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The Big and Dandy DPT Thread V1 (Archive 10-3-03 - 5-13-08)

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I've done this one at 60mg and 85mg (On 15mg 2C-T-21). Both times insufflated.

This chemical is wonderful. Feels so warm and natural on the body, and has some beautiful visuals. This comes at a price though, insufflation of DPT is a little uncomfortable to say the least.. It's not particularly painful or anything, just feels like you have really bad (slightly mothball smelling) sinus congestion.

I'm excited to move over to IM with this one, once I procure the proper syringe.
At this rate my proposed restricted diet being limited to cannabis & coffee isn't going to last very long at all. Stop reminding me just how pleasant it is...
I wonder how much the dose-response curve of DPT is affected by staggering the dose? I know chemicals like 5-Meo-DMT and DMT are affected quite a bit if you stagger the intake. I have a feeling its going to be best to administer in one dose like all the other tryptamines I've tried so far (as opposed to phens which sometimes seem like they are better administered in staggered doses).
ive read that the body does not build up a tolerence to DMT, is the same true for DPT?

i still havent had complete success with DPT, 120mg oral (no maoi) with juice took almost two hours to kick in, then i followed that with a unweighed bump somewhere around 20-40mg, the visuals consisted of wavering fluid movments of the walls and carpet but nothing more. a very stoned sleepy trip like psychedelic opium.

since i dont have the proper equipment or chems to convert the DPT into a freebase i may attempt to vaporize the hcl salt, ive read that its possible but somewhat inefficent. im actually thinking of mixing DiPT and DPT and trying to vaporize the two togather. is that a bad idea?
i have vaped DPT hcl. It is effective but requires a higher dose than the freebase.

Smoking the hcl after having already insufflated a dose earlier produced quite magical effects.
^^^ thats actually the only time vap'in the DPT hcl has worked for me, when its on top of a nasal dose (insufflated a few mins before). Otherwise it produces very minimal effects (at low doses, I've never tried to vap anymore than 18mg of the hcl).

32mg of the freebase, on the other hand, produced mindblowing visuals and body fx.

Its not hard converting the hcl to freebase. All you need is a scale and some baking soda. If you're trying to convert 30mg of DPT you need 10mg of baking soda. Put the soda in a spoon, add some water (to dissovle it) stir it, then add the DPT and heat (not too hot). Then you'll have an oily goo. Smokes very nicely.
fastandbulbous said:
It also has something sensual about it that DMT does not have (purple, velvet chocolate are three words I keep being drawn back to in describing it!).
I knew I wasn’t finished with this post when I last left it…

I’ve had an experience that indicates that DPT, at least in me at its moderate levels, produces a trip that is largely contingent on sensory input not just for the nature of its content but for its mere existence. Awhile back, I IM’d 50mg prior to entering a sensory deprivation chamber I had rented for an hour and a half. After approximately five minutes in the chamber, I had dismissed the experience, or rather lack thereof, as a manifestation of DPT’s curious wax and wane between trips of the same dose (as discussed in my second last post, an affirmation of and a supplement to illusion 25’s inquiry on that same topic). The experience in the chamber, while being entirely worthwhile in its own right, had none of the ethereal fantasy of DPT, and instead resembled a hypnogogia uncolored by psychedelic imagery. After leaving the chamber however, I was completely inundated by DPT’s distinctive character, and there could be no doubt that the dose had been fully effective.
^ Yeah the purple velvety chocolate character was a result of listening to the album 'Are You Experienced?' on headphones while stuffing a Cadbury's flake in my mouth. That has actually stayed with me and impacts on all my subsequent DPT trips - the purple theme forming the background of my CEVs every time.

Suppose under different circumstances (say Donovan/Mellow Yellow & eating a bit of cheese) it may be predominantly a yellow rubbery texture that invades all my experiences!
its been anything but velvety and purple for me.

More like harsh, cold, dilineated, sharp, spiky, red, yellow, and bright green. Flies buzzing around your room crazily leaving rainbow dust sprinkled over your body. Diamond jewels available to be picked up and thrown against the apartment wall.

Maybe I should eat more chocolate.
In my very limited DPt trials so far I never got a very friendly vibe from it and the nastiest metallic body feeling. Been awhile though.
Maybe I should eat more chocolate

I'd recommend that to everyone, but then I'm a sad chocolate addict with a huge habit! My other half reckons that I've substituted chocolate for alcohol since I lost my taste for drinking...
nice FB. I'll take you up on that and buy a bit of really good chocolate as I swing through the market today. It should be good, I haven't ate chocolate in at least 4 years.
^^ You crazy son of a bitch! Get ye to the market and get some chocolate!

When, oh when will I finally try DPT? I don't know. Do you?
You're right, I do. I don't think I can or should though because I'm going to end up staying up very late cleaning our apartment because my fiance's mom and sister are coming to visit tomorrow late morning for the weekend.

I actually do enjoy low doses of the less intoxicating psychedelics when hanging out with family or others I don't see often but am close to, but I somehow doubt DPT is an appropriate choice for that kind of activity.
It can be very euphoric at low doses, insufflated. I imagine it would be equally euphoric if you could dab about 25mg or so under your tongue.
yeah,might not be the best for that situation,it is pretty damn easy to work into your schedule though :) got a spare 3 hrs? pony up!
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