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The Big & Dandy 3-MeO-PCP Thread - Mad Manic Meo 3nity

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Unfortunately, in some countries 3-Meo-PCP is explicitely banned/scheduled since several months. :sus:
Unfortunately, in some countries 3-Meo-PCP is explicitely banned/scheduled since several months. :sus:
Or if your in a country like Canada which considers any Arylcyclohexylamine a PCP analog... I am super jealous to say the least.
Why and when did Canada turn into a controlling country ? Weren't they on par with Portugal a few years ago regarding progressive legislation ? A link would suffice.
This thread... I <3 it long time. The posts here regularly have a way of taking me back to the big 'Dreamy-o' dream, yo. Like a model C3PO spontaneously experiencing the emergence of consciousness, dreamin' of electric sheep makin' love on the lamb hopping electric fences.

About the dopamine subject, I did a good bit of research on this subject when I was writing the MXE book; it's an interesting subject because of ongoing debate with conflicting data, and while the following excerpt is in reference to MXE, the common ground it shares with the subject of today's musing, the 'holy trinity' easy-P-C-Piece-of-brain-candy-kettle-corn may provide some extra kernals of air-popped thought dots to the conversation, so that we may one day finally answer the eternally-timeless question: 'How many licks DOES it take to get to the center of a hole?'

However, just because MXE is not a direct dopamine reuptake inhibitor does not mean it won’t increase dopamine levels in the brain- Evaluation of the neurochemical effects of methoxetamine using brain microdialysis in mice: ‘We investigated the influence of methoxetamine on dopamine and serotonin concentrations using microdialysis and high performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection. To reveal the effects of methoxetamine, we monitored dopamine and serotonin concentrations in several brain areas [striatum, nucleus accumbens, and prefrontal cortex (mPFC)] after an administration of 20 mg/kg of methoxetamine. We compared the effects of methoxetamine with those of ketamine using two ketamine doses. Methoxetamine increased dopamine and serotonin concentrations most robustly in the mPFC. In addition, its effects were stronger than those of ketamine at the same molar dose’.
MXE and other analogues are high affinity and selective ligands for the glutamate NMDA receptor. This function affects glutamate levels, whereby revealing one such mechanism to explain the increase of dopamine. ‘Thus, a reduced glutamate function, for example as induced by ketamine, may cause some elevation of dopamine release’ [Glutamate and Psychiatric Disorders]
Why and when did Canada turn into a controlling country ? Weren't they on par with Portugal a few years ago regarding progressive legislation ? A link would suffice.
Health canada is just bizarre when it comes to their interpretation of the law in regards to chemistry. The consider K and MXE to be PCP analogs and have even gone so far as to claim that Phenethylamine is an analog of Amphetemine????
Canada is nothing like Portugal... A lot of American states are light years ahead of Canada even in terms of medical marijuana laws.
Not meaning to de-rail the 3-meo talk here...
I would do terrible things to get some of this stuff lol.
Yeah I remember reading that pretty weird. I guess it's technically possible though... Also is PCE covered? I'd assume so but you never know. I'm asking because I know 3-HO-PCE was sold by a very very reputable Canadian vendor who would not risk their business or freedom over something like that. Very strict nothing illegal to be sent where it is illegal.
Yeah I remember reading that pretty weird. I guess it's technically possible though... Also is PCE covered? I'd assume so but you never know. I'm asking because I know 3-HO-PCE was sold by a very very reputable Canadian vendor who would not risk their business or freedom over something like that. Very strict nothing illegal to be sent where it is illegal.
Health canada has no understanding of chemistry simple as that. Ketamine is a PCM analog and MXE is a PCE analog. Health canada considers even K to be a PCP analog.
Sometimes vendors can skirt the law for a short time... I got my MXE from a reliable Canadian vendor too but they sold it like once and that was it.
You are basically describing the difference between someone with 'faith' and religion (or even spirituality to a lesser degree- not believing in a man in the sky but nonetheless believing things that can't be outright proven) versus atheism/reductionism/determinism. I like to ride the line between the two, but I have to admit that some psychedelic experiences, most notably 3-meo-pcp and the other aryls, create such an amount of cognitive dissonance that I am forced to cross the line into 'faith' and concluding it as a 'spiritual experience'. It is so incomprehensible to my monkey mind that it it can only surrender to 'the mystery', with a larger proportion of me believing that the mystery is more than brushing off the phenomenology as apophenia.

