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The Big & Dandy 1P-LSD Thread, Volume 1

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I have noticed my small amount of remaining supply appears to have turned noticeably yellow on the blotter paper which is distinctly different from the slightly off-parchment white colour they initially came in. From more tests, the actual potency of the compound seems to be fairly unaffected by this colour change; the tabs were not always keps inside the same sealed bag and have been often left out in non-airtight locations which leaves me to believe they have oxidized and potentially changed structure.

This is very much of interest because there was a large amount of discussion regarding this compounds true pharmacological action and if it were to undergo any changes inside the body. It was speculated that due to it's similarity to ALD-52 which was claimed in the past to oxidize to LSD-25 either outside or inside the body that 1P-LSD may also be changing to another chemical or into LSD-25 which could potentially mean legal implication for anyone in possession of the substance.

I recall many saying the 1-propionyl group is very stable and was unlikely to convert in the body let alone in the open air and was presumed to have totally separate action to classic LSD-25.
Has anyone experienced a similar colour change on their tabs or noticed a change in effects after having the tabs stored for several months?
No - not heard that of the 1P either - it should make the molecule possibly more stable so less likely to have legal implication of turning to acid outside the body - inside the body is and it's chemical actions are complex (much more than outside) - that this turns to LSD is pretty likely; many say many things but I feel like a lot of this is based on subjective experience or uneducated guess work - like I say I am willing to say I am probably fooled myself and this is LSD. Opinion of course but this was designed as a prodrug, it david nichols best guess (I admit it isn't proved) and unlike other drug analogues seems to mimic LSD better than any drugs mimiced a drug before.
Sounds like bad storage - keep away from light and moisture and air mainly - are they still active?
I had ten tabs from the early days, I think I bought them a day or two after they went on sale, and as soon as I got them I wrapped them in foil and kept them in the plastic airtight baggy they came in, to protect from light (the baggy, while airtight, was clear). A few weeks later I took out one tab in anticipation of tripping but due to circumstances beyond my control I was unable to trip that day, so I simply dropped that tab back in to to the plastic baggy, but did not wrap it in foil thinking I'd trip in it within the next few day.

Unfortunately, life kept getting in the way and I was unable to trip for a few weeks, yet forgot to wrap it back up in the foil. Fast forward to two days ago, I took the tab out and noticed a certain yellowing to it, and when I compared it to the tabs in the foil, it was definitely a few tones darker.

Potency didn't seem affected however, and the come up was slightly different to an LSD come up, which is the only major difference I've noted between LSD and 1P-LSD, so I believe after it yellowed it was still in 1P-LSD form (although a single in vivo test isn't a great way to confirm this).

I know its just a anecdote but hopefully it will help in reaching a conclusion about what happens when the tabs turn yellow. If its anything like LSD, the yellowing simply indicates exposure to light I would think, which would imply damage to the LSD and the potency of the tab would be slightly diminished, yet it would still be LSD on the tab... right?
So I got a chance to try it this weekend. I'll write a more comprehensive report later. I only took one 100mcg tab. I haven't taken any psychedelics in about 3 months so I had no tolerance but plenty of experience. I'd have to say after doing this one tab, I'm never touching street acid again. This had the cleanest most real feeling to it that I haven't felt in a very long time. It did take quite a bit to fully peak (about 2 hours 15 minutes, yet I was feeling the beginning stages at least 40 minutes after I took it). I'd say 3-3:30 hours in I was at a strong +++. Had I taken the second tab like I originally planned I have no doubt I would have reached ++++, a state I've only achieved once on 7g of mushrooms. I know everyone throws that state around like it's common, but the one tab I took was quite strong. I have no doubt it was 100mcg, if not more. The whole trip lasted about 10 hours. Maybe would have trailed off a bit longer but I dosed myself with some Clonazepam and weed and passed out. The increased sound from music was incredible and I spent a lot of time listening just to the music and picturing the songs in my head, something that is not so common for me to do on a trip as I usually draw/paint/be social. As far as comparing it to LSD it is definitely LSD, but I believe due to it being a prodrug it takes longer to hit and because of it the peak was not as much as a smack in the fact LSD-25 seems to be. Also jaw tension, sweating, and some slight body-load was apparent during the course of most of the trip. If I wasn't so broke I would seriously buy a shit ton of it in powder form and just store that for a few years. This is worth holding onto.
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The come up longer and the overall duration is a bit shorter for me....and its slightly less visual...I found this a bit more euphoric and easier to follow thoughts although 100ug is every bit as potent as 100ug of L25. We arent 100% sure that its a prodrug yet although its the most likely theory. I found it to be a completely novel experience to L25. I personally would rather have L25 over this if I had to choose but I find 1p to be appropriate for more situations as the experience is a but "softened" for me.

