up was. I've taken both LSZ and AL-LAD individually in doses of up to 300ug and never experienced any negative side effects on their own. Also, normally my come ups are pretty smooth.

In summary, it's cool and I say go for it. Just be prepared for the possibility of a difficult first hour.
ps. i just want to comment on the super high doses im seeing on lsz and al lad.... im confused 1 thats just ALOT of $ taking 5-6 blotts but even more than that. are people who do this the same people that love taking insane lsd dosed like 5-10 blotters ? bc i couldnt imagine me taking more than 2 lsd blotts ever. 100-150ug lsd totally satisfies me with minimal anxiety...so is this just a case of people liking really high doses or its just not "THAT" crazy at those doses 450ug+ bc 300ug al lad was intense not ego dissolving but i couldnt imagine being MORE confused or double what i was feeling on 300ug, any thought on that too ? also when i say 1 or 2 blotts im talking about 150ug blotters. thanks ! peace

Part of it is likely just personal preference, some people love roller coasters for example, while others can't fathom how anyone could enjoy them. The other part is brain chemistry. Different people can react very differently to the same dose. 300 ug of AL-LAD is barely a trip for me: minimal visuals, zero confusion, almost no effects on the body. I could go to work on 2 tabs of AL-LAD. I could take the SATs. It's the same for my girlfriend, only more so. 450-600 ug (3-4 blotters) is the point it becomes worthwhile to me. On the other hand, one of my friends finds 300 ug the maximum he can handle.