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Dissociatives The Big & Dandy Amantadine and Memantine thread

Memantine is a great medicine but as a drug...well in smaller doses it’s a CBD of NMDA antagonists while in bigger, not so fun. After 250 – 300mg (initial dose was somewhere between 140 and 170) in 2 days or so at one point after smoking joint I felt, well not so fine. Kind of like too much 3-meo-PCP can make you feel but without any fun….really kind of, I could use other compensations too….like it brings certain aspects K brings but without almost any visuals, without complex mindfuck, without...a lot of that that K hash but at big dose you can definitely feel those two are in the same group. I feel (but might check out just in case one day) like pushing dose really high with this would not end good, in a sense it would be unpleasant high. At dose of about 150mg it’s pretty subtitle but still on a side where a drink or too or something else can make it pleasant but anything significantly higher than that and it starts feeling a bit unpleasant cuz you do get high as fuck but too much of usual recreational NMDA antagonist effects are lacking making it…

O yeah, when it comes to reducing/regulating opiod tolerance IT WORKS! Coupled with fact it’s good for a brain, more so for a damaged brain I’m sad it isn’t easily available to me (as I thought it will be after getting first gram).. This should be OTC! I really mean it (well like many of you I think a lot of stuff or everything should be but memantine even more so)….ffs if benedryl and such poisons are OTC...wtf!?
A combination of complex factors including direct spirit guidance with years of omens resulted in me buying a kilo of Memantine for less than a thousand bucks :oops:

This is where i put my mark in the sand, being 50, early alzheimers in the family and strongly drawn to dissociatives.
I have quit all drugs and Memantine is going to be my thing, not just as a meditation aid but also, as a medication to delay the possible onset and progression of Alz.
So, preventive medicine and entheogen.

Last week i took 50mg, a week later the blood level of this should be about 12.5mg.

The acute effect on day 1 was very promising: a clearheaded dissociative state about as strong as 17.5mg MXE. on the days after it stayed noticable medicinally.

i'm thinking 80-100mg gets me sufficiently intoxicated on day 1 and well medicated on the rest of the week.

I'm totally not compulsive with the stuff, you can't be spontaneous with a substance that takes 3-8 hours to kick in fully and lasts you the week.

daily dosing of 10mg hindered me more than 1x50mg/week, because coming up on a substance interrupts my life, especially if its all day :p

1 dose a week makes 1 day a high day, then the rest of the week is coming down which is like cycling with the wind in your back cause sobriety gains ground.

This substance is so underestimated.

Too mild and easy for most, but with meditation its superb.

To name it something I christened it "Diamonds" because the adamantane structure its based of is literally the configuration of carbon atoms in diamonds, which is so sturdy that bioavailability, if given enough time, is 100%, it sticks around for 60-100 hours halflife, 90% unmetabolized, passively passed by the kidneys.
If you consider nitrogen is right next to carbon as an element, Memantine is basically the smallest possible diamond crystal on a tripod ;)
100mg Memantine HCl test

dose: 100mg Memantine HCl (roughly equivalent to 30mg MXE, my default increment)

It readily dissolved in a fluid ounce of water. I can't find what constitutes a saturated solution. Most sources parrot the 1-2mg/ml the medicinal solutions come in but there's more to it.
2% solubility should be achievable with a molecule like this.

Took it at 14:14h, coincidentally.
I got a great coincidental plan =D

at 35min appreciable oomph and hissing tinnitus already.


4:30 into it.

At 1:30 it dawned on me that 100mg for me indeed is session strength, and now, 3 hours later, its stronger still.

It totally hits the mark of being equivalent to a standard increment of about 30mg MXE = 10mg O-PCE.

Like 30mg methoxetamine = 250mg ketamine oral, 100mg memantine for me has the Spiritual/magical Entheogenic quality that I require for a dissociative dose to be of "session strength". For the first time in my experimentation with the substance, i'm "in a session" in the entheogeni sense, well beyond medication.

5:00 into it and riding the session into the evening (19:14pm) at full force and perhaps going stronger (effects increase for about 6-8 hours)

clearheaded, non-mindfuck. There is some stimulation going on, i hope i can sleep tonight but willing to ride it out if insomnia occurs.

The eyes and ears are disproportionally affected with Memantine, Tinnitus is a constant and so are disscociative accomodation disturbances.

I want te Be, not Do = tripping indeed :love:


9 hours into this, its still ++ but going a bit shallow, it's 23:15 PM though so hooray, I might catch my bed before the sun comes up.

It is satisfactory as a dissociative.

Heavy doses, ie, diminishing returns, start at 170mg according to psychonautwiki.


Just about on the 12 hour point. coming down so gradually, there is no nostalgia, what a great day it has been, and chances are i might sleep in a couple hours or so, 14 hours into it.

It would be ridiculous to take a booster, there is no interest in it.