Thanks for the tip, I'll look into it.

Anyone care to reply to my second question? - Is acid thinking logical? Overall, the thoughts I had I still can apply to everyday life, with maybe a couple of exceptions I’m unsure about. I wasn’t convinced by some crazy theory that would make zero sense the next day for instance. But I’m curious to hear other people’s experiences.

This may answer your question....personally yes it can for me...but its a hodgepodge of all kinds of thoughts , ideas, fantasies and dreams as well.

Yes the white powder form of 1p-lsd upon dissolution, in everclear that was re-distilled and dried over standard desecant mixture, & after initial room temp drying of the volumetric drop
by drop applied perforated paper it was bleach white then just hours later and it was a light yellow about two weeks ago. and now after looking at it it is now a bright to dark gold orange color..
I'd say start with 100 ug, as well. And be in a safe, comfortable place. This is powerful stuff and it hits some people harder than others regardless of how they react to other psychs.
AL-LAD is fully psychedelic. People just aren't taking enough. The most profound psychedelic experience I ever had was on AL-LAD. 1P has WAY less body load, though. So that's definitely a plus. But AL-LAD is still the most visual chemical I've ever used.
AL-LAD is fully psychedelic. People just aren't taking enough. The most profound psychedelic experience I ever had was on AL-LAD. 1P has WAY less body load, though. So that's definitely a plus. But AL-LAD is still the most visual chemical I've ever used.
At what dose?
750 ug. But I'd have some opioids or at least some weed for when it winds down, because you're gonna feel like shit.
That is a nice dose indeed, not sure I will get to that any time soon.. Next time will try 300ug perhaps 450ug at 150 it wasn't very visual, but gave a good headspace for music, which is what I like it for.

Have you already tried a comparable dose of 1P?

AmoebicMagician:how did your 500ug go?
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To anyone out there on an Irreversible MAOI eg Phenelzine - This will not work. I've ordered from two different vendors now & experienced nothing.
Did you get any kind of visual activity from the AL-LAD?

Some people just seem to not get along with it. As I said in my previous post though, one of my friends has a similar issue and 200 mics of 1p-LSD had him ON THE MOON. Given his tolerance to lysergamides that was supposed to be his cautious foray into the chemical's baby pool, the equivalent of half a tab for me.

So here's hoping you're able to battering ram your way through the doors of perception!

Ultimately the overall effects I experienced from 300ug of AL-LAD could only be described as lightly intoxicated, but entirely lacking psychedelia. I actually felt poisoned to a small degree, leading me to my suspicion of a possible allergy to lysergamides (I know this sounds ludicrous to conclude, but it's the only fitting logical explanation, lol). It was as though I was exclusively experiencing negative side effects like tightness in chest and overall feeling like shit, but with none of the desired effects like headspace or visuals :(
okay, took 350 mics at 10:45am

HOLY SHIT, this drug has some crazy to it. I was shown EXACTLY why governments would want to keep something like this out of people's hands.

