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The Big & Dandy 2C-C Thread

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I took my alprazolam because I'm nervous with my some of my family... Not really about the trip but now I fear to have a bad trip >_<". Yes I received your PM Thank you so much ! I will maybe try Tryptamines someday :d

I took my alprazolam because I'm nervous with my some of my family... Not really about the trip but now I fear to have a bad trip >_<". Yes I received your PM Thank you so much ! I will maybe try Tryptamines someday :d


Nah, you'll be fine. No need to worry about a bad trip. That's the last thing you should think of. 2C-C is so benign though even fears of a bad trip usually don't matter much. It has an empathogenic side to it so you can think of fears and everything in your life without a big risk of it turning into a bad trip. Annoying at most.

The tryptamine thing was mostly regarding your already elevated pulse and blood pressure. Tryptamines in general are much more benign to your heart and to your body.
Are you sure of that concerning the Tryptamines ? While looking on Erowid.org - Checking for 4-ACO-DMT and I saw "Very elevated heart rate" and "Some Users report slight hypoxia + Elevated Heart Beat" for the 4-HO-MET :( Strange !

Still hesitating doing 2C-C tonight or not... 11:47 PM here !
Definitely not, it's absolutely not the right setting for a first time user.

It is more chilled out than the other 2Cs, but it is still a psychedelic, and in the wrong setting it will not be enjoyable. Set and setting are as key as ever.

Save it for a time when you have no worries, don't have to avoid your parents, your body clock wants you to be awake: you will enjoy it 100x more.
Yes I will take it probably next week :) Going to sleep, I took too much xanax I think! I'm very sleepy :B
Are you sure of that concerning the Tryptamines ? While looking on Erowid.org - Checking for 4-ACO-DMT and I saw "Very elevated heart rate" and "Some Users report slight hypoxia + Elevated Heart Beat" for the 4-HO-MET :( Strange !

Still hesitating doing 2C-C tonight or not... 11:47 PM here !

you have to look at these side effects and ask are they caused by the chemical or by the experience? is it the chemical releasing the hormones causing elevated heart rate or is it the experience maybe "coming on too fast" or "getting a little too intense" and so your fight or flight response is kicking in? Psychedelics are in general usually stimulating, though in my experience phens seem to be more "amphetamine"-like, bodyload/bodybuzz stimulating. From what friends have told me about 2c-c is that it is very light-hearted, comparable to 2c-b in warmth is what one friend said.
2c-c is pretty lighthearted stuff, psychedelic candy some have called it, I wouldn't be too worried about it getting out of hand at a 25mg dose or anything like that.

Also, unless you have some kind of serious heart issues, effects on heart rate should cause you no concern whatsoever with this.
It doesn't really sound like an appealing setting.
If I were you, I'd wait.
And I wouldn't of taken the benzo before hand :p

I think if you felt you had to take it beforehand, it's probably a sign telling you, not now.
Yes you probably right. I will see how this day will passes to take a decision :)
Are you sure of that concerning the Tryptamines ? While looking on Erowid.org - Checking for 4-ACO-DMT and I saw "Very elevated heart rate" and "Some Users report slight hypoxia + Elevated Heart Beat" for the 4-HO-MET :( Strange !

Still hesitating doing 2C-C tonight or not... 11:47 PM here !

Yes, I am sure. There will always be people with idiosyncronatic reactions to compounds, but a "very elevated heart rate" on 4-AcO-DMT is very rare and sounds like it is the strong psychedelic experience and emotions, not the compound itself, that would elevate the heart rate. 4-HO-MET raises you heart beat slightly, but less than 2C-C. Also 2C-C is probably the most "kind" phen to you heart, the others are much harsher on your body.
Yeah, on 4-HO-MET my heartbeat goes up for like 10-15BPM more. 2C-C is one of the most kind psychedelics, you shouldn't be afraid of it.
That's a much more sensible approach. Personally I would wait until you have a space where you do not have to worry about hiding it under any circumstances - that can really cast a shadow on the experience. When your friend gets back from holiday sounds ideal.
I always advise people to trust their gut when it comes to waiting with psychedelics - whenever you're unsure or don't think it's quite the right time - save it for another time! :D

It's good to see you're waiting for the right moment. Take that time to find some nice tripping tunes etc ;)
Don't snort it. Honestly, it's fucking horrible. Just eat it. I've snorted 25mg, and if you snort that much you'll trip, sure, but I can promise you that you'll regret it.
By regret do you mean the trip was terrible or that the act of snorting was extremely unpleasant?
The trip was fine, but the pain from snorting was unbelievable. By the time we'd even started to make sense of how much it hurt, we were starting to come down already. Honestly, it's like being kicked in the face. Which obviously does colour the trip somewhat. It was my most visually impressive trip with 2C-C, but it wasn't worth it.
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