I don't have an explanation for your friend, that is for each one to come to terms with in their own eyes, but I do half believe (is it possible to half believe? I think so) that there was a higher order to the events surrounding his last events.

if you want to apply quantum theory, to the macro scale of life and if things are predestined.....then the future is not determined until it is actually reached, its underterminable. schrodingers cat in a box

since subatomic particles are what everything is made of I don't think this is such a big leap to make that nothing is determined and its all random
Not random though, there are probability distributions... When interactions query which of the possibilities happened, the waveform collapses. One of the theories about the multiverse would involve so many worlds that it would seem like a sort of continuum of its own kind to me. They always try to explain it in terms of: it splits every time someone does a coinflip, but it would have to happen for every single possible subatomic interaction. A sea of quantum fuzziness.

Predestination and synchronicity don't seem to be the same thing though, determinism doesn't have anything to do with hidden shared causalities? If anything: if all that quantum uncertainty multiverse stuff is true that would mean that everything within the realm of possibilities that adhere to consistent laws of physics is meant to be. If everything is meant to be, that only makes it that more likely that weird but coincidental shit is included, so a case against synchonicity.

Anyway sorry offtopic

Also wanna add: watching the talk 'the big picture' by Sean Carroll may be interesting and enlightening to you guys. He talks in an understandable way about things like believing there has to be a reason (a why) behind everything.
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Maybe, it is nice to believe there could be a greater purpose for things such as that. It's not so much about religion or faith for me as it is determined events(ex.fate)that have some "purpose" rather than just random chaos/noise. It'd be nice to think that life is simply transformed into a new form, like transcending to a new existence where the "soul" returns to the generalized consciousness of the "universe". Once again becoming one with infinity. Returned to the realm of possibility not defined by the restraints of human exsistence. His death was a horrible tragedy, with seemingly little to no meaning... No true purpose...no real foreseeable reasoning...

I feel you though in a sense with the difference that spirituality isn't exactly a mere construct of religion or faith, but more so a connection to one self with other lives/the universe. Knowing who you are at your core and such. For me at least!

I've been catching up on the thread, in the sweet downside of a 15 mg oral 3-meO excursion, my first in 8 (eight) days. Before that, an eight day dosing interval.

As ever, today was another totally trippy, creative, and productive experience. A lot of lucid meaningful transcription. I'm believing that 3-meO-PCP surpasses LSD in its abilities and attributes. Each and every time, it works as a magical substance that carries the user to wherever their mind can conceive, if not beyond. A unique, powerful tool and cognitive aid...

The quoted remarks are ancedotally agreeable with me.

IME- Over time, 3-meO seems to permeate the cells. A few days ago after an hour of strenuous exercise in hot sunlight I was sweating and noticed a "smell" which after several minutes I realized was the distinctive taste of 3-meO-PCP. I almost felt as if under a threshold dose. The threshold of a threshold...Any others have a similar experience? It was totally pleasant and a tonic to my psyche, once I got into its "groove".

Before dosing today I went on a 5 mile run followed by 2 mile power walk in extreme humid conditions, but did not have a similar reaction.

Wow, reading a lot of adverse consequences from folks in this thread of late. Be careful out there, y'all!

Peace Out,

The one and only Rabbit Master
(Secret Sunflower Seeds LOL)
The adverse reactions seem to only be with people like myself that binge on this magical shit. I'm only posting about it to warn others against it. Fun's fun, but who needs it. I think you're on point with waiting 8-10 days between doses but that feels like an eternity for me right now.

Going to try and take a week off when my gf leaves town for a trip. At this point I've been on such a long binge I have a feeling the anhedonia is going to be rough. Flying this high for this long has gotta crash, right? I'm hoping it's minor and I can use other more harmless substances to get through the hairy bits. Her being out of town will make it okay that I might be barely functional for a little while.

