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The Big and Dandy Basic Psilocybin Mushroom Questions Thread (Arch 3-18-07 - 4-21-08)

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I actually like to dose most psychedelics, mushrooms included, with a good meal in me. I find it has fairly little effect on the strength of the dose, perhaps slows the comeup down a little bit, but gives you strength for the trip. My preferred method of mushroom ingestion, btw, is powdered & mixed with OJ.
so you would grind it down like you would grind down weed to make it into a powder?
When you grind the mushrooms, do you just put your dosage (for e.g. 3.5g) into a blender and grind into a powder and then mix in a glass of OJ?
Ptah said:
Yum maggots! Protein! :D

The last time I cooked up some mushroom tea a few months ago, there were quite a few little white worms stuck to the saucepan. I strained them out and drank the tea but it did make me feel sick and I couldn't escape the thought of them so, ultimately, I vomited. It really diminished the trip.
Don Luigi said:
The last time I cooked up some mushroom tea a few months ago, there were quite a few little white worms stuck to the saucepan. I strained them out and drank the tea but it did make me feel sick and I couldn't escape the thought of them so, ultimately, I vomited. It really diminished the trip.

Thats why drying em seems a very good option....pretty disgusting seeing little bugs pour out of your beautiful mushrooms, but thats the joys of wild mushroom hunting I guess. I KNOW I would feel weird and ultimately disgusted if I thought I had eaten maggotss (protein or not ;)) when tripping. Witchety-grubs; thats another story. Me and me doggy love hunting them thingses down (up I spose).

FreedomOfTheMind said:
When you grind the mushrooms, do you just put your dosage (for e.g. 3.5g) into a blender and grind into a powder and then mix in a glass of OJ?

Generally I cook them with a pair of human cheeks.

*sorry, I just watched Hannibal rising. Do not eat human faces. =D
What is the legality pertaining to mushroom grow kits? I know the spores are legal but does the govt keep a list of people who purchase magic mushroom grow kits? Anybody have anecdotes, experiences?
Without sliding any further towards sourcing, let's just say that people have been busted. suppliers have been busted. some suppliers are shady. there's not much legitimate use for shroom spores. I would tread exceptionally carefully, but a lot of people get away with it. But as evidenced by any number of incidents in the past few years, "a lot of people getting away with it" with regards to ordering various things isn't much of a guarantee.
Buying a kit is farther from legal than buying a spore syringe. Besides, kits generally suck compared with easy to do, self made bulk grows.
Well, if I remember correctly spores aren't illegal, as they contain no psilocybin. But you'd want to have a pretty decent reason for reasearching the micro-properties of magic mushroom spores, besides 'to see the colours'.
^ I could see certain internet vendors getting in a lot of trouble for advertising on certain web sites, just as the RC vendors back in the Operation Web Tryp days got in a lot of trouble for posting to alt.drugs.* ... tread carefully, friends.
Find a reputable vendor (Bluelight is not here to help you do that, sorry). Perform the transaction in cash via mail, rather than in credit via the internet. There will be no records, and you still get your spore syringe.

Spores are not illegal. Spores contain no psilocybin. You have no legal duty to explain to jackbooted police-state thugs why you want to buy spore syringes.

As long as you're not growing them you have no reason to worry, and we all know that none of us would do that...

See above --SKL
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^ I wouldn't post the name of a specific website if I were you, I think that comes awfully close to sourcing. And in fact, what you just suggested is exactly what I was saying was shady above....
Eh, whatever. Mushroom spores aren't illegal, and anyone who has complex questions about mushroom growing usually gets directed ... to ... a community of amateur (and not-so-amateur) mycologists interested in ALL types of mushrooms, and a large subset happens to be interested in psilocybes. Just so, some of their vendors sell spores, and all the ones I've seen who sell psilocybe spores also sell spores for edible strains.

If this is somehow "sourcing" then the world has gone crazy.
^ directing people to another site from which a source is a click away is sourcing in my book.
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^ A certain vendor in years past was very clear about products not intended for human consumption, and in fact included this in their name, but the fact that they posted on drug-related USENET groups and that people with drug-related e-mail addresses were on their mailing list proved their undoing. Just food for thought.
allergic to molds

a friend of mine is moderatly allergic to molds. we were wondering if since mushrooms are a fungis if she should eat some mushrooms or not? like would she have an allergic reaction?
Couldn't tell you, probably not, but be careful. "Moderate allergy to molds" certainly doesn't mean ALL fungi, it PROBABLY means allergic to housemold. But I don't want to tell you one way or another. Maybe start with a tiny bit and see how it is handled?

Obyron said:
Eh, whatever. Mushroom spores aren't illegal, and anyone who has complex questions about mushroom growing usually gets directed to S****** anyway. S****** is a community of amateur (and not-so-amateur) mycologists interested in ALL types of mushrooms, and a large subset happens to be interested in psilocybes. Just so, some of their vendors sell spores, and all the ones I've seen who sell psilocybe spores also sell spores for edible strains.

Read what you wrote there; a source for psilocybin mushroom spores. Thats sourcing. Because you are refferring someone to a website that will list sources for things. Plus, why advertise the fact to people, some of who are certain to Officers Plod and Leo.

If this is somehow "sourcing" then the world has gone crazy.

I would think that there would be more involved in diagnosing the world as such then this particualr issue. To be honest, its pretty clearcut. Don't, on this forum, tell people where to buy drugs/supplies, even if it is obvious anyway. I couldn't care if you reference the same places for grow techniques etc. as long as that is all. Its simply a matter of keeping bluelight good. Just don't post a link.
^ swilow & I are in agreeance, then, no more linking to places that link to sources for spores or anything else. As I said, I'm not going to make a big fuss about this at present, but from now on, please avoid these kinds of posts.
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