The 100mg side effects were clear: there still is nuisance tinnitus, eyes are levelling again, there was phlegh reminisent of having a bit of a old, as reported, the saliva and mucus effects were akin to Tiletamine but more in the back of the nose and throat than the mouth.

Bodyload was by all means acceptable.

I'm curious what tomorrow will bring, or the rest of the week for that matter.

100 seems just right for me.

Qualitatively, this is quite a good dissociative. Emotion and thought are very mobile in all directions, but tend to be positive and composed. For me spirituality is around every corner on this dose, but holds for the brutally mundane stuff. I was reasonably mentally funtionalk throughout and diodnt have the robowalk. I can see people saying this feels inbetween DXM and Ketamine.

Zero nausea but there was diarroea, which i think stems chiefly from trimagnesium citrate taken yesterday.

I -really- liked this, and hope that lighthousing 100mg once a week as a means to both session 1 day and medicate the rest of the week wihj the residual blood levels of this powerful nootropic is possible for me.

That would be a VERY awesome routine.


In darkness there were very enticing visuals, far more symbolical as generic O-PCE did for me. They were a bit faint but, worth watching anbd i definitely shouldve spent more time with closed eyes this session, during the thick of it.
I woke up after 6 hours of refeshing sleep (+20h wakeup).
now, +24h, i have a delightful aftereffect, reminiscent of.. a day after 30mg MXE.
Loving it.

Still in that afterglow, now in the evening of the second day. I compared the total accumulated dose of 100mg once a week vs taking 20mg once a day:

100mg memantine 1x per week, halflife 84h:
Repeat the dose every 168 hours to reach a steady state in 5 doses or 35days. Concentration in your body will vary at 33.20 - 133.20mgwith an average of 83.20mg.
20mg memantine 1x per day, halflife 84h:
Repeat the dose every24 hours to reach a steady state in 16 doses or 16 days.Concentration in your body will vary at 86.64 - 106.64mg with an average of 96.64mg.

You will eliminate 97% of the drug in 17.71 days if you quit cold turkey.

As you see, using as directed has you at 3/4 of 100mg/wk's peak value all the time, while the weekly use descends into a deep valley.

That's lighthousing: one pulse every so often while being significantly affected inbetween.

Whatever fryday/shatterday weekly dose you take of this drug, 1/3 of the last dose is still in your system if you keep it steady.
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Datapoint: 100mg Memantine HCl dissolved readily into 5ml water in a champagne flute (solubility >20mg/ml) by swirling it.
I drank it down with dilute lemon juice. This resulted into a FAST comeup and intensity not of my choosing! Within half an hour it was uncharacteristically strong and in an hour and a half i was at a strength normally achieved 3 hours in. It peaked at 5 hours in (not 8) and decreased from there.

On the Shroomery we have the LemonTEK where dried shrooms predigested in a shotglass of lemon juice gives inreased but shorter lived performance, also with other drugs.
I speculate that taking your Memantine in the juice of one lemon produces memantine dihydrogen citrate, citric acid being a krebs cycle aid, which gets it absorbed and distributed faster and therefore, with a steeper higher peak.

I was not cool with this, 5mg valium was used to curb anxiety.

I think i'm going to try lemonTEK-king 50mg next week.

I also started to use a magnesium supplement, maybe that helped it.

In the past days I deliberately HAVEN'T taken my 1.5gr trimagnesiumcitrate (.25gr Mg++) and today as planned I didnt take 100mg proper but instead 50mg + LemonTEK.

I can pretty much rule out the LemonTEK as helping speed of absorption and intensity, the 50mg was the same as 50 without lemon.

It looks like the magnesium supplement is the potentiator.

I'll see about that next week.

Diarrhoea during the first hours is a thing for me, this time there was no trimagnesiumdicitrate so it was purely a Memantine effect

50mg is nice and relatively functional.

I wonder what 75mg would bring.
After more experimentation, my sweet spot is about 75mg once weekly.

there is zero push to dose higher or more often and i was an arylcyclohexylamine fiend.
That stopped too. Only MMT for me.
does the constipation abate quickly with a good frew days between each dose? i have NEVER experienced constipation as bad as with memantine.
i'm on week 3 of a hiatus: my plan is to dose 75mg at christmas.

Constipation wasnt problematic for me, but i have good bowel habits, such as a daily bowl of oatmeal. Poop was a bit thicker on days 2 and 3 but, not constipatingly so.

Codeine is my recipe for concrete, low medical doses lok me up.

Oddly, arylcyclohexylamines always gave me the runs and diuretic effect, the opposited of memantine.

Zero craving though.

Divinity has blessed the Rx dissociative Memantine (molecular structure pictured above) as a means to come into contact with God.

The plot thickens :hear4t:
is it just me, or do nmda r antagonists tend to have their shapes in threes?