Just gotta say, I've mentioned this before, but I really think these compounds drain our vital fluids. This is a -really- big deal, regardless of if you understand Traditional Chinese Medicine. It's explained thoroughly in TCM why this would be happening due to the effects these dissos have on the Organ Systems. Is anyone interested in me starting a thread expounding on the interactions between dissos and TCM, the way I theorize they are affecting our Fluid Systems? I'm hoping someone with a strong backbone regarding the pharmacological actions of NMDA agonism as it relates to minerals like magnesium as well as fluid transport, can chime in and give some relevant info about exactly what's going on, and we can meld the systems of east and west to see what's going on here.

It doesn't seem to be an issue if you only use occasionally, but for regular users I feel like it might be a useful piece of HR to get a more holistic understanding of how we can stay as healthy as possible. Or it would just totally fall on deaf ears. Point is, ask and ye shall receive.

Does the Rabbit Master know about about rabbit tobacco?

Also, I love my tree meow peeps! <3 <3 <3
I think you're on point with waiting 8-10 days between doses but that feels like an eternity for me right now.

Going to try and take a week off when my gf leaves town for a trip. At this point I've been on such a long binge I have a feeling the anhedonia is going to be rough. Flying this high for this long has gotta crash, right? I'm hoping it's minor and I can use other more harmless substances to get through the hairy bits. Her being out of town will make it okay that I might be barely functional for a little while.

Just gotta say, I've mentioned this before, but I really think these compounds drain our vital fluids. This is a -really- big deal, regardless of if you understand Traditional Chinese Medicine. It's explained thoroughly in TCM why this would be happening due to the effects these dissos have on the Organ Systems. Is anyone interested in me starting a thread expounding on the interactions between dissos and TCM, the way I theorize they are affecting our Fluid Systems? I'm hoping someone with a strong backbone regarding the pharmacological actions of NMDA agonism as it relates to minerals like magnesium as well as fluid transport, can chime in and give some relevant info about exactly what's going on, and we can meld the systems of east and west to see what's going on here.

It doesn't seem to be an issue if you only use occasionally, but for regular users I feel like it might be a useful piece of HR to get a more holistic understanding of how we can stay as healthy as possible. Or it would just totally fall on deaf ears. Point is, ask and ye shall receive.

Dosing once a week is probably like the equivelant of smoking 1 cigarette a day; it has no effect on your chances of getting lung disease.

After binges, I have felt varying degrees of not-quite-normal. Sometimes a little on edge, restless, sometimes just tired and unengaged, it's a good time to netflix (and/or chill). It depends partly on how well you keep the body replenished, nourished and active to keep it metabolising optimally (sweating seems to accelerate recovery but that's anecdotal).

That sounds like it could be benefitial HR, to do a focus between TCM/disso effects on the body (maybe 'spiritual fluid' drain as well, like an imbalance of chi from chronic use) and educate the Westerners on vital fluids (No, not THAT vital fluid you perverts).

The other poster who mentioned it getting 'in their cells' I totally know what you are talking about- for days and sometimes WEEKS after using I will get this state of consciousness, like a shift in my brainwaves triggered by thought pattern reminiscent of a dissociative state, and it is accompanied by that special smell- often times very clearly the 3-meo smell, but later on it only offers a hint of the smell,. It is always a very welcomed breath of fresh air.
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I've been catching up on the thread, in the sweet downside of a 15 mg oral 3-meO excursion, my first in 8 (eight) days. Before that, an eight day dosing interval.

As ever, today was another totally trippy, creative, and productive experience. A lot of lucid meaningful transcription. I'm believing that 3-meO-PCP surpasses LSD in its abilities and attributes. Each and every time, it works as a magical substance that carries the user to wherever their mind can conceive, if not beyond. A unique, powerful tool and cognitive aid...

The quoted remarks are ancedotally agreeable with me.

IME- Over time, 3-meO seems to permeate the cells. A few days ago after an hour of strenuous exercise in hot sunlight I was sweating and noticed a "smell" which after several minutes I realized was the distinctive taste of 3-meO-PCP. I almost felt as if under a threshold dose. The threshold of a threshold...Any others have a similar experience? It was totally pleasant and a tonic to my psyche, once I got into its "groove".

Before dosing today I went on a 5 mile run followed by 2 mile power walk in extreme humid conditions, but did not have a similar reaction.

Wow, reading a lot of adverse consequences from folks in this thread of late. Be careful out there, y'all!

Peace Out,

The one and only Rabbit Master
(Secret Sunflower Seeds LOL)

I felt the excersize induced threshold experience once while moving furniture in the hot sun. I was sweating when all the sudden I felt this distinct sensation of sensory echoes and a woozy, mild but pleasant buzz manifested. This was after a good day long excursion on this substance with multiple redoses the previous day. I appreciated the pain relief and the energy while moving that day thought it was an unexpected but pleasant turn of events.
Not sure where to post this. So if this isn't the correct spot, I apologize.
I recently received 1gram of 3-meo-pcp from a reputable vendor. It is a white powder. But as I was looking at it (still in the bag) I noticed a thin black flake. When I touched the black flake thing (substance is all still in bag - so my skin is not making contact with it) It broke into pieces. So now I have this pure white powder, with a small amount of black specks in one area.

Also what about the texture of 3-meo-pcp? Because I also noticed it didn't seem to be just a fine powder, it had some bumpiness in the texture. Is this normal?

Being a tryptamine lover ❤️
3-Meo-PCP is new to me. But I have read so many different reports on it, I finally decided it is something I want to try.
Tho, I am not new to dissociatives, I would not say I am super experienced with them either.
Not sure where to post this. So if this isn't the correct spot, I apologize.
I recently received 1gram of 3-meo-pcp from a reputable vendor. It is a white powder. But as I was looking at it (still in the bag) I noticed a thin black flake. When I touched the black flake thing (substance is all still in bag - so my skin is not making contact with it) It broke into pieces. So now I have this pure white powder, with a small amount of black specks in one area.

Also what about the texture of 3-meo-pcp? Because I also noticed it didn't seem to be just a fine powder, it had some bumpiness in the texture. Is this normal?

Being a tryptamine lover ❤️
3-Meo-PCP is new to me. But I have read so many different reports on it, I finally decided it is something I want to try.
Tho, I am not new to dissociatives, I would not say I am super experienced with them either.
I've three different batches of 3meo, and all of them are powdered little tiny microcrystals. Of course, black shit is not a good sign, but it could be some dust or something like that.
That sounds like it could be benefitial HR, to do a focus between TCM/disso effects on the body (maybe 'spiritual fluid' drain as well, like an imbalance of chi from chronic use) and educate the Westerners on vital fluids (No, not THAT vital fluid you perverts).

Yeah, I was going to get into all the fluids and organ systems (which are a bigger concept than our Western definitions. Chi (or Qi) deficiency definitely is a problem with chronic use of any drug. My main TCM handbook actually talks a bit about various drugs. For example, dissos clearly act on our Kidney system. The Kidney system is more than the physical organ we call the 'kidney'. Difference is made by capitalizing the first letter to keep the ideas separate. So, we know through clinical studies and anecdotal evidence that the kidneys and Kidney System are potentially a source of problems for regular disso users. In TCM, the Kidneys rule over our sense of fear, paranoia, etc. Every Organ System is associated with a particular emotion. This is one facet of why people who abuse drugs that drain Kidney energy so often end up in a drained, fearful state. There are extremely detailed explanations for why this is so, but I won't get that off topic here.

So if we can suspect the Kidneys to be in disharmony, one could supplement with herbs that have a tonifying, nourishing effect. It's amazing what some herbs can do. For another example, milk thistle seed has been proven in clinical studies to literally regenerate new, healthy liver cells.

Anyways, I'll save that for the TCM thread whenever I get the time to write out some foundational knowledge and some ideas about how to stay healthy and recover more fully and/or quickly.

edit: Staying on topic - yes that sounds like a totally normal batch of 3-meo. Microcrystalline and little chunks here and there. I've seen black specks in 3-meo as well as MXE. They were always so tiny I didn't worry and when they ended up on my plate I just pushed the speck to the side and tossed it out.
I've three different batches of 3meo, and all of them are powdered little tiny microcrystals. Of course, black shit is not a good sign, but it could be some dust or something like that.
Ok, and yes the batch is powder and seems to have the microcrystals. So good to know that is normal.

The Black flake/speck is very small.
I suppose I will push to side as well. :)

Here's to research and science! ?
I can for surely "smell" the 3-meo on my fingers for over a week after dosing.....this stuff has unreal legs
Loving that TCM/disso talk. Would love to read in deep all your intuitions. My kidneys use to naturally had low qi. Do you know some specific herbs to tonic it?.

I have read a book of Daniel Reid and some of Mantak Chia about TCM, by the way
I have as much TCM talk as you want my friend.

To tonify Kidney Qi is an important way to maintain health if one is using dissociatives, but also for basically any person subjected to the harshness of modern life.

To give a tiny idea of why this is so crucial, let me simply quote Michael Tierra, one of the best Western authors on the subject in my opinion.

"..As stated, the Kidneys are the root of Yin and Yang, regulating endocrine response throughout the body. They also regulate Water by maintaining the optimal balance of intracellular and extracellular fluid and the elimination of fluid waste through the urine. Still another important Kidney function is calcium metabolism and the maintenance of the bones."
-"Chinese Traditional Herbal Medicine, Vol I" Dr Michael Tierra, and Lesley Tierra

To say which herbs are specifically useful to a person is impossible without a physical diagnosis, unfortunately. If one is inclined to educate oneself, it is easier to realize what herbs would be useful to a particular condition. It has to be taken into account if it is a deficiency or excess, cold or hot, etc.

Herbs that have been traditionally used in various regions of the world to tonify Kidney Qi include but are not limited to the following:

Siberian ginseng
Fenugreek seeds
Celery seed
Lycium berry/blackberry/raspberry/amla/longan/mulberry/thimbleberry/grapes
Asparagus offinicalis root
Marshmallow root
Slippery elm root
Black beans

Which herb/s or foods are most useful depends what is available, and the list is HUGE, this is only a fraction of things that can tonify Kidney Qi. I prefer using local herbs whenever possible, this is just a slice off the top of my head. Google searches will yield more names, but it's important to know why you are using what. Each herb is unique, but everything in that list is useful for tonifying Kidney Qi in one way or another. Again, it's important to understand what you are trying to achieve, then to understand what herbs contain that very specific property.

PM me if you have any questions or for more specific information. I'm happy to share my knowledge, it may be of some use.

It's important to understand that some of us are born with more or less Pre-Heaven Essence (Jing), which transforms into Source Qi. This is determined by the life of your mother and father, as well as your grandparents, as has been also proven scientifically (if one needs such proof over 1000's years of tradition) by epigenetics. So, you say you have naturally low Kidney Qi. This is a common occurrence and I am likely in the same boat, if not "naturally" then I have low Kidney Qi from my lifestyle. While the herbs are helpful for different kinds of Qi, this Jing starts with a variable, finite amount depending on your birth. Here, let me just give another quote from the same book to try and help shed some light.

"Pre-Heaven Essence can never be increased but is supplemented by Post-Heaven Essence derived from the Grain Qi produced by the Spleen and enhanced by the prolonged practice of Qi Gong. Post-Heaven Essence is transported to the Organs to provide for their physiological activities. When plentiful, the excess is stored in the Kidneys for future needs. When insufficient, the Kidneys draw on their stored Essence to provide for the Organs' needs. If this continues, they even take the inherited Jing, causing a depletion of Essence in the body. Thus, the Yin and Yang of each of the Organs depend on the Yin and Yang of the Kidneys, and in the treatment of prolonged diseases or deficiencies, the Kidneys are always treated regardless of the Organs involved."

Uhhhh... Something about tree meow! Sorry for getting off topic guys. He asked, I had info, I answered.. I thought I'd do it in the thread instead of just PMing him because this info could be useful for all of us, might as well share I suppose?
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