I was shown that depending on what role we accept, all existence can be a big jerk off, or something incredibliy beautiful, and the only difference between the two completely disparate ways of being is which role we choose to adopt, and ALL roles are ours for the playing if we only have eyes to see it. This is not making a lot of sense, but bear with me. I was shown all these concepts, and the differnece between consciousness and rote playback, like some large simulacrum of the universe and the actual universe, is that there is a spark of the divine in the latter which can not be duplicated. So I foundered as a ungrounded mote of consciousness without an ego, with thoughts of SDF Macross playing in my head as a backdrop as I tried to make sense of the universe and find out if this was the actual universe, or some kind of simulation being played out for some unknown reason at some unknown point in time after the collapse of the original universe that originally held us all. So I was feeling the fear all of a sudden, I felt cut off from anything, set adrift and dying and none of my sensory input was making any sense, concepts and words and feelings were all mixing into some kind of sensory soup of meaning and memory. I was feeling very fragile while strange and confusing trip things were happening and my mind was trying to digest this soup of all this sensory input mixed with ideas, concepts, plans and the rest of the detritus making up the human experience, all blended into a slurry and mixed together in ways you would never think possible. I felt so vulnerable and confused, I found my way upstairs looking for any of my housemates, just any other human to interact with. When no one was home I drew a bath and watched the hot and cold water fronts move about each other and cause eddies and currents. The hot water was orange and the cold blue, and when I closed my eyes the universe was a repeating kaleidascope of square pictures, filled with what looked like DNA helixes of all the most incredible colors that have ever been imagined or beheld. I was still unmoored, and realized that if I was strong enough to exist like that, in this state, then I could choose the role I wanted to play, that it was literally as simple as choosing my reality and it could be mine to live, reality is totally malleable. But this is a large responsibility. To choose your own reality or role means that other things exist relying on YOU as a primary reference for their existence, you are basically God to your own reality if you are strong enough to live in the limitless eternity of this limbo headspace. So I thought to myself, 'I could be God, there is a job opening of sorts here for those with the right kind of soul eyes to see it'. But it was just too much responsibility, I am not even a fraction strong enough to contend with being a primary reference point for external ideas and entities. You have to be able to make your own reality, and I seem to be moored to strongly to this one to make a clean break with it or to tread wholly unfamiliar places of the mind or spirit- my mind recoils from it as if stung or burned: it is just too foreign and strange to normal every day human sensibilities. Anyways, the point that I took away is that what we believe is reality, and if you have enough reality you can serve as a mooring point for other external concepts, ideas, and entitites in the same way that God does so for us every moment that we are aware of ourselves as human beings.

The difference between a cosmic jerk off and things of such beauty and substance that it gives all other things meaning is a spark of the divine- and we need to tend that spark lest it fade away.

This is not making much sense, still. I am just trying to get this down while I remember it.

Objectively, there were far less visuals than I would have expected for a dose of LSD that would provoke such a profound and reality re-defining head-trip as this. I plan to take AL-LAD tomorrow in an attempt to see if rumours of absence of cross tolerance are indeed true or not.

The wanderlust took me to the outdoors after my peak, and I found my way to a beautiful pond and watched the geese and fully appreciated the beauty of being a living thing on earth at this time, and I wept tears of unbridled joy at the fact that I was lucky enough to be here at this moment, seeing the world as it truly was on this day, the sky a blue within blue, the colors of the landscape seeming to swim up my optic nerve and light a freezing cold fire in my brain of pure pleasure at these incredible colors.

There was no patterning, no visuals other than some tracers after objects moving by, things just were as they were, but I was able to see the exquisite beauty of this pond, of the sky, of the animals, of the grass, as if I were a newborn seeing the world for the first time. And MY GOD! It was so fucking beautiful I could not stifle the sobs of pure relieved happiness that although I had feared otherwise, life was something beautiful and clean and bright, possessed of such exquisite REALNESS.

I am so grateful just to be alive, just to be extant in the universe we share that everything else is gravy. None of my problems seem to matter any more in light of the fact that I am So damned lucky just to be a living human being with the ability to do and experience things in this shared reality we all are interacting in.

I love all of you.
Hey maxade , I live in NY too.
I don't know how to find this stuff yet, but 1p seems like it could end my 20+ years of searching.
I have unfinished business with acid, I was too young to navigate through the experience and had a bad trip. It haunts me that I never had the chance to make it right.

Some of you obviously have knowledge of chemistry, so before I fall in love with the idea, I am concerned about possible interactions using 1p with zoloft and Lamictal.
Can you or anybody make an educated guess?

Na man sorry I don't know...I don't take Zoloft or Lamictal. All I know is if you are taking an Irriversible MAOI like I am then it won't work. There's been talk of others on MAOI's and it not doing anything so Once i'm off this drug then I will give this stuff another try.

Any word on the degradation of this compound?
I haven't had LSD-25, though 1P metabolises into LSD, so I would say what goes for this, goes for the illegal version also.
The prodrug effect is hypothetical.
Some talks about ald-52 (which is very close to 1p) as prodrug but Hoffman observed a slightly different effect (ea less anxiety).
So the question is still open.
Now you might have the same issue with LSD.

Your context doesn't seem ideal. Taking a psychedelic for a precise purpose is not always a good idea because it doesn't take into account the unpredictable side of the journey. So you are trying to fight in order to focus on something your mind is probably not interested at that time. You should surf on the wave rather than fight the tide.
You are right. Poor judgement to trip when work is due. I am riding it all right but the clock is running...:|
You are right. Poor judgement to trip when work is due. I am riding it all right but the clock is running...:|
Just enjoy the ride. You may find the inspiration for your essay later on (eventually in the afterglow). Just let it go